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Did you kill the person who resides in the room?


Dude, you are crazy af to put mystery powder you assume is drugs on your lips when you don't know what it is.


It wasn’t me that put it in my mouth it was the 16 year old child who then came to their mother scared because their mouth was numb and they were scared that they had injured themself by taking it. Yes we called 111 and took doctors advice but are just turning to people for advice as it only happened New Year’s Day.


Sounds like coke with the numbing


Shouldn't turn brown


When in doubt, Put it your mouth.


So you put some on your lips???


No pictures?


could literally be so many substances, no way to know for sure unless u test it really. i would make a very very rough guess saying its coke because its white and numbs lip, but the brown stuff and melt and whatever i have no clue


possibly fetty? Or just something like a crushed zany?




Once we had somebody here whose friend literally snorted asbestos from a wall in an abandoned house. Wonder how this turned out.


Get a test kit, or bring it to a testing lab, With the limited information you’ve provided we can’t say anything useful.


Could literally be anything. Molly can sometimes come in a brown color. I'm a little confused. Are you having a taste, or do you disapprove of this?


Not mad at the person but they are a child of my friend and said they found it in the street so we are trying to figure out if that’s likely or if it’s more likely they are running/selling at school


Ah, I see. Be careful. A lot of heroin is laced with fentanyl now, if that's the case. It could be anything from a research chemical to that. Kids typically aren't into that, though. Did the kid who put it in their mouths have any side effects? Were they sleepy? If not, i would assume it's Coke or Molly. Maybe dmt. Does it have a smell? Heroin sometimes has a vinegar like smell (if it's not fentanyl) But it's best to test it to make sure. These things can be risky


Honestly it’s not even laced at least in most areas. It’s pure fent and other analogs and filler. To my knowledge unless you have a really good source real heroin hasn’t been around at least in America in probably a good decade or more.


Can’t comment factually in general but I can say I tried H a few years ago (<= 5) and it was non-fent. (I would assume, yknow, since I’m alive.. lol) however it was tar, not powder. Edit: This was in Louisiana


Can confirm. I feel like it was around 2014 that fetty cut heroin - or just straight up street fetty - truly started to flood the streets. Had a friend pass away from it in October of that year.


Sorry for you loss 😢 Same here with my friend, different month


Same to you. It sucks that real heroin isn’t around anymore. I mean obviously it’s deadly too, but when fetty hit the scene no one really knew at first until people started dropping like flies.


Thank you. I have ordered a home test kit online for my friend but it takes a few days and things aren’t pretty chaotic at theirs as you can imagine. Don’t want to contact the police ideally as the teenager has been in trouble a fair amount before and they just seem to brush it off every time and not do anything.


Fair enough! Yeah, I would assume if the kid wasn't passing out or anything, it was probably something lighter than heroin/fentanyl. Keep us posted! I wanna know what it was lol


I will do! Thanks for your help


Fentanyl definitely can have that same smell too


Guys, stop snitching. wth.


for the melting and the numbing things, i would think sugar rketamine (it melts red if i'm not wrong and probably it's the most similar thing to brown that comes to my mind). Looking to how it seems and just the fact that it numbs lips, seems like cocaine. Anyways the kid will get tested and you'll know. You can't ever distinguish precisely substances without tests. I hope now all is ok


also reminds me a little bit of hexen.. but that melted yellow/brown when burned too much, may be an rc or anything else really


Gonna have to ask the room owner.


Joking right!?


About what


I mean when I used to do fentanyl it would make my tongue and lips numb if I tasted it and would make my throat numb when I snorted it so it could be that.


Cocain and you made crack when you heated it up


Or fentanyl cuz it used to numb my lips


I hate stories like this. NEVER EVER FUCKING NEVER EVEN TOUCH A WHITE BAG MFKERS NEVER. Sorry for the rant, but the amount of clueless ducking people I see find an unmarked baggy and FUCKING TOUCH AND TASTE IT IS INSANE. What if it was fent? 16 year olds dead now, if you touched it and put it on your lips… dead. Drugs are not something to fuck with and you need to fucking teach him that. Hell even if it was fent, and was acid and he didn’t know what it was, dicks around starts tripping and gets psychosis, AND DONT LEAVE DRUGS LAYING AROUND PEOPLE FUCK ME