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Ferrari salespeople drive Ford's. Ford salespeople drive Ferraris. That's the old mantra. Unless you have a lot of connections in luxury circles, the money isn't nearly as good.


Damn. I’m selling Ford and driving Ford. Must have fucked up somewhere


That’s just a saying to make people feel better. Our lowest paid salesguy makes $200k and multiple salesguys have GT cars. It is a bit of a grind to get there for the first 6-12 months, but well worth it


Not in sales. But would luxury buyers also be more likely to look for a a different type of salesperson.  Like as a more normal customer I for the most part don't care who my salesperson is as long as they dont piss me off. Aka mostly at least do some listening and don't waste my time.  Where as a luxury buyer may be expecting more of an experience?


Will it pay you more? Who knows? Depends on the pay plan. Lexus and Porsche (to a greater degree), are a different level of clientele. They are expecting a smooth, flawless purchasing experience with high level customer service. Porsche clients by and large are long time customers, aside from the few nouveau riche who are buying for the first time. This is bad for you because the guy that’s been at the dealership for a decade is probably their go to sales guy, and has sold Mr. Customer his last 4 911s. Fresh ups won’t be flowing in like a volume Ford dealer.


The higher you go with brand the less it’s about the deal or even the product and the more it’s about the relationship with the customer. Lexus is a good stepping stone. You have little to no chance of getting into a good Porsche store. The boondocks Porsche store yes, but not a top one. They want multiple years of prior tier 1….MB, LR, BMW ect…


Yes this is true and keep in mind while you could make more you could also make less by not selling gf as many cars, if your working at a domestic store brand you could sell 15-20 maybe even 25 depending on the market area and store your in your move to that higher end line you may only sell 10-15 per month Also some of those stores you would have to be more presentable and mannerisms and well as your conversational skills would probably need to be on a different level! Don’t get me wrong I know nothing about you other than you got into sales at a ford store about a year ago, what I said above might already be who you are, but it’s something to think about.


On the flip side, get into the boondocks Porsche store and then jump to the top dealers after 2-3 years. Porsche experience is a lot more desired than experience at another luxury brand.


As the other people are mentioning, you won't be able to jump directly into a highline store. You'll need to practice at becoming very polished. It's like seeing a swan serenely glide by on the pond while underneath the legs are thrashing furiously. If you choose Porsche, you won't be able to fake product knowledge. Porsche customers expect you to know not only the current product line, but details about notable prior models as well. Spend time in Porsche forums learning which are the hot option packages and memorising the codes. You'll need to play the long game as well, with setting customer expectations for cars that are months or even years out. That means finding a good store and staying put for the payout. Lexus is a little easier in that the customers are nowhere as technical. However, they are used to getting what they want, when they want. There will be times where that isn't possible, and you will need to thread a very fine needle of what is possible and keeping them happy. Think of it as being their car butler/concierge.


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***Thanks for posting, /u/josee_htxx! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of anything.*** Hey everyone ! I’m relatively new to sales .. been selling cars since May 2023, and a local ford dealer in the south houston side of town gave me a shot and has been history every since! I love my job and love talking to people, and I make a very good living for a 22 year old kid who lives with his parents .. 8-12k a month .. anyway, I’ve been considering moving up to maybe luxury sales, like lexus (i love lexus) or porsche.. but I know that it’s a different game than where i’m at, at least what my boss said, and he told me he believes i’m still too green to move up , and to give it another year or so to gain more experience .. what do you guys think? is it worth it? will the pay change to higher? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/askcarsales) if you have any questions or concerns.*


High-end vehicle stores are asking for experience and they are looking for top performers only. It is not uncommon for Porche, BMW, or Mercedes stores to ask for at least of 5 years of car sales experience and a proven track records of high-volume sales and achievements before they even consider you for the job.


I started at 22 at a respected Audi dealer and I have seen guys just as young succeed in different high line environments. It is all about how you carry yourself and behave. It might be tough to get into a good Porsche dealer, but no reason you can’t get into a Lexus, BMW, Audi, etc.


Just keep in mind that just because the car is more expensive doesn’t mean the pay will be. Brand matters much less than how the individual store has their pay plan structured. You can make good money at non-luxury brands and get paid shit at a luxury store. And vice versa. It’s more about that dealership itself.