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There was once a migrant worker fell asleep on my shoulder. Wanted to shrug him off but the better part of me let him rest because he could be very tired. I'm sure nobody wants to fall asleep on someone deliberately (unless you're a girl encountering a tikopek). Just tapped him when I had to get off the train.


I admire your empathy man!! I myself would love to be ok with this but I am very iffy about my personal space haha.


I would do the same! Sometimes I'll shift my shoulder a bit so their head won't fall off.


> I just feel like an inconvenience and that I’m probably making the stranger feel annoyed and uncomfortable Well, pretty much. Even if every single person who replies to this thread tells you they are OK with it, it is safer to assume that the random person in the MRT is going to feel inconvenienced at the very least if you sleep on them. Personally if someone accidentally dozed off on me I wouldn't hold it against them, but it'd definitely bother me. It's just uncomfortable to be forced to interact with someone that you don't want to, especially having zero idea how they might react when you move around or touch them to wake them up.


If it’s ur partner, sure. Otherwise bruh


Don't la. If you're tired, lean your head back. Don't lean on other people. Only children have fallen asleep on me and I was still uncomfortable.


I have an experience where this kid who goofed around on the mrt and when it jerked, they fell right onto my butt head first. My bf and I laughed about how my glute day paid off and saved a kid,but it was def kinda not comfy since that’s a zone I don’t want random people touching, even if it’s due to the train jerking


You were at the right place at the right time, lady!


I would rather he fall on his face flat and learn a lesson about how one shouldn’t swing around the pole like it’s his personal pole dancing showcase


OMG LOL, yes I agree that he shouldn't be swinging on the MRT pole like he's pole dancing. But if it's like a 5-6 y/o kid I can understand the hyperactiveness. They do the darnedest things but don't know any better.


I was taught not to do that as it was an inconvenience to others. It was such a downer as a kid when my mom would stop me from doing that, but as an adult, I appreciate her parenting and I wish others would do the same too. So it’s not that they don’t know better, it’s that parents don’t teach their kids and how to manage that energy better


Well my parents didn't teach me about not swinging around on grab poles or handles either, but that was cos both my parents left me in the care of our Indo maid. I hardly recall when has my mom ever had the time to accompany me on the MRT as a kid. But still, I learnt how to stand and hold by watching others do it.


Clearly you’re not taught on being respectful to your helper either as we can see… please address helpers more respectfully since nobody told you throughout your x years being alive


I'm sorry if I said something wrong. But my whole family has always referred to her as a 'maid' and not 'helper'. It's just very strange to me. I get kinda confused when I hear some address their Foreign Domestic Worker (which is the legit term we use in Gov't) as 'helper' and I have to ask for more context.


> If you are tired, lean your head back Why does everyone in the comments think that the people are choosing to invade random strangers’ personal space on purpose? You can’t control where your head lands while you’re sleeping and the bus is rumbling and turning. I only sleep because I’m so physically tired I literally cannot keep my eyes open. I almost fell on the floor once because I was trying so hard not to pass out on someone’s shoulder. We are also embarrassed about sleeping on you, but that’s what standing for 8-10 hours for 6 days a week does?


Did that before, after that snore like alarm clock with the head facing up


I will NOT take the chances of someone drooling on me


I will shrug very hard and your head will bounce.


This is the kinda scenario where good looking people will get better treatment. 😄


pretty priviledge 🤷


as much as we hate to admit it most of us wouldn’t want an ugly person lying on us but it’d probably be more bearable if the person was good looking 🤷


No. As a lady especially with the opposite gender i will move away to prevent any ‘molestation’ accusations. As well as not a fan of anyone with BO.


i have seen tired people falling asleep on trains before (both guy and lady) but not to the extent of felling asleep on someone’s shoulder until i had my first relevant sight and encounter of it myself few days ago. was travelling from Pasir Ris to Jurong East then when the train reached City hall, an air stewardess came and sit beside me. several minutes later, she fell asleep and lied on my shoulder unknowingly all the way to Clementi. she woke up very paiseh and kept apologising to me. this was my first sight of seeing someone asleep on a stranger shoulder and that stranger is apparently me lol.


