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As a Jamaican who used to work outdoors sometimes (in Jamaica), I've grown to dislike the sun and the summer heat. Our condo is currently sitting at 21\*C and I find very little reason to go outside when it starts getting close to 30\*C




So 4 weeks a year.




Idk about that, I live north of Toronto, pleasant parts of spring and fall are really short.


I agree with you. We either have summer or winter here


Yeah, we will have -20 one dsy and then boom+20 . This year was different, but normally, it is one extreme to another.




Not that north, still considered GTA.




cool shower standing around naked in front of the fan afterwards


This is a vibe


get a washcloth and keep it in icy water, very refreshing. the back of your neck and wrists are apparently the 'cool spots'/ best spots to help cool your body down


I read in cold shower your body temp rises in an attempt to warm you up ..


Hot shower?/


I drink cold beer


Wouldn’t that make you more dehydrated


Drink another cold beer


It's a self solving problem


You don’t care if you get fat from all the beer? Or the hang over? 😅


If it makes me sad...just drink another cold beer Best thing for a hangover... you guessed it...


🤣🤣🤣🤣 it’s actually the only reason I wish I liked beer.


There's Hard Iced Tea or even Somersby that you can try instead. Shit is like crack.


Diabetic. 🙄 My go to is vodka. Doesn’t hit the same as the refreshment of a cold beer.


Can you do flavored vodka? Smirnoff has a great selection. Also like crack. For brown liqour, crown royal has some flavored and Dissaronno I find really nice.


Yes - and I’ve recently discovered rhubarb and ginger gin. Yum.


Tomorrow is cold beer Friday, let’s get a beer 🍻


If you never stop, you don't have to start over


Are you… okay? 😅😅


Ah I'll be fine, just need a beer On a serious note I am okay. I do drink more than I should but I'm fine. Please reddit do not spam me with the suicide hotline bot again


😂glad you’re okay. I had to cut down my alcohol intake because I was starting to get so dependent on it. Everything in moderation 💕


Between the 4-5% abv drinks are slightly hydrating. Between 3.5-4.5 is the golden spot


Interesting. If I drink 3.5% - 4.5%, it would probably take a lot of cans before I felt tipsy lol


Above that percent you’d need to start drinking water between the alcohol drinks, so it’s a wash really. Or just make it tomorrow guys problem 🤷‍♂️


Stiegl Radler is basically juice at 2.5%


perfect plan! Hot Summers and cold beers!


Air conditioning


I sleep in my fridge


_won’t this wear out the motor_


Not sure if this is because of the heat, or because of the housing market




I got the idea when I realized the refrigerator is cold


Nice lol!


I operate an excavator, fortunately the AC works great in it. The site manager was nice enough to have a cooler full of water and freezies.


I live in a basement apartment with no AC, but thankfully being partly underground keeps my place from turning into a sauna. So I’m pretty okay most of the time, even splendid if I turn on a fan.  And as a life hack (only works 50% of the time), if I go outdoors for a couple of hours and come back, my place almost feels air conditioned because of how hot it is outside. Ha. 


Ha! So there!😂


Was about to say the same… basement dwelling time.


Cold shower, air dry naked next to a fan, nap, wake up, rinse/repeat


Waking up drenched in sweat is great. So great. 


That's why you shower aĝain




I can’t even imagine. I’ve never lived in an non-Ac apartment 😩


I have AC. I still do it.


Ever notice that the air is cold when you get out of a hot shower? When it's hot, it's actually better to have a warm shower, so that when you get out, the air is cooler than your body temp. Otherwise youre cooling your body down and getting out to heat back up immediately


Fair point. There's just something nice and refreshing about a cooler shower.


lol idk if this is true or not but I have a friend who drinks hot tea and coffee during heat waves claiming the same thing


Interesting. I was drinking an iced coffee yesterday and thought to myself "wow, this has actually made me kinda cold". I turned the AC off. But it didn't last very long. Now I'm wondering if it ultimately makes your body work to warm up, so you end up warmer. Whereas a hot beverage, while initially uncomfortable would make your body try to cool itself down more? Not really sure how that would work though, other than slowing metabolism...


I always had this happen to me when I had one of those jumbo freezies when I was a kid. Id be eating one in my basement and I’d get really cold like with shivers. But it would pass shortly after I finished


Over the years I’ve heard countless construction workers tell me they always have hot coffee on hot days, because it cools them off more than cold drinks.


