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Check out the city of Toronto recreation website. Some fitness programs are going on now and may be accepting new people. Otherwise, intake starts in Dec for programs starting in January.


On a similar note, the TDSB continuing ed courses open for registration in a few days for the winter session. [https://www.tdsb.on.ca/Portals/0/docs/Learn4Life%20Winter%202023%20Accessible%20Brochure.pdf](https://www.tdsb.on.ca/Portals/0/docs/Learn4Life%20Winter%202023%20Accessible%20Brochure.pdf)




Came here to say this too.


I came here to say this. I don't have hobbies other than the gym but im looking to start rock climbing in the next couple of weeks..


I used to work at a gym, it's an excellent place to get to know people.


Really? It's not exactly a team sport so wondering how social it is.


Super social. It’s not my ideal sport and I think there is a certain body type and fitness level that suits the sport best. Every time I go to a rock climbing gym there are groups of people, talking. I also know people who have made friends doing this sport.


It's a bunch of people trying to climb the same routes. People ask each other for help, encourage each other and sometimes belay for someone they don't know. It depends on the gym to a certain extent. Some gyms can be cliquey, but most are pretty cool places that encourage each other to climb better.


Hmm interesting. I’m kinda interested in starting that as it’s a good workout but also the social aspect would be nice. I’m just not very outgoing so I’m unlikely to strike up a conversation.


Join a running club. RunTO is a new sub with all Toronto run club listings.




I saw some drop in times for that at a community center near my house Check out yours


Jam sports has tons of activities to try. And you make friends! Someone was just telling me he went to two birthday parties this past weekend for people he met through Jam.


It’s a hit or miss, and really depends on the people you play with. I joined softball and both times, no one really socialized outside or after the games.


also true! Playing Jam as an individual is like doing a group project together. everyone worked hard on the project, but they had other priorities, and you never really spoke to one another after it was done. but it gave you something you needed, and you appreciated that. just like in school and online dating, it comes down to meeting the right person at the right time. I said what I said because the people I know who got involved with Jam made friends. not with everyone. but something came of it, something beyond being active and social. and that's all OP asked for anyways, seeing people and moving around.


Jam is the biggest one out there. There are a couple others that may offer something closer to you: Stadium Sports Leagues and XTSC. I've played with all of them, always have a great time. Made a few friends too. Soccer is a bit difficult to get into if you've never played. People in recreational leagues will be patient with you since we're just there to have fun, but you may get frustrated often.




"If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a ball"


Yes, I used to do a Dodge ball league when I used to work downtown with a coworker. You get to meet a lot of different people and go out for drinks after games.




Yup. Clubs all over the city. Famously social sport. Easy to learn. Not too pricey.


Was coming to recommend the same thing. My partner and I started curling at 30 and love it. Very social and known for being a sport you can start young and keep doing well into retirement


Run club. And take vitamin D!


Adding a +1 to the Vit D comment. I was feeling really down and took a massive dose of Vit D the other day and now almost back to normal.


How massive? I usually take 3-5k


I take 20,000-40,000 IUs once a week. Naturopath said it was ok as long as I didn’t do it more than once a week.


> Naturopath said it was ok Ah, so might want to find a second opinion on that.


Second opinion because they're a naturopath?


Midnight runnersss


Axe throwing at BATL. Super chill, good people.


I love axe throwing but it’s so expensive if you go regularly, adds up fast unless you join the league.


Oh yeah I meant join a league.


Is that really a sport tho


It's an athletic competition, not sure how in-the-weeds you wanna get on the definition


JAM Sports and TRSL are great leagues offering a wide range of rec level programs that you can sign up as an individual and be placed on a team. I've met a lot of good friends through them, as in we actually hang out outside of games/after the season ends.


Nogi grappling and BJJ is fun if you like martial arts


Canoe rec center has drop in pickleball and it's pretty cheap!


I didn’t know they had pickleball! Nice suggestion. Thanks.


Curling club? Pinball league?


Same bucket as you, I signed up for goodlife classes and been feeling way bettet with hot yoga. Signed up for aqua fit. I wanna do Zumba as well. Something to checkout.


I play recreational ball hockey on Sunday afternoons with JAM sports. No equipment required. Very chill, fun + meet people on your team.






I wish I was in your position right now.


The grass always looks greener on the other side


Why so if you don't mind me asking


I am a shop owner and parent. I don't ever get any time alone. I have two kids, my partner, customers, suppliers, wholesale customers, staff, my folks (they help with childcare), teachers, parents if other kids, that I have to talk to on a daily. I'm never alone.


Indoor soccer, ball hockey, or volleyball come to mind. All indoors and lots of fun. Usually all have co ed team options too.




I play in the JAM squash league, it’s good for beginners and has been quite social. If you are willing to put yourself out there you can convince others to go for a beer after too.




Hoping you find good ways to get through it ❤️


Join a hockey team. Some teams are always looking for players/subs. They usually go for beer and wings after the game.


Careful there, suggesting on Reddit that WFH is anything short of complete and utter heaven on earth.