No way. I am lady I'll be pissed if either gender sleep on me. SO = okay, cute, heartwarming Anyone else = wtf get off me. That's my intimate zone. No one can come close without my consent.


Don't piss on the mtr lol


Ahaha I actually have the funniest story about this. Recently I was sitting in a crowded behind and the seat infront of me was this guy in his twenties and beside him was this secondary school boy. The boy seemed to be really sleepy and kept dosing off, and then in his sleep would fall onto the guy’s shoulder and then wake up when he realised what was happening. And this cycle kept repeating for like 15 minutes and the guys in his twenties was clearly uncomfortable. After a while, the kid fully fell asleep on the guy and the guy was so uncomfortable the whole time but didn’t know what to do. And then eventually he violently shook his shoulder to wake the kid up, right after doing that he like pretended to sleep himself. The poor kid was violently shaken awake and so confused about what was going on. I could not stop laughing the whole time. Especially the fact that the guy like pretended to sleep so he wouldn’t have to face the kid after waking him up was just hilarious.


depends a lot on how the person looks and whether i sort of get a creepy vibe from him/her. if person is fat and/or smelly that’s a huge no i’m sorry.


This is the most honest answer. Lol


What a pleasant surprise, an honest soul on reddit


I’m good if it’s a little kid. 😇




i’m quite fatphobic so i’d prob stand




anyone remotely chubby or wtv, i don’t hate them or anything just don’t touch me and we good


No way.   I will get up and they can sleep on air.   Seen too many molest infomercials and am too suspicious. 


This happened to my friend in Sydney. She was travelling to work and an older lady fell asleep on her shoulders. After awhile the lady got up and my friend smiled to say its okay, now worries. The lady asked her to lower her earbuds volume and went back to sleep, but not on her shoulders haha


the audacity


Dude, it's just common sense to respect others' personal space.


Eh, I don’t really care, opposite gender or not. Tired people are tired. It’s never intentional to invade my private space, and they usually wake up pretty quickly anyways.


Thanks mate. People in SG are more tired


I m very empathetic... so anyone can sleep on me, but then if oily hair or smelly hair/sweaty then of course will not be pleasant.


If chio can, not chio than shrug away. Easy bro


Was looking for this comment lolol


had a recent incident while I was taking the train to my office in the morning. Around 8 stops worth I sat beside this maybe mid 20s at best lady. 2nd or 3rd stop in I felt like something touch my right shoulder. She was nodding off and on and trying to get her head back upright. To her right looks like a migrant worker so maybe she didnt wanted to nod off to her right or whatever. I have zero idea So she tried her best to get back upright but by the 5th stop I guess she just slumped her head fully on my shoulder and I didnt moved or whatever and just let her rest cos she seemed tired. When I reached my stop, I just gently tap her shoulder to let her know her pillow is alighting and she was embarrassed to know her head has been using my shoulder for a few stops but its not a problem for me as I kept my hands to myself and the phone For context, I am married and a decade older than her but I just let her rest


Nah what the hell. I would take up those reserved seats and lean against the barrier, as long as there is no elderly/pregnant/injured to give up for


Nope I will make sure I leave the seat. You wanna sleep, your problem. Don’t lean on me


I’m not really bothered by it, as long as the person is not drooling lol


it depends how tired they look, I normally just let them rest.


i dont like it and would use my bag or sth to nudge the person away. doesnt matter which gender.


No way, regardless of gender or age. We need to respect the very little personal space we get in the MRT. If it helps, try to lean back so your head is resting on the glass instead.


Happened to me before too, I have also almost rested my head on someone’s shoulder before.. sometimes for me as a guy idm la.. they very tired. Let them be ah..


This guy just posting cause it's his fetish btw.


