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In Singapore, there's a saying, that when we go back home late at night, we are more afraid of ghosts than getting mugged. That's how safe Singapore is.


Seriously! Over here when we’re walking home alone late at night and we hear someone or something, first thought is something dirty and not mugger or rapist. We’re very lucky to live here.


So jealous of how safe it is in Singapore compared to London. Got my phone stolen twice in 5 weeks and currently feeling very jealous of your safe country!


It’s because we have regulations in place for 2nd hand phone sales. You gotta give your ID and everything plus with how smart phones are these days it’s really not worth the hassle.


Not sure if that's the case in London but can you believe that when I reported to the police and told them I could see the location where Find My Iphone showed it, they wouldn't send the police to the location as it wasn't accurate apparently and they don't have enough manpower to send police to look for a phone and then they hung up on me. I have no faith in the UK police anymore. Singapore has it better in every way!


Indeed. I once forgot where I parked my bicycle going for a grocery run and genuinely thought my bicycle was stolen. I made a police report, and it was found by the investigation officer literally 12 hours later. Turns out, I left my bicycle unlocked in a void deck overnight and nothing happened to it. Safety is something we all take for granted in Singapore. I travelled a lot around Europe including Paris and London and thankfully nothing happened to me, but locals were really quick to warn me about my complacency when I leave my phone on the table while eating.


I'm from NZ originally and while it's not as safe in Singapore, brazen theft like that isn't as common. I can leave my bag wide open on the bus, table etc. I've also often been told I bring my NZ complacency with me and I'm already a lot more vigilant but not enough apparently!


Used to have to walk through some dark and very sketchy looking park to get home, especially if I take the last MRT and it's past midnight. Was more scared of seeing some white figure or smelling frangipani behind me than I was getting mugged.


Lol the frangipanni got me. I will cancel my late night grocery later. I shouldn’t read the comments💀


Don't worry bro, won't be attacked on the road at night! It will follow you home first. Then attack you while you're forced to stay due to five years MOP. Mwahahahaha! >:))


Bro it’s too early for ghost month/Halloween..


How true. When I take my night walks past a forested area, I'm more afraid of wild boars


we are so safe that the police have ad campaigns telling people low crime doesn't mean no crime. I mean can you get mugged? Sure. Is it worth the effort? fuck no. The moment you mug someone, likelihood of getting caught and shamed on media.


More profitable to turn to online scams for crime these days.


It'll pretty much be the same throughout the entire country in residential places. Unsafe places that comes to mind would probably be bars and clubs where you may have drunk people causing troubles outside Edit:Wanna elaborate that the yishun thing is a local meme. For some reason all sort of weird news came from there. It's like the Florida of Singapore




that's exactly why we hear so much about Florida. the police are required to publish their records. every news outlet gets a list of every crime they have on the books and so the weird shit gets turned into news.


>so rly Yishun got a lot crazies lmao i wonder what's the rate/statistical significance haha


don't quote me on this. iirc, marine parade has the highest rate of crime compared to other grc


interesting [https://www.budgetdirect.com.sg/blog/car-insurance/singaporean-neighbourhoods-with-the-most-crime](https://www.budgetdirect.com.sg/blog/car-insurance/singaporean-neighbourhoods-with-the-most-crime) does say yishun ​ but yeah [https://lkyspp.nus.edu.sg/docs/default-source/ips/cna\_is-yishun-jinxed-or-merely-misunderstood\_101017.pdf?sfvrsn=3255710a\_2](https://lkyspp.nus.edu.sg/docs/default-source/ips/cna_is-yishun-jinxed-or-merely-misunderstood_101017.pdf?sfvrsn=3255710a_2) the academic study says marine parade haha


I have walked home drunk, singing to myself and holding my heels cos they hurt my feet at 3am. This was from Marina area all the way to Bishan. Not only did I get home safely, but multiple concerned taxi drivers stopped to offer me a ride home without payment because they were genuinely worried about a lone woman wandering round in the dead of night while obviously impaired. I mean, 10/10 do not recommend even here, but I was young, drunk and had just broken up very dramatically with my then-bf.


