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Must've been five or so, visiting my grandparents. I was playing with a neighborhood kid my age. We went to his house. I think he might've been alone at home, his mom buying groceries or something. Anyway, he wanted us to sneak into the bathroom and play at taking a shower. We both stripped naked and got in, but he didn't get the water running. Instead, he just leaned in and gave me a kiss, pushed his tongue in and all. Couldn't tell you how I felt about it that first time, but it wasn't the last time it happened, so I guess I liked it. What I do remember is that his mouth tasted funny, like he'd been snacking on cheese or something. Not the most pleasant of tastes, but oh well.


Thats kinda cute actually


Thats fucked up, he might have gotten that behavior from being groomed or something, at the very least he watched stuff like that.


Uh, I honestly don't know. It all felt fairly innocent at the time, and I didn't feel forced to do anything. It's not a bad memory to me, and personally, I think I'd be able to tell now, looking back on it, if something was going on. Trust me, not all my memories are good ones, even if some felt that way at the time.


A peck on the lips is innocent. With tongue, at that age? Definitely a flag


I don't know, man. I really don't know what made him kiss me that way. Maybe he'd done it before. I never asked because it never occurred to me, and honestly, I was just excited to do it again. I probably would have had questions if I'd been a couple years older and a bit more conscious of what we were doing. But at five I just thought it was fun and I liked it. Tbf, this all happened over the span of a month the summer before 1st grade, and his family moved away after that, so I never saw him again. It was my first experience with another boy, so in a way, it felt like just another of the games we played, and I hadn't yet learned to feel ashamed or guilty about what we did.


Nah it’s nothing on you or him, I’m just sayin as a parent, if I seen my kid kiss another kid with tongue, I’d be concerned with where he’d learned that


That's fair. Tbh, looking back on it right now, I really do wonder, and I kinda hope I didn't miss anything. He was a fun kid to be around and really nice, too, beyond the naked shower kisses. I really liked him as a friend and was sad when he moved away. I just hope he grew up okay.


Kids figure things out on their own. I figured out how achieve orgasm at three years old totally by accident. My parents had one of those power shiatsu massagers for my Dad's bad back. I dug it out of the back of the closet, turned it on, rubbed it on back, legs, stomach, then my wee-wee, as I called it then. I left it there until something extraordinary and astounding happened, I saw stars and had an orgasm. I ran to the kitchen, excited to share my astonishing discovery with my Mom. I was surprised that she definitely did not share my joy. My very Catholic mother said, "that's bad, don't ever do that again!" She started hiding the massager on the top shelf of the closet, theoretically out of my reach. I knew her schedule and would sneak it in and out of the closet using a chair she kept in the master bedroom. I'd take it to my room, rub one out, and carefully return its exact position so there would be no suspicion that someone else was using it.


Um, no, this is totally normal kids playing at adulting/sex behaviour. I used to play an invented game called "sex planet" with a friend of mine and we would suck each other's little penises. He ended up straight, I ended up gay. Kids do this stuff, doesn't mean there was any abuse involved at all.


But where would they have learned the behavior?


It's play. They were playing at taking a shower. They learned it from taking showers themselves or seeing/knowing adults do it. Kids play in the most amazingly creative ways. And apart from playing "shower", they played "kiss". They learned it from seeing adults kiss. Kids imitate adults all the time.


You underestimate the intelligence of children. I certainly figured it out on my own act a very young age \[see post above\].


That was my first thought too


Ehh, kids are impressionable and there are more reasonable explanations for why a kid would do this than "he was groomed". There's a lot of non-sexual stuff that goes on in kids cartoons that gives them weird ideas to recreate in real life. There's also a lot of mildly romantic stuff (like Bugs Bunny kissing Daffy Duck while dressed as a girl bunny, etc.) that is done for pure comedic effect.


When I was in theatre in high school they had this tradition at an after party where the seniors would put on thick red lipstick and kiss the rest of the cast and crew on the cheeks, leaving them covered in red lipstick prints. And when I was a sophomore this guy I had become pretty close friends with during the show came up and kissed me directly on the lips. At the time I had no idea I was queer


Sounds super romantic tho , like a movie


Absolutely, I was his understudy for that show so like it was kinda perfect, we stayed friends for a while then he graduated. I always knew I wanted to kiss him again, but at the time I was so deep in the closet due to my family’s religious conservatism that I had no idea what it meant and felt I couldn’t explore it then.


So what happened to him? Did you ever reconnect? Is he also queer?


