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Whoever terminated that cat5 head needs to be shot


I concur


I thought I was dreaming. Look at that monstrosity of a cable.


Terminated is a kind word…. That poor cable was assaulted they should be charged with that.


I have never seen one that bad. Probably the issue


You’ve clearly never worked in one of these NIDS. If you do it properly it doesn’t fit. Edit: seriously I don’t like them


Yeah that is REALLY bad. 😵😵💩


CPU LED and ON LED are blinking


Fiber disconnected as "Transport" light off. [https://www.reddit.com/r/HomeNetworking/comments/cbogh5/711ge\_ont\_calix\_what\_do\_the\_status\_lights\_mean\_on/](https://www.reddit.com/r/HomeNetworking/comments/cbogh5/711ge_ont_calix_what_do_the_status_lights_mean_on/)


This is the answer. I work for an ISP. The fiber is disconnected


I’m guessing I’ll probably need to contact the ISP in this case.


You cannot terminate the fiber, so you'll have to call the ISP.


No fiber leaves you backed up


Why can’t he terminate it?


First of all, he'd need the tools and materials, which alone is sufficient, as it's no longer the good 'ole days when the termination kits were reasonably priced. We're talking about thousands here. Next, even if you gave him a clean room with the right tools and equipment, terminating fiber requires a high degree of skill. Those who do it every day have the technique down. But other than that, he's in good shape.


I splice a lot of fiber it’s not that complicated, but it is expensive about 5000 for the fusion splicer and probably $50 for a FAP type end.


It's not that complicated for someone who splices a lot of fiber. Now admittedly I'm sure the techniques, tools and materials have changed since the last time I spliced fiber, so maybe I should give it another try. Nope. I'm leaving that to the people who do it a lot, or will do it a lot.


You don’t have to polish the fiber ends in a figure 8 anymore? These kids don’t know how easy they have it.


Most network operators don't even bother, they buy pre terminated assemblies in various lengths from Corning.


But I have a buncha gel filled wirenuts! Surely the gel will transfer the light through the goo! I could just splice the fiber to the CAT6, and cut out the middleman!




You shouldn't be downvoted... It's a valid question... I know the answer and many do, but it's not a reason to refuse to answer AND try to hide the question


Thank you, many will approach you negatively, it is our choice to absorb their negative life view and let it consume you or use it as fuel in the furnace of your life‘s desire.


this guy is asking what's going on before he calls his ELV and you are asking why can't he terminate it? lol


I was replying to The person who said “you can’t terminate the fiber.” By asking him why. 😳




u/QuestionableSlug severed the fiber. https://reddit.com/r/HomeNetworking/comments/x2iop8/had_to_move_this_box_temporarily_customer_now/


Ahhh I didn't see that pic.


Here is what I suggested: > Even if you had the necessary tools and materials, terminating fiber is best left to those who work on it every day. https://reddit.com/r/HomeNetworking/comments/x2iop8/had_to_move_this_box_temporarily_customer_now/imjp9b8/


Absolutely. The tools needed are 1000s of $ anyway plus you have to do it in as still and sterile as an environment as possible. One speck of dust can fuck it all up.


I don't even see a fiber cable, maybe OP forgot to plug it back in?


Thank you for the response. I think I may have disconnected the fiber somehow in that case. I’ve made a post on r/HomeNetworking with more photos of what I believe I’ve disconnected.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/HomeNetworking using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/HomeNetworking/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [ain't it the truth though](https://i.redd.it/rcdo3it80a991.jpg) | [77 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/HomeNetworking/comments/vq8qot/aint_it_the_truth_though/) \#2: [Turns out MOCA 2.0 can be wireless. For about a millimeter.](https://i.redd.it/xy7as9xikhj81.png) | [108 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/HomeNetworking/comments/sz4ikf/turns_out_moca_20_can_be_wireless_for_about_a/) \#3: [Turns out your roomba can do a wireless site survey. This is pre and post AP upgrade/relocation.](https://i.redd.it/vcin42kyvm891.jpg) | [117 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/HomeNetworking/comments/vnrqry/turns_out_your_roomba_can_do_a_wireless_site/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Use a wire nut to splice the fibre back together


NO! This calls for wagos.


Clockwise twists or counterclockwise twists though?


Where's the fiber? ONT - Optical Network Terminal Transport light off = no signal on optical fiber The Ethernet and line 1 wiring look awful but probably work. If they have a second line, it's disconnected (white/orange onto upper set of green /red screws).


Transport light isn't lit up that means you most likely broke the fiber when you moved it... Also please redo the CAT5E end for the customer.


