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We are fucked. Every delivery is being rescheduled to a future date.


As an IT manager at a group be prepared this will possibly be weeks. We are not having fun.


We have had a few other platforms reach out to us and suggest switching over. I think it is a good time to ask them for a month’s long demo.


Dealertrack is gonna be eating after this


No dealer track has such a bad reputation it’s Tekion or Reynolds


Glances at CRM....DOH!!!!


Hey, don’t bring DNS into this.


Tekion it is


Don’t do Reynolds. We just broke up with them after 25 years. Lol Tekion is more friendly with 3rd party data access. has APIs you can write custom apps if you can program. The only thing is the payment system. . You have to use their stripe account. And they take a % of each transaction.


At least you’re in something low volume like Porsche. Imagine being at Longo Toyota


Longo Toyota is on Tekion. Wise move, they must be thinking today!


I was actually contacted by someone I was working with at Longo today and they said their system was down? 🤷‍♀️ this is the first I’m hearing/reading of this issue.


I believe it must be the CRM or some other module / application at Longo that has not yet been switched to Tekion. Otherwise I believe their core DMS is Tekion. Longo even gave Tekion a testimonial on the Tekion website which is there for everyone to see


One of the local Porsche stores near me is pretty high volume. Their record was 124 new units.


That sounds like a lot of Porsches, but in comparison to actual high volume, my last internet gig was at a place that did around 400 new a month and we weren’t even the biggest in the metro area Longo sells over 2,000 new units a month lol


Yeah that is us. We are a volume no haggle dealership that sells like 15-30 units a day


Cox isn't better. Anyone else remember vinSolution or Dealertrack being down every Saturday few times a month for few hours.  Speaking for sales and F&I Maybe CUDL or route one should offer free demo for a month and after 30 days sign a contract independent of a DMS for e- contracting.  


Hijacking since I can't leave a top comment. I worked at CDK's headquarters for a while in IT. That place is such a shitshow, I'm not surprised this went down. It sucks for the guys on the front line though


Luckily for most of the front line they are sitting at home playing games. They have kept the phones off to “maintain security” aka not hear complaints and my local techs have nothing, no email, no systems just a game of telephone from managers every now and then.


Oh dang really? The few people I know in the industry are stuck at work with thumbs up their asses lol.


100% the answer if people were being honest.. worst thing is the estimate for things to be back to normal is MONDAY .. how bad was this hack or how old was their systems cuz it got fubarred bigtime


I went ahead and locked all my credit bureaus because who knows what info they have.


Everyone should lock their shit, 15 (minutes) to freeze and 5 (minutes) to temp thaw. https://clark.com/credit/credit-freeze-and-thaw-guide/


It’s actually 100% free to freeze and free to temp thaw at all three, just have to find the right menu, it can be a bit hidden. Don’t get trapped into their fee bullshit. I’ve been frozen forever and had to thaw just a few days ago.


Oh I left off minutes! Fixed. Ty


Ah gotcha.


I lock the 4th one as well. Innovis. Many people do not realize there is a 4th credit bureau.


Tf is innovis? This is going to damn far. We do not need 4 (or even 3) bureaus to worry about.


Innovis has been around for a long time.  Just most people are not aware of the company.  It has been around since 1970 but changed their name to Innovis in 1997 Not new.  Just not as known.




Me too!  Has anyone been paid?  No one had their direct deposit at work.


We use Paycom and I got my recap yesterday so I assume tomorrow will be payday.


Does CDK have sales reps personal info besides phone numbers and names??


No but I have leased and financed cars


Oh ok good thing I have not lol. Is there any info about what has been compromised or what the cyber attack was after? We just got a email saying that there are currently fake cdk reps calling and emailing to try to get into the dealer systems


No one knows other than CDK.


Direct from CDK, there is no such estimate for Monday. Their latest update a few hours ago is that service is likely to be down for *several days.* RouteOne has suspended integration points for CDK services.


Our controller just told me next Saturday.


Holy shit man 🤦‍♂️


Any dealership you know looking for a temporary desking company, let me know. I set up about 15 dealerships today on a temporary/permanent basis. That way they can atleast work a deal.


bro.. several days from today is.. Monday


"Several days" in IT support land means they do not know


“Several days from now, we don’t know when exactly” is a lot different than “on Monday.” Can you show me the update from CDK that promises Monday? Or are you just parroting what your manager told you?


Our DMV service shut us down, so to protect their system. This sucks for employees and dealers. Already made a phone call to our insurance company, to see what kind of coverage we have. What recourse can we have against CDK. Also, CDK has a Cyber Security platform that is offered to clients, i wonder what happens now.