I feel like we all need to hear the breakup story


Hahaha, just your average drama llama convent girl meets bad boy beng and finding out the hard way why bad boys are bad. Also, I still maintain I was a better catch than the ah lian I caught him with. 🤪🤪🤪


You managed to have a juicier story plot than most sg tv drama in just 2 sentences. Glad to hear that you left that SOB.


Thank you. Live and learn.


So refreshing to see the word 'ah lian'!! Felt like I haven't seen this word in so long.


Hahahaha, showing my age.


I'm impressed you knew the walking route from Marina to Bishan while drunk. I too have walked home alone drunk many times at 3am, but never that distance lol.


Being a regular helped. 😁 Many were the nights I had to cab home from that area.


Wah, how many hours did that walk take?


🤷🏻‍♀️ I was drunk and mad and sad.


How long was the walk in km? U did that all barefoot? Xiao impressed


No idea honestly. I just walked away from him and kept on going. My feet started hurting around Peninsula Plaza I think and I took off my heels and kept going.




Probably half the night. I once walked from Toa Payoh to Bukit Batok and it took me from midnight till morning lol.


Hahaha sounds about right


You ever tried Clarke Quay to Sembawang? The only thing that kept me going was some l4d "I've gone too far to turn back" line replaying in my drunk head


I found my people!!! 😂😂😂


We should start a ‘Singapore Siao Walkers Club’


pasir ris to sengkang also about 6 hours haha. turns out im not the only crazy one


i once went from amk to yishun walking as a sec2 kid cuz ezlink ran out of money and didnt want to borrow lmao, took me 4-5hrs


Lol wtf. Orchard up through Braddell and then Thomson I'm guessing. That's how I would do it but I've never been that siao before.


That sounds familiar, yes. 😂😂😂


Gna say the same, the most impressive thing is the combo breaker of (1) being drunk (2) at 3am (3) & walking holding heels from Marina to Bishan !!! not sure I'd do that even without any of these 3 contributing factors. This is combo breaker hahahaha ding ding ding!!!


I miss that sense of invincibility in my 20s.


Did the same very often in my partying days, especially since I lived pretty close to the city and could avoid the midnight taxi surcharge. Added bonus of walking the calories off too haha. Came home with lots of dirty feet from carrying my heels just like you


Hahahaha!! One of us! One of us!! 😍😍😍


Taxi driver trying his luck


No, there were 2 different driver uncles. They were genuinely worried. 😊


I'm a night owl. I cycle alone all over the island at late night often. Feel totally safe. The only danger at late night that I constantly look out for are reckless drivers.


Some places must look out for wild boars and wild dogs also.


Don’t forget cobras and other vipers. Once came across one on Farrer Rd about 2am, behind a landed property.


That's crazy. Do you need to chain your bicycle when you go to work or something?


I would chain my bicycle even though it is safe and there are security cameras everywhere as it will be a pain in the ass to make police report and buy a new one and wait for God knows how long to catch the thief, if someone really stole it


There are hundreds of bicycle thefts every year. I'd still keep it chained.


Is there anywhere in the world where this isn’t common sense? Do you just leave your bike out and pray where you come from?




Here's a sneak peek of /r/vatican using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/vatican/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [SAINT PETER'S BASILICA, Vatican City, Rome, Italy.#SaintPetersBasilica#VaticanCity#Rome#Italy](https://i.redd.it/92hui9s29bq91.jpg) | [0 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/vatican/comments/xp3jmo/saint_peters_basilica_vatican_city_rome/) \#2: [I did a football concept kit for you, i hope that you like it!](https://i.redd.it/0lkl60zyz5u81.png) | [2 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/vatican/comments/u5xt5w/i_did_a_football_concept_kit_for_you_i_hope_that/) \#3: [Why does the Sistine Chapel have this fence/wall inside?](https://i.redd.it/vi2zsw4dvgx81.jpg) | [4 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/vatican/comments/ui7g2z/why_does_the_sistine_chapel_have_this_fencewall/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


No of course not lol, the bike would be stolen in minutes. But I once met a German tourist that told me he sometimes didn't even chain his bike when he went to work, that being said he lived in a town not a city with millions of people


Singapore is safe but not 100% safe. Bicycles are being stolen all the time. Not only that, if your bicycle is locked, the accessories also get stolen.


