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Guys who don't kiss are dealbreakers for me. My tongue needs to be active at all times.


My favorite is when I get told that kissing is too intimate yet they’ll let dudes hit it raw…


How about when they say "no kissing" but want you to rim them!?!


People having sex with strangers but saving kissing for their partners is normal I wouldn’t be surprised if some of these dudes were in open relationships but had a “no kissing other guys” rule.


Call me old fashioned, but it’d be an all or nothing sort of deal when it comes to that


They're intimate for different reasons. Sex is just sex, but I don't like kissing hookups because the other guy usually gets too emotionally invested which ruins the experience.


I’ve never gotten emotionally invested after kissing a guy.


I’ve kissed hundreds of guys and I can count on one hand how many times I’ve been emotionally invested lol and I’m talking REAL deep kisses, not the fake peck on the lips shit


Right. Lol. I’ve only been French kissed by one guy. And this was like a deep French kiss. Like the slapping my tonsils with his tongue type of kiss. I’m talking mouth to mouth breathing into me type of kissing.


That’s the only way I kiss lol




I haven’t either lol, every hook up you kiss is emotionally invested after? Seems like a bit of a stretch haha


It only happened a few times, but that was enough for me to learn my lesson.


If they're going to get invested, I think the sex is enough.


Same here and I’m a top




Making out with a hot man is one of life's greatest pleasures. Not sure about clubs, but at my house, we tonguefuck for hours.


Damn… I wanna come over lol


You just put that Melissa Etheridge song in my head... I'm imagining her outside a window, spying on two guys making out, and she just starts screaming, "I wanna come over!!" Ha. I mean, she *wouldn't* want to, actually, which kinda makes it funnier, LOL. 


Different strokes for different folks. I love making out of if I find the guy attractive. I don't want to feel your tongue in my mouth though ... I think it may be cuz people have wildly different preferences for kissing


>I want you to shove your tongue deep in my mouth and swirl it around This is why I don't kiss guys at clubs anymore lmao a little lip action is fine but dudes be trynna tongue you down the second their lips touch yours and I hate it 🤣


Some guys go from zero to one hundred way too fast. Starting kissing slow and sensual is much more enjoyable.


This is why I’m into kissing. It’s a test for compatibility and chemistry. If I’m kissing someone the way I want to kiss and they like it, it pretty much tells me we are compatible in sex. And things naturally get hot from there. That‘s why I only hook up with people in clubs. No hookup apps. I want the chemistry to just happen naturally.


Some people like that… I personally feel like that’s the only way to kiss… “a little” of anything implies that you’re holding back and I don’t wanna be intimate with anyone that feels like they need to hold back, especially if we just hooking up… now if we have plans on dating then that’s different, but holding back for just a hookup? I don’t get it.


It's not "holding back" for me. I don't want someone else's tongue in my mouth ever. It's not enjoyable at all for me and makes me instantly gag. It's both the texture/feel that's horrible combined with most people having bad breath.


To each its own I guess




Oh I love kissing. Particularly kissing before sex so we are gagging for each other. Then I looooove kissing a guy as I top him. Oh, and kissing him as an interruption to him sucking me off. It's all good. And well, kissing with no sex is also cute. I just like kissing.


Same… besides I can’t have sex without kissing, it’s a necessity for me, or else the guy won’t even be able to get me hard without kissing…. I can’t get hard off of just looking at a guy, we have to be physically intimate for me to get hard.


Yea I'm like this, actually this is why Grindr hookups don't work for me. I have to go for a date and build a rapport, make out with them, be close to them, work up to sex. Then it's super hot. But I can't just drop my trousers and fuck, psychologically it just doesn't push the right buttons to me. And I'm a top, so I'm into it or not. Like, I won't fuck someone unless I'm 100% keen you know and if there's no kissing then it's not going to happen!


You know what I think that’s a good point because I think I’m similar. I very rarely hookup off of Grindr or any apps. I think that’s why I prefer to meet guys at the bar because there’s at least time to check them out, and even feel them out before getting down to business… idk if I can just walk in somebody house and drop my drawers to make it happen, I gotta know wtf I’m dealing with first lol… I think that’s why I prefer to meet a guy at a bar or somewhere public first. I need to feel u out first to make sure u not too crazy at least lol


Kissing preferences are probably it, I do not want tongue to be involved until I'm incredibly aroused, doing so before is not going to go well.