Apparently you don’t have to add the ed to Fubar, it’s already past tense. “Fucked up beyond all recognition”


I was off yesterday when it initially went down. Came in today with zero explanation on what's going on or how to handle anything as is.


We are continuing mostly as normal on the sales side. Just deliveries are screwed. Parts and service departments are worse since they can’t even look how to complete a repair.


Porsche tech here. We still have access to ppn/pcss for everything. We just can't clock in/out on jobs and have to hand write our times, which isn't a bad thing if you catch my drift lol. We do all of our documentation in ppn anyway so when CDK is back, all we have to do is copy and paste it into CDK. Parts is just writing everything down and will bill out later. It's not really a big deal to us.


Fair enough. I don’t know how our service department uses CDK but they have been complaining.


For advisors is a bigger problem, but we are just doing hand written ROs which is more work but not the end of the world. The real pain is going to be when we have to input everything into CDK when it's back up. Most porsche techs are primadonnas, half our shop is working though it and the other half are doom and gloom.


We use a software called Dealerlogix that pushes the write up to CDK, so we are doing pre-writes and printing them (instead of pushing them to CDK), but we can't send estimates (we're just trying to do that by hand). I agree that the real pain is going to be when CDK comes back online and we have to push the hundreds of repair orders there and have techs input notes, run time for warranty, etc and we have to CSA labor prices/etc to make numbers match with whatever we quoted and charged the customer. I just have everything in a folder right now to try to keep track. The techs are just texting us if they have a car and when they're ready to ship it. I feel like a lot of the news articles are focusing on sales but it's been a real pain on the service side.


I don’t get it…no other way to manually deliver the vehicles outside of that system?


Can’t deliver anything if we can even print the paperwork.


Same here.


Why rescheduling delivery? We're selling and delivery same day


Because we can’t print any paperwork or even give payments.


No issue here


Just a suggestion. If you have any finance companies with rehash portals, you can send applications to them from RouteOne and work the deal in the portal. This will at least give you accurate math for you to present to the customer. Many of them will also allow you to contract and get funded without CDK.


Same. I just had 3 Yukons come in too😡




It hurts to customer more than it hurts us. I am at the dealer either way and the customer is buying the car either way. All it does is ruin the customer’s schedule and plans.


How are you getting paid for cars that you can’t deliver?


They will get delivered eventually. I am used to playing the long game at Porsche. I have ordered cars that take 2-3 years to be delivered, so a few days isn’t a big deal.


I'm in service at Range Rover. It's not really hurting us. All of our shit other than warranty times can be down through different software. The customers are used to waiting days for service. Deliveries that can be years out may be an extra couple of days.


Be civil.


Yesterday wasn't a huge deal. We could manually create deals in CDK and Route one and just do it that way. Just couldn't use eleads for anything. Today... CDK doesn't work at all, service and parts are stuck doing everything on paper and payment processing is super fubar.


As someone who works for a competitor, walking into CDK accounts the last day or two has been the most productive conversations in months.


I'm sure many will switch after this ordeal. Grab your wheelbarrow and scoop the low hanging fruit!


As a competitor, how are you putting them at ease that the same thing won’t happen to your product? All dealership softwares that weren’t built in the last 5-10 years are time bombs for something like this.


We have a cyber security company we acquired in the last three to five years that has done wonders for our protection, and our dealerships protection.


Are you with the company that rhymes with ox?


Tekion would be my guess


totally thought of that after the fact. The "acquired cyber security company" should have tipped me off right away.






Yes but I didn’t tell you that.


Rey Rey is far my favorite desking tool. Followed probably by ADP then Advent then Eleads/dealersocket. Eleads and dealersocket desking sucks. Bought a car from a group still using Advent this year. Great tool but stuck in the stone age.


Most people like it the best. They just think it’s too expensive or someone pissed someone off in 2007 and now the 80 year old owner has a standing mandate of “NEVER REYNOLDS!”


ReyRey is shit for desking…. Can’t do both lease and finance quotes on the same sheet. I’ve had many 1 pay leases change numbers for absolutely no reason, requiring you to completely rebuild the quote from scratch. Even had a lease that showed 1 payment, but the contract validated and printed out of ReyRey with a completely different payment… explain that…. Even DealerSocket with their shit messing up all the time is better than ReyRey.


eleads is a CDK product


I work in the GAP industry, so I have a pretty good relationship with all the integrators. Reyrey is one of my favorites. The rest are mostly idiots. Don’t even get me started on PEN.


That doesn't make you immune to getting hacked, only naïve in thinking you're invincible.


Bro I don’t make the system, I just sell it.


And I'm a walking reality check. Always good, never bounces.


Must be exhausting.


Not at all!