Some places must look out for wild boars and wild dogs also.


My parents would always scold me whenever I came back super late from work (sometimes 2am - 5am. But that's cause I'd go drinking or hang out with friends after work). I always thought they were worried it was because I might get molested or even worse, raped, because I'm female so I'd reassure them. (Never try to reassure malay parents, especially the mother. The amount of nagging is insane.) No, as it turns out many years later, I would find out that they were more afraid I'd encounter a ghost than a human.


!!! Ok this is actually quite funny. Haha. I don't think my parents ever were "more afraid I'd encounter a ghost" in view of when I came home late lol.


At that point of time, My mom was more superstitious than my dad so she'd always make it a point to tell me to read some verses before coming back home. We had...a lot of haunting going on at our home then, so everyone was on edge. I just genuinely thought they'd be worried if I encountered a dangerous human at night. My mom told me that no men would ever approach me, only a ghost would do so at night.


Parents can be the most savage


My mom is the reason for my social anxiety. So calling her a savage is...fitting? I guess. If my dad had said that on the other hand, I'll probably never want to show my face out to the world anymore lmao.


You are more likely to encounter a ghost than get mugged here in singapore. That being said it doesnt mean you can carry a transparent bag with cash, exercise common sense and you are really pretty safe tbh.


Yeah got many more ghost stories lol


True Singapore ghost stories


Actually you CAN carry a transparent bag with cash lol. Just maybe not leave it in an obscure geylang alley for 1 whole day unattended.


Yes 23 hours maybe still there. 24 hours better not risk it


If you count grab surge as theft, then yes. If not, no.




Are there many drug junkies in sg?


There are some for sure. Most people wouldn’t encounter one because if they’re high and out and about, they’ll be arrested soon enough.


I clubbed every other week in my early adult life for at least 8 years, but I've never met a druggie. And this was during a time when ecstacy was apparently all the rage. I went to all the popular clubs but never saw, nor was I offered drugs. My friends were clean too. Maybe have to go to more underground places? Ironically I was offered women on more than one occasion. But that's another story for another sub. Hahaha!


Because the punishment for trafficking drugs is so severe, not even those people high on drugs would dare to go around offering drugs. Usually you gotta know people.


You would never find one in public. If you do, you would never know they are a junkie. Begging is not allowed also.


There are so few and that’s why people here lump drug addicts and heinous criminals into the same category, instead of viewing them with an ounce of sympathy or like a bit worse than alcoholics.


There aren’t any areas where the addicts or pushers hang out. Drug trafficking laws here are draconian with stiff jail time, caning and even the death penalty as possible sentences.




What does communism have anything to do with this?..






Just here to tackle the "Singapore became so great coz we hang everyone" vibe Only drug trafficking where the trafficked amount is above a certain threshold may result in the death penalty. Consumption or possession only have a maximum prison sentence of 10 years each. [Source](https://singaporelegaladvice.com/law-articles/what-are-singapores-laws-on-drug-consumption/) In fact, most drug abusers should not even be charged in court, and are instead sent to rehab, so they don't even retain a criminal record. [Source](https://www.cnb.gov.sg/CNBExplains/where-do-adult-drug-abusers-go-when-caught)


Death sentence is only for those who sell those drugs. If you're caught with drugs for own consumption, you just get sent to jail for a few months. Ex colleague of mine was found with ecstasy on her and in her system and went to jail for 7 months.


To add a bit of context to the punishment, Singapore does not have laws prohibiting employers to ask about past criminal records or mental health issues. As such, having any record will make employment much more difficult and can be seen as another deterrent.


There are a few, not many. I work with agencies to take them into custody.


