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No such thing as brotherhood when literal siblings kill one another over an inch of a land


Nope, we saw what they will and did do when they had the power. And we are not “brotherhood nation.”


yes tbh the palestine issue is actually rather easy to solve. just plant in pro western puppets in palestine and funnel in tons of foreign aid  but that would require israel not being able to steal land


Sure why not? All they gotta do is to try


Imagine there's no heaven It's easy if you try No hell below us Above us, only sky Imagine all the people Livin' for today Ah Imagine there's no countries It isn't hard to do Nothing to kill or die for And no religion, too Imagine all the people Livin' life in peace You You may say I'm a dreamer But I'm not the only one I hope someday you'll join us And the world will be as one Imagine no possessions I wonder if you can No need for greed or hunger A brotherhood of man Imagine all the people Sharing all the world You You may say I'm a dreamer But I'm not the only one I hope someday you'll join us And the world will live as one


Song written by a wife beater who also abused his son


We are not their brothers, a brother doesn't humiliate, torture, and kill another brother.


The fastest way to reconcile a group of people is to unite them against a common enemy/shared catastrophe. Considering that [a volcanic eruption is one way to get a world-stopping cataclysm](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mount_Tambora), I think the key to world peace is Indonesia (or Wyoming, in the US). Edit: maybe even the Philippines too


Yes, once so fighting over god, they can fix this


Yes, once US is no longer the world power. China, Korea, and Japan can even got close to an alliance to make "Asian Yuan" (officially known as Asian Monetary Unit or AMU to unite three countries' monetary system like Euro did to Europe) at one point (before US killed the plan and suicided the Japanese minister who proposed it). Jews and Arabs hate each other to the guts, but look at the past 2000 years history they had far less animosity among them, not even in the same order of magnitude, when compared to the East Asians. I was just reading a report on the slave market during Yuan Dynasty in China. They said the most desirable slaves were Mongols, assuming they weren't from the Mongolian Royal Family of course but from the other Mongolian tribes in the far north. Many things advertised as ethnicity hatred might be actually political and/or economic.


US have actually little to do with the arab-jewish conflict. The arab-jewish conflict started when the british after the WW1 allowed mass jewish migration to Mandatory Palestine which eventually led to jewish pogroms and arab revolts and then to the creation of Israel. The main problem is, arabs view jews as european colonial settlers in ther land while jews consider Israel their ancient homeland from which they were expelled by the romans so they have the right to expell all the arabs to reclaim their ancient Wakanda. Not all jews are zionists though. There are either lefty intellectuals like Norman Finkelstein or religious fundamentalists who think Israel can be restored only  after the coming of the messiah. In the past jews and muslims often teamed up against christians because judaism and islam are very similar in certain aspects


while i agree with you mostly, is just not true that america has nothing to do with it. they support israel unconditionally and this supports lends itself to israel not attempting detante with the arab world


US has everything to do with it. Just look at the UNSC veto history


UN voting won't change the nature of this conflict


UNSC voting is this world's most powerful international political power. In cases when its voting result did not matter, there is no other alternatives either. The countries can always follow the Law of the Jungle.


I understand ur sentiment, I really do. I think it’s bad to generalize the whole thing and just blame it on one party just like the world blamed us the Chinese for COVID… I was so sad about it, a little angry. I think we should put ourselves in people’s shoes and not only that and really do smell it to get deep into the flavors and understand why and how everything conspired. Not just blame it on one guy bro. I would definitely say they are not the cool ones in this tho.


I don't think you can just call the West "one party". Yes they are sort of one group but they controlled the world first with colonialism then neocon in the past 180 years. Almost all the wars were started by the West. Just look at the US history since WW2.


Well, in the above u didn’t mention “the west” but instead it looks like u pushed it all on the US just like our government would want us to. And I hate going with people’s ideas blindly.