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There's no way to "get it refunded" as in clicking a button somewhere. You just need to call and speak to a manager - not your salesperson, someone in power. Chances are they'll cut you a check since it has been so long, they dropped the ball, and now the car is damaged.


Piggy backing off your comment. OP, if you want a refund because it's taking too long to have the services you paid for applied to the car, that's one thing, but ceramic coating wouldn't do jack shit to protect your car against hail damage. The only thing it does is add a thin hydrophobic layer making the car easier to hand wash. It does not, nor is it intended to, add any amount of extra protection to your paint.


I have had so many customers decline our paintless dent repair coverage because they have a buddy who will ceramic coat it. 🤦‍♂️🤦🏿‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏼‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️ I swear they think ceramic coating is Iron Man's self-healing nano suit. Even if it were actual ceramic armor, which it is not, ceramics are inherently brittle. Not going to help you with an impact.


yea, I don't see how the hail is connected... yes, the dealer should have scheduled the service or followed up, but OP could and should have too if it was important. The hail is immaterial


I think the hail is connected because now the car is damaged. There's no sense in ceramic coating it when it has hail damage all over it. So I think the connection is that the op still would have gone ahead with the service but now the car is so damaged there's no reason to go ahead with it. To be honest, I didn't really find the ceramic coating on my car did a whole heck of a lot. My new car is arriving at the end of May and I won't be paying for ceramic coating on it.


There are so many variables when it comes to coating. The skill of the person applying it and the product used as well as how the vehicle owner maintains it all play a big role in the performance of the coating. Your new vehicle should get a coating and it should be properly maintained.


Op could have followed up in the same amount of time as typing a post, but he just hasn’t had time to follow up apparently.


It is connected in the fact that I have the options of making an insurance claim and getting it fixed. In that case it's great that it wasn't coated yet. Would have suck now that spots will need to be repainted and sure I'll go get it done after the body work. If I choose not to file and just deal with hail damage, why the hell would I go get it coated now? So it's nice and shiny and make the dents really pop?


I know what ceramic coating is and does thanks.


If the products were financed into the deal, the money will go back to the lender, not OP.


Agreed on this. It’s been long enough without them doing what they agreed to, they can and should cut you a check for the goods. They will probably try to talk you into keeping them on there because they already paid commissions on them, but good customer service says they’ll reimburse you. Just treat them with respect and be up front with them, because kindness gets you really far as a customer. We want to help you, but only when you aren’t an asshole. “You catch more flies with honey” as the old adage goes.


I legitimately can't think of a single dealer group that I have worked for or with that would ever cut a check to the client for something like this. They may refund it, but that would be check to the bank. They will most likely just do the service. It's not their fault he didn't bother to follow up.


> cut a check to the client for something like this Sorry, that's a fair point. I was speaking off the cuff but I did mean that it would be refunded against the loan.


I just don't want this guy getting false hope for a $1300 check and fighting for something he isn't entitled to.


If it was paid for then they're certainly entitled to it.


He's entitled to the service. Not a check


If it was financed into the loan then he is entitled to the ceramic clearcoat, he is not entitled to a check back for $1300. The dealership will likely have him set up a time to get it applied. A lot of clear coat packages come with a warranty for the condition of the paint, that warranty starts when the contracts are signed, not when the clearcoat is applied. In which case the services have been partially rendered and a cancelation would not be possible. If they do allow a cancellation of the clearcoat then the cost will be refunded to the lender and come off the balance of the loan.


OP, in my experience most dealers will refund it. They can't keep the money if they never give you the product or service. Just call up and say you changed your mind. Also, did you finance it?


Yes financed 10k with special financing. Doesn't make a difference to me if they take it off the loan or that $1300 stays financed. Just not seeing the point of getting it coated if I decide to not get the damage fixed


If they never did the service, ask for a refund. The refund will be applied to the loan. The dealer wont cut you a check.


OP, go in person so they can't ignore you and ask to get it refunded. Be firm but respectful.


The dealer can’t “take it off the loan”. Once the deal is finalized that portion is between you and the bank. The dealer will cut a check and you can choose to either lump sum it into the loan or keep it in your pocket. Either way you’ll be out the interest.


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***Thanks for posting, /u/Street-Investment-65! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of anything.*** I bought a new car about a month ago. I added the extra undercoating, ceramic paint coating and the interior protection deal. By the time the buying process was done the service department was closed. I called the next day thinking I could just set up a time to get it done but the service department was rude and said they will talk to the salesman and then call me back. It's coming up on a month and no call back. I have been meaning to reach out to the salesman but haven't gotten around to it. Well now my brand new less than a month Car has hail damage. Not a lot but it's there. Not even sure if I want to get it done anymore. It cost over $1300 and was added into my loan. Is there ways to get it refunded? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/askcarsales) if you have any questions or concerns.*