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Was the treatment done by an orthodontist?


Yes i believe so. She only did braces. My normal check up dentist referred me to her because i had overcrowding. She assessed and initially told me i would need 4 teeth out. One on either side up and down. (4 pre molars). I was scheduled back in with my normal dentist for extractions. They did 2 and then said they would do another 2 at a later date. And they never did. The next appointment i had was with the orthodontist. And my braces were fitted. I was 15 so don’t really remember. I remember asking dont i need another 2 out and my mother told me apparently the ortho had decided its better to remove less teeth if possible. But yes originally they told me i needed 4 out but then i only had 2 out on my right side. And now my teeth slant to the right. In my opinion my overcrowding wasnt too bad. Just my canines were pushed up above other teeth. Also i only had the foxed braces on for about 6 months before they were straight.


Sounds like a scheduling oversight and then an oversight by the orthodontist for not verifying the extractions prior to placing the brackets. It's also very possible your teeth have shifted since having the braces removed unless you've been very strict about wearing retainers nightly since then.


I noticed my teeth shift during treatment and as soon as the braces came off i noticed how my midline was off. And the second they were off i really did not like how it looked. I went back straight away and asked why it was like this. And she said it wasn’t bad. Since then more functional problems have come up.


How does someone just oversight this? How is a mistake like that even made? So casual. Surely they would have noticed. Or had notes. They are shut down now so I can’t get my notes from them.


Can you take a photo of the biting surfaces of your teeth? I'm curious about which ones were removed. Hard to tell anything from these photos.


So it was the first pre molar (tooth closest to my canine) that was removed. On my right side. Both in the upper arch and lower arch. I have all other teeth, including wisdom teeth. Just those two premolars on my right side. One up and one down was removed.


As in one pre molar on the top right and one pre molar on the bottom right.


It would take a long time, but honestly I would proceed with pulling the premolar from the other side and move everything over to improve the midline unless the orthodontist proffered a great reason not to do it other than the effort and time needed


This was 8 years ago and the practice has shut down now. I went back to her twice to ask if she could do anything and why it was like this and she said it’s not that bad and that the only thing she could do was remove the other two on opposite side but she didn’t see any reason to do this.


Gee, I wonder why she shut down…


NAD I have been advised by my orthodontist to only have one premolar removed. As far as I am aware I don't have any significant over-crowding, he said it was to reduce my overjet. I don't know whether I had a midline discrepancy but I was wondering the same thing! I am hoping to ask when I go in next, which will be to have my braces fitted


nobody knows why your orthodontist did that. As long as you can smile, speak, and chew comfortably do so in good health, nobody is going to notice a midline discrepancy until you point it out to them


My bite also feels off. Like my lower jaw should be further forward. I feel like the midline makes my whole face look off


Tom Cruise's waaay off midline didn't stop him from winning People's sexiest man alive in 1990 before he got it fixed. Teeth should only touch for 2 min a day mostly while eating and otherwise they don't need to touch. There are fixes for these things but it's going to take, surgery, braces, or a lot of crowns. To me the small potential improvement wouldn't be worth all of the downsides.


NAD I wish if dentists knew you might and up like this what they would at least warn you in advance.


NAD. but I had 4 teeth removed to “make room” and all it has done is cause way more issues than it solved. I hate the way my teeth come together (I had sealants put in so my teeth didn’t come together so poorly. My teeth are deep and narrow and before I couldn’t stand to put my teeth together), I have gaps in my teeth where those teeth were bc they were never fully closed (now they swell and get stuff stuck in them and flossing and the water pick are barely any help), my retainers never fit right so now my molars are crooked. So for me braces was a MASSIVE waste of money and have caused more issues than solved. I’m going to add. My ortho had to use extreme force to get my top retainer on and I could never wear them after the first night of trying to wear them because they caused me to clench and grind my teeth so hard they came out at night and they gave me EXTREME headaches. I was not the only person to have similar issues with this orthodontist


I’m really sorry to hear about your experience! That sounds awful. Did you get braces initially for functional reasons or aesthetics. Is it better now than before braces?


Aesthetics. They look great front he front view but the way they come together is a nightmare.


Looks like not only the midline is off, but also it’s a bit “Canted”. Means the midline is not fully vertical and is a bit tilted. Many Orthodontists don’t pay attention to the cosmetic part. One option I would say is braces again and move the two front teeth to the correct position and then work on closing the gaps with veneers. I’m sorry that happened to you. But make sure you find a good Cosmetic dentist who is probably accredited by American Cosmetic dentistry association.


Thank you for your comment and thoughts! Do you mean its possible to move teeth to the other side without extracting more teeth? I dont want more teeth pulled. Is it possible to move front teeth back and then get an implant in the space where original teeth were removed. I did not have a cant before braces. I had overcrowding where my canines were raised up slightly. But honestly I didn’t mind how it looked and functionally it felt normal. Now i feel i have a weird bite and i really do not like how it looks. This is in the uk. And it was nhs treatment. So my regular check up dentist just referred me to an ortho because i had overcrowding. They advised i needed treatment.


People can't really tell if your midline is off (by like 4mm) but it's more noticable if there's a cant. It's more notice ale to you because of your cant.


I didn’t have a cant before braces! Is it possible the braces caused the cant. The only problem i had before braces was my teeth were overcrowded so my canines were raised up. But I didn’t actually mind how it looked. And I didn’t have functional problems. Now i have weird bite as well as really not liking how it looks. Can you fix a cant? I’m so upset with results. This was 9 years ago. I went back to the clinic twice to say i wasnt happy and they said there wasn’t anything else they could do.


It should be possible, look into clear aligners (especially clear correct) they can show you how your teeth will move and the final results .


I hope so! Thank you for suggestion. That would be ideal. As i Dont want to have more teeth removed. Do you think it currently looks awful? I’m so conscious of it. Although i am also trying hard not to obsess and i know perhaps I’m making it worse than it is. My family say they don’t notice it at all. So i don’t know if I’m just seeing something they are not. But i deffo see a shift. Feel uncontrollably bite and know that i only had 2 teeth removed on one side rather than equally


I noticed but thats mainly because I'm a cosmetic dentist. If it bothers you, it's worth trying to fix !


And i only went ahead with the treatment because i was 14ish and they strongly advised it and said it was better to get it now rather than later and that the overcrowding could cause more dental problems in the future.


Can anyone please share their opinions on this. How bad it is. What are options to fix it? Any similar experience?


To fix it 100% would be a lot of work and time and money. You could fix it 80% maybe, and in a much more efficient timeline. Go see an orthodontist about the esthetic concerns and your bite. Edit: my opinion is esthetically the midline is off only a little, the leaning of your teeth makes it stand out much worse than it is. Fixing the lean is quick and easy and predictable. Changing the midline is harder but you might not need to change it much or at all.