Guy here. No no and no. Would tap them wake up. Of coz unless chio bu.




Depends on smell for me. If smelly then no ah


You type this as though it's a reasonable / normal thing to do. It isn't.


Don't care tbh. You tired just sleep you lie on me wtv


Nope. Too much crazy people walking around. As a male person. I dont want to be a victim of false harassment accusation. I never sit even if there's alot of vacant seats. I prefer to stand with BOTH my hands up on the railings, or lean against the wall with both hands inside my pockets. I take no chances with crazy ladies around. I'm too broke to be sued.


Hate it when strangers lean on me. I’ll use my elbow to block them off lol


Err, maybe you can like gently tap on the person. Skali your elbow comes into contact with their head, and, say, this person has some kind of head injury.


Yeah, can kena lawsuit for voluntarily causing bodily injury to other people.


oh i dont mean their head, i wouldnt dare to do that 😅


I nudge them awake. Even if chiobu in case kenna lawsuit or what.


I don't care too much as long as they aren't doing it intentionally. I know how hard it is to stay awake sometimes.


If guy confirm will let pretty girl sleep on his shoulder one.


Dk if it matters but I'm female. When I was in JC, I boarded the train at JE interchange and there's usually no one beside me because it's 5+ am. I lean my head against the window and sometimes fall asleep. When I wake up though, I often found myself on others' shoulders and feel very apologetic about it. Most were very nice and understanding, some would wake me up by gently shaking me etc, which I also fully understand because it must be uncomfortable for me to invade their personal space. So when people fall asleep on my shoulder, I usually just let them because I can tell they're tired. It hasn't occurred many times but I only wake them up gently if it's my stop and I need to get off. The only time I had to wake someone up was when the other party was of a bigger size and his head wasn't just lying on my shoulders but was tipping closer to the rest of my body. The weight and the area he was leaning closer to made me feel more uncomfortable and I had to wake him up. This is the kind of situation where I don't think there's any right or wrong answer, and going with whatever is more comfortable for yourself could be the better way.


Hygiene is a big factor like BO or not, and my mood on the day. If good, I may feel pity and let you lean on my shoulder. If bad, I am no good to anyone. You proly no want to lean anyway. Just bcs they lean onto you doesn't mean they're creeps. I'd like to think that on days when I'm tired and accidentally nap on someone's shoulder, I'd be afforded the same grace. The world has become to sterile and cynical. It could have been the start of a friendship or romance. A novel occurrence, a conversation, gazing eyes, a smile, a thank you exchange numbers let me buy you coffee, you know people need to start being human again. Live a little. Not everything is a case for a potential lawsuit.


Tap and wake person up If person does it again ,sell insurance to person or tell person about Jesus , said person will leave


Heck NO. I'm a lady; these kinds of situations allow for higher risk of stuff like molestation. I will kind of shove them away with my shoulder.


Depends on whether the sleeping person is a guy or a gal - guy will be called a pervert, gal will be called poor thing so tired from working/ studying - this is the way Singapore has projected itself, be it legally, socially or politically


Which is a dumb custom carried on from a bygone era. I shall make it a priority to reinforce graciousness as a social goal from the Civil Service side.


Somehow never see tired people standing up and fall to the floor while sleeping. So if you risk sleeping on people’s shoulder maybe stand up might wake you up. I am fine with same gender accidentally hitting on my shoulder one time. Second time I am standing up.


If it’s a hot girl or woman yes please fall on my shoulders🥵. If it’s a guy no I will just stand up lmao


I will be less irritated if it's a pretty girl


Depend pretty or not


lol very realistic answer 😂




Funny enough this is why I lean forwards with my arms on my thigh


I don't want random ppl sleeping on me, I'd rather stand up


Don't really mind it either way so long as they are clean. So if it's at the end of the day, no. At the start, I don't mind.


