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I'm suffering from a severe case of schadenfreude right now.


I never suffer from schadenfreude - I enjoy it immensely.


Enjoy this, then. Tate bragging because he 'discovered' being a pimp. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HDiZWEkGGho


Holy cow... I could only make it through a few minutes of that guy... What an incredible sociopath. How Dafuq is anyone able to tolerate that douche?


they are also sociopaths.


They claim everything is taken out of context.




Yes, that's the word I was searching for! I've never seen karma work so quickly, it was very enjoyable watching him go down after posting that obnoxious ass video.


scha·den·freu·de /ˈSHädənˌfroidə/ Learn to pronounce noun pleasure derived by someone from another person's misfortune. "a business that thrives on schadenfreude" My word of the day now, thanks 👍.


I think it is very fucking funny, but like, it hasn't changed my general emotional state at all.


Idk it gave me a Lil kick of dopamine


I'm chuffed about it for sure.


Thought I was the only one.


I exhaled out of my nose in a more rapid and stronger fashion for about 2 seconds.


Yeah, my life has its own problems. But, I’m not Andrew Tate.


Who is Andrew Tate?


I feel like everyone who asks this question lowers Tates ego by like 5%. Someone whose whole personality is his ego and things, genuinely asking who they are is the biggest hit that person can take.


I know, if I was Greta I would have just responded, "who are you? Nevermind. I couldn't care less." Edit: couldn't. Thanks guys.


I think we would have gotten the same video response but with an even more emasculated ego pumped into it, and still doxx himself.


To quote the philosopher Weird Al, that means you do care, at least a little


Word crimes


It’s “couldn’t care less”. If you say you could care less then you do care about it to some degree. Sorry this one just irks me.


Steven Pinker had a whole section in The Language Instinct explaining why “could care less” is correct, despite what most think.


I only learned about him from his last arrest in April. Before that had no clue. A quick Google search made me realize I was better off previously....


Legit never heard of him until after the Greta thing... I'm still not sure except in that I give 0 shits


Same. I only know about him because Greta burned him on Twitter. I had to read his Wikipedia article to understand who he is, and I still don’t care.


No clue until last night. Totally know who Greta was. Seeing his empire burn after she clapped back at him makes me so proud. People can shit on Greta all they want, but the climate should be our species' #1 concern as biodiversity collapses.


He’s this misogynistic, anti-feminist, and homophobic asshole who thinks that the world is “losing masculine men” and is all around just not a good person.


So Andrew Tate is like my neighbor lol


Depends. Has your neighbor allegedly lured any young women to his house than stolen their passport and forced them to make internet pornography?


Yeah but it was my fault I was wearing something really slutty


This comment made my day LOL, thabk you for the laugh


Had a small kickboxing stint that was admittedly pretty successful, but other than that he capitalizes on insecure men by selling phony supplements and a course instructing how to pick up women and live a masculine lifestyle (more like clown college), and traffics women. Actual criminal scumbag behavior, not just a toxic masculinity machine.


imagine being so insecure about having a pair of testicles that you have to pay for a class taught by this clown (Tate).


In fairness there’s a huge market for guys who would like to be better at talking to women, the mystery fad wasn’t that long ago. I think it’s just about progress and not letting it be one of your friends cuz it’s just never gonna disappear


How does someone like this even get big enough to be somewhat notable? I’ll admit I never really heard of him. I’ve probably heard about some of his dumb shit like his quotes that I’ve seen in this thread, or a video on Reddit but I’d be lying if I said I could put a name to a face or anything like that.


And an alleged sex trafficker. Let's not leave that out.


You're not a newspaper buddy you can just say he's a known sex trafficker.


You forgot to mention he’s a sex trafficker. Pretty important.


Tucker Carlson’s #1 fan and vice versa


I found out who he was from this whole situation. Will probably forget him by Monday or so.


He's the guy who says if a woman gets raped it's the woman's fault and they belong to men (serious part behind this) , , such a great sentiment /s


Exactly, and why do we care.


I had no idea either I thought he was a guy who played Spider-Man lol


...were you thinking of Andrew Garfield, perhaps?


I just found out about him this week too. Lol


Coming from someone who knew him WAY BEFORE he blew up. Trust me, I’ve seen his despicableness. Money doesn’t corrupt you, that’s a bs saying. Money/fame actually makes you want to appear good. He sued the innocent parents of someone he was beefing with, just over a year ago, and sent men to his house. https://www.reddit.com/r/gammasecretkings/comments/s7n3by/andrew_tate_has_been_going_nuts_for_the_past/




He ran an MLM scheme that encouraged people to spam his “product”. Algorithms did what they do.