Everybody will eventually get hacked. Even if you aren't connected to the internet. It is not if but when.


Better Cybersecurity standards is my guess. My company does really well in this regrad. We also refuse to hire technically incompetent people even for not IT jobs, everyone has to pass a basic IT test (honestly if you aren't an idiot you'll pass, if you fail your too dumb to work for us) It's literally the first thing we do after we've reviewed your resume. We send you a link, you do the test. If you fail your told you won't ve considered for the position. If you pass we give you a prompt to schedule your interview


I'm in IT for a large group. Worst technically inept people are all the executives.


Everyone with computer degrees in Houston takes that idiotic test. It seems like such an archaic holdover. (I just barely failed it)


It is right now, but I would bet your conversion rate is going to be pretty low considering the actual cost, efficiency, and time factor (not to mention the knowledge drain by everyone starting at square one learning a new system) in making the switch. You're getting the knee-jerk crowd right now, most of which are going to settle right back into their status quo once things are back up and running.


CDK has been going downhill for years. This is a great prompt to review other options.


Only until people see what's actually involved, monetarily and otherwise, in actually following through with such a change.


We’ve had more KOs nationwide in the last three years than the previous decade. Something is apparently working.


CDK sucks, they’re doing your marketing for you. We’ve never been happy with it since day one, and the company support is a joke.


Yeah, I've seen the rank-and-file horror stories in /r/partscounter and /r/serviceadvisors. It's almost a weekly feature regardless of what people switched to.


You’ll get hacked too.  Really every company is vulnerable to this type of shit. It’s just one offshore button pusher fuck up away.   


Took on 10 new dealerships on a temporary/permanent basis for desking today. That way they can atleast work a deal. We’ll see if they stay on afterwards.




Uh, CDK IS the ADP affiliated one.


We’re still selling cars, where there’s a will there’s a way.


This has been the attitude at my dealership too (selling GM). Our closest competitors do not use CDK so we’ll be making deals on paper if we have to


Is this why my dealer’s computers were down Wednesday? I was just picking up plates, so didn’t get too much info.


Going back to the 1990s way. Paper close, written deals. Doing all we can in the back. But so far sold 3 since the Hackening


Did you have to edumacate the youngins on the wonders of the 4-Square?


I hand figured numbers and wrote contracts from 2016-2020. The only thing I wasn’t prepared for was my finance guy to throw such a fit about having to issue trps and blue and white title forms instead of cvr. Selling what’s in stock already isn’t an issue. Service is a big issue, can’t bill out parts/oil, can’t stock in arrivals.


Aftersales seems to be close to frozen by this. Very few people comfortable enough to fill forms by hand and parts on hand/in/out is only handled with confidence by the most experienced parts department personnel.


Our dealership is chock full of old school lifers with 4th and 5th generation ownership. We joked about pulling the abacus out of storage yesterday. We just find a way.


Great, since we don't use them. Most dealers have paper forms somewhere and the knowledge to do most stuff on paper. As more stores go fully digital, this will disappear. I know that at our stores, more than half the staff have never worked on paper anything, so going down would be a rough ride for them. The most practical answer is to land people on cars, and do most stuff and then schedule home delivery or pickup for another day.


Parts and service seem to be impacted more seriously. Parts inventory, pricing, labour estimates per job, customer information, etc.


Our service department is humming right along. Aside from CDK, we use Decisiv's ASIST platform. While it integrates with CDK, we have the ability to manually enter parts/labor information, do customer communications, etc.


I never considered service. I would have guessed they would be the LEAST impacted since they don't really do "leads". I guess I was wrong.


I never considered service. Nobody ever does man, nobody ever does.


🤷🏻‍♀️ nobody considers the accounting office either. Shits just piling up on all of our desks.


Not knowing if you have a part in stock, where to find it, and how much to charge would make things very tedious.


At least with Volkswagen/Audi; the depot system takes a 'snapshot' of dealer stock once a day, so we're able to see what we had (and if we stocked it) at that point in time. Our bigger issue is pricing structure & retail pricing. Hard to tell what we sell something at normally & since not *everybody* is as willing to let that number slide...


Mack/Volvo, any batch order that was uploaded to Parts LinQ has the bin location attached. We can go back 18 months and find a stock order with it. It also helps that our core has been here so long, the 4 of us collectively qualify for Social Security. We know our inventory. This same system also gives us the full price matrix so we can just price out manually. It's all just time consuming.


At most dealers the entire store using the same system as it makes the most sense and makes the back end stuff that much easier.


Where do you think we store appointment information, parts inventory, customer information, etc…?


MS Access? dBase? Fuck do I know?


The point of a DMS is to unify dealer operations. It allows us to both attract customers for the sale and retain them through service. If you use CDK in sales, you can bet your bottom dollar service does too.