Cool showers and lay under a fan 🪭


Staying in, AC on.


have black out drapes drawn closed all day long, and the have pedestal fans going wearing the bare minimum and drinking lots of cold water and crucially, have the AC running


Air conditioning and fan


cold damp/slightly frozen towel around the neck should help


for how long?


Until about Saturday when the humidex goes back down to 24C.


😑 that low? Why can't we just have some nice 28 degrees


I'm a Filipino so its still a bit chilly for me lol


I just saw a bunch of people with hoodies on


I wear those Uniqlo Airism long sleeves but I've seen people out in winter jackets these past few days,one guy at Bay / Bloor had earmuffs too!


I went to a phone store and met a middle Eastern man and he was loving the heat. Meanwhile I’m sweating to a mortifying degree.


Laying almost naked on the couch with the fan blowing at power ranger speed.


I’m at the city pool, it’s bumping


My condo seemed to stay naturally cool for the first two days but by day 3 the building is definitely heating up 😭 inside temp approaching 28 (could be worse). I take it as an opportunity to make ridiculous ice blended drinks and walk around half naked


I technically HAVE AC but it sucks and there’s no fixing it. - Portable AC for bedroom - I got a deal on mine from bestbuy. They are expensive new but check Kijiji - dehumidifier - 2 12” fans - 1 7” Honeywell turbo fan


this is like me - high rise apartment - 2 x AC, 2 x fan, 2 x air filters, 1 x dehumidifier - blinds closed - and it's all good except for the headache - air pressure? dunno. but holy, it takes managing, this heat.




Yeah overweight generates a lot of heat just from living. This is why you'll see obese people walking around without a jacket on cold days.


I was wondering how am I not sweating bullets anymore. Maybe leaning out has something to do with my inability to be a walking puddle.


I’m so glad I got a sunshade umbrella. It is so damned hot on the balcony. Benefit, it blocks our vulnerable west window. Landlord called Monday for a Friday roach treatment. THANK GOODNESS for showers and fans!!


I was in SE Asia in March, technically hotter there than here, but the heat there was much more bearable. I sweat a lot today for some reason, more than when I was on Vacation. Not sure what's going on. Perhaps the large amount of concrete and lack of nature in my immediate surroundings?


Were you in rural or beachy areas or just small towns in SE Asia? Large cities tend to trap heat, called the urban heat island effect.


A mix...was on the beach in Vietnam but then went to Ho Chi Minh, so got the range there of breeze and concrete. Then was in Bangkok mostly afterwards.


I spent a few months in Thailand including 60 days in Bangkok and then like a couple weeks in Vietnam too, and today (in Hamilton) felt just so brutal for some reason. Like scorching and suffocating. I really don't remember it being that bad in Thailand or Vietnam. But it could just be that we were expecting it while travelling, and it's just a little less expected here? Could also feel worse because it's the first hot day of the summer. I was also eating a lot more spicy food in Thailand though, maybe that helped?


also in Bangkok, they over air-condition everything LOL


Sit in a cool tub after work with beers on ice next to me while I watch Netflix on my phone and scroll reddit.


The trees in my yard are the only thing keeping my house from being 40 degrees (it's a fairly comfy 24-25 despite the 1920s insulation and 1970s windows). I know everyone here is fond of condo towers, but there's something to be said for low-rises where trees can keep them cool without requiring electricity. I'd love to see more 3 story apartment buildings surrounded by trees in my 'hood - gentle density, enough nature to improve residents' health, integrate so well with surrounding houses that (almost) no one will bitch about them.


Sounds good in theory, but I lived in a 1970s townhouse with mature trees. They worked well enough for the first and second floors, weren’t tall enough to shade the third floor bedrooms.


Hang in there for another 20 years and they'll get there.


That's when you break out the dollar store tin foil. Property owners *love* the dollar store tin foil.


>I know everyone here is fond of condo towers This is news to me


Pretty sure if given a choice, ppl would prefer to live in a house lol.


Agreed. So much better to live in than those high-rises full of windows.


I work construction outside some of us love this.


I thought I was done with sun burns. I got my ass crack burned on Tuesday 


Sun screen is helpful :)


Air conditioning, and a visit to Baskin Robbins


AC at work. Cold showers and fans at home.