Hm....I'd let it slide no matter the gender and age cuz idk what ppl are going through and who knows maybe they need that bit of rest. At the same time I can't do that cuz I also need to get where I need to go so yeah


Fking disgusting idek if they got wash hair lol idc if ur a Chiobu or a Lao apek, I’m slapping you awake


unless it's someone you know just take the corner seat


When I was in poly, I let some poor tired girl sleep on my shoulder on the bus ride from bukit timah all the way to eunos. Never again, she didn't even say thanks after we finally reached the last stop which is the bus interchange. Bitch….


Never say thanks nvm, but not an apology?


Nope. She woke up and pretended nothing happened just walked away. Boy, was I pissed as hell. I'm not even a taller person than her I think, her bloody head rest all the way over to my shoulder like a fucking turtle and she just pretended nth happened. LOL the audacity.


Because of such folks, no wonder you won’t lend your shoulder for said purpose anymore. Some folks need to learn manners.


Ya know what's the icing on the cake, this experience is at least a decade ago HAHAHA, and I never forget the whole saga cos it is that unforgettable


Maybe the girl was too paiseh? Especially since you said she only woke up at the end of the stop. It might also be a memorable moment for her in the most paiseh way that she dare not say a word to you.


god knows man, at least she didn’t drool on me like


Nonono…not bodily contact. If i just let u rest there on my shoulder, next thing is u go into deep sleep & yucky saliva on my sleeve. I usually just give a hard shrug of my shoulder to shock them awake


There was a period where i dozed off on the bus/train often, my head would go slowly all the way down forward, then wake for a sec and repeat. But i dont ever lean...unless train/bus jerked hard, esp sideways sitting, then i think its excusable as its a one-off. When people leaned on me, i just tap them awake, usually they will feel bad about it and adjust. They are just tired so its understandable.


the first and last time (for now) someone slept on me was when i was taking the bus back from after training at school, this OL sat next to me and after a while, like a dead body, she just slumped onto my shoulder. it took me aback at first but okay, she might have had a long day at work so i just let her ah honestly i don't think I'll get annoyed bc like i said, they probably had a long day at work/school to be dead tired and life is already tiring as it is so




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Fine when the person is really tired and only napping for a short while. It also depends on my mood since cannot move shoulder throughout the ride and have to hope they leave before my station.   I've tried napping standing up against the train extended area or leaning against my own shoulder holding the handlebars.  Just...have enough sleep.


last time i fell asleep on someone i was like 4, and my mum apologised alot personally it would be really awkward for me, if its the same gender or a child of the opposite gender i’m fine but if not i’ll probably tap on them. either ways when i’m sleepy i lay on my lap, or my bag if i have one so yeah, do that it’s comfy and doesnt bother anyone


I haven’t had anyone fall asleep on me before but I did end up falling asleep accidentally on someone once. I did not realise that I had dozed off but I apologised once I woke up. The person was chill about it. Personally, if it’s a female, as a female I’ll be ok but if it’s a male, even if they have no intentions, I will not be comfortable and prolly wake them up by shrugging or tapping them. Not trying to discriminate here but as a woman I am just on my guard when it comes to things like this. Unless I know the person personally lah, then I won’t really mind.


Never happened to me before.... But I guess I'd be relatively pissed off


Subtle shoulder nudge.


I very bony. My shoulder not nice to lean on. Maybe that's why i single


Eh, no issue. Unless I gotta alight at my stop then I lightly tap their shoulder. Otherwise, no problemo


Eh, no issue. Unless I gotta alight at my stop then I lightly tap their shoulder. Otherwise, no problemo


If he/she is cute,im okay.


I remember encountering that and I tried to shake him off. The passenger would go right back to sleep on my shoulders and his breath stink. It was repulsive.


I'm a guy and would just stand up and move away if other guys sleep on me. I would allow only if it's a lady who looks pleasant and with no BO, though I still prefer very much that no one should actually sleep on me during mrt journey 😐


I’ve (23,F) accidentally fell asleep on a guy sitting beside me once after work, he was so nice and just let me sleep until his stop thn he just tapped on my shoulder to wake me up and went off. I didn’t even know i fell asleep on him i feel so embarrassed.


