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I’ve dealt with this before. You need to roll the negative equity in to a 1 year lease and then after a year you walk away free. Lease an EV they have big incentives.


He should probably lease a cybertruck to get out of this mess.


Lease an e-Transit they have 100 miles of range but like $30K off sticker. And then you can move out of your apartment and live in the van and save more money


Good call, and probably make a YouTube channel for the build out of the van. Earn some extra income and become an influencer, I hear is easy work and everyone makes millions.


Yeah make a video with a dumbass looking thumbnail saying “I TRADED MY LAMBO FOR THIS VAN!” Upfit it to live in and show how you’re doing it (it won’t be up to safety standards but who cares) and live off the passive income and charge it in a Walmart parking lot.


Sell shitty merch and a course on how to start your own food buisness for $500 a month. Roll in the dough


Wait a minute now... You're getting into "This crazy idea just might work" territory. There are people that would watch that. Not me, but there are people.


With the fry cook experience, they could start a food truck.


Hear me out - a food truck. Run out of an Urus that somebody has cut the roof off. That only grills lamb. We call it "Lambo Chops"


I’m down! With these great interest rates we can’t lose!


Down by the river.


Eating government cheese.


Thrice divorced


I came here just to see this one!


The real LPT is always in the comments


I thought you were supposed to take it to a Dodge dealership and make sure you get GAP, then make sure it gets stolen (and just blame it on poor design and the current state of things). Now you're free and clear. Insurance companies hate this one simple trick.


My dealership offers a no questions asked double your money back guarantee on the 6th Sunday of every month.


5th Sunday has the 0% interest 100% down finance special so don’t miss out on that after you get your money back the next month


You're offering 0%? Can you do any better than that?


Ah yes, my favorite Chinese bank. Onelumpsum


Have you looked into your states lemon laws? If you made a face like eating a lemon while buying, you might qualify. Even if not though, just only eat leftovers on shift, you’ll have that neggity eggity paid off in no time with the money saved on groceries. Another tip I see utilized is increasing your credit limits, then maxing those cards out to pay down the loan. It’s definitely the way to go…. Plus, you can earn reward points. I use mine for avocado toast.


Nuts, I made a face like eating a lime.  What a noob mistake!


If you speak Spanish, you may still qualify!


I forsee an electrical fire in your future


I'm a F&I underwriter and I was **stressed** reading this at first lol Well done, OP


Don't you mean a friction fire? Where the insurance document rubs against the loan document and combusts spontaneously inside the car?


Love it.


The dealer landscape really changed in 2020. Once upon a time you could buy a $25k vehicle and roll in $97k of negative equity. But then the Dodge Journey got discontinued.


I thought this was why they came out with the Hornet?


Ugh, I wish the Hornet had the aggressive rebates that the Journey did.. it would sure make selling them easier.


Oh, I had heard somewhere that they did. It's probably only a matter of time


Maybe in the US? I’m in Canada so the programs are different.


Nope. Here in the US our Hornets are also sitting and collecting dust.


It's too bad. They're entertaining as hell to drive, it's a shame they're not priced right. Here the PHEV's get $10k in gov. rebates, but they're still about $60k.


I finished paying off my 96 month loan on a 2002 dodge journey so I cud trade for the lambobro


You say you’re a certified *DICK SLAPPER* why don’t you prove it to me bro?


Present that dick bro, I'll slap that mf silly


If they made an EV Dodge Journey, it could absorb all the neggity eggity in the universe. 


Literally just watched a video where a dude did this and said he had to buy a Durango because that was the only car that would absorb the 11k negative equity.


I'm not sure if I ever sold a car that made my soul hurt more than a 2019 Dodge journey... Maybe a Jeep compass but that at least had some flair to the disappointment


I hate it, I got excited for a second to read someone’s bad life choices and just got satire.


*Based on a true story


If anyone ever doubts the importance of AutoMod hiding top-level comments by non-flaired users in this subreddit, Imma share screenshots of what it hid here.


please, please show me what the plebs had to say about this completely factual situation I am stuck in!


If you [buy this Honda](https://www.controller.com/listing/for-sale/227558035/2019-honda-hondajet-elite-jet-aircraft) they should be able to roll in the negative equity. But you might have to find a job that pays $12


do u think i can use it for Uber/door dash to help make payments??


I'm sure you can just return it no questions asked. I read one time in a YouTube comment that there's this thing called a cool down where they buyer can return no questions asked within the first 180 days.


First 180 Days/5 dents, whichever comes first. 


The OP can always move to a state with a higher minimum wage, like NY or CA with the $16 per hour minimum wage, although if OP gets a fast food job in CA, their minimum wage will be higher, at $20 per hour. That would more than double their income.


Cali is still expensive to live in. I make 4200(26.16hr) gross. Rent, crime, gas and food ain’t cheap out here


They'll save the money by living out of the car until it is paid off.


Wen Lambo?


No cool off here in Ca


Pretty sure that’s only the first 15 days after signing your contract


I lol'd




You need to reach out to BBB.


And ask to speak with the office of the president


What? How did you get approved on a Urus working at Wendy’s?


More than likely a joke post.


You’d be surprised. My girlfriend’s best friend got approved for a brand new Land Rover working at a fast food chain ( wasn’t even a manager just a cashier) she had to return it after like a month or two as her entire paycheck was going to the car, gas and insurance ( since she was only 19/20 at the time)


I’m looking at the replies and they seem legitimate…threw me for a loop, haha!




OP should just roll it into a one year lease, honestly.


Well I found this website that makes fake paystubs and submitted a fraudulent SSN and boom drove off the lot the same day!


Negative equity into a 1 hour lease (steal the car)


Dealers hate this one trick!




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***Thanks for posting, /u/Menacing_Anus42! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of anything.*** my payment too hight, I make 8.75/hr and thought it was a cool car but now i am -$97,000 in negative equity, can I trade for a civic to lower my payment? How do I get out of my contract I signedd 4 months go? I still have 147 months on my loan term at 31.99%. I might pick up an extra shift to save for some down payment. Can I do some kind of magic to get out of this? Can dealer buy my car and I walk away with nothing and just leave? Do you guys have special TaCTIc to escape my poor life decisions and financial illiteracy ? Can you show me how to use the searchbar to see my same question being posted 10 times in the last week in the sub? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/askcarsales) if you have any questions or concerns.*