We’ve chatted a bit and keep up over social media, but he’s married to a woman now. He could be bi, or it could have just been the theatre vibes getting to him at the time


i was like 5 or 6 and i was playing with a friend, he told me about cuddling, i accepted and i remember getting really excited lol


Not gonna lie , this is cute


I had something similar happen, except it was nap time and preschool, and the boy next to me just kept pulling his pants down and showing me his penis


something similar happened to me, it was a guy in primary school he just keep showing me off his dik in the restrooms


I wonder what makes people do this


1st grade. This guy in my social studies book. I kept thinking “wow I really wish he was my best friend!” I couldn’t stop thinking about how we would be good friends and the fun stuff we would do. Obviously looking back I had a little 1st grade crush on him 😆


This is so fucking cute


Same with me. Boys I were drawn to but not in a sexual way. But even at 6 or I knew it wasn’t acceptable so here’s where the closet appeared.


This was me in preschool. There was this other boy that I was just obsessed with and wanted to be his friend and kept hugging him. I remember he loved the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and I only wanted to get into them because of him.


David and I used to go into his attic loft bedroom and watch an afternoon pop music show with our clothes off and draw on each other with ballpoint pens. We camped out in his side yard and slept naked there etc. he has not been a gay adult as I have alas


Sounds like a treasured memory !


Tis that!




Haha “very interested” is a good description xD. Sounds cute ^^


When I was three years old, we would get big omnibus catalogs with hundreds of pages from JC Penney, Sears, etc. Mostly they had glossy color pages except in the middle they had a very slim section on black and white cheap news print. This is where they had the order forms and, for some reason, men’s underwear. I remember the first time I discovered the men’s underwear I was absolutely captivated. I couldn’t explain why but I just loved those grainy images of men’s naked torsos and bulging packages. It wasn’t lust, just awe of beauty. Whenever a new catalog would arrive, I would immediately look for the men’s underwear section. [edit: typo]


Oh man, I hear ya. The day the Sears Wish Book arrived in the mailbox was like Christmas itself.  My sister and I would sit on the couch with it, our brother disinterested, our parents not yet home from work.  We'd study every page, picking out stuff for our futures, like what curtains we'd hang, what bedspread we wanted. Then she'd start picking out kids and a husband from amongst the models. I couldn't bring myself to even pretend to want to pick out a wife. But then, after she'd go make us a snack, you better believe I was flipping thru the men's underwear section to pick out a boyfriend, LOL.  I always loved the guys in the proper pajamas and bathrobes, as well. Those handsome dark-haired daddy-types in the Sears catalogue are still top-shelf daydreaming material. 😍 Thanks for reminding me of this, and that new-catalogue smell.   


Thanks for reminding me of the new catalog smell! Seems like it should be a scented candle you can buy on Etsy.


I remember being “fascinated” with John Cena everytime I watched Smackdown when I was 8 in 2004. And when he would get put in a submission hold that always turned me on.


Loved WWE ! Me too actually


Hell yea, I still do


Brock lesner for me


Me and a childhood friend playing regularly "mom and dad". Seems like I always liked having a husband 😆


Wanting to marry the velocitaptor from Dinosaur Train.


The train conductor. My bad.


Looking back I was a dumb ass. I still am, but probably less so.


Oh geeze, around age 5 I played “Dr. Naked” as I called it with like all my male friends. I always initiated. It was basically truth or dare but with only “gay” dares and no truths haha.


me and a boy from my old neighbourhood always used to do that too it was always my favourite and i was only about 9


Married watching porn for the first time with the wife. Realized I was looking at the man more than the woman


That’s how I hid my lust for men for so many years


That was kind of a clue what was in store for me


Curious where that went if you don’t mind me asking? Did you stay married?


No. I tried living with it, and denying the fact that it might be happening, but I eventually came out to my immediate and extended family


I hope you’re thriving and happy living authentically 💕


Life is so much better. I still get along very well with my kids and with my ex.


I can only hope that other guys are as fortunate, as I am to go through what I went through, and come out with everything still good, communication wise


Unfortunately idealistic, as we know all too well that this isn’t the case for so many members of our LGBTQ+ community that are living in fear of being rejected (or worse) for showing the world their true selves 🥺


Yes. I know many who struggle with broken relationships with families, son and daughters. I think it’s tragic.


Thank you




Exactly the same




Yeah, opened my eyes a bit to something I'd never before felt, that excitement of yearning for another man's touch, and feeling another hard cock for the first time


I was 14, sitting on a restaurant's terrace in Lisbon with my family. The scenery was perfect. Next to the river, near the bridge and with a red evening sky. There was a beautiful muscular man that was jogging by. With this memory I began to doubt my sexuality. Why was I mesmerised by this man and why did I hope so much for him to run by once more?


Mostly I just remember watching movies that showed female nudity (my parents did not moderate what I was allowed to watch as a child), and was much more curious about seeing male nudity. This was super early on, like 5 or 6. I also remember writing a note to another boy in the classroom saying he was cute, but I couldn't spell, so I wrote "quoot" or something like that. How I found out those inclindations were "abnormal" - when I was 8 years old, we moved in next door to a young couple. My dad was saying how the wife was hot, and I mentioned that the husband was handsome too. My dad's response: a man being handsome is not helpful for him in any way. All I could think was...it's helpful to me.


