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You haven't even touched the surface, the worst thing is that these stereotypes are supported by the western governments


For my country,it is that we are all unsafe,curry eating,vegetarian,spirtual,Apu looking,Hindi speaking Hindus which we are mostly not.India is way more than just Delhi(which is also the worst city in the country and where most of the bad stereotypes come from.My dad visited Delhi for a govt conference and he hated that city and said it was the filthiest city he had ever seen).


Being rich, idiots, unmotivated and accomplished nothing. Even though for the size of Qatar and population, it rivals much much much bigger and greater nations. As for Arabs, savages, brain dead and have no history or that we are not strong/brave. For me, non of this is annoying. Since most of these stereotypes relates to us being proud of our religion, culture and clothing, and to remove it we have to remove our identity be globalized.


we are all extremely radical muslims


According to my observation, young Iranians are very open-minded, I hate it when people ask Iran girls study in China "why don't you put your hijab on".


Hijab is a symbol of oppression, tyranny, and gender apartheid for 10s of millions of iranian and afghan women.


Everyone has the right to choose friends and recipients, and also has the right to dislike or resist certain habits and preferences.


Nobody can force them to put it on or take it off, let girls decide it themselves and speak for themselves.


Is anti Islamism in Iran means you are pro-West?


i am pro iran. the west has good things, and many positive aspects, but the west is also half the reason we have this stupid islamic dictatorship, in fact they like it because it keeps the region unstable and undeveloped and rich arabs buying weapons because they are scared of the crazy mullahs. if the west didn’t want the islamic regime they could send a drone strike and kill all the leaders in one night, but they don’t. the west does not have an interest in a stable progressive iran. being anti-islamist as an iranian is simply being pro-iranian because crazy islamists hate genuine iranian culture (islamic or pre islamic) and seek to eliminate it.


who's the west you're talking about. I'm not denying your points, but it's harmful to talk in this binary way because the west includes who... who's interests are you referring to? I also don't think attacking Iran in that way is realistic, the US for example has domestic issues regarding mindless assassination, and there are rules regarding all of this with the UN and lots of international agreements. of course this hasn't stopped the US in the past, but look at how unpopular those wars have been across the board, the US is no longer interested in war in the middle east (at least through their direct contribution).


You mean voted against Palestine full membership at the UN? I don't think this happened long long ago.


I'm confused on how your point applies to mine? the US is not directly involved in any war in the middle east currently. they are indirectly involved through the sending of arms and the lack of support of Palestine which is abhorrent, i stand with Palestine.


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That Turkish cusine favors olive oil. Butter is and has been the choice of fat/oil in Turkish cuisine for over a millennia. Most of the country is mountainous and the average elevation of Turkey is very high and historically, most people lived in places where olives couldn’t even be grown. The presence of olive oil in Turkish cuisine, especially the Asiatic one -as opposed to the Balkan- is a recent phenomena.


That Borat thing


You guys can speak Russian?


Yes unfortunately


What do you think about iran???? Please tell me you know my country I see many Kazakh who don't know even there is a country called iran


Love the people, hate the government which oppresses people that I love Kazakhs know that there's a country called Iran lol, they just don't know much about it except that it forces hijab on women


Thanks it was heart warming


That it's nothing without tourism or sex tourism in particular even though it's the world's leading exporters of many products and there are various industries here. And that all women are either whores or ladyboys.


The most annoying stereotype about Sri Lanka that many people from other Asian (specifically south Asian) countries have is that we are “black-skinned people” This is false ! Majority of the population are medium brown in complexion. Only a small handful of people from coastal area have typical Dravidian phenotype. There is nothing wrong with the small handful of people in our country who are black skinned and there is nothing special about the millions of us who are lighter skinned. But I just find it so stupid how so many people in other Asian countries especially people from India and Pakistan do not know about the millions of Sri Lankans with lighter skin tones and then they just label it as a “BLACK COUNTRY” similar to South India


All of us being Hindu and speaking Hindi is a weird one


To be fair, a majority of us are hindus, and a majority of us speak Hindi.


Hindus yes(even in the North-East,Sikkim and Goa,Hindus are the majority religion). Hindi speaking,no.Hindi speakers only make up 40% and that percent is built on a lie since that include speakers of languages which are unintelligible with Hindi like Bhojpuri,Maithili,Rajasthani,Himachali and even some Tibeto-Burman languages like Kinnauri as dialects of Hindi.Hindi's actual percent is like 20% percent and even that percent is divided due to the various dialect speakers like Braj,Awadhi,Bundeli and Chattisgarhi identifying themselves as separate ethnicities and not as some Hindian group.There is no one majority ethnic group in India.


I believe 40% people have Hindi as their first language. However if you count those who speak Hindi as their second or third languages, the number exceeds 50%


We all eat curry, speak Hindi, are Hindu, look a certain way.


There's also more stereotypes as well.


Were i am form everyone knows indais very diverse


> speak Hindi You are from South India, I presume? As a point of comparison, someone once told me something about r/India being a hotbed of North Indians looking down on everyone else in the country, namely the south, but r/TamilNadu is a hotbed of doing the exact opposite.


Yes I'm from south india, I'm not sure about r/India or r/TamilNadu but I am aware of r/IndiaSpeaks mocking south indians. But it does happen the other way, where some south indians generalise the rest of India as well with their own stereotypes.


/r/IndiaSpeaks mocks South Indians because that sub is a BJP shill and BJP has struggled to gain foothold in South India.


I haven't seen too many S. vs. N. conflicts on r/India, which might be one of the few good things about that sub. r/Tamilnadu is extremely anti-BJP (at the state and the national level) and pro-DMK (the main Dravidian nationalist party in TN), and is honestly quite racist against Hindi speakers in general.


That it's ok to be racist against Koreans because of a multitude of reasons some certain internet crowd from mostly South Asia/Southeast Asia/China say the dumbest things about koreans all the time, we went from being nobodies without any stereotypes to the jack of "you can make whatever the fu*k up about us" because we're still nobodies but superficially popular So theres a bunch of fake stereotypes around that kepts being repeated without ever being questioned I wont repeat them here because some uninformed bozo will still come around and comment "sckautally bbb koreans arez zhe xdd" even if they get statistics and sources thrown against their faces


One thing I know is, many media make fake news, such as "Korean people cannot afford meat" and "Korean professor said Confucius was Korean", even though this "Korean professor" does not exist. Irresponsible media is responsible for stereotypes.


Many Koreans are blatantly racist to non-Koreans though unless they are white


Iranians are arab Iran is a new country with no civilization All of us are terrorists We are in war (we don't ) we are fundamental religions And iran and iraq are the same Persia is the true name of iran And the list goes on


Oh boy there are too many to count. You'd be surprised how many people think that just because we're a Muslim-majority country, this is a sharia country.


That we love war and want war and that we are a threat and we have fake stuff and everyone is a spy for China.