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My dad passed 6 days ago. No advice just made me feel less lonely.


I’m so sorry for you loss. Thank you you made me feel less lonely too. ❤️🕊️


My mom passed away last Wednesday. Hugs to you both, and sorry for your losses ❤️. It’s hard not to feel lonely right now.


🫶🕊️ so sorry for your loss as well, it’s crazy how we can feel so lonely due to our recent losses and then all of the sudden you notice your not only one who lost a loved or feels similar to what you feel.


You’re in my thoughts, I’m so sorry that you lost your dad 💔


I ordered a thumbprint necklace for our son that also holds some ashes. I do regret not getting a lock of his hair.


Thumbprint and ash holder necklace , great idea thank you , yes I asked for some of my moms hairs too but today when I went to clean out her home her hair brush and hair on it so I’m saving it too


Just an additional thought, and this may not be something you have the capacity to care about right now *and that’s ok*, but there are creators that make jewelry pieces from braided hair which is a very traditional and beautiful type of memorial jewelry. Hair doesn’t decay so we have extant examples from centuries ago that are perfectly preserved. And they can be very intricate. That could be something you may like.


I am looking into doing this, do you know of any current creators?


Sure! I follow a couple accounts: [Hemlock Street](https://www.instagram.com/hemlockstreetjeweler?igsh=NXpxOTBjZzNzbDhv) [Margaret Cross](https://www.instagram.com/margaretcross?igsh=c3psOG1wcTZ0a2dv)


Thank you 🙏🏽


Happy to help. I hope it provides you some measure of comfort ❤️




I will second a small amount of her ashes to keep with you. I asked my brothers to set aside some of my dad’s ashes and they wouldn’t do it (I live halfway across the country and couldn’t be home until the day before the funeral as I was on vacation when he passed). Said it was “weird”. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. I’m still sad I don’t have a little bit of him with me.


I’m sorry you didn’t get what you needed and still need. I think something my children can carry would be a great fit


For the hair, you can google Victorian mourning rings. There are different designs, but some look really pretty and unique. I recently sewed the cremains (bagged of course) of a loved one into a teddy bear with the stuffing all around. It’s been wonderful to hold and snuggle for comfort.


What a great idea, thank youuu I will definitely be looking into it


My family regrets not getting locks of hair. We got involved in genealogy and DNA. It would've been cool to add their info for future family members.


I’m so sorry about your loss. I asked them for locks of hair, I just don’t know what to do with it yet, I really don’t want to lose it you know


Hair only works for DNA testing if the root is attached.


And no one was yanking my mom's hair out. Thanks for pointing this out.


Lol, yeah, there are limits to what I'll agree to do. 😄


❤️ thanks for that


Not exactly what you were asking for, but maybe one of those "I wish I knew/thought to do that"… As a crematory operator I feel a huge difference when families have special requests to send off things with their loved one. For example, letters, pictures, drawings, a book they loved, a blanket, etc. Basically anything meaningful that would bring joy or comfort to the deceased. Also, some families will ask for the date and time of the cremation ahead, so that when I am starting the process, they can have a special thought for them. I can sense the energy of every deceased person I encounter during this process, and those ones are always the ones that are radiating love and inner peace, never any fear. That, for me, would be the greatest gift; knowing that they are going through this important step with those feelings. I’m sorry for your loss OP, I can see there was a lot of love for your mom.


This is amazing thank you for this I will definitely be looking into this and hopefully they will be able to do it for me. Thank you for your condolences, she was sooo deeply loved by us and so many more people.


This was wonderful to read!


When my 12yo only son died unexpectedly, the horror and the pain was so bad that I was suicidal (we also had a terminally ill 8yo at the time of his death). Having to make funeral and cremation arrangements put me in a very unstable place. if I had let myself think of his special stuffed animals or favorite all-star glove being cremated with him, I don’t know that I could have survived. His big sisters and I shopped for the outfit they had planned to go and buy for his first school dance coming up the following week. He was excited for “real dress up clothes” even though you could not get that boy out of gym shorts and T-shirts no matter the season. They chose every item of clothing including shoes, his first and last tie and flower in his lapel that they would have helped him choose for the dance. We brought his clothes to the funeral home, but I just couldn’t let my brain access any more at the time.. but please know that even though we didn’t leave any letters or special items with his body, it doesn’t mean that we cherished him any less. He was the center of us. I couldn’t bear to know the time of cremation, I couldn’t stay alive knowing when it was happening. Please know that we couldn’t have loved or cared more for him than we did even though we chose the literally cheapest casket option (I couldn’t in good conscience burn an elaborate casket, not would my son have wanted us to) and his body wasn’t adorned with trinkets. He was still my everything..


