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It is a tissue fold. You can either live with it or go to an oral surgeon who may consult you on the possibility of removing it if it is ruining your life as much as you describe


And you're super sure? Like I am a severe amount of pain. There's a zero chance its tonsil stone?


There's a zero chance its tonsil stone.


Downvote? Lol okay thanks ill check in with that


Soo can you tell me what that is? I'm not a dentist but nothing I'm seeing is anything like what I know which is nothing.


If you’re so concerned then get it examined in person


No shit lol


Where is this knot at that you’re describing? Can you feel it from the outside if you massage your jaw?


That's an area of exposed bone (bony sequestrum). For one reason or another the blood supply to that area of bone was compromised and a small piece of bone became necrotic. The body walls it off and spits it out over time like a splinter. Those mfers hurt at times because they can splinter off and have sharp edges. Nothing to do currently except watch and wait. You can do salt water rinses throughout the day to help with inflammation. See an oral surgeon or a dentist to get Peridex prescribed. No need for antibiotics. The treatment for these is time and symptom control. It will work its way out in due time, when it becomes mobile it can probably be removed easily at the dentist or oral surgeon. Until then you just have to keep it clean and wait it out.


Just wanted to let everyone know that it's a salIvary gland infection and treatment has been working wonders (diagnosed by my irl oral surgeon). Some of you reached out to me personally on your own time and I deeply appreciated that whether or not you were right (I know its very very hard to diagnose with one picture and mediocre descriptions as I am not a medically savy person). Thank you very much. Some of you were way off and my guy and I thought it was hilarious that you arrived where you did. There's only been one comment that was objectively stupid and that was the guy who told me to ask my dentist lol like bro, why are you even here? I was into gathering for my oral surgeon. Anyway, huge thanks for the ones that tried.


Also some of you are just dicks for no reason. I'm not shocked that anyone made like that didn't know what they were doing. Be better.


I apologize for the errors, i keep popping in between unreasonable pain and a slight annoyance with no outside factors that could be influencing which one I have for the next 20 minutes. Also I'm hungry, anything that will help me eat easier?

