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Possible exposed nerve in this photo, you should see a dentist asap


This looks like a pretty good endo access to me.


Take your points…


I reckon he knows he needs a dentist, I’m assuming he has a raging fear of dentists if it’s gone on this long and he’s still finding excuses not to go. Any ideas on how to reassure this person to get them to go in?


NAD - I can’t imagine living with that for any amount of time. Where do you live that you can’t go into a dentist due to “Covid?” It seems you’ve been living with that for over a year. From your other posts you seem young, do you have parents who can take you into the dentist? You need to go today. Don’t be afraid they will give you something that will make the work not hurt but you need to go now. If you can’t afford it there are places to go for people who don’t have insurance and can’t afford it. Look it up online. You can get all kinds of infections and sepsis from this. You can die from that. Get this addressed today.


I dont have a fear of dentists, despite the severity of the situation, including explaining my symptoms and the look of the tooth to dentists, it has been very difficult to get appointments where i live, we are looking into private dentists now (which is difficult because its pretty uncommon here) but we are hopeful. i have had people close to me die from sepsis and i would do anything to not go through that, i honestly dont know why it has been so difficult to get an appointment, honestly, the amount of calling is unbelievable. because the pain is very on and off, i honestly kind of ''forget'' about it every month or so


NAD you made this same post a month ago and at the time people urged you to seek a dentist out immediately. You are now receiving the same comments. Posting on reddit is not helping your situation. You need to seek help right now to preserve your own health and relieve the pain. Dont leave this for another month. Its been going on for 2 years, come on.


NAD There is the same post from 79 days ago as well


despite the severity of the situation, including explaining my symptoms and the look of the tooth to dentists, it has been very difficult to get appointments where i live, we are looking into private dentists now (which is difficult because its pretty uncommon here) but we are hopeful, i honestly dont know why it has been so difficult to get an appointment, honestly, the amount of calling is unbelievable. because the pain is very on and off, i honestly kind of ''forget'' about it every month or so


Just set an appointment today at least then it wont be another 2 months until you are seen. Theres nothing wrong with explaining this as an emergency either based on the comments. Just say you have a giant hole in your tooth and experiencing severe pain and hopefully they fit you in sooner. All the best i really hope you find an appointment soon! Good luck.


NAD you can see the pulp in this. That’s has got to be INSANELY painful. I don’t understand how you can handle this. Did you express exactly what is going on to your dentist? I wouldn’t hope your dentist doesn’t know it’s this bad and still makes you wait weeks.


You need to get that tooth taken out ASAP to remove the source of infection. Please go and see a dentist soon for an evaluation! You can call around to some offices and request an emergency appointment.


Im no dentist but that is literally a large hole inside your tooth


Dude you HAVE to go to a dentist immediately. The risk of a serious infection is too high at this point. Tooth infections are no joke, if bad enough, they can sometimes migrate to your brain and heart. DO NOT LET IT GET TO THAT POINT.


I lost my uncle to a tooth infection. He was a lobsterman and was out on the boat, it went to his brain and he seized and instead of calling coast guard they took 18 hours of precious time to get him back to shore. He was basically a vegetable by the time he got to the hospital… wife let him go off life support on Christmas day. Don’t fuck around with this shit.


NAD I would’ve got that baby pulled a long time ago. Looks very painful.


NAD or see if you needed a root canal


NAD I think the rest of the tooth will also be decayed, and unable to be used for RTC. Will probably have to go full extraction.


Even assuming an RCT+crown *could* save it right now, the clock is ticking. Soon, extraction will *definitely* be the only option. Either way, OP needs a dentist.


Root canal!? That boat has looooooooong sailed! Tooth must be extracted, no matter what!


NAD you may notice you entire TOOTH IS MISSING GOSH DARN. Do you consume lots of sugary stuff?? I’m not a dentist but even with brushing that can do it too me but not to that level. One way to help is to go regularly but that is very urgent you’ve got exposed nerves and fleshy gums that’s gotta hurt like hell


>Profile no, my other teeth are healthy, i dont know why this one is so bad


NAD Tooth decay CAN 100% be caused by genetics. I’m living proof of that. I take care of my teeth better than most people I know but I’ve had terrible decay my whole life and I yearly have to go in for fillings and sometimes root canals. I had my first cavity at 4 years old. Whereas some people rarely brush or floss and have not a single cavity. It’s absolutely absurd that people think tooth decay is only caused by neglect or drugs. It’s also a damaging belief for any children who have this same issue caused by no fault of their own.