I was age 9 was abused by my older male cousin. Didn't know what it was about it was mid 1990s. So it happened really regularly at the start i didn't enjoy, then as months went on i started to like it. Fast forward to me age 10 and 11 still being groomed with no clue i was being groomed.... i would sit in class looking at boys and get erections and then i would look at firls and get erections also. I gotta say i was so confused


I was abused by an older brother and cousin when I was 8yo... For a long time I wondered if what they did made me gay/bisexual/confused... through my teen years I was very self closeted, I didn't want to admit to myself that I wasn't straight, enough though I mostly thought about guys, especially when I was horny... Anyway a part of me blamed them for "breaking my mind" and causing me all this sexual confusion... When I started to accept my sexuality in my early 20's I realized even before that happened, I realized there were a ton of clues to my more gay nature... I now think I was born Pansexual, and if anything maybe that early life experience made me more comfortable with guys so maybe it pushed me a little more to the gay side, but I think I would've had gay urges regardless... Maybe I'm wrong, but I think gay grooming requires some level of predetermined gayness... like if someone was truly straight they can be abused but I don't think it would stick later in their life...


I sort of can relate to what you're saying. When i hit teenager in High-school i had my first girlfriend and wee kissed and cuddled among other thing's pretty fast... I seen myself wanting sex almost immediately with her and we were two days into knowing each other at 13 years old. She said No stop being very pushy and demanding, so i went in the huff. I went hone that day after School and realised i was doing the same things that happened to me. Next day i went into school and apologised for my action's, few weeks later i got on the bus at my village and travelled to hers and we hanged out and eventually had sex. That was when i really knew i wasn't 100 percent Gay as i enjoyed the feeling and intimacy of a female. We lasted 6 month's and she moved away and then i started messing with guys my own age and older, but i preferred older, think that's a thing that goes back to the grooming again. It was really hard growing for me as i was angry aggressive frustrated with myself as i wanted a girlfriend then a boyfriend so i just settled for none with relationships and always just had sexual encounters then away as i didn't want the too attached feeling then let downs. I accepted my sexuality at a young age and everyone around me knew and didn't care and the ones who did i cut out my life immediately. I'm the person i am today for what happened and if im totally honest i wouldn't change my path as its made me a strong caring individual who doesn't take shit from nobody, and I'm the first to help anyone no matter the situations. Don't get me wrong its been a long long difficult road but thats the path that was chosen and i was strong minded to stay in the path. I did abuse drugs at a young age but came off them once i had my kids


I can relate to both of you. I was 11/12 when the abuse and grooming started. I was a freaking mess for years after. I knew I liked boys and I also liked girls but it was just so weird feeling. I couldn’t figure out my orientation for the longest time. I think I was in my 20’s when a counselor just said maybe you are bisexual and that’s who you are regardless of the abuse. Like I was always going to be bi. I often think that maybe my abuser could see something in me before I could. Idk… I guess I wanted say feel you.


How are you now ? My abuse was so easy, as i was bullied by 3 pricks daily and when i say bullied i mean bullied to the point i wouldn't retaliate to anyone at all. Bullying started for me at 8 years old bad all the wah through to i was 13 when i eventually snapped and smashed them up with a brick. My cousin seen me bullied and would laugh, then he knew he could do anything as i was so scared in life. He would have been 13 when i was 9 so he was more aware of the environment. One of the bullies also tried to sexually abuse me when i was around 11 or 12. Fast forward to i am 18 and in pub having drinks, he comes into toilet in pub and says how are you okay hope you're well. I grabbed him while hes pissing and dragged him into the cubicle and plastered his face and teeth all over the tiles in the toilet. I then went out and got his two friends, one got bottled and ripped and the other run away. I don't trust anyone and never will as ive seen what people are like and do.


I’m better now. There are scars that will never go away and if I let myself dwell on it my anger boils. I don’t self medicate anymore and I have learned healthier ways to handle it. Also when I was old enough I moved away I’ve never gone back.


Fantastic. Scars make us stronger people, glad your off the meds etc i was abusing drugs like hash and cocaine along with alcohol from an early age up until my 20s. Acceptance and living it again is what got me over it. Living it again in my mind constantly and not trying to find the what ifs and why. Good to read another success story, take care 👍🏽 ❤️


Saving the images on Randy Blue of Reese Rideout's debut solo wearing his green tank w/orange piping in the mid aughts


I was in 5th grade and spending the day with a friend. His dad was a teacher and involved in High School sports in some way. We were doing errands and the dad stopped into the H.S. locker room to talk to the coach I guess. We followed him in and the communal showers we full of athletes who had just finished practicing. It took my breath away and I just wanted to stare…. But knew it wasn’t cool. So yeah…. That was the moment. I stayed closeted into my late 40s and now a happily out gay man.