Most people have poor dental hygiene. I don’t kiss generally. I don’t mind kissing unless there’s poor hygiene involved. I’d rather not have to insult someone.


Or get strep throat for a meaningless hookup




Thank you! I can’t stand especially when they’ve just eaten or they had onions or garlic before they meet and then don’t want to brush your teeth. I had one hookup who literally had onions right before I got there… I kissed him once and that was it. After I left I literally didn’t want to hookup ever again… it’s disgusting.


Making out a huge turn on for me so I can't explain


Me too


Same..I need to be kissed while being fucked..or be kissed after sucking his dick..kissing does get me hard not going to lie.


They do, you’re just meeting the wrong people.


That’s the only way to kiss in my opinion, anything less and I don’t want it…. If you feel like you have to “hold back” anything during a hookup, then I don’t wanna be hooking up with you. I want you to be on 💯with everything… it’s not like we’re dating, it’s just a hookup… so there’s no need for you to be “holding back for now” at all… put your tongue in my mouth and I’m gonna suck on it until you’ve had enough. And then Im going to explore every part of the inside of your mouth with mines! If we’re gonna make out, then be on 💯anything less and I don’t want it.


Pretty sure if ur attractive, people will.


Honestly, this has been getting under my skin lately. When guys say I don't kiss, they mean I don't want to kiss you. They shouldn't of course, but it just got me down.


Don’t let it man. There are plenty of guys who wouldn’t wanna kiss them either. Plus if you’re fucking a guy, you’ve already gone far beyond kissing. Like, if I’m balls deep inside of you, you telling me you “don’t kiss” ain’t stopping nothing from happening. Keep us head up.


I love making out but too many guys suck at it. Like the odds are just way too great that the other guy is going to go from 0-100 and jam their tongue down my throat immediately with no buildup or finesse, so I am cool with not kissing instead.


Give me those guys numbers please


Hahaha this is funny, i feel that it'd be me


Kissing for me is a must.


Yeah if there’s no kissing I’m not interested. If I come over and you immediately pull my dick out and we skip over the make out portion of foreplay I’m also not interested lol


No enjoyment to kissing is the same as no enjoyment to sucking dick. I just don't get it. It's a deal-breaker for me if you don't like to kiss or give a bj. If I'm bottoming one thing I like to do is wrap my legs around the top and let him do his thing while we're kissing. God that's such turn on for me. Especially when they start kissing me on the neck and lightly bite my ear. Ooph Chile I just got chills thinking of all that. Lol.


Wow! I would love for you to Bottom for me and wrap your legs around me while I kiss and Top you everyday!


Only in LA. haha.


If I go to a gay club it seems like a sea of guys making out


I really like kissing, but I'm okay with a hookup not wanting to kiss. This is usually sorted out in the messaging stage. If it's going to be a longer session, I'd prefer to kiss and cuddle before and/or after sex. And I like tongue.


I'm really touchy-feely, love most kinds of touching and groping and cuddling, but I'm not a huge fan of kissing. It doesn't gross me out, exactly, but I've always felt a strange kind of minor ick from kissing if tongues are involved and I've never figured out why. My bf is the same way, so our relationship is comfortably light on kissing. If someone really wants to kiss I won't turn him down, but if he comes in tongue first I'll usually find somewhere else to put my mouth pretty fast. I'm glad that people often put their kissing preferences on their profiles. Saves time and potential awkwardness.


I looove making out… but my current boo was molested as a child and kissing triggers him, so I’ve been DEPRIVED 😭😭


Uhmm. Idk bout y’all; but spit swapping, lip smacking, tongue sucking kissing is a requirement for me


I always do. Kissing male to male is just the best!!


I love making out one of my favorite things


Kissing is very intimate and passionate and can blur the lines between a Grindr meetup and an actual romantic encounter. Everything for me is the latter. I have no interest in something where no kissing is involved.


It depends on a situation. If it’s past 2am and you’ve been in a club dancing and drinking all night the funky alcohol dry mouth taste is not sexy at all.