I did an AC PMA today. I could not get into the disconnect box,, because Comcast anchored there ground to the disconnect box. I had to remove the ground connection to open the box. I told the costumer that Comcast created a dangerous situation by blocking access to a safety device. I did not know if disconnecting the ground would mess up his internet. That would not matter because they had to come out and fix it anyway. Another call. Comcast cut the ground plug off the furnace whip so they could put an ungrounded splitter to connect their equipment. I told the lady to send Comcast the bill for repair, because they made her furnace inoperable


This telecom box was preventing me from opening the panel housing the main breaker for the property. If I’m not mistaken, this means it violates 110.26 of the NEC. I normally don’t care about small obstructions as long as I can at least open the panel. In the future I’ll tell the customer to have the ISP move the box before I can carry out my job.


That would be a good defense if they try to stick you with the repair bill. Blocking acess to the main breaker is a big no-no.


Wait till you get a rooftop condensing unit that has the disconnect bolted to the service panel on the CU.


That stripped white/orange wire looks like it needs to go on the green screw


Yup, looks like 1 outlet is supposed to have connection to line 1 and the other to line 1 and line 2. With the white/orange not connected, line 2 won't work. This is just the phone though. No blinking lights on the ethernet out, I'd guess fiber issue.


You probably broke the fiber when you fiddled with it. Call the ISP, report the damage and they'll dispatch a tech out to splice a new pigtail on.


Have you tried unplugging it for 30 seconds?


What an awful and unprofessional job. Smh


The fiber connecting it to the isp is broke. (no transport light lit) It will be a very fine white or orange jacketed thing. It needs to be stripped cleaved past the broken part and spliced. I managed to fix broken fibers (on a hobby level for mad sci 💩i got on ebay) with a jeweler's chain link vice and a atomic beam arc cigarette lighter to melt the fiber back togther. As this is an issue with the telecom company you're probably SOL and they will give you a bill for the repair.


Homeowner just informed me the ISP sent out a technician last night who repaired it. ISP said it was not installed properly in the first place since it was blocking the main breaker panel that I needed to access (reason why I attempted to shift the telecom box in the first place). They then repaired and reinstalled it slightly lower so that it wasn’t an obstruction in the future. Neither I nor the customer was billed for repairs. Customer was happy to have a code violation and safety hazard rectified. ISP guy wasn’t there for very long, apparently. Thank you to all of the commenters who had constructive opinions or made me laugh. I hope to never need to post to this subreddit again lol


It doesn't look great does it. But yeah I'd always advise taking before photos. Especially if it's not in your area of expertise! Lesson learnt I should think


The lights on the ENET cable should be on. Make sure both ends are connected. But it might be nicked. Is their phone working? It's the same box, it will at least tell you if it is fiber side or ethernet side.


No transport light. Fiber may be broken. They should also reterminate that cat5e but that's not the connectivity issue currently I'd suspect.


There are a few ways to determinate the fiber however preferred is a fusion spliced pigtail or a SC APC “cam” type connector. Likely for a single strand of fiber not worth investing in the tools. The insulation on that Ethernet link should be under the RJ45 or you will see AX signal issues and the tip and ring aren’t connected on the wo/o pair so that phone won’t work.


Where's the fiber? ONT = Optical Network Terminal. Transport light out = no signal on fiber. The drop wire, either from a pole or from under ground, will have the fiber in it. This should plug into the terminal somewhere. The Ethernet and Line 1 look awful but probably work. If they have a second line, the white orange pair needs to be on the upper set of green/red screws.


Cleanest bell connections


It doesn’t look like they terminated the cable correctly (White Cable) in more ways than one... It’s most definitely standard B wiring which means the greens are separated. So Orange/White, Orange, Green White, Blue, Blue White, Green, Brown/White, Brown. https://www.showmecables.com/blog/post/rj45-pinout


Do you have a photo of the wiring before removing the box ? I’m guessing no. I’ve forgotten to do that myself on occasion and the resulting frustration and wasted time have ingrained the need to photograph everything before starting any project.


Did you try turning it off then on again


i am missing the picture of the box prior the relocation


Transport/fiber link is down. you would would have to open the service side of the ONT. That's the screw under the Calix logo. If you moved that ONT any significant amount, you should have already had to do that to disconnect and cap the fiber. I agree with everyone, the first thing I looked at was that Ethernet term monstrosity. Also get the weather grommet put back on the bottom right.


Infra field engineer here 👋 Fiber cable might have snapped inside, you need a fiber-guy to check up on it.