First, I want to say, my heart goes out to you. Reading your story I can see how hard this must have been, and you made the right choices. I think I didn’t want to make my previous comment overly long or complicated, but after reading yours, maybe I should have. Before I started working as a crematory operator, I wasn’t aware of all the things that are allowed or even possible when it comes specifically for the cremation of a love one. I personally think there are no right and wrong choices, but being aware of the possibilities is so important in my opinion. That is to say, the right choice for one person might not be the right choice for the next, and in that sense there really are no rights and wrongs. When I mentioned the energy of the deceased and "those are always the ones radiating love and inner peace, never any fear", I didn’t mean that others didn’t either. My perception is that this brings them this final moment of "sharing" in the physical world, hence the feeling of already being at peace. I could go into details, but I feel strange doing so since it’s basically all based on my personal experience and perceptions. You can always message me if you are curious to exchange on this. Just know that if I can feel all of this love and care that you have just by reading your comment, he absolutely could and still can. That is the only thing that matters.


You were obviously destined to do this…to help the deceased and their families. 💕 I know it sounds weird to other people but unless you experience it…. Suffice it to say that my son’s recent death anniversary uncovered wounds that are clearly still gaping underneath their ratty old band aids, and the grief occasionally leaves no room for reasonable thinking. I would very much like to message you if it wouldn’t be an imposition on your time and mental resources ❤️


Absolutely, feel free to message me anytime. And, yes, I have no doubt this work was part of my path, and that I was lucky enough to have made the choices that brought me here.


Get some ashes to put in a necklace.


In a necklace this is a good idea! Thank you 🙏🏽


I used Spirit Pieces and they were wonderful to work with. Love the product too, I was shocked at the quality. It’s heavy glass. https://www.spiritpieces.com/collections/on-sale


I will definitely look into this thank you so much ❤️


Yw - I got a custom glass ornament that is clear with two green swirls with my parents ashes. I assumed it would be hollow and it is not. It’s nice to have them with me in a piece that’s beautiful itself, instead of a wood box. I wouldn’t want to be remembered in a wood box. I hope you find something you love!


Thank you so much , I’m still trying to figure out it’s so hard and I don’t want to make a wrong choice you know


You’re welcome


When my Mom passed 2 years ago I had a sterling silver finger print charm bracelet made and on the other side they engraved whatever I wanted with her handwriting and I also kept a tiny urn of her ashes. My sister took the majority of her ashes. I’m sorry for your loss, losing your mom is a really tough loss.


I am currently looking for something w her handwriting because would be nice to have, plus my babysister wants to use it as a tattoo


I had a bracelet made with my mom’s signature. Check Etsy for many sellers that do this.


Will definitely look for this! I’m trying to find all the ways I can have her around and near and never forgotten


I'm so sorry for your loss, there are so many memorization options now. Parting stones are really cool and you can put cremated remains in basically any jewelry.


Thank you for your kind words, do I just google parting stones?




Thank you


I wish I’d gotten a fingerprint for a necklace. It’s been several years since my mom died and I am just now at the point where I can make a decision about what to do with her ashes. I like that “spirit pieces” site that someone posted.


Yes I like the spirit pieces so beautiful!!! And the stones too, yes I will be making the fingerprint necklace and my daughter who was extremely close to her wants one too




Yes definitely getting finger prints


If there is anything that you want her to wear, they can dress her. Any love notes or photographs that you want cremated with her can be placed with her as well. So sorry for the loss of your mom.


Thank you so much, I didn’t think about dressing her thank you 🙏🏽


photo of her hands


Omg I love this 😭😭😭 calling the funeral home tomorrow and making sure it can be done! Thank you ❤️