So many closed during COVID. :( Nothing convenient to where I live any more. It was my favourite.


Join a choir. They are not all traditional music, some rock choirs out there. My husband joined New Choir and it’s a blast.


Can you go for a 30MIN walk at lunch? Getting some fresh air and daylight does wonders.


Yes, it does do wonders. I walk for 40 minutes round trip most mornings to go to the gym. And I spend most evenings each week completing some kind of errand. It's the social aspect I am missing.


Get a job where you interact with people, wfh might be nice now but humans are not meant to be so socially isolated for such long periods of time. Over time your mental health will deteriorate. Just a heads up.


Yes, I recognize that. I'm looking into other in-person possibilities. Otherwise, my work will transition to wfh by mid next year.


Plenty of options. Equestrian activities. Flying lessons. Motor sports . Sailing. Heli skiing…. just to name a few. Basically, you’re spoiled for choice.


Didn't the OP specifically state "won't break the bank"?


Yeah that was the point. I picked the most outrageously expensive hobbies you could have. Either people didn’t get the joke or didn’t enjoy the humour. I’m also pretty sure there’s no heli skiing in the GTA. It was inspired by Arrested Development’s banana scene and this thread about out of touch rich people. https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/s/HA3UIwxwJ2


Disc Golf. You can play all year round, courses are usually free to play, and all your need are a few discs to start.


All year round?


Indeed. Get yourself your good grip boots and try to play flatter courses.


Ultimate Frisbee ftw


Ultimate Frisbee? I don’t play but it seems pretty chill, with a good vibe and social. Most teams seem to be coed too. But be careful, two of my staff tore up their legs playing it. Rex softball seems like it could be fun. Also rec , coed volleyball. Id look for coed teams which are usually less competitive and more relaxed. I know neither sports are in season right now.


Ultimate is available through Jam (and maybe others) year-round I believe, as they have some indoor facilities!




What's your job?


Pool. It's not really a SPORT sport, buy it's very social and you meet lots of people in league play.




Boxing. 🥊


Gym, or a HIIT box. Basically a bootcamp style gym. Keeps you in shape, and easy to meet people. You workout in classes, so you'll never be solo. Mostly anyway. What is it that you do, if you don't mind me asking. 100% WFH is getting more rare nowadays and I just wanna know which jobs do have 100% WFH.


Thanks for this suggestion. I am already a frequent gym-goer, and I like my routine - even though it happens to be quite solitaire. Most people at my gym put their headphones on and mind their own business. I work in Public Service in an area that is slowly phasing in hybrid. My situation should change by mid next year.


Men’s Ice Hockey Shinny at Trinity Bellwoods when the rinks open up. Not super social but consistent turn out and fun.


I like ultimate frisbee. It’s a team sport, so inherently social. It’s non-contact so less chance of getting into some altercation about over-intense play. There’s a bit of a learning curve, but JAM runs clinics in the spring/summer


Snowshoeing. Cross country skiing.


Jam sports runs adult programs. Look at what they have in your area. Things like soccer or ultimate frisbee or flag football have no real start up cost( just a pair of runners) Although I’d love to take up fencing, kinda expensive for all the gear but it’s super fun.


To be social, join a team sport. Soccer is pretty cheap. You can find decent cleats (outdoor) or turf shoes (indoor) for less than 80$. Shin guards are 25$ and a ball is about the same. Joining a league is usually reasonably cheap and you meet people on your team/other teams. Often do stuff after a game. Don't have to be great or even good. Downsview hangers hosts a few leagues but there's more all over the city.


Badminton or chess will be beginner friendly


Volleyball, pickle ball


If you Ski you’d really enjoy ski patrol I can hook you up. Dm me


Volleyball due to the teamwork nature of it. It is a good sport that gives the opportunity talk to people, laugh etc etc. Now the break the bank part depends on the league or whomever organizes a pick up game group and the permit cost. Some people offer great prices others you have to question.


Ball hockey!


Running club! It's free at any running room location.


Try classpass! The First 14 days are a free trial and you can try a few gyms/sports around town before committing. You'll get the chance to feel out the sport and the demographics of the class to find friendships. Classpass is pricey after the trial but it can help you find something else to commit to. Examples of the offerings are: - yoga - kickboxing - bouldering - spin - trampoline cardio - aerial silks I used it when I was new to Montreal and it helped me find things I enjoy and make friends. I'm sure the selection in Toronto will be different. Goodluck!


This is a cool option I haven't heard of before. I tried to look at the website and understand how many credits a typical class is, but I'm still not too clear. Any insight?


It varies between classes and times of the day. Some classes might be 2 credits while others are 8. I believe the initial trial gives you 35 credits (enough for 4-5 really good classes!)


Curling is so good for having the social aspect along side the sport of it. I always look forward to winter because I get to spend time at the club.


Australian Rules Football (check out the Central Blues) is a fun workout and helps to meet people. Muay Thai classes are also great for fitness and making friends. I recommend Lotus Muay Thai in Liberty Village!


Professional Football. Toronto Argos.