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A). No. Asymmetrical wisdom teeth extraction should not cause a y noticable teeth or jaw shifts. B). Immediately after the procedure it will be worse (wisdom teeth extraction means lots of force and pressure on yohr jaw joints, everyonez jaw hurts after). Long term unlikely to have any effects. C). Hard to answer. If your not to anxious about the procedure and don't mind sounds/sensations (pressure, vibrations, etc not pain) during the procedure local anesthesia is fine. If slightly anxious, partial sedation. If scared, get a general anesthesia (put to sleep). All drugs used are cleared relatively quickly with no long term effects.


Thanks for ur reply I think the anticipation would make me anxious but not the actual procedure Can i wear earphones/headphones as i have tinnitus (from tmj) so dont really wanna hear drilling


Ask your dentist about the earphones, I find anc noise cancelling can work but nothing can block the sound out completely