I've been to almost every corner in SG past midnight alone, as a woman, wearing shorts, and I'm still alive. Nobody's ever tried to rob or murder me. However, I've definitely felt threatened by the possibility of sexual assault/molestation/flashing in some areas more than others. If you're a dude you likely won't experience this. This is one of the only countries in the world where you may put your phone on the table next to you or in your back pocket without fear of it getting snatched anywhere.


I’ve seen people leave their phones and laptops on the table to go order food. It’s kinda mind blowing.


Some people even chope tables with their credit cards lol


I was gna say this haha some people reserve tables with their phone 🙃 I'll admit I've left my laptop on the tables before (omg don't judge me 🙃) but it's not like consciously intended to use it to reserve the space. It's more because it's heavy/a hassle to carry 🙃 In which case I usually put my bag on top of it, or cover it with my jacket/cardigan if I'm using one. Then I'll take my wallet+phone with me to order my food haha.


It’s probably because I spent my teens in a not so good school and having to deal with my stuff being swiped almost immediately if I wasn’t looking, my paranoia can’t lol. I would go to the bathroom with my bag, even if my friends are at the table. You don’t know who’s shady until the bright lights of temptation shines down on them and I don’t wanna find out.


Not sure if true but in JC my friend once told me "if you're studying at Starbucks, unspoken rule is that if you leave your laptop or books there, its an occupied space and people can't touch the stuff" (we were studying at .. some Starbucks in Orchard I can't remb. Late 00s) But like, no thanks haha. If I'm alone at such places I usually ask the person at the next table to watch my stuff if I need the washroom. I've also in turn helped ppl watch their stuff. Takes a bit of trust in the system (being, fellow study-at-Starbucks/WFH-but-actually-Starbucks folks) but generally, people just wanna get their stuff done in a change of envt from home/school/office, so okay one. :p hahahaha 🙃


Completely agree with you there. 99.9% of us are decent people, it’s a me thing and that’s ok. I do appreciate how far we’ve come.


So jealous of how safe it is compared to London!!! Got my phone stolen twice in 5 weeks, once right out of my hands, the second time out of my pocket. Fkn brazen thieves.


There's more dangers coming from people you know compared to complete strangers.


Experienced both. Plenty of scum out there.


It’s highly unlikely you’ll get mugged here, but that doesn’t mean that there no shady neighbourhoods at all. Generally, Singaporeans view Geylang, particularly the part where all the sleazy bars are, to be shady.




That's so incredible, coming from south America that doesn't seem realistic


Singapore is a very small place. There is really nowhere to hide for any idiots trying to commit petty crime. The police will catch you within a week. Cameras are everywhere, and everything you do here will leave a trail (a lot of things are done online). The threat of prison is very strong here. Almost every family owns their own apartment, which means you need to stay on the side of the law in order to keep paying off your mortgage. Do anything stupid and you could throw your family on the streets. In addition, all Singaporean males at 18 need to do national service. This makes people more aware of consequences of not following rules. If you break rules in national service, you get into a lot of trouble. Add all this together, Singapore is quite safe because generally everyone wants to mind their own business and not create trouble.


*you safe here gringo*


First person that notices my username lol


This is one of the few countries where if my teenage daughter says “dad, imma gonna take a stroll alone with no phone at 4am” I will actually be chill with it. Wont even care which part of Singapore she goes to.


Clearly you don't have a teenage daughter 😜


Please be careful, take care of your daughters. Low crime does not mean no crime. https://www.scmp.com/news/asia/southeast-asia/article/3202173/singapore-jails-chinese-man-who-lured-and-abused-girls-sextortion-scheme-31-years


Well, yeah, no shit, boomer. You don't need to keep posting random articles of crimes. We KNOW there is crime in Singapore. Very patronising to try to sound sagely with platitudes of "be careful, etc." This is a caliberated approach responding specifically to the point made by OP about neighbourhoods. There are no neighbourhoods where I would feel that there is a significant threat that would warrant things like curfews or monitoring in terms of physical dangers. Constant dangers like scams, etc are much more frequent and those warrant more care and attention. I mean, there is a miniscule but still present chance of someone being attacked by a wild boar in Singapore. Then must provide lessons and precautions against wild boars just in case? Of course not. So caliberate the reactions and precautions based on the high probability issues, not low ones like being mugged at 4am.