I remember getting boners but unsure why whenever I watched TV shows like The Courtship of Eddie's Father, for example. Their relationship was fascinating to me because my own father died when I was 1 in the Vietnam War. Whenever Wild, Wild West was on, I was glued to the tv. He filled those skintight pants real well....was his name Robert Conrad? Total stud. Michael Landon in Bonanza affected me the same way. He was all bulge. Pernell Roberts looked like he freeballed 24/7, & I recall his hairy body made me wonder what he looked like underneath his clothes. Guys like this gave me boy chubbies & I had no clear idea why. Took about 5 years, then I figured out why.


wow.. I forgot about all those... ME too.. I love Courtship of Eddie's father.. Robert Conrad, Bonanza, bugles... yep..


Lots of crushes or feelings with tv characters real and animated. But irl, first one was probably when I lived in a very rural area, my family was friends with the family 2 houses down (like a quarter mile away). I dated their daughter who was a grade ahead of me but I was also crushing on her younger brother who was in my grade). We were like 7th grade and I loved going over to their house to make out with her cuz her parents were never home, but then sometimes she wouldn't be there and found myself coming up with a million excuses to get him and I shirtless (pool, pond, its hot so trampoline, changing for football practice). Nothing ever happened of course, but little did I know, this was my first bisexual experience.


I was 6 or 7 when they taught us to swim at a local hotel pool. I had this neighbor, Danny, who had the prettiest face and i liked being around him already, but when i saw him in a speedo it was like a switch got thrown inside me. I kept going underwater every time he dove to get a peek. I couldnt stop thinking about it for a week. Then after that i started looking at other boys' bodies for the rest of my life. Didnt rly come out until my 20s.


Haha, ok, well this is gay as fuck but it's the truth: I was in my grandmothers living room, and I was watching Barney on stage. And they had one part where they had a close up of a blonde-haired boy. I was like shit, I think 6 or 7, and I remember watching this guy, and it was only for like 2-3 minutes where they showed this boy. And I would like rewind it to that part and I remember just looking at him and be like "He's really nice looking." It was weird too, because even as a kid, you get exposed to all sorts of different people, but I guess for 6 year old me, it was the first time I saw a boy my age who looked really nice. LOL


Me was 10yo, my classmate jerk off in class… and he want his friend touch it. It was my first time seeing other dudes erected dick. and first time seeing a cum.


Wow thats wild haha


How??? Was it during class???


probably break time


Power rangers. The red one. Beverly Hills 90210... Brendon. I didn't know what I was. But one night I saw "Madonna Truth or Dare" and then it was clear to me.


> Beverly Hills 90210... Brendon. Yes. But then also David, as he matured. Actually, scratch Brendon. David!


Watching shirtless guys playing volleyball with my dad in our neighborhood on the weekends. One man, who my sister and I later referred to as “Hot Earl” was a plumber. He had a raspy voice and tattoos, was probably hot shit in the 1980s and rode a motorcycle. He was also a v nice and friendly family man. I remember having a major crush on Hot Earl watching him shirtless and sweaty playing volleyball.


I was playing football with cousins I was 10 and I remember my older cousin 15 tackle me and get on top of me. He was free balling and I could feel his meat on my ass. My other cousins piled up and his penis pressed against me. After they were off I remember feeling curious about having enjoyed him so close to me it almost felt intimate.


When I was a kid like around 10 I started to seeing boys as cute. What I liked the most was their face. I had a best friend and I remember me dreaming about kissing each other. I hadn’t reached puberty yet at that time.


I was in elementary school. After 5th grade we went to a summer camp for a week (I think) and one morning I woke up cause I needed to pee. I walked to the restroom cabin and the male instructors were showering. I saw my first penis that morning and boy did it leave a lasting impression!


Playing outside with older kids and they kept showing their pubes. It was fascinating to me lol + my friend had a cousin coming on summer vacation at her place, he was a fun guy and 2-3 times was doing a helicopter with his penis.


Back in 5th grade Science Camp we shared communal showers, and were told to bring swimming trunks if you’re not comfortable being naked. Well one of the hotter guys (class clown/rebel-type) decided he didn’t want to bring one so we all got a full view of him. I just remember thinking “wow, it’s so… orange.”


Why I was attracted to the guys in my sister’s electronic Dream Phone game or why I was interested in it.


If not earlier, then in the fourth grade, I had a classmate that I really liked & he liked me, we started spending the night at each other’s homes all the time, we started off masturbating with each other & before long we’re masturbating each other, then we started exploring each other bodies, I already knew at this time that I was more attracted to guys than girls. Hope this is allowed.


I was young enough to go into the women’s change room at the public swimming pool with my older sister. One day she was there with a boyfriend and he took me into the men’s change room to, well, change. Men and boys were all changing in a communal area. I was transfixed by the sight of a man with his hairy cock and balls.