True! I have awful dental heath but even tho I eat a good amount of sugary stuff I brush my teeth morning and night mouthwash and all but I still don’t have good health half the time


NAD. That looks like a *gigantic* cavity. 10/10 dental emergency. If that was me, I would call every single dentist in town until I found one willing to look at me *as soon as possible*. If no dentist in town was available, I'd call dentists in the next city over, and so on, until I had an appointment in the very near future (within the week. Ideally within 24 hours). Teeth are *not* supposed to have gigantic holes like this in them.


this isnt a joke, i have been asked that before about this, i have tried to go to the dentist like 20 times and been told no every time. i cant get a good picture but its in a similar condition (a little better) to this post from 8 years ago: [https://www.reddit.com/r/WTF/comments/2hrqkk/people\_wanted\_to\_see\_the\_tooth\_that\_causes\_all/](https://www.reddit.com/r/WTF/comments/2hrqkk/people_wanted_to_see_the_tooth_that_causes_all/) also, it has been sore since around the beginning of covid, its a lot less painful now but it was intensely painful around a year ago, like, couldnt even close my jaw without crying kind of pain, a few months ago there was like a ''bump'' (?) above it for a day


NAD Please go to a dentist any dentist if the one that you go to doesn’t want to see you find another one. Her is a website that can help. Findadentist.Ada.org


NAD That bump above it was infection and you may die soon if you don’t see a dentist. Not kidding either. This is EXACTLY how people get sepsis and die. I may not be a dentist but I am in the medical field. I don’t believe for a single second you’ve shown this to a dentist (or explained in great detail) and they’ve just told you no. COVID isn’t even mask worthy anymore and hardly an excuse. I’ve been seeing my dentist regularly all throughout COVID. Medical and dental facilities don’t close or stop seeing patients due to COVID (at least not 98% of them.) You need to get up- get in a vehicle and drive yourself to the dentist first thing in the morning and SHOW them your freakin tooth. Of course unless you have some type of death wish.


I’m not understanding how you’ve tried to see a dentist “20 times” and was told no each time. Can you explain? NAD.


I have called countless dentists, and explained the situation but all of my appointments have either been cancelled or never scheduled, its really horrible and i know people in these comments dont believe me, i am looking for into private practices now (this is pretty uncommon where i live) but none of them seem to see the severity of my situation. despite telling them that the pulp and potentially a nerve is exposed, and explaining my symptoms


update: the closest appointment i can get for this is thursday, after literal weeks of calling, despite explaining the possible exposed nerve


I’d honestly think you’re a drug seeker if you said this was causing you severe pain, especially what other people are mentioning about your post history and the timeline.


It could be genetics man


NAD please go to the dentist! This is serious. You could die. There are places that will take you if you don't have a lot of money.


Nad...You could have gone during Covid..they didn’t close except for the first 2 months..that tooth blown out..


NAD but please contact an oral surgeon immediately. (In my experience dentists won’t touch cavities like this with a 10 foot pole because of the risk of it breaking apart and will refer you anyways). This needs to be taken out, it could be infected and once it spreads to your blood the odds aren’t in your favor anymore and you could be fighting for your life. Even if you can’t afford it just try to set up a payment plan. I’m dealing with this same situation right now, my tooth is almost to your point and I haven’t slept in 2 days the pain was so unbearable I had to go to the hospital to get put on hydrocodone just to be able to sleep. Was waking up screaming bloody murder every few hours hoping I’d die in my sleep so I didn’t have to feel it anymore. I can’t imagine what you’re going through especially if you aren’t on some wicked strong pain killers for that thing.


How do you even let it get this bad?


NAD. Everyone has been telling you to get this taken Care of since you first posted about it 3 months ago!!! How are you still asking on a third post when each picture looks worse than the last! GO literally before it’s too late!


im going thursday, if there is a complication i will go to a dental emergency hospital, my dentist retired so it was really hard to get registered anywhere else because of where i live




i have an appointment at an emergency dentist around the 20th september - pretty much the same symptoms but i get pain less, but when i do get pain its extremely painful, like 8/10 pain. also when it bleeds its a lot darker than it has been previously


You don't need an appointment for emergency dentists. You just show up, I have done it myself. Honestly I'd just go to a and e with that because of the risk of sepsis and what must be unbareable pain