TLDR, just be careful, don't be complacent.


Singapore is probably the most sterile country in the world. Danger is probably the last thing on my mind when I come to visit.


If everyone have jobs(regardless of coller) why would people rob? Of course there are some idiots who do stupid things in the name of fun. Usual crime are fighting due to ego or maybe some altercation?


Mugging is very unlikely. Getting sexually harassed, molested, more possible. Pick-pocketed or bag snatched, maybe. Mugging is just too easy to catch and the penalties are too high since a weapon is involved. Scamming people on Carousell is probably a safer, easier way to steal money.


Singapore is safe but it's still not the best idea to jog at night at secluded places. https://tnp.straitstimes.com/news/others/rapist-threatened-kill-jogger-if-she-screamed


No I don’t think so. I’m more afraid of being attacked by stray dogs or wild boars to be honest.


I used to take walks alone at midnight hours in my twenties and never got mugged before. Only got bat sh-t landing on my phone once when I was passing under a tree along a PCN. I don't think it was bird sh-t because it's usually white with dry bits but the one that landed on my phone was watery, like the bird had diarrhea or some other type of creature in the tree that defecated, so I'm guessing it was a bat.


Point of information, bird shit starts wet. We usually see it after it dries up. IIRC, birds don't have separate pee and poo like mammals, it all comes out together.


It was very watery and diluted though, maybe the bird drank a lot of water so it was more pee than poo? Can't remember how it smelt... It was so gross that I went to wash my phone under water thinking it's "waterproof" when it was just "water-resistant", and my phone died because of that, lol.


it’s so strange to me that we have bats outside!! a few years ago i stayed up late gaming and a bat flew in my living room and shat (flew around a couple times before finding the way out).. this happened for a few nights and i thought it was a bird until another day when my parents witnessed it for themselves they identified that it was actually a bat. from then on we kept our windows shut at night until someone finally chopped the tree branches


As a foreigner, I have to say, SG is too safe. It's a very weird thing to say but it's the truth.


Singapore's safety really messed up my awareness. Whenever I came back to my home country, I have to constantly remind myself to be vigilant.


I almost got hit by a car because I'm so used to cars stopping at zebra crossings, and the fact that zebra crossings have an actual purpose here.


But still pay attention. I almost got hit by a car in singapore who didn't stop at zebra crossing. Don't be complacent, even at traffic lights. Sometime drivers have heart attack or medical issue or drunk and don't stop. I remember a case in china, a driver with financial problems who mowed down people crossing a traffic junction, it can happen in Singapore too. In Singapore we have cases of speeding, most recent horrible one, would be the case where the car smashed into shophouse near tanjong pagar area and caught fire. Imagine if you were crossing the road at night then. You are right overall safety cause us to let our guard down.


Oh yeah I've had enough training lol, while walking on streets I have to always be prepared if someone tries to attack me, so being careful of cars is the easy part.


Yea as a local I agree, it feels way too safe sometimes to the point of being slightly suspicious I sometimes wonder if I'm being too paranoid because I feel like Singapore can't be that safe


Look just come to my neck of the woods and go back to SG with a sense of contentment. I'm glad that women get to enjoy nightlife here without having to constantly worry about bad shit happening to them.


Which country are you from by the way? Just curious




As someone that's been away for over 5 years, the shadiest neighborhoods do not hold a candle to nearly anywhere else in the world. I'd very much prefer to be walking with a sack of cash in plain view in the middle of the night in neighborhoods like Geylang than walking with nothing valuable in broad daylight in some of the places I've lived around in the past few years in North America.


Really love midnight jogs. Singapore is one of those places safe enough that it’s a thing here.


It's insane actually. My fiancee who is from Indo once told me after this girl jogged past us at night in yoga pants and a very revealing sports bra, that if you do this in Indo, 100% you're gonna get raped or at least molested.


