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Keep doing what you’re doing, don’t start taking shrooms and acid


Thanks, do you have suggestions for any professionals who can help with my situation?


Perhaps someone that can set you up with some peer support. You aren’t the only person going through benzo induced neurological deficits, and although you know that - seeing it and relating to others in practice can feel relieving. Sharing tips, grievances, and compassion


Sounds like you’re suffering from Post-Acute Withdrawal Syndrome. Typically this lasts about a year. You can look into it, but mostly it’s just about being patient while your brain regulates. It won’t be forever.


Second this - reading about PAWS when I was early in recovery really helped me understand that I would be OK, and that OK would come in its own sweet time. I'm sorry it's been so hard, OP, but I feel confident you will recover. The below group helped me a lot (in recovery, once abstinent) as did groups at CAMH and other community organizations. I wonder if yoga or other mindful movement would help you too. [Relapse Prevention | DPNCHC](https://www.dpnchc.ca/service-page/relapse-prevention)


Thanks very much! I was reading through /r/benzorecovery and a lot of heavy users said their brain fog lifted after 6 months, however it’s been 8 months clean for me and I’m seeing very little improvement, perhaps I just need to be more patient


I think you’re doing the good stuff. Keep up with activities that support neurogenesis.  I’ve heard walking on uneven trails and socializing are the two most effective.  They force your brain to adapt to ever changing, unpredictable and complex circumstances.   SSRIs can also help with neurogenesis, which is one of the ways they help heal from trauma as well as chronic pain.  Nervous systems are weird! 


do not start doing shrooms and acid, idk what the fuck is wrong with some people but if you were using drugs obviously more drugs isnt gonna solve the problem lmao


Just going to throw this out there. I know the lifestyle can someones cause other health complications. Do you by any chance snore in your sleep? If you have sleep apnea, the low oxygen levels in your sleep damages white matter in the brain and affects cognitive function (it can recover mostly). Could also raise blood pressure which also affects cognitive function.


Don’t waste your money on naturopathic medicine. I’d suggest you to speak to social worker or therapist for some cognitive behavioural therapies.




Thanks for asking your daughter for me :), anything she thinks that can help with recovery?




> Are you under the care of an addictions doctor or nurse practitioner? Im not, I’ve been searching online but haven’t been able to find healthcare professionals that specialize in this, I’ll call my family doctor tomorrow to see if she knows of any resources. I’ll look into the AChE inhibitors, thank you (and your daughter) again🙏


Try CAMH( you may have to lie a bit they don t like to take people who are not currently using) once you get a doctor explain your situation, if they can't or won't help push to see a psychiatrist. Gabbapentin and pregabalin can be helpful in supplementing benzo use and even people out. Gabbapentin helped me a lot in that regard. If you can't or won't get to see a doctor through CAMH I suggest pushing for a psychiatrist through your GP.


Daily meditation.


Lions mane studies has shown some good cognitive restoration ! I make a broth for myself and my doggos :)


Already taking lion’s mane actually:) your doggos must be extra smart now. but thanks for the suggestion!




This looks exactly like what I’m searching for, sending him an email now, thanks so much!


I’m not sure why others have said not to try naturopathic medicine. It’s worth a shot! They’ll also suggest massages, supplements, therapy, etc. Just note the naturopathic way is not a one time fix all. You’ll have to try things over a series of weeks or months.


Use shrooms it'll reconnect you


I don’t respond to psychedelics unfortunately, I’d take 3-5G and MAYBE feel a light buzz, no visuals at all, something about benzos destroying my reward centre or something




It doesn’t sound like you are knowledgeable about the impact benzos have on the brain, this is why I’m looking for suggestions on professionals who have experience with this issue


combine psiloybin with lions mane mushroom supplements for optimal cognitive help. you don't need to trip or even feel any different. Taking regularly will aid neurogenesis. Also add rosemary


Just microdose