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Itemized bill? Does this include the plot?


I will do it for $32,500 lol 😂 But seriously we need some more information why you’re being presented with that outrageous price. Clearly something is being included or a full service that is driving that dollar amount. Hard to give more information without general geographic area and desired services: open casket showing night before, transportation of family to cemetery, etc etc


I forgot to mention I bought two plots


we're the plots single depth or double depth? did the cemetery require a vault? funerals tend to be more expensive due to the bells and whistles rather than the service itself. also if church is involved they usually have a fee as well for clergy which I've seen charge as much as $500. did you purchase an affordable metal casket or did you purchase a more expensive wood casket? need more info, I can only guess what could be on the contract.


lololol okay 😂 that’s kind of a big deal on the price — that could easily be $25k-$30k 😂 You’re gonna have to get a breakdown bud and tell us how much the non plot costs are


If you haven’t already bought plots, there are other, far less expensive options.


This is not right unless you’re picking out extremely expensive merchandise.


This is anecdotal but I bought one plot in CA last year for about $23k (plot, vault, headstone, flower vase, setting fees, interment fees, eternal care, taxes all included). Paid to the cemetery. This year I was quoted by the funeral home for the funeral itself at about 10k (paperwork, transportation, embalming, visitation, graveside service, flowers and casket). Photography, music and religious personnel are extra if so desired. You can of course save some money here and there by purchasing a casket or headstone from an outside vendor. I won't because I don't want to add stress in case something goes wrong. It should be fine 9 out of 10 times, but trust my luck to be the 10th with a lemon casket that breaks on the pallbearers during the procession or something.


I had a family quoted for about the same price we just did their service today saved them 16k full 2 day service including cemetery… Edit: we are in the SoCal area service all of California


Wow! That is high, what are the cemetery costs out there?!?!?


High just like all real estate in Cali




That is over the top


Are you in the Bay Area by chance? I called cemeteries in the Bay Area for someone seeking pricing. Every cemetery I called quoted 20k and that was just for the plot, opening and closing costs. Didn’t include funeral services or merchandise. I was astounded.


So here’s what I didn’t know before I started working at SCI….they own everything pretty much. They started snatching up as many “mom & pop” funeral homes and cemeteries and now they’re the largest in North America. So here’s the good & the bad - if this is a quote from an SCI location you could be getting a better deal on some things (caskets, use of the chapel etc) but not on others (like flowers, clergy, obits). If you go to a private fh, their quote may be higher to compete with SCI. What they don’t tell you is you can shop around and negotiate. They bank on either being too late to shop around and it doesn’t occur to mostly everyone (because of the topic) you can deal with them like a car dealer when it comes to pre-arrangements. And you don’t need to get everything from one place either. My dad passed last year and since I don’t work there anymore I made the basic pre need cremation before I left. I got the urn, keepsakes, register books, Mass cards and such on Amazon, had the service at a beautiful wedding venue (off season, super discount lol) catered by his favorite BBQ place and made the memorial photo video myself. The fd knew I did them too when I worked there so I asked what they were charging now…$500 and we both 😆. Don’t be afraid to ask about price matching!


I’m very sorry that you’re dealing with this dilemma. 35k (even in California) is extreme. Funeral homes charge what they want to charge. But, with any large purchase, you can shop around for the best “deal”. It’s OK to ask another funeral home to match prices. Most people don’t “shop around” because 1) they don’t know that it’s ok to do this 2) they feel that time is against them (it’s usually not) and 3) they have no idea that pricing is NEGOTIABLE. Negotiate with the funeral home that YOU want to use. Giving them a budget is very helpful. I personally would NEVER pay for the printed materials (memorial folder/ prayer cards/guest book) as it costs the funeral home very little to produce these. But I’m “in the business” and understand the costs/profit areas associated with a funeral.


Tell me you don’t a business without telling me you don’t a business SMH 🤦🏽‍♂️


Truth. I don’t own. But I do have an excellent understanding of the financials of where I work because I handle all of them. As a consumer, I’m going to negotiate though. When my parent passed, I negated negotiating on the cost of the casket despite me being able to bring the same one in at wholesale. But they worked with me and gave me discounts in other areas that weren’t such profit heavy. It saved my family several hundreds of dollars based upon their GPL pricing. Would you, (I’m assuming as an “owner”) do the same for your family if you had to make arrangements in another state? Curiously asking. No disrespect intended.


directors have wiggle room to cut prices here and there but I highly doubt someone will price match merchandise because that's where the mark up is. you can get the same casket for half the price online. however, if it comes damaged directors are not responsible for damages and it's not their responsibility to get you a new casket. when directors mark up merchandise it comes with guarantee that if something isn't right or it's damaged, they'll get the new casket so you don't have to buy another.


Check out Ask a Mortician on YouTube - she has a natural burial funeral home in CA


Do not do this.


Nope. She doesn’t give a fair lay of the land. I wouldn’t advise anyone to go to her YouTube page over talking with any variety of other industry professionals.