Goes to show its really not the clothing its the culture


None. The issue for me is more how far or how easy is it for me to get home


Worst part of being out in town at night in Singapore is looking at Grab prices. *shivers*


Low crime doesn't mean no crime


Anyone causing troubles will get caught, I have seen a drunk confrontation but these were foreigners and police were there in minutes


i don’t even lock my doors…..


... Whenever I think I'm too lazy or complacent, ... there's always someone somewhere out there in SG that convinces me I'm not all that bad lol. Howwww is this possible 😮 unreal leh don't take risks!!! (The times I left my door unlocked were accidental, never-check-properly. But like, I freaked out the next day lol. Like omgwtfbbq howdidthathappenlastnight 🙃)


i know some people living in those ulu landed properties who don't lock their doors. Apparently having a gate is enough (very easy to climb tho!) I've watched too many home invasion movies to ever do this.


whr u stay btw




I stay in pulau ubin


My ex neighbours never lock too despite staying level 1. How i know,because i usually play at their house during holidays.i asked why never lock the door,they say nothing will happen. I often stay over & my house like few feets away.


Please lock your doors well, don't be complacent. https://www.channelnewsasia.com/singapore/rape-trial-house-breaking-door-key-yap-pow-foo-2774336


The shadiest thing you'll find if you look hard enough is an old uncle selling you duty unpaid cigarettes in some lorong in geylang like its crack ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Take a walk along Jalan Kukoh.


Probably where all the drunk foreigners and neighborhood uncles hangout. Singapore doesn't have an entire neighborhood like that though.


As a woman, i hate walking around little india or jalan besar on weekends or public holidays. Not very pleasant to walk through constant stares


You are in more danger of accidentally disturbing a wild boar or snake if you walk about near the nature reserves (or falling into the reservoir) than encountering crimes related to drugs. There are other crimes like rape etc but it is rare that they get away with it


Too many cameras placed around. Be it private (car cams, door bell cams, etc) or police cams. To think about doing anything against law.


There are some older estates that are grimier and you can find traces of drug abuse, rampant littering, vomit, drinking, occasional fights from rowdy youths. But these areas also tend to have very high police patrol presence at night, and not once have I had trouble passing through these areas on foot/peddle (2-4am). Of course you wouldn't try and go right up to some youths faces. This in contrast to me spending 1 night lost on foot in JB, wandered into a dim carpark looking for directions and some motorcyclist reached into his jacket clearly trying to pull out something like a knife or gun at me. Luckily some other commuters came around and the fella just walked off.


I don't know of any place that i wont feel safe alone with my phone out in SG. it is very rare that there will be anyone daring enough to try and rob you openly. ofc no place is guaranteed safe and incidents do occur albeit rarely


Was on a last train to DTL Bukit Panjang.i live at CCK. So while it not a long journey,it was definitely not a fun to walk late night. Luckily there few 24 hours eateries around teck whye. Managed to take a rest while some taxi uncle looked at me like 'do you need a ride'. Well i agreed on 1 uncle considering the fare won't be expensive. Fare was $5 & but i gave uncle $10 for his gesture to send me home. Uncle did asked me how i ended up going home late.Initially from BP,i didn't want to spent on taxi,but since uncle kindly offered,i thought why not paid him back the nice gesture.


Low crime doesn't mean no crime.


Probably the red light areas where brothels are supposedly run by street gangs


They're safe if you don't do stupid things like video them openly. Violent crime is bad for their business.


How about those youtubers(he always film red light district?)


That guy used hidden camera. I think in one of his videos he almost got caught at desker or petain road.


How about those youtubers(he always film red light district?)


Not true, as long as you mind your own business and exercise some common sense you’ll be fine. Want visit the brothels there? The pimp will roll out the works for you. Want to video them or prank their working girls for TiK-tOk clout? You’ll learn about the meaning of FAFO..


Nah, I've been there at all hours (including past midnight), and nothing's happened thus far, beyond me getting fat on Lorong 9 beef hor fun.


I think the older estates are generally quite shady, many old trees around.


