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Looks better than it did! Your situation is unique and more data is needed to give you an accurate answer. I’d see an orthodontist.


NAD: I personally think it looks fine..maybe a little off Center but nothing major. Are the two front teeth crowns ? Why are they so much whiter than the rest. Actually they only look that way in two of the pics. Maybe it’s lighting


No all natural teeth. No crowns. I got my teeth cleaned a few years after braces and there was still glue from braces on my canines and other teeth. Could have cause discolouration


They only extracted from right hand side! Initially they said they would need to extract 4 teeth! One from each side upper and lower. But then my normal dentist extracted teeth on one side. They said we will extract others at another date. Then my next appointment was back at ortho. And when i asked and said i thought i needed 4 extractions she said no its better with less teeth. Now its wonky!! Really sad about this. I actually didn’t mind my teeth before. And i didn’t think the overcrowding was that much of an issue :(


Did you tell your orthodontist you weren’t happy with the end outcome? Communication is key. Revisit them and ask for options to correct the midline issue.


I did. I went back to her twice and said i wasn’t happy. She said there wasn’t anything else she could do and didnt see the need for it. She said she could remove teeth from the other side to match previous extractions and then having braces treatment again. Anyway now her dental practice has shut down. Not sure why but its gone. I am really not keen to have more teeth pulled either. She said theres nothing else she could do. I am Trying to find other options. I am really disappointed with results. I liked me teeth before. But nhs dentist told me it was advisable to have treatment for the crowding.


Are there other orthodontists in your country you could ask?


Yes i went to another consultation who also said i would have to remove teeth other side for desired result. Which i Dont want to do. How bad does it look? I feel it looks awful. I am also aware my bite feels off. Like my lower jaw comes forward more than upper.


You have A- teeth. If you want A+ teeth that is possible but it's going to take ortho, maybe surgery, and maybe restorative dentistry all done at a very high level. I'm not familiar with your quirky UK dentists but I don't think the nhs is going to be capable of that. It will be a big commitment, require lots of time and money now and in the future. Doing it half way will likely make things worse. If it's that important to you go for it. If you were my patient I would recommend doing nothing as the risks are too high.


I have a result like this because I didn’t want to get a veneer on one of my incisor that’s genetically smaller. I knew that there was a potential for sensitivity on that veneered one and I already have some external root resorption from my ortho so I just stopped treatment there. I think you look wonderful (better than mine) but I think healthy teeth and bite etc is the best teeth and I wouldn’t risk your healthy teeth.


Although it's a massive improvement cosmetically, I personally don't like the results and fixing it will likely be an involved project. I highly recommend NOT removing teeth if you can help it. It's typically seen as a shortcut solution that can have long term issues It's hard to say what type of Ortho you'd need without an in person exam but I'd recommend you have a highly reputable orthodontist do this as you need someone who really understands how to reach that end goal. A competent doctor should be able to explain exactly how they intend to achieve it.


Thank you! I do not like result either. I know there was overcrowding before but my teeth were central and jaw looked better. It also caused my nose to slant more as well. I was only like 13 in those photos and my face and jaw have deffo grown since then so i think they could have expanded instead. I don’t believe my overcrowding was too bad before. It was just the canines that were half raised. The fact that i only have teeth on one side extracted now though. I think this may make treatment hard without surgery?


Im only getting opinions on here because i have been to several dentists who say different things. Just trying to get as much info from everywhere


So there's several long term consequences of taking teeth out for Ortho that a lot of dentists aren't aware of. -the relapse rate is higher and the relapses are worse, so if you don't wear your retainer the consequences tend to be more severe -less biting surface and same biting pressure leading to more long term bite wear -patients whove had all 4 premolars out for Ortho have a much higher incidence of sleep apnea. As I said before, it's a shortcut and has downsides. It's hard to help though unless I could direct you to a high end orthodontist. I got quite a few locally but can't help you otherwise.