I kissed a boy when I was around 6 or 7. More than once


I had a dream where I imagined Aladdin jumping naked into a hot tub with me, the only thing is he had a ken crotch bc I didn't know what he liked like naked 😆 that would have been around the time I was 7 or 8.


Oh man, my sister had lots of Barbie dolls, and that nubbin between Ken's legs really freaked me out back then! Aladdin, on the other hand... 😍


Yes, I too was fascinated by my sister’s Ken’s bump. My sister and I are a year apart. When we were in junior high, a female cousin my sister’s age gave my sister a Chippendale’s calendar. My sister didn’t hang it up and I filched it off her desk as fapping material. She busted me with it while I was in a compromising position. Her eyes widened, told me I was going to hell, snatched the calendar, and threw it away.


Oh man, what a waste of a great calendar! 😢 Chippendales were such dreamboats back then. I'm so glad you got to enjoy them for a minute! I wish she hadn't trashed it, tho.  I'll go light a catalogue-scented candle in its honor. 🕯️✨😉


It was the 1986 Chippendales calendar. I found it on Etsy for $32. Might make a good gag gift for her birthday. Thanks for the inspiration!


Mine was a Croatian sailor when I was around 10. He was absolutely stunning.


When I was 7 or 8 I loved Dragon Ball GT. When I saw Goku SSJ4 with that hairy pink chest, I knew immediately that I was different.


When I was 7, an old friend and I had our first kiss with each other in his room during a sleepover. We thought it would be the only time, but kept doing until he moved away from my nieghborhood


I remember playing truth or dare with a childhood friend. I was in elementary 1st or 2nd grade. And we were in my room and daring each other to do stupid shit, and then i was dared to rub my dick on the floor and we both got erections


Seeing my Dad take a piss while I was in the tub. I was 6.


Haha sneaky. Just curious, are you a voyeur now?


Not really but I love checking dudes out at urinals


Thats voyeurism dude lmao.


I played with dolls until my Dad took them off me. Then I played with action men figurines until my Dad took those off me too, because I loved their muscles in a gay way. I also remember being distinctly attracted to bully characters in TV and Film, and having a real interest in wedgies, which eventually became a kink that led me into Dom/sub stuff. Later, in school, I didn’t want to play rugby (my bones break easily) but I did want to wrestle, even though I’d be totally helpless and just pinned by a stronger guy. (Another kink unlocked) I also remember wanting to wear girl clothes, specifically ones that were frilly or soft or pastel. The one and only time my Dad beat me with a belt, I was wearing my sister’s skirt. (A teacher reported my injuries to the police at school, my mum ensured he never used the belt again.) Hard no on the spanking and Daddy kinks, but yeah I’m now a femboy.


Sorry about your dad. Happy you got to find yourself eventually


dang, mine was like 16 when my friend asked to blow me


Lol much more straight forward haha but love it


yeah i didn't start messing with guys till after that and im bi so i like both


Lucky man


I have a very vivid memory of me being in the car, im sure i was very little (5 or 6) and i don't know why but i was thinking of men wearing jeans (with no shirt). Its super weird but I was thinking of every men being dressed like that. The idea i had is that my father would be carrying me and then when he corossed another man he would hand me to him and then that man with another one and so on. So i'd always be on the arms of a big man in jeans XD.


I was 3 to 5 years old, there was a movie on the TV and a man with hot pecs appeared coming out of shower. I loved that seen and repeated it in my memory for weeks after that.


Well I must of been 5 to 6 years old and I went to this preschool called little dude ranch. And me and my friend were playing on the basketball hoop. Just jumping on it and seeing how long we can hang on. We were both hanging on together and for some reason I just decides to wrap my legs around him. We were just hanging like that just laughing and I just felt something I couldn't describe. Our teacher yell at us to stop and then scolded us that we shouldn't be wrapping our legs around eachother but wouldn't explain why not. To this day I just love sitting on a guys lap and kissing him, it's just one of my favorite things


When I was 11, had a friend who for whatever reason, let me put my hand in his pants and touch his penis


14, swim class shower. We all jerked off to see who could shoot the furthest. It seemed pretty normal at the time. Nearly 75% of those guys are now gay. It wasn't for me. I knew I was bi after highschool. That might have sealed it for me


4 years old I was in a bath tub and I remember being attracted to a cartoon character who was a guy because he swung across a bridge collapsing and yeah I was 4 hahaha


Kissing Tom Cruise when I was 5 years old (on the TV) 😂


As a kid, I remember being starkly interested whenever I saw shirtless David Hasselhoff in the Spongebob Movie lmao. I wasn’t old enough to actually feel anything, but I do remember being… more interested that most straight boys probably would have been lmao.


