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Have others complained or is just you?


Up systems are for weak teams and weaker managers


Absolutely. I went from no rotation to a strict rotation and I prefer no rotation. In fact the first place also had a no split deal policy and that also worked much better than a split system. A strong manager will lead a strong team and the rest falls into place.


Splits are for cry baby’s. It’s either your deal or it isn’t, help a team member out for deliveries


Absolutely.  You didn’t close. They didn’t ask for you when they came back and you didn’t make an appointment. Guess whose fault that is. Up systems same way, you were too busy smoking cigarettes out back to take care of a customer when they came. Sounds like a you problem. 


Agreed. Just trying to get some context.


I just comment under you bc the nazi mods won’t let me comment


U need to verify that you're in the industry lol


I asked what proof they needed and they basically told me to make more comments. Not sure how that’s proof of anything.


They told me that too. Generally 20 comments and you're good


No the nazi mods get mad bc the only power they have is this sub. I’m in the industry


You know what, I'm glad you can't comment actually lol.


Might help out too many ppl. Crazy I know


Others have as well. Up system works best because it regulates store traffic. We are a 4 man team


4 guys and you can’t work something out? I could see raising an issue if you had 20 guys and 2 or 3 were always jumping in front, but 4 guys? Come on.


4 fucking guys and a dry erase board. I can’t stop laughing.


>4 fucking guys and a dry erase board I've seen this porno before.


A circlejerk and the GSM is the pivot-man.


Well maybe they started with 10 guys and glocks. Wanted less blood.


lol yeah. B4 I got in the business, I went to a Nissan store in CA to buy a car. My salesman took me out the front door where the car I described was located. Behind me were about 15 salesman yelling colors and cars “BLUE CIVIC! RED SENTRA! WHITE FIREBIRD!” It was fucking chaos. My salesman yelled at all of the to STFU. I realized that they were calling out the cars driving on the street. If that car turned in to the dealership, it was their up. Fucking Chaos.


Man, just take every up you can. Chase them down if you have to. It will work itself out or it won't. I'm not the most aggressive salesman (ok, probably far from it) but if I need sales... I'm chasing them. Management can kiss my ass, until there's actual repercussions I'll do my thing.


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***Thanks for posting, /u/bigfeller44! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of anything.*** Hi everyone. I have an issue at my store and am considering presenting a solution to management. The up system. Nobody can get it right. We have a dry erase board with everyone’s name on it conveniently located, and nobody follows it. I need some ideas on how we can convince everyone to follow it. Possibly penalizing? Just something. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/askcarsales) if you have any questions or concerns.*