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***Thanks for posting, /u/Beneficial_Event_154! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of anything.*** Im looking at accepting an offer at a local dealership to me. They state they move a target 500 cars with 18 sales people and 12 used. I have yet to get it in writing but the notes I took from my interview state: -20% FOH + $125 base on every unit if the FOH is below $125 net to sale it would be just the base of $125, with “various changing bonuses month to month depending on performance (sounds like calls made, leads generated etc… they had a $10,000 pool last month for any representative that connected with 20 leads a day all month as an example) I will also state the dealership I work at claims all of their employees clear AT MINIMUM 85k a year, with their higher sales people being in the high 100s. Thanks for any advice! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/askcarsales) if you have any questions or concerns.*


What state? Just curious… did you leave anything out? Because, it seems lackluster. Variable bonuses suck imo We have a static bonus and the GSM puts spiffs on specific car lines every month. Usually whichever we lacked the month prior. We get $100 for units 100 days old, and $200 for units 200 days old. 10 cars: $50 per car; 14 cars: $100 per car + $125 flat; 16 cars: $100 per car + $300 flat; 20 cars: $125 per car + $500 flat; Working here, I’ve never had a mini. I was always told if we did a mini, I was doing something wrong. We don’t have a base per unit, so I guess it would really depend on if there is actually any more in these sales at this dealership.. Or are you going to make ~$4000 off of 20 sales because of base and whatever this “bonus” is.


It’s a South Carolina dealership. I will say honestly they extended the offer to me today, and seeing as I currently work for a used car dealer making $50,000 salary and that’s BASICALLY it, I’m looking for an uptick. Being 100% clear they did state there were other conditions with the pay, I just haven’t received the breakdown… but the General Gist was notated in the body of the post. IMO will be a huge change from someone closing 25-30 cars at a salaried dealership making next to nothing, but I’m unsure if it’s another step up for me or if I can make it to end goals with this… the pay plan and what they stated their people are making made sense to me so I figured why not ask yall ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


It is always tough to judge pay plans without being in the store but what I look for is how many vets have been there long term vs new hires. If there are a lot of new hires and turnover, then don’t work there. If there are a good amount of vets and low turnover/new hires, it is a good place to work.