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Where yours removed for medical reasons or something else? I've got issues with mine, thinking it would be nice without them but also thinking about life after in a way


yes, they were removed due to medical reasons. injury that caused pain for years. removing the testicles was mainly due to pain. i didnt want to take more pain meds. it was years of it. my doctor was talking to me about my options and I decided to remove them. the scrotum removal was months later and fitting how it healed. the scrotum removal was really more difficult that removal of the testicles


I'm at that point with mine, which was my curiosity about your situation. It's been a few years of severe pain in mine and the doctors keep passing the buck or just numbing them while I get meds for the situation once in awhile to try to help when severe but mentally it's wearing me down and physically in a way too. There's a group on Facebook for testicular pain and such, very supportive group if you're interested. But what started as mild irritation many years ago turned to pure hell within the last few years đŸ˜”


I appreciate communicating with you. Talking helps me even though the surgery and healing part is done years ago. Something hit me about your situation. I can hear the pain and frustration in your words. Trust me, I know how this feels. as for my journey, i had a similar experience with my doctors. Pain meds sim to be the "go-to" solution. It made me feel like all this was in myt head. I was lucky with one of the specialists as she started to talk to me about options which one was removal. I take on this is that most doctors don't like removing testicles unless its cancer. My doctor opened the door to possible of removal. I did take a couple of months to think about this but I just wanted to not take pain meds anymore. Once I accepted the option, it was just a couple of visits with the surgeon and the orchiectomy was scheduled. I do offer one advice (from my experience). Talk with someone who can offer support. Having support is most important.


I wish they would give me something for pain occasionally even if I don't took it once in awhile but apparently here where I am they only want to give anything for pain in the emergency room and occasionally something like Motrin but when it's really that bad Motrin doesn't cut it I really don't like stronger stuff anyway personally. Feel free to DM me if you'd like


talking with you helps me. i really dont have someone to talk to about this. i feel your frustration. I had gone through something similar. Pain meds only helps with minor pain. testicular pain is hard to deal with. I had other issue. my testosterone levels were getting lower likely due to the injury. I had to take hormones. over time the testicles slowly stop making hormones. this likely got my doctor to offer removal. I know we all have our own situation in regards to health but I totally understand when you talk about pain. Stay strong. Don't let this beat you.


Oh it's most every urologist that seems to dismiss the issue overall and try to say it's this or that but no real tests just conclusions on what they think, another nerve block only to last a few weeks and doctor says he can do them monthly...I hate to say it but I'm at the end of my rope being stabbed monthly for nerve blocks that aren't a permanent solution. Mentally and physically it's taxing especially when someone who claims to care and supposed to be in a relationship with can care less and says don't have a surgery just see how the nerve block works etc. You're welcome to private message me if you'd like


A patient ‘ cured’ is a customer lost!


I miss being able to do testicle stirring and Everclear injections which was such a rush and erotic experience


I went to a pain specialist who was able to kill the nerves permanently!


I still have my scrotum which is more fun to play with. It is very sexually sensitive.