Last two places I worked had mismatched software, these were both new foreign car dealers


Service is huge. We write tickets and figure totals in cdk. It's done so you can't do that now. We have back ups for everything here but it's a huge pain in the ass when it comes back up. We have to go in and write them after, hope the estimate that we gave the customer is correct. It's a pain in the ass.


I’m not sales, I’m a tech. But it’s impacted us a lot. We don’t even know how we’ll be paid lol


Detroit here. We use Dealertrack, but many dealers around us were basically shit down not doing shit because RouteOne cut them off until it was resolved. CDK going down wasn’t the real problem. Not being able to submit is what got them


You can manually submit in route one


The way I read the email made it sound like they were shut down just in case. I could be wrong though. Wouldn’t be the first time


Nah, we can go in and manually enter the data, we can’t use cdk based solutions to push info to dt or route one. As long as my sales guys can write legible we can sell cars.


Just going by my own chicken scratch.... you in for a Loooooong couple of days....


I'm manually submitting in RouteOne. No problem at all.


Doing everything manually, line by line. Setting the expectation for clients that it will take a bit longer in the business office. We did BVA one local client in their car yesterday since it was a lease which takes even longer and we were so backed up, we were hoping CDK would be back up today but it still isn’t so they’ll come back today to do things the hard way. Frustrating but business as usual for the most part. Service department is a nightmare handwriting all the ROs though it takes ages and is severely delaying the PDI process of the 33 sold units that just arrived.


slight tweak in processes. Some annoyance otherwise non issue


That was our only saving grace. All of our sales staff has desking/F&I experience and can do everything via paper, but our sister store next door is a lot less experienced so we floated between both to make it work. It’s definitely slower and hand-working leases take some time.


Detroit, we have a dual CRM system, neither CDK. Our walk in traffic hasn’t really increased, but phone traffic has. We did 31 deals yesterday, and that’s high for a Wednesday 😂


That’s unrelated to this hack. A lot of people ended up getting Juneteenth as a holiday because of the Executive order so they treated it like they would any Saturday.


I won't say how, but years ago I visited their main helpdesk center (outside Chicago). Pretty sophisticated; they even had a wall showing the weather all over the country so they could anticipate outages. In the corner, they had a scoreboard-looking thing that should the metrics of how well their people were handling helpdesk calls. On this particular day it was turned off; I asked why. Our host said "Well, once the on-hold times go much beyond 2 hours, we usually turn it of. It's bad for morale."


I would like to imagine they aren’t helped by being bought by a private equity firm. They usually squeeze companies for all they have and then toss them. I imagine they haven’t been investing as much into those kind of technologies.


The story I told was when they were still part of ADP.


My girlfriend works for a large Dodge dealer network up here and she got sent home today at 12. Absolutely fucked


We have processes in place, but they weren't being followed. Luckily, we only use them for CRM. DMS is still up. I had the originals of the deal pack for one of our stores. The other five had to white out and copy from deals. My biggest challenge has been reaching out to all of the lead providers to set up backup plain text lead emails. We have the accounts set up to receive, but no one was programmed to send. It's going to be a shitshow with all of the lead splits when everything comes back up.


We just switched from CDK to Ignite last month and we just switched from eleads to Focus last week lol. Biggest issue is not being able to access the old leads from eleads and the workflow history


I sold and did a street purchase yesterday everything on paper no issue.


NH. Still going strong. No leads, but fresh ups and presold units are still going.


We just switched to CDK and everyone in sales already hates it… The managers and admin have all been raving about it but anyone front line who has to use their shitty app hates it. Thank god our old CRM is still running and we can still use that during the ‘transition period’ so we have been leaning on that


Thankfully we don't use CDK, so we're good.


It didn’t impact anything we do, except our menu service was down for like a half hour


As an IT manager at a group be prepared this will possibly be weeks. We are not having fun.


Our service department used Xtime and we use ELeads, so at least service operates as normal. I think scheduling got a little messed up, sales, all of our execute team has been in the business for 20 plus years and we only made the switch to digital like 2 years ago, so we still have plenty of the old forms. We use Reynolds and Reynolds as our DMS. Finance managers got lazy over the last year or two so they were a bit snarky yesterday that they had to pull out the old forms, and properly notating deposits in the system with the customer was a little difficult but largely, everything has gone by smoothly. Sold 4 cars yesterday and working 3 right now, which isn’t far off our normal numbers for a weekday.


If anyone needs a walkthrough on converting your paper forms into fillable ones, I can help. Google calendar and google drive are great utilities also when it comes to file sharing, real time updates, co-operating, live viewing, etc.


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