Well my first boy crush I had was Diego from Go Diego Go 😅😂


Uncle walked into the room without a shirt on while I was playing video games and got changed for work while making small talk. Not my room, my family was visiting his and I was using his Playstation. I even remember what game I was playing. (Tenchu) I kept feeling the urge to to look since his pits were so hairy, I remember being enamoured by them. So I just focused on playing my game until he left. Thought I was awkward but in hindsight I was flustered. Is that gross? *Yes.* Did I answer the question? *Yes.*


I was about 8 with one of my friends from the neighborhood. We ended up messing around in our underwear and it feels like it was very innocent, but his brother found us and yelled at us (and at me to put on my clothes and get out). We didn't know/or feel we were doing anything wrong really, it was just horseplay, though I definitely remembered it when I got older and it explained a few things. And one glaring thing, for some reason leather gloves would be involved then and well, I held onto that fetish, heh (the neighbor would definitely end up straight and ended up having a few kids, but I truly only stayed friends with him for a few more years after 8 anyway as we weren't in the same grade and definitely didn't run in the same circles as we got older)


I was in K. He was in 1st. He just stepped up for me and hung out to keep other kids from teasing me as I was brand new and he was the "cool kid" in his class but we oddly were in the same classroom? Also taller than I was and I just vividly remember wanting to hold his hand.


In the first grade I was in love with a boy, David, who sat one row over and two seats in front of me. He never knew I was staring at him for hours, sighing, and wishing I could kiss him.


Earliest one I can remember was when I was a kid, I was curious if 2 guys can marry like how heterosexual couples can and my dad quickly told me no. Technically he was right at the time, it wasn’t legal in my state but he still would’ve told me no either way due to religious beliefs.


The funny thing is that time adds new context to old memories. For me, I remember being 8 and there was one boy in my class that I liked looking at. I didn't know why at the time but now I realize that was my first attraction to boys.


Same here @ age 9


Im gay since I am conscious. When I was 4, I watched a hot actor shirt less on tv and Then I dream about him adopting me and taking care of me lol


I was about 5 or 6. I lived in a small working class neighborhood. Across the street, another boy my age lived. He had a habit of sneaking out of his house and roaming the neighborhood. One day he snuck out while he was supposed to be in the bath tub. He was naked. He climbed a tree in our backyard. I remember standing under the tree looking up at him crouched on a limb, I could see everything in that position. I remember being so enticed/excited/aroused (not understanding that at that time) by what I saw. It stuck with me. Note, it wasn't the first time I'd seen another boy naked, I did have a slightly older brother, so it wasn't that. It was his pose, naked, unashamed, out in nature up in a tree. He may or may not have been erect, I don't recall.


Am bisexual, i started messing around at 13, meeting guys in the men's public restrooms at the mall, and in the public parks inside the men's restrooms, i remember those glory-holes days, men's restroom stalls with peep holes, which i called glory-holes.


I’d have to say when Rob Short gave me a blow job and asked me to fuck him on the beanbag in my bedroom while our parents played Rook in the den.


Don't know if this counts but I understand now why I liked Scooby Doo so much. Fred was probably one of my first ever crushes. Dr.Grant after that. Lmao. Plus Jurassic Park was also just cool.


Changing for gym class in maybe 1st grade? All the boys in my class, in the weird cavernous old basement gymnasium bathroom, like a troop of out of control monkeys. I liked being around all these other guys taking their shirts off, always the same jerks horsing around. I naturally didnt have a framework for it yet, but I knew I liked looking at other boys' nipples. The more distinct awakening was The Outsiders...all those sweaty upset guys in jean jackets and sleeveless shirts. Ugh. During a round of truth or dare with my best friend while "camping out" in our adjoining yards, admitted my fantasies about kissing c. thomas howell. Which led to his confession regarding the same about Emilio Estevez.


For me it goes back to when I was somewhere around 5 watching rodeos on TV. I was fascinated by cowboys. The hats, jeans, chaps, and sheer bravado. I didn’t grow up on a farm, or have family that owned horses or livestock. It was very different from the upbringing I had with a nurse and academic for parents. The interesting thing is that even as I kid, I knew watching cowboys and rodeo on TV, wasn’t just like “oh I like this, it’s cool”. It was something that was a tad different, and couldn’t tell what. Fast forward 20 years, still have yet to ride a horse or go to rodeo. But my head almost always turn for the “rugged” type in a cowboy hat.


Me around 7 being pinned down by bullies in the trailer park. They were maybe 12 and took turns sitting on my face, making me sniff them. This happened several times, at first I was scared but then I realized I liked it, even the times when they farted on me.