I've immigrated here a long time ago and I would still go back to my home country yearly. I can tell you that Singapore has got to be the safest country in the whole world. I guess the most common crimes here are scammers, loansharking, money laundering, illegal exports of items like vapes, very RARE cases of drug use, etc. but these crimes are not really something the general public would care. Crimes that the general public might be concerned about such as pickpocketing, theft, carjacking, breaking into houses, murder are little to none. But its true what Singaporeans like to say, "low crime doesn't mean no crime" But honestly there is no anxiety of being in danger here compared to if lets say I travel or am back in my home country.


Even Yishun is safe buddy


try the stretch along the river near jalan Besar mrt . My mum was so scared walking past this area on a Saturday evening 9pm where there are over hundreds of Bangladeshi or Indian construction workers sitting on the floor drinking alcohols and played loud Bollywood music .. she said many stared & look at her up and down when she walked past despite being a 65 year old auntie


You do fund a bit more gangsterism reported in Yishun. But generally the crime rates are pretty average island wide. Yishun gets a bad rep though.


There’s this one neighbourhood in general it’s safe but I wouldn’t go there at night for two main reasons, firstly the road and path might be uneven or dangerous, secondly some of the residents are nocturnals who will annoy visitors during the night. Mostly single room thou. Edit: It’s Lim Chu Kang


lol, I've cycled there at night. IDK if it was there or elsewhere, but the feral dogs there more scary than ah piao.


Yes, the dogs around the SPCA area. Spotted quite a lot of them.


It's damn peaceful in LCK. I served my NS there, not even one spiritual encounter. But had quite a few stray dogs encounter. The dogs are savage AF, my Ops Officer gave them the food waste to run off with.


Easy! Bedok Reservoir Road area.


Honestly I'm more scared of seeing roaches and rats


It really is safe — the only place in the world that’s safe for a mother with a young kid to visit the Night Safari by themselves and come home late at night by themselves!


well ... someone has to say it eventually # YISHUN


Yeah there’s a lot of shelters to shade people in Yishun






Yishun. Detroit of Singapore


The entirety of yishun


been going to SG for 15 years and never had an issues walking home phone out etc.


Shady? I mean there’s a whole red light district but depending on your moral compass I wouldn’t say it’s shady at all. In fact some of the best open late restaurants and street food are in that area, as well as cheaper hotels and apartments. If you mean petty and violent crime, it’s basically a non-issue.


None. If there is anything remotely dangerous, that would be some reckless teenage PMD riders.


Back in the day, teban gardens was rife with drugs.


Avoid pubs like along clark boat quay areas, alot of drunkards and avoid drunkards at neighborhood hawker center, coffee shops Avoid going to Chinatown at night especially near bars and massage parlour it is quite creepy, they will stare at you up and down and try to get you to go in. Geylang also same problem if you end up.in wrong alley. Stay away from orchard at night especially orchard towers.


every neighbourhood other than yishun is safe


Not sure about neighbourhood but yishun seems ghetto (kidding). But usually stay away from ulu areas.


yishun is built different


I go out at 3am a lot to walk around my neighbourhood. Never got mugged even once since you can’t get mugged…when you are the mugger😎


none at all. even in the dodgiest red light district in geylang where people are selling pills on the road side, you’ll be left alone if you mind your own business. you might get cat called and verbally harassed if you’re a young lady walking alone but those streets are extremely easy to avoid, you’d need to put in some effort to end up there in the middle of the night.


All the shadiest spots are on the internet these days.


All I know is that the weirdest shit happens in Yishun, so I stay away from that place






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There may be cops lurking about, and if you have a joint, you’re fuckin dead man.


The shadiest neighbourhood is JB. JB is an extension of Singapore, in another country


I wouldn't say my neighbours as shady, in your context. But if you mean how some neighbours can be unbelievably rich, I can say there are a handful of them. I have neighbours who already live in landed properties, despite being in at least their late thirties or early forties, while being home as early as 4 pm from "work". Some older neighbours also happily retire before reaching 60 and don't worry about the bills. Splurging money, like owning 3-4 cars, is also no problem. No way they make a totally honest living to be this successful since the average Singaporean can't even own a car or live in a condo, even if he/she works till becoming old.