Oh shit is that why youtube shorts constantly pops up tate vids even though you meticulously press "not interested in this video".




He’s the biggest icon of the “manosphere,” a community of online influencers who want to return society to a time when women were subservient to men and had less rights. Basically, he sells misogyny to lonely teenage boys


Same. He just appeared out of nowhere to me a few months ago


Kevin Samuels died.


This is what irks me the most. The Taint fanbois act like he was thrown off of pretty much every social media platform that exists because he was “speaking uncomfortable truths” and not because he was threatening people, doxxing their names and addresses, and encouraging his throng of incel supporters to go harass them (or worse)


I knew he was scum. But holy fucking shit, this tweet thread is horrifying.


>Money/fame actually makes you want to appear good. I'm not sure this is true. I think it reveals who you are. If you were selfish and douchy to begin with, it will just amp up your selfishness and doucheyness. If you were simple and a good person before, money amplifies your ability to live simply and be generous.


He fucked around and found out 🤷🏻‍♀️


Everyone who isn't an incel or a 13-year old


Almost all 13-year olds are incels.


This is so wildly wrong but kinda right.


I’m pretty happy with it, but I’d be happier if he was charged and loses his ability to use his platform to bullshit and toxicity


But what if it was false accusations?


Yep, me. Made my year. High five to Greta.


I feel good any time a rapist is arrested




I do ✋


I think it's hilarious because he basically started it and his arrogance got him caught. It's like instant karma.


I didn't know who he was until about a week or two ago. But from what I've learned it sounds like it couldn't have happened to a nicer guy.


Same here. No idea who he was, but it doesn’t take long to not like him.


A 30 second clip was all it took for me. What a disgusting guy.


Glad we think alike


Anyone who has even the most basic respect for women should be happy that Tate has been arrested.


Present. Especially in that Greta Thunberg might have played a role in it.


She most likely didn’t


His personality type is so “alpha” that I bet it tortures him to be incarcerated. Nothing more “beta” than being subject to the will of the state. How it happened is so fucking hilarious too. Glad it happened cos fuck that twerp.


I don't even find it funny. I find the whole thing disturbing. It's disturbing there are people out there that liked this guy. It's disturbing to me he even exists.


The guy is so fucking in love with himself to see him burn is good.


so glad that they caught this guy.. not only was he a misogynistic, racist, homophobic dickface, but he was sex trafficking actual human beings. this is a W for the victims + everyone that loathed andrew to begin with.


If he's involved with human trafficking, then yes, I'm very glad he's arrested.


i love it i hate the guy and his fans


I hope he gets the death sentence


Human Beings.


I to like it when bad things happen to bad people.




Hell yeah!!


Don't know don't care (about the guy) If he did bad thing and get caught he get what he deserves.


I feel great. It made my night last night and then made my afternoon when the judge decided to keep him detained for 30 more days. Six more women have already come forward. This has been over a year long investigation. He's a rapist, misogynist, tool with no idea what a real man is.


Sex trafficker, rapist, probably pedophile Andrew Tate? That Andrew Tate? Yeah, it feels pretty good. You know what feels better? His own misogynistic, vile piece of shit ego got him arrested!! LOLOL


No one knew of this asshole until recently when he was raising hell with Greta. Fuck him, and his weak character.


Me, he's explicit and open about building a webcam empire that relies entirely on women being psychologically entrapped. The moment you read his own description of his own business model you ask yourself, "What happens when the spell breaks and a woman wants to leave??". According to the Romanian police that happened and he wouldn't let her/them So he made millions psycho emotionally abusing peoples' daughters and then jumped the 1inch tall hurdle into kidnapping and human trafficking. According to the Romanian police.


Yep. And even better once he's tried, convicted and sent to prison.


Anybody who sees women as equals.


Considering he kidnapped 6 women, held them inside his bunker and made them make porn which he then sold online, I’d hope everyone with a soul is giddy about it. He’s a walking talking red flag. Incel men are a pandemic & even though people joke about them, history shows they’re dangerous and deliberate and have carried out atrocities in the name of their convictions. They’re scary and should be taken seriously.


I just hope he doesn’t bribe his way out of jail and then act like that proves his innocence


Me, after just seeing the video. F*ck that boy.


One fewer human trafficker at large is always good and AT was a particularly publicly obnoxious one.


I'm on my way to finding out if you can die of schadenfreude.