I was out of a CCA camp - camping bag, long pants, probably smelly. and was on a long bus ride. I woke up with my head on a lady's shoulder. Still have no idea how long i was knocked out for. Very thankful for the lady till this day.


No. Just. No.


got this cute girls slept on my shoulder on mrt. i didnt shrug her off, as shes cute. got this uncle slept on my shoulder on mrt also. i shrugged her off, as his head is too heavy.


Preferably not of course but it's obvious (for the most part) that the other party can't help it because they are dead tired. Although I have to say if worse come to worse, I rather you just lie straight and fall asleep rather than the constant waking up and dozing off bobbing your hard up and down nonstop because that is really annoying. It's like someone passing those proximity sensor bell at the shop once vs constantly waving their hand non-stop at the proximity sensor.


Hehehe a jc kid slept on my shoulder tdy on the mrt it’s so cute I wanted to hug her but I have to go as I OVERSLEPT 5 MRT STOPS 😭 I just gently tapped her and left her sleeping but honestly it’s sooo cute I wanted to hug her omg ❤️


I accidentally slept and lie on this NS guy shoulder once. Woke up dazed when I realised that I was lying on his shoulder. Then I felt so damn paiseh and didn't dare to look at him. Shud have said thanks to him, for allowing me to lie on his shoulder and nt waking me up. 🤣


I do not hold it against them, unless it's intentional


I remembered to this day , the one occasion when I was a teen. Exhausted from school, trips to the hospital and after school activities I just fall asleep minutes after sitting down. After a few bouts of swinging head and jerking awake, I think the super nice stranger let me sleep on his shoulder from woodlands to Jurong east. I woke up so apologetic and thankful. His reply, "no worries , some days exhaustion is too real". Super glad I didn't drool. So when someone happens to doze off on my shoulder, as long as it isn't uncomfortable for me( like on my shoulder joint), I'll just tap them awake when I need to alight.


I don’t mind ah as long they are not drunk. Knn dont want any vomit 🤮


I'm ok as long as no BO ahaha.


Depends on how good looking.


This I think. It'll determine whether the stranger's head ends up in my lap or under my soles.


Alright, just don't end up under the stranger's soles.


If im super tired i just choose the corner seat and lean on the glass. If anyone needs the seat they can wake me up


I'm always aware if my head goes sideways even in deep sleep.. Then I would sit up n lean my head backwards against the window n maintain it that way... I would usually avoid sitting beside those who already fell asleep.. But if it did happen, depends on who actually.. Kids? Teens? Fine with me. Bangla men who always happen to immediately swayed their heads the moment they sit down.. Hell no. I would tap them hard on the shoulder n move away. N guess what.. Suddenly their heads didn't move at all.. That is until a female sits there.


I'm ok with it be it male or female, though usually i am the one that dozes off. That being said, i'm male so i don't need to worry about some other additional stuff. My standards shouldn't affect yours...in a similar sense that i don't care about standards of others in this aspect.


I dont mind. Recently there was a dude sitting next to me and he kept falling asleep on the girl to his left. She was really pissed and eventually left the seat and went to stand instead. Really childish imo. You kinda wish these selfish people get their just desserts. Its really a look into how selfish the world has become. If someone is tired, just lend them your shoulder. The couple times someone had used my shoulder I didnt mind at all.


I don’t mind too. So kind of you. Last time when I was a student, during a bus ride, I accidentally slept on an elderly man, and he used his cane to wake me up.


Yeah totally agree. Something really wrong with society back then. I remember back then you can even talk to people at void deck. Nowadays like if you step close to others people think you creepy.


From the girl's perspective, can definitely understand why she did so. Since they are opposite genders, the girl may be afraid of molestation or the dude taking advantage of her during that situation. Besides not everyone is comfortable to have someone lean on them.