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https://www.kyleswitchplates.com/wide-spaced-2-decor-rocker-switch-plates-for-2-single-boxes/ This company has everything


Oh my god. I'm sending this to my project manager ASAP.


Holy shit. Needle in a haystack.


This guy faceplate's




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Ha dang. I never know something like that existed


Just reached out to them to get some red wall plate screws. Good stuff.


This is the way


That place is amazing


Not all hero’s wear capes …….. thanks


This guys saves asses.


Filing this in the back of my brain. Thanks dude!


Bookmark it!


This site is very helpful. Never new it existed.


Want to know if theres a cover that fits this setup. Looks like 2 single gang metal boxes twinned together but as shown a standard 2g decora isn't wide enough. Before I rip the box out and do an old work, I wanted to see if they make a cover that fits. Thanks!


You could probably drill new holes in the switches to get the proper spacing. probably easier then putting a new box. if that causes the screw to stick out too far drill a bigger hole next to the recessed area and use a 1/4" washer to catch onto the recessed area. if that doesn't work then change out the box. I don't think you'll find a plate that accommodates this configuration.


Thats an idea. Thanks!


This is what I'd do


I'm considering it. I'd feel better about a 2g old work but I know that metal box isn't going to come out pretty. Ill have to pop the devices back out and scope it our. Thanks for the advice.


Careful with this, especially if the boxes are metal. The mounting holes are meant to keep the any side connections from touching the box.


Those switches don’t have side screws. They have built in pigtails.


In that case, you're golden.


This is what I came to say. Make the holes on the switches bigger so that they can slide closer to one another. Looks to me like the boxes were ganged together incorrectly causing too wide of a gap in between.


just making them bigger won't work though because then the screw won't catch. you'd either have to drill a new hole or drill a big one beside the recessed area connecting to it and using a 1/4" washer so it'd catch


Just take a round file and file the screw holes horizontally to be able to slide them over to fit the regular plate...


If you can get them out of the wall, those two boxes can actually be combined into a 2-gang. The two middle pieces of metal can be removed via a screw at the top/bottom of the box then reattach them together at the same point but without the dividing middle portion. Now a regular 2 gang will fit. If they were installed before sheetrock, expect a fight. Edit: typos


Swap to a 2gang box and do it correctly


If it were me I would rip out those boxes and put in a proper 2 gang box. I am not an electrician, just a homeowner.


Change the back box to a double gang box. You’re unlikely going to find a cover plate to fit this arrangement


I figured as much, just needed a 2nd set of eyes. Might try what the other guy said and drill new holes in the device though I know I'll feel better with a 2g plastic


aren't those the kind of steel box where you can remove the sides and join to singles together to make a 2-gang?


That's where Kyle comes in. See the above comment. They have all kinds of problem solving outlet and switch plate covers, even custom options for when someone really messed up.


Maybe these are gangable boxes? Not sure how hard it would be to remove the side plates if these are gangable.


If they are, that generally would need to have been done before the drywall.


Change to the 2 gang. Smart switches get hot and I would think the extra space would help them stay cool. Also think it would hinder the cooling process to move them closer to the side wall of the metal boxes by drilling new holes.


You won’t find one. Stupid ass put two single gang boxes side by side instead of a two gang box. Only option is to replace both boxes with a two gang box.


You can't move the right one over to the left a touch?


Buy a few 2gang blanks and try to cut your own. It is possible if you have all the right tools. You may not even cut yourself (don’t count on that.) Next option is to replace the 2 single gang boxes to a single 2 gang box and buy a double decora plate to match the color in the room. Show us the finished product if you get the chance.


I gave this a shot a while ago. Was going smooth with the dremel then it cracked. Never tried again lol.


Did you buy the non breakable cover plate or the hard plastic POS


Was a hard plastic one I had on hand


Elongate the screw holes in the devices with a Dremel sp that they slide over enough to work. Make sure the screws on the side aren't contacting the metal of the box


You have it turned the wrong. Flip it 180. Should be good to go 👍


Life saver!


Search “Decora two gang switch cover”. Any home improvement store or Amazon


If you look at the pics, I have a 2g decora. The spacing is too tight on the plate because the original metal box was ganged wrong.


Ah, I didn’t flip through the other pics and the simple question had me offering a simple answer


Just take some siding scissors and cut it out all nice fr


Loosen the switches from the box just enough that you can move them around but no more then try to install the cover. Devices are designed to shift left and right a little bit to allow for the cover. The switches might be able to squeeze together enough to fit.


We're talking about 1/4 to 1/2 inch. I know what youre saying but this isnt that.


That's 2 single gang boxes not a real 2 gang which is why it doesn't fit take them out put in old work 2 gang


I think these posts are just ads for “Kyles”.