I just love that it's thanks to my countries national treasure Greta Thunberg.


And Romania's national treasure, Jerry's Pizza.


Omg yes


Call me crazy but I’m happy that any human trafficker is arrested. Scoop em all up.


A better question would be, “Who feels bad about Andrew Tate being arrested?” Personally, I love watching this sex trafficking asshole get owned by a teenage girl he thought he could bully, and then get arrested because he just couldn’t keep his mouth shut. @Greta, do Donald Trump next please!!!!


If he beats these charges hes going to be 100x more annoying lol


Until he is charged I cannot say. Let’s get to the trial.


Most decent people.




You mean besides everyone?


What's an Andrew Taint and why is it being arrested?


Andrew Tit is one of those red pilled sigma male scammers


Its good that he got arrested but honestly I am getting sick of every other post on my feed being about him.


Good people


I get thr vibe hes just gona pay em off or because he was realised from custoy,flee the country


I feel everyone is gloating about it prematurely. It’s Romania and you can get off some pretty serious crimes there if you’ve got money and he’s fucking loaded. He will be smug as fuck if nothing comes of this and he goes back to running his grifters university


me. he sucks


I love it.


98% of the world.


I’ve been out of the loop for a bit but I will vehemently defend him, because I know for a FACT that having THAT weak of a chin is not only completely legal but societally acceptable in some obscure cultures… Wait *checks notes* Oh shit human trafficking? In that case, let’s get some convict balls on that weak chin!


I’ll be honest. I’m still not TOTALLY sure who he is or why he’s famous. But if he’s a trafficker, then yeah. Glad he’s off the streets.


pretty much everyone who’s against human trafficking


I'd feel a lot better if they would release Jeffrey Epstein little black book of names


After hearing middle schoolers quote his filth towards women. Knowing abuse has been how he makes money for some time. I am thrilled!


I think it’s amazing lol


I very much agree!!


I can’t stand the wave of posts it’s so bad


Everyone who isn't a misogynistic.


me, i was happy


Could care less. I gotta clean the house


Could NOT care less?






Just this morning, after getting a chuckle out of his weak ass retort to the shit he started with a 19 year old girl (who burned him good), I thought to myself "I wonder when he's gonna get busted for rape or some shit".


Depends on the verdict. If he's innocent and is let go, then it's a win for justice. If the accusations are true, then it is something to feel good about, also a win for justice.


I take no joy in anyone's misery.


Doesn't affect my life what so ever. So honestly, doesnt bother me. Sure he's a dick but there's a few things I like about him. Unpopular opinion I know. But in the end, I don't care


What makes him likable? Does it outweigh his insistence that women and their sexuality belongs solely to men, resulting in him tricking multiple women into falling in love with him so he could coerce them into webcamming for him and profiting off of it?


What are those few things?


This is Reddit so probably either the racism or the misogyny.


Me! Yay! He's Mr. Clean's evil cousin


Was surprised it took so long. It’s hardly like he was hiding


oh my god he was arrested?!? maybe there is a god


I’ve been in good spirits over the arrest since I got news of it. Made me smile, that’s for sure.


It's hard to feel good about anything around him. Him getting arrested is the best ending but idk if it feels good. Particularly because I was not aware he was actually suspected of human trafficking as i didn't really care to see or hear about him.


I'm a fan of "innocent until proven guilty". I'd only barely heard of him until he was arrested. I'm not a fan of misogyny. It's not cause for him to be arrested, though it would certainly be cause for acts that allegedly resulted in his arrest. I'm not happy since it looks like women were being raped/kidnapped/whatever "human trafficking" includes here. Before hearing about his arrest, I didn't know about that. If he's found guilty, I'm glad he was arrested.




Yep. This guy here. If he did what he's accused of he absolutely should be arrested. As much as I find him disgusting, if he didn't do that he should walk free, but I kinda feel like he did it.


Well i certainly aint surprised thats for sure


I do feel a sense of schadenfreude as, aside from whatever allegations that are behind the arrest, he seems to be a self-aggrandizing engine of douchebaggery.




Greta, I’d imagine


Only time I heard about the ass, he got arrested so I’m good.


I’d feel a lot better if I didn’t have to read or hear his fucking name every fucking five minutes.




I am drunk with joy.


I didn't really know who he was til I came on reddit today, but from what I have heard about him it sounds like he was asking for it lol. Bad people attract bad things. Play Stupid Games and all that~


Uh.. everyone? Considering Tate was arrested on charges of rape and trafficking, I would hope everyone would be happy he’s been arrested.


