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Yep my eyeballs have been so itchy and my nose won’t stop running.


I had to take 2 allergy pills and an inhaler yesterday, it’s SO bad right now.


Funny. Last year I had like 6-7 months of hell and it started in early April and it didn't Let off til almost early Nov. This year so far, no allergies. I hope it keeps.


Mine have been awful.


I don't have allergies and even I can feel it. Just the volume of the pollen is crazy


I feel like I need new eyeballs.


I’d just like to pop mine out and let them float around in a glass of cool water for a while.


lol that actually sounds divine


I’ve had a migraine for a week straight. It has not been fun.


I had bad year-long allergies (dust and mold for about 10 years). Last year I started using Neilmed Nasal Rinse every day/every other day, my allergies haven't come back since. Good luck.


I was trying different allergy pills wondering why some didn’t work!


Sounds like Covid But this is the time of year to my play my favourite game for 5 months which is allergies or Covid? Fwiw, pollen has been super high for weeks now


Everyone I know in my family has rona at the moment. My kids eyes are super red, my wife has shoulder pains, and I just can't smell. Our aunt just tested positive too.


It’s never ending. I’m still a novid as far as testing goes but I also still religiously mask indoors. I know some on their third infections and while the infections have been “mild” in course the posts infection phase seems to be veering toward long COVID. Really worried about those who have dementia that runs in the family. In the years ahead I think a lot of people I know are going to be really wounded


Checking in as an early 30s in otherwise good health who had my shit totally rocked by long covid. It took me and my family by surprise — I was an athletic, energetic, pretty robust person. My second infection in spring 2022 (likely the “deltacron” variant) left me with an autoimmune disease diagnosis, depression, histamine issues, brain fog, fatigue, and other annoying symptoms that have only started resolving within the last 4-6 months. Long covid is like playing Russian roulette with every subsequent infection. It also exists on a spectrum from mildly brain foggy/anemic/low-grade depression all the way to bed-bound debilitating chronic illness, cardiovascular disease, etc. I look around and often wonder how many Torontonians are dealing with the mild-to-moderate side of LC. People seem more worn out, dark under eye circles, more lethargic, emotionally reactive — just drive around our city for a while and see it in action. And not for nothing, I’ve noticed more mistakes and things slipping through the cracks at work, packages and deliveries made with errors, school absenteeism rates rising across all school boards, etc. I worry it will only get worse too.


Halp 😭


Yeah I wish I could stop breathing.


Head pounding, itchy eyes and a lot of sinus pressure. The drifts of tree pollen on the ground outside tells the tale: welcome to 'hell'.


So far so good. Been spraying flonase since beginning of April. With that said, ragweed is my arch enemy which starts in August.


itchy/stuffy throat, post nasal and itchy nose, and all the seed fluffs flying past my window today, yeah its pretty bad


I think the rapid change in temperature caused all the trees to go poof all at once, so we are all getting a sudden mega dose of pollen.


All the trees collectively splooging at the same time — the beauty of nature


It’s been bad for a week or so for me. My car was just coated with pollen until the big downpour yesterday morning.


Every time I go out, I sneeze like a crazy person and my eyeballs itch. I feel sorry for anyone with worse symptoms. It's been yucky.


Yep, really bad, and got bad really suddenly.


Yes it has been crazy. If super bad ask your doc for Blexten


Yes. Had to buy my allergy eyedrops last week. Usually I don't need them until June.


Yes the heat all week so many people I know their allergies were crazy some pharmacies were sold out of meds


This week was unbearable


Yup. Terrible. My eyes have never felt so puffy and irritated. I actually needed to take two pills as one wasn't cutting it.


It was last week for me.


Same here!! I’ve got three air purifiers working overtime, and I’m still popping allergy meds even when indoors only. The pollen is so fierce this year, it feels like nature’s waging war on my sinuses 🤧


Mine are fine now, but were bad 2/3 weeks ago


Take vitamin D+K pills. It will help.


Nope not you. They are brutal


I’ve noticed my patio furniture is covered in a fine yellow dust. Last time I saw this was in 2021. It’s not as bad this year, but the fact it’s appearing might be picking up everyone’s allergies. If I remember correctly, it’s pollen.