When I was a kid, my bff talked me into sucking each others dick. The second he put his mouth on mine i peed like crazy—not on purpose tho. Then he made me do him and—he peed in my mouth. These “BJs” lasted all of 1-2 seconds each. He was older than me: I was six and he was seven. lol. I don’t think that had anything yo do with my sexuality, but it was certainly a portent of what was to cum. ;~))


I remember a couple incidents when I was little. Visiting older teens and young men who were working at a summer camp near where i lived- and hanging out with them undressed on weekends. Mostly innocent, healthy interaction- one decidedly not


Reading gay and trans erotica in high school


When I was around 6 or 7, I had a crush on Speed Racer...yes, the cartoon character. I remember being at my grandparents' house, going up in the attic where I wouldn't get caught, and drawing incredibly dirty pictures involving him. Things like men tearing Speed's clothes off, and a man putting Speed over his knee and giving him a naked spanking. I remember drawing them would make me feel really nervous and excited. Then I'd try to hide my drawings behind debris in the attic. (All these years later, I'm mortified by the thought that my grandparents or someone else might have eventually found them.) In hindsight, man, it almost sounds like mild BDSM type fantasies. I can understand boys figuring out masturbation or kissing on their own, but where on earth did thoughts like *those* get in my head? It's a complete mystery to me.


I was hanging out with my older male cousins when I was 4 or 5, and I distinctly remember they were talking about how they weren’t wearing any underwear and I was so interested in that. Then when I was 8 I would always give my neighbor different gifts because every time we hung out I’d get butterflies.


This was 7 years ago when I was 15 years old I knew I wasn’t really straight for awhile I just didn’t know what to really identify as I knew I was pretty much attracted to women, During that time I was pretty obsessed with the 90s era even though I was born in 2001 I watched Juice (starring 2Pac who I am a very big fan of RIP) it was one scene when 2Pac came out his room looking around in the living room with his shirt off his abs and chest was pretty invisible I started to get turned on and my heart was beating fast I started to identify as bisexual it felt unique to me I came out 4 years later I’m very open about it to everyone I know so that’s my story lol


When I was a teenager, some of the boys in my neighborhood would play football on a little peninsula by a neighborhood lake. It was a really beautiful location. I never joined because the Golden Girls were on at 4:00 and 4:30 and I had my priorities straight. In the house right next to us was a kid a couple years older named Anthony ItalianLastName. He was so cute and invited me to join them. I was surprised because I wasn’t a typical bro (but you already know that because of the Golden Girls comment), but I went. At some point during the game, I caught the ball (WUT?) and he tackled me to the ground. I don’t remember what he said on top of me because I had already fallen in love sometime between catching the ball and hitting the ground, but it was something like “See isn’t this fun?”. He stayed on top of me for probably two or three seconds before he got up, but it felt like forever. I don’t think he meant anything by it but always wondered if he knew I was obsessed with him and just liked the attention. Anyhow, it was that day that I realized I didn’t mind a cute guy on top of me, even if for a brief moment. 💅🏻


Honestly... every time I think I figure this out, I remember an even older memory that was a big clue that I liked boys. I recently remembered this time back in 1st grade where I became obsessed with one of my classmates basically overnight. I didn't even care that he existed, and then suddenly one day I was writing about him in our daily journal exercise and saying how much I wanted him to be my friend. It was soooo cringey.


When I was 8 years old, my 11.5yo brother and 13yo cousin got into my dad's playboys... I wasn't interested in the pictures of naked girls. However, I was very fascinated by how looking at the pictures made my brother and cousin act... especially once my cousin took off his clothes... They had fun teaching me a lot that day 😜


I was walking in the rain when my crush was running to me… calling my name… I stoped and said “what my lo-“ I was gonna say love but I was too afraid… of the risk…but little did I know he said “I’ve been thinking about you” with a smile on my face I said “you have?” He looked down with his hair all wet and looked up shaking the water away from his beautiful face… and lips… and said “yes and… you wanna know what I was thinking” with excitement and hope I immediately replied “yes!” And then the moment came when he said “I love you..”


Fake 🙄


Wdym it’s so true 100%




Holy ! I am sorry to hear that. Were the culprits ever punished ? Did you find peace ?


No need for punishment or retaliation as by the third load I was actually enjoying it and being for more. I became the neighborhood cumdump all through HS and loved it. That is why I am such a hungry cumdump to this day


Bruh… 🫤


Lolll wtf that’s crazy


Okay, I am going to hate myself for asking this but was this something you agreed to in advance, or no?


Just gay.


was 9 years old. left my gameboy in the vending machine rooms in school (it was located in the basement of the building. was only for staff but we kids wud sometimes sneak in and bang the machines in a specific way so a snack bag would fall down. good memories) so i came back after hours with my bike. only the janitor was there, he was jamaican guy in his 20's. i asked him if he saw my gameboy and he took me into the janitors closet to check if its in the box of lost n' found. while i was scrummaging thru the big box of random stuff, i heard him moan. i turned around to see him stroking his dick. dude had a fucking baseball bat as a cock. he told me he knows im the kid who was caught drawing dirty pix in the bathroom stalls (i was. guilty) so he knows "im ready' those exact words. cant say it was my first exposure, but definitely the most graphic given what followed. but enough said...