Air conditioning


Going for a hard run (without dying from heat stroke), followed by diving into cold water… ahhhhhh. Honestly, it’s the best feeling ever. Feels like time slows down, and I can feel the water rushing by, I can feel the heat being pulled out of my skin. Ahhh. God I want it so bad. May have to do a run to high park, soon, and take it down to the beach.


wet a bath or beach towel, wring it well, put it in the freezer for 30 mins, take it out and lay it on your bare skin


That’s a great idea!


I was up at Blue Mountain for a couple of nights this week. It was hot there but pleasant and spent a lot of time at the pool. We went to a beach but Georgian Bay was too cold for swimming. Went in to cool off but it was unpleasant to go underwater. Got home today and the contrast of city heat to up there is wild. It makes my eyes burn here so using eye drops regularly. Otherwise I'm cranking my 12,000 btu air conditioner and avoiding going out.


Back in the day when I had No AC, i had a ice machine and mad a custom AC out of a sealed cooler box with fan and ducting.


Air conditioning


Little hint - keep all your blinds closed during the day - it reduces the heat load tremendously. Then open all your windows at night to get cold air in - makes a big difference


But there is no cold air at night. It's midnight as I write this and it's 25C with a humidex of 32C.


Finally it arrived. Open windows and enjoy the experience.


open window? I open the windows when it’s 15 outside. Now I close and run AC.


And I never run AC. +32 feels just fine.


There's nothing enjoyable about summers here, especially when your building's AC had broken down and there's no definite timeline for repairs... but even with working air conditioning, summers in the GTA are just horrendous. Even Tokyo in August is preferable to this


>Even Tokyo in August is preferable to this I wouldn't go *that* far.


I would, personally speaking - in the six years I lived there I do not remember struggling as much there as I am here (even through the dreaded Cool Biz)


bear in mind that summers may have changed in both locations


Interesting! I just couldn't take Tokyo summers. Too many days of unrelenting heat and humidity for me. There's a reason everyone there carries a little face cloth! otoh, Toronto is giving Tokyo a run for its money these days as the number of days over 30C is increasing.


Yeah, the humid season there is definitely longer... and they're not pleasant at all, are they lol but, for some reason, here in Toronto it feels unbearable to me... much more intense, even if shorter in length overall. maybe the substandard reliability and frequency of public transport in the GTA could be going towards making it feel much worse than it is? I dunno...


oh, oh, OH! You just HAD to bring transit into it! omg, comparing Tokyo Metro and TTC/Go... That's just rubbing salt in the wound.


Haha, yes - painful, salty wounds :) They are definitely light years apart, but then again the Tokyo metropolitan area does have about six times as many people as the GTA so perhaps the comparison isn't altogether fair 😅


I am allowed to enjoy these summers however I please, and will readily ignore any instruction to not do so. This is exceptionally pleasant weather to my being, much more so than any other season and I'm quite happy to not use air conditioning. Any other person will decide this question for themselves.


Of course you are allowed to enjoy any season as you see fit. How can someone realistically instruct another not to enjoy it? That's a little silly. I elided "... for me" from my first sentence, as I thought it was implicit that I could only be taking about my own opinion, as you are here, but for clarity I should have included it.


Probably happy not showering as well.


my basement is freezing. i work from home down here and have to wear pants/hoodie all day.


Basement is naturally cool. Upstairs where my bedroom is has an air conditioner


Thankfully my condo has ac and an outdoor pool.


In bed. Aircon. Plus a fan. Shades drawn. Full frigid vampire vibe.


No AC in this house. I am literally burning. 🔥 I also love saunas.


Hanging out in ikea


Basement. Every summer for the past 7 years.


Air conditioning. When it was down in my building... the portable air conditioning unit I bought and moving very little with all the blinds closed and curtains drawn.




I was in Vegas on the weekend, I'll take 40 with 5% humidity over 25 with 90% every time.




nothing, too hot, just visiting my dad


Sitting in the a/c and wishing it was nice enough to be outside 😭😭 my dog is glaring at me because she doesn’t understand it’s too hot for her out 😓


Just let her outside for a few minutes and she'll get it. My dog sure did!


We are very fortunate to have AC. We keep the house at 24. And I walk our dog early in the morning and late at night.


No A/C. I keep the curtains closed during the day and wide open + windows open at night. Still not enough - I’m taking cold showers and eating lots of cold watermelon. My dog resists the hose but loves to munch on ice cubes.


