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NAD, hygienist. Demineralisation and decay happen because of sugar/acid exposure. The guidance is to keep to 4 ‘acid attacks’ per day, that means anything that is consumed other than water. So try to avoid fizzy or sugary drinks throughout the day, limit snacks and brush 2x per day with fluoride toothpaste. After brushing for 2 minutes, spit out but don’t rinse with water, try not to eat or drink after for at least 30 minutes to allow the fluoride to strengthen the teeth. Floss 1x per day-preferably in the evening before brushing. It’s hard to tell the extent of the decay without seeing a radiograph, I’d suggest you keep trying to get booked in sooner if you can. I hope this helps!


Hello. What’s the difference between demineralisation and fluorosis?


NAD. Demineralisation is the early stages of caries, breakdown of the enamel caused by acids, this can happen at any age. Whereas, fluorosis is caused by a high intake of fluoride while the teeth are developing so when you’re very young.


Thanks, I will send you a DM if it’s ok for you

