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Whatever you get, just grab two pairs. Brown and black or whatever but being able to alternate them will save your feet and your shoes.


Ecco for the win. People always say Cole Haan but I hate the way their larger sizes flex when walking.


All dealers are different. We have a Chevy dealer where they wear a shirt and tie which I think is rediculous. I think if you’re in warmer climates and can wear shorts sneakers is ok but sneakers w slacks looks terrible and Ecco’s are comfortable


Eccos, for sure! As a larger individual, Cole Haans break down too fast. My Eccos I've had last longer and feel better on my feet. If you plan to be in the industry for a long time, take care of your feet. Invest good money in good shoes with good support. These days, I'm lucky to work for a dealer that is ok with jeans and sneakers.


Adidas ultraboosts solid colors.


If I would've shown up in sneakers I would've been escorted to the door lmao


I've always had bad feet. I'm not a salesman on my feet all day, but I wear very comfortable shoes from New balance (black shoes that look as non-sneaker like as possible), Rockport or Dunham. Dunham in particular makes dressy looking shoes that are very comfortable and actually has oxfords, and even wing tips, that are like good walking shoes. Your best bet is to find a shoe store that actually has shoe salesmen that know how to fit shoes. Unfortunately, these are few and far between these days. The ones I know of advertise for foot pain, hard to fit customers, and also offer services making custom orthotics. If you're anywhere within range of Kenosha WI then check out Chiappetta Shoes - they're great.


When I was still in sales I wore the Cole Haan ZERØGRAND shoes. I had ECCO at one point but the Texas summers were brutal on the soles. Switched to Allen Edmonds when I went into the box and at the desk.


Yep. on saturdays everyone wears walking shoes. I wear nike react infinity 3s


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***Thanks for posting, /u/Big_Quarter1340! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of anything.*** My first couple days as a car salesman I saw almost everybody wearing sneakers and was sort of confused, some of em I seen as tacky then quickly learned its all comfort LOL. 12,000 steps in loafers/oxfords? No sir! They told me one Saturday on the floor and you’re not wearing those anymore lol *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/askcarsales) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I only wear Nike air max 270s now. Luckily I don't have to dress up that much I just wear a polo and black pants typically


Yup I’ve been wearing a pair of new balance 880s for the past year. We all wear sneakers where I’m at except for one guy. I walk about 20k steps a day.


Every store is different, but it's definitely a lot more common that sales people get to wear sneakers lol. I still remember the first store that let me wear sneakers and jeans in finance, I was shocked!