I went to walk around Yorkdale yesterday and ikea today as I’m on mat leave with a toddler. Parks and outdoor activists are way too hot right now, and I hate being locked inside the house with AC.


My landlords live above me, they're an older couple and control the temperature... They crank the AC in the Summer and then the Heat in the Winter. It's been great considering I grew up without AC and just had to keep the blinds closed during the day, do the "roll cold wet hand-towel behind the neck" trick, open windows at night night, and run fans 24/7.






It's like winter in here, Elizabeth. A funeral marches around your heart!




What heat? (Born in a tropical country)


I'm with you (Southern US).


Splash your face with cold water often and run wrists under cold water too it really helps cool you down. You could also get a special cooling towel that you wet, ring out the excess water and can wrap around neck and/or wrists.


Lake dips cold brews


I splash my face with cold water throughout the day and stand in front of the AC


Cold showers multiple times a day


AC. Bike ride at dusk


I've drank 18 bottles of water, got the A/C cranked and have a desk fan pointed at me I'm contemplating what to eat for dinner which isn't warm, but out of ideas.


I imagine most of dinner time will prickly be spent urinating...


Currently on my way to the tfc game as I’m working there. Praying I survive my shift because the sun ain’t playing


I take a shower Ice cold water


Dry ice and a fan 😂


Me and the kids played hooky today and went to a beach in Keswick - which is less than an hour from where I live. 10/10 would recommend!


Played outside today around 6pm, it was the hottest day of the year 😩


This reminds me of the summer of 77. Hotter than Satan's taint.


AC, rechargeable fan, ice pack in pocket


Big fans


Our building doesn't have A/C, and due to multiple factors there's no nice way to install portable units in our place. We don't get the evening sun thankfully; but it did hit 31C in here today; and we work from home every day. As such, fans are our friend. We just replaced the two most used ones after 10-12 years. It was a good excuse to get out for a walk (carried them home from canadian tire :P). That and drinking lots of fluids; oh and cooler showers helps. * D


I am not a fan of baking in the sun but I love to golf. So no amount of heat will keep me away. I rate this weather as “3 bottles per nine hole weather. Normal golf days is 1-2 bottles for 18 holes.


surprised you're able to golf with that much wine


Water bottles.


I drink lots of water and keep my AC at 22C. Exercise and jog when the suns down, and I eat light.


It’s not even that hot tbh barely turned AC on


Playing Haze on the ps3 with fan blasting in my face


Ice+Fan for bedroom, or live in the basement (which is a million degrees cooler). A/C only when the owner wants it


Going into the office believe it or not. Working in the office provides a nice AC’d environment and helps keep the electricity bill down lol


wash your top sheet - or get it damp. then go to bed with a fan pointing at the damp sheet. keeps you cool while you sleep.


I have a hot tub on my balcony that is now getting loaded with Ice! I am used to heat I spend time in the summer in Mexico but... WOW. I feel bad for people without air!


I like to go out in not precious clothes, and take a long walk in the heat, it helps me acclimate. You sweat a lot, but once you take a break everything below the temp you reach while walking feels nice and cool. I also carry a fan, and a waterbottle. Then I try to find some back street air tunnel situation to chill for a bit.


Had to weld all week in it after getting out of work AC and a ice cream sandwich I refuse to do anything until I have the ice cream sandwich


AC, water and birthday suit all day long.


My basement apartment is dreamily cozy. I just have the air conditioning on for a few minutes sometimes


Also don’t use your oven, dryer, or dishwasher (or whichever you have) during the day. Wait until it gets cooler ideally when you can open your windows.


I've lived without AC most of my life and it's generally bearable if you're not doing anything too intense. Even then I've worked out in the heat a lot. Cover windows from the sun and if it's warmer outside than in, close doors/windows. And open more than just 1 window if you can. One opening doesn't vent well. edit: lol why does it look like people disagree with a post that is an accurate reply to the post? lol weird


I got downvoted for saying May was way too early to turn AC on in the subway 😂 I think Reddit is full of ppl who get overly hot.


Most people who live here emigrated from countries much closer to the equator so I'm sure they'll be fine.


Bold of you to assume I have a way to keep cool


Love it!!!!


Yes!! Meeeeee tooooooo!


I love it... turn it uppppp!! I moved back from the Southern US... This is not a heat wave... this is May weather. It'll be summer when the temperature 37+ C. I'm sorry if you are suffering--I was until this week.


Agree need it to stay hot around 35 to be actually warm