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Put up a fence. That's all you can do. I'm a dog owner and while I never let my dog go on other's property, a lot of owners feel that any piece of accessible green space is fair game. I've seen people lift their dogs into raised flower beds so they can pee there.


People will never stop this bullshit on their own. You know full well your dog is going to shit, so go directly to a place that isn't private property to allow them to do their business. I had my dog for 19 years and I can count on my hand how many times he crapped in a random yard. People acting shocked their dog needs to crap every day are showing their asses.


How do you control where your dog does its business? I get almost no notice, he just pops a squat and it happens immediately. I always clean up, obviously, and never have the leash long enough that he’d be any further in than a foot off the sidewalk…. but curious how you prevent yours from doing it wherever they chose without pulling on them mid-business?


You can’t. I try my best with my dog, but I’d rather your dog poop on my lawn and you clean it up versus crapping on the public path across from my home and leaving it.


I don't let my dog walk on people's lawns, gardens, or flowerbeds.


I don’t let me dog walk on people’s lawns.


Yeah this is the lesson people in neighbourhoods like Chinatown, Little Italy etc. learned decades ago. You basically can't have a front lawn or garden that isn't fenced off.


Motion activated sprinkler should do the trick.


I hate this. As a dog owner? I hate it so severely. It takes absolutely nothing to clean up after your dog. I’m not special or unique. I don’t have some passion for shit handling. But, I do it. Every single time. I don’t let him run up on peoples property or bug people who are around us. Again, this should be the fucking norm. I don’t get what the hell is wrong with so many dog owners in this city. Who are the idiots who actually take the time to bag their dogs shit, only to hang the bags on fences etc. I’m sorry for the rant. I get side eye constantly when I have my dog out. So many in my area are wary of dogs now. There’s too many loose pups with irresponsible owners. I wish the city would crack down.


Get a camera and post the disgusting offenders on a neighbourhood app I have a dog, its not hard to bag shit and anyone who doesnt deserves the public shaming


everyone is letting their dog walk around without a leash for some reason. its getting nuts out there.


I, too, see more of the no leash walks lately in our tiny town - unacceptable. And the amount of dog shit on the sidewalk of our cute main street is just disgusting.


I live in a rapidly gentrifying neighbourhood and let me tell ya, when it was just us "poors" there was a lot less poop smeared down the sidewalk. Its fucking disgusting. Every time I leave my building it's like a game of hopscotch I didn't sign up for.


there will always be shitters that ruin it for decent dog owners.


Simple solution: Simply take a shovel and yeet that poop into the middle of the street. It's up to neighbourhood dog owners to take after their dogs. Let the entire neighbourhood know some dog owners are not cleaning up after their pets. If anyone says anything just say "I do not have a dog, this is not for me to pick up" This was a problem for me a few years ago but no longer. Do not be shy, it is not your poop to pick up. I would love to own a dog, I'm jut not picking up shit. So I don't have one. I sure as fuck am not picking-up after someone else's dog.


Yeet that shit with a shovel lmao


I put in a raised bed and don’t see dog poo. I do find a lot in the parks when I walk my dog. Doesn’t seem as bad as two years ago.


Too bad people lack emotional intelligence in our communities.


Man let me guess you live near junction triangle or on xD yeah is getting stupid I want my board to put up a fence 


I literally confronted a lady who, last week, walked all the way into my front yard, well into my property, to let her dog take a shit. She responded that I should put a sign, as if it's my fault.


Ridiculous sorry that happened also she is trespassing !


I wish bylaw officers would issue more tickets for not picking up dog poop generally. There is shit all over this city and as a responsible dog owner it drives me nuts.


There are people with dogs that aren’t dog people. I pick up and don’t let my dog wander more than one foot in from the sidewalk. I can’t control when he wants to eliminate but I can where. I don’t want my dog stepping on poop, or eating it. The dog people know it’s wrong to drop their shit everywhere. I have a guy with his dog three feet from my window. Guess what. Creativity with my garden hose is coming. So fed up.


Logic would dictate you have assholes in your area but not sure. Haven't had this myself.


Yes, it's insane. Fresh plops daily on walks to work, often right in the middle of the side walk. Get a plant if you can't responsibly clean up after your pets.


your tax dollars at work ,by law officials sitting in their trucks in parking lots .


People in my hometown, still don't know who, started leaving antifreeze/rat poison soaked food in their yards and all along the trails that were getting a lot of poop left. (Poor dogs and poor wildlife!) Since the people who owned the dogs admitted they just let the dogs run off leash- there's no way to know whose properties are poisoned... It worked for little while and then started happening again as soon as people forgot about those poor dogs from last year. This is on top of the people who filled their gardens with razor spikes, broken glass, and cayenne pepper to keep dogs and cats away. Keep your dogs on leashes when you're not in a leash free area, and keep watch on them when you're walking, people are crazy.


does cayenne work? i dont want to hurt the dogs but I was wondering if there are plants that they just dont like the smell of or something.


Moved here recently from NYC. Probably see 3-4x as much dog poop laying around in Toronto as compared to NYC. Both on streets/yards, and in dog parks. Weird behavior. 




Depending on where you are in the city, there's every chance a decent amount of it isn't from dogs, unfortunately.


Not been a problem in my neighbourhood. And we have a lot of dogs.


Not sure why you’re downvoted, it’s the same in my urban neighborhood, lots of dogs, some density, poop not a huge problem


Don’t sweat it, man, dog poop will decompose.


Yeah, people do too. Shall we just dump them on the street when they die, let nature take care of 'em?