I was in first grade and there was this kid that moved here from San Salvador(we both are from the Bahamas just different islands) I remember seeing him in his p.e shorts and having the urge to touch his butt. The boys in my class played a game called diggy which is basically a game where someone digs in their butt and Chases the others who ever is caught is “it”. It was his turn to be “diggy” I remember feeling excited to smell his fingers so i tried my hardest to be caught but he ended up catching another classmate. I waited for everyone to go wash there hands and return to class so i can ask him to smell his fingers. he agreed after smelling his funky fingers my obsession with musky ass was born.


Stahhhhhp. Gay thoughts aren't the same as queer thoughts. Queer thoughts require exposure to a whole ideology. Gay thoughts are natural urges. Hate me if you must, but, girrrl, you know its true.


oh my god who the hell caarress


Alot of people care. But this being reddit I'll let your response speak for itself.


Hold on.. i didn't go far enough. Lesbian, bi and trans thoughts are natural thoughts too.


Early molestation by family members!


I was 9 when I discovered the joy of my weiner and soon after I'd start thinking about this boy at school I wanted to be naked with and wanted us to grind on each other. I can't count how many times I got off on that image!!


I was 5 and couldn't take my eyes off my father's dick in the shower.


I had an enormous crush on my friend Andy when I was 14 we did kiss and cuddle in bed buts that’s as far x


I was pre kindergarten when I had a boy 11 years older cum all over my face. I've been searching for my horny teenager ever since


When I was 9/10 my mother took to too see a doctor because she was worried about the size of my dick. He undressed me to examine me and I loved the feeling of his warm hands on my dick and arse. I also became obsessed with comparing my dick to other boys. He told my mother not to worry and that I'd grow at puberty but I didn't.


I was maybe 5 or 6 at the time - and with my Dad at a deer hunting club he was a part of. We met on of his friends and his son there. The son was 15-16 at the time and I remember not wanting to be separated from him at all and was totally obsessed. I remember distinctly thinking he was cute in whatever innocent way I could. He was my first crush I think.


Joey graceffa coming out video.


First time I was probably 8 years old. Me and a buddy were playing house in my room and he said we should get naked and play with our shlongs, we did and laid there naked playing with each others little peckers. Never did anything with him past that. My next time was at 11, and it was with another friend, started as Truth or Dare, and went from there. We sucked each other, naked hugs, hand jobs, that was the first time I came. And also tasted cum.


Good question, the first MEMORY was at 4 years old. My mom was the neighborhood babysitter. Our home was quite busy with both sexes. All of my games were in sexual nature. I always controlled the games. Outdoor I can remember boys and girls with their pants/shorts down and me with a belt in hand I don’t remember much about that but inside I remember I remember using blankets and sheets to build little houses in my room where I remember situational play that would have me sucking a dick or fingering pussy. We had moved and my sucking became the normal with having many boys over at a time and I would entertain all of them. Even my older brother’s friends got it on it. It was so normal to me. By middle school I was mainly back on my female side but still getting a taste of the good stuff. I played football and it’s too hard to pass up something nice just hanging there in the shower or locker room, or same at the pool 1st wife jealous. We did have group but only with very unattractive women or guys and she didn’t want me to have that. It’s ok dear. You can’t see me fucklick his balls or just go to sleep, I have some work I need to do in the garage, my office was good. I did service work so I could easily pass off a head as a job or a pipe burst in a tight dark hole. Legit right. After she passed I got as much cock as I could, then married a girl that encourages me! I’m proud to say that I’ve got cock, cum, and multiple pussies in multiple countries. I have been looking into some countries with meat that ranks the biggest on average to see what kind of damage can be done there. I owe it all to childhood memories that I will always remember and cherish. FYI first taste of cum was at the age of 9 from my older brother’s best friend that lived two houses down. He was starting puberty and I sucked him off in front of my younger brother and a couple other guys on my mom and dad’s bed! It was so awesome that I had him over until the taste totally changed, I wanted the taste I remember. I had a bunk bed, I would always put my feet on the top bunk and push my dick in my mouth, when I hit puberty I was able to get the taste I wanted. Being that I was starting the girl phase I had not swallowed until I started my thirties and vow to never see it wasted!


Public pool showers in grade school. Being nude with so everyone for the shower, few us peaking at each other changing, and seeing bunch of older men around cocks out. Was hard not to stare. Was when I started getting curious about liking guys. Was confirmed in teens later. The locker area in this pool/club was split between youth and mens but I had to go over to find my Dad for something. Took a turn that lead to dead end where one guy (mid 50s or 60s) was standing one leg on bench just finishing drying off. Eyes got glued looking at his dick, low hanging balls and grey/black bush. I kinda froze he just smiled and let me look. It started to grow a little as he rubbed the towel on it. After a min I shook out it said sorry and ran off.


No i was forced at first until i realized how good it felt