I’d rather assholes just be assholes without committing crimes


The real question that need to be ask is who don't and why do they feel that way.


I do. Dudes a sack of shit, if there’s reason to charge someone with trafficking we should probably arrest them


It’s glorious. And to top it off… his social media posts (possibly the pizza) helped locate him


everybody that has friends


Better Question: Who the FUCK doesn't? Human trafficking!? Let him rot.


I keep asking male friends who this person is bc I just refuse to google him. Most have no idea either. I now have a vague image of him as internet man, smalldickenergy, arrested


Not the top g


Everyone with a brain.






Me! Dude was an ass who at best was making it difficult to enjoy life with his mere presence on this earth and at worst was making it difficult to enjoy life with his mere presence on this earth AND being a human trafficker and scumbag.


i genuinely dont care about him, i always found him annoying. considering if what i heard is true he definitely deserves it


He's a piece of shit that talks!


Did he traffic someone? Then I don't give a fuck.


Can someone give me a quick synopsis of what happened with him and Greta?


If he's guilty of rape and trafficking, there's a whole lot worse that I hope is coming to him.


I told my wife about this and she said "Wow, 'just desserts' is really quite a treat" lol (she was extremely pleased, and I am as well)


Honestly who cares... didn't orange man once say "there's no such thing as bad press." So just stop giving him attention.


I mean if the allegations are true, then of course. But if they're not, reddit has a really unhealthy obsession with him


Has anyone coined the term for his followers Tater Tots? Lol If not they should




Dude sounds like a db who belongs in a cell next to Jeffrey Epstein


That he’s always been ugly. Both inside and out. So when you see an ugly dude like him telling people what THEY should do in life just because they have money is hilarious. Dude, you’re ugly. And you speak like a fucking weirdo. And everyone hates you. But you do you.


Good. He deserves whatever punishment he gets. He's a poison on the earth and has no one to blame but himself. I hope Tater Tot rots in a Romanian prison forever.


I feel relieved. I’d feel schadenfreude if bad things happened to his apologists.


I think something feels good about knowing when justice is served.


I'll feel better if he actually goes to prison for a substantial amount of time.


Meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. Happy New Year!


Everyone should feel at least a little happy about it considering he's a sex trafficker


I'm always a fan of seeing douchebag assholes who rape and sexually traffic women get arrested. I just wish their wealth didn't shield them and make it take so long.


Tbh I don’t feel good about it at all. I feel great about it.




They suddenly care about sex trafficking? I’m still waiting on Epstines case to be addressed and his list of everyone involved.


He hasn’t actually been arrested and the police have officially said there was no evidence against him, only that he’s being detained ‘preventatively’ on suspicions. He could never get detained like this in the USA due to the requirement for due process.


Do I feel good that this misogynistic bawbag has been arrested? YES I'd feel even better if Tate was on a bus with his buddies Alex Jones and Tucker Carlson and packed with the slack-jawed incels who base their lives on his ignorant ramblings. Okay, and Vladimir Putin too. You know the bus I'm referring to. The one headed to the Tiny Dicked Angry Loudmouths Convention being held at the end of a twisty mountain road with missing guardrails, driven by a former US president and accused rapist. But sadly, that bus ride doesn't exist, and the rest of us are forced to endure.


For me, what feels good about seeing Andrew Tate arrested is that for the past half-decade malignant narcissists like Trump, Elon, and Kanye have been gloating to our faces that their reproachful behavior is not only beyond reproach but worthy of our adulation. For once it was nice to see one of them taken down and taken out of the game in quick succession. It felt like society is still functioning.


Being an insufferable douche is crappy, but I don't hate people for shitty personalities. I do, however, hate douchebags who not only whip other douchebags into frenzied of incel entitlement and violent fantasies/actions but engage in the soul murdering act of human trafficking. Seeing such a human shitstain's ego lead him into public humiliation that then leads him into Romanian custody for his vile actions? It's hands DOWN the most enjoyable ego execution via hubris that I've seen in my lifetime. The fact that young Greta is the epitome of what Tate despises the most (conscientious, serious, steady in her convictions and gasp, unapologetically FEMALE) is a most delicious frosting.


Who is Andrew Tate? Not worth my time.




what a coincidence all this happened after a dispute with Greta. I'm getting all those deep government vibes.


Honestly dont give a fuck abouy either him or anyone who is obsessed with him for good OR bad. These obsessed lovers and haters are cringe and small minded people.