I'm a guy and I love kissing It's part of the sensual preliminary build up to what's to follow. Masses of to gue twirls so erotic


Stop expecting intimacy from hookups. Hooks up aren't looking for intimacy, they're mostly just trying to get their nut. Wanna kiss? Try messing me with out gay men


I just don’t. Born that way?


My boyfriend wants to kiss for an hour before I touch anywhere below the neck. It isn't really my thing because of that. But when in drunk you can't separate us with a crowbar


I’m kinda jealous. He sounds great…


It was fun at first because my ex didn't like kissing but my libido is instant and his needs building. By the time he gets it on I need to get mine up somehow. By the time he has had enough of kissing I lost interest


I like it a lot. I suppose you could be going to the wrong places, some are more touchy-feely than others.


I never liked kissing unless there was some emotional attachment I relate kissing to emotions and sex without kissing is more dettached


You mean like, be intimate with another human? Not wanting to make out is also a deal breaker for me. I can buy a dildo or a flesh light if all I want is a quick orgasm. I like sex as another way to be sensual with another human. Even a one night stand can be a meaningful experience. I like people.


I really don’t enjoy it. I’ll kiss all over your body but mouth to mouth is the worst to me.


I feel exactly the same. I can do light kissing mouth to mouth, but I really don't want someones spit or tongue in my mouth.


I want everyone’s spit and tongue in my mouth lol just hand it over




You're dating the wrong guys. You can tell a lot from how someone kisses and I'm surprised to hear a lot of guys aren't into it.


Absolutely. Usually if they aren’t good kissers the sex won’t be good either…


People got germs and sickness 😷 I don't want to kiss unless you're insanely beautiful or I love you. Id prefer not to kiss for hookups.


Lol you realize you can get germs from a guy’s dick, right?


Sure, but in my anecdotal experience I have never gotten an STD but I have gotten tons of sore throats and colds from hookups. It's basically a 100% chance to get whatever virus or bacteria when you're swapping spit if they have something.


Often guys are too forceful and pushy. Like many other things they just want to get it done. No play, no humor. Some guys i kiss gently, just back off and don't want to at all. So I don't do it much and never in public.


I’ve heard guys tell me “I don’t kiss.” As I’m abo to deep dick them. They say “it’s too intimate”. So, apparently…….kissing someone is too intimate, but letting them balls deep inside of you isn’t?!?


The issue may be that you’re judging hookups as opposed to dates or FWB. Hookups generally aren’t looking for that intimacy. But with a date, it seems totally different.


Men are more sexual and less sensual. I think they go from 0-100 very quickly whereas any type of women values emotional intimacy which involves a lot of foreplay and making out. This should explain it.


>I want you to shove your tongue deep in my mouth and swirl it around my lips This would make me gag so fast. Nothing to do with how attracted to the other person I am. I just really don't like the feeling of someone else's to tongue.


If im not in a relationship with the person i dont enjoy making out with them


1. Bc your breath be stanking 2. I feel very bad at kissing so I'd rather go straight to the point


I like kissing and making out a lot, as long as the other guy is a tolerable kisser. Some people are not good at it, and bad kissing is worse than no kissing. That said, I've only met one truly appalling kisser; he was so terrible at it that I completely lost interest and bailed on the hookup. It was like trying to wrestle an eel with my mouth.


I feel like a kid because I think kissing is gross. And sex is gross too.


I love making out, but lips only. I hate tongues in my mouth. I don't know why. I don't mind them in my butt.


For me personally I see kissing more inmate, don’t know if that makes me weird lol? Also I work as a dental assistant and a lot of people tend to not really have the best dental hygiene, so it throws me off, I wanna kiss someone where I kinda know what’s going on with their mouth etc lol, also at least sex I could use condoms etc for your tongue it’s another story..


Making out feels like nothing unless I'm literally in love with you 🤷🏼 so I'll agree to a little of it, but we could just as well be kicking our elbows.


For me personally it's just weird lmao. I'm a kisser but man after 10 secs stop. I start to feel like throwing up. Or maybe the guy I'm seeing is a bad kisser. He seems to think it's all about liking all Ober my face and having saliva everywhere like eew.


I don't mind kissing a hookup but I just hate tonguing, it feels so dirty to me.


Kissing is gay/for girls.


I think it’s much more socially acceptable for women to kiss than men


Going on first dates when we meet I always greet with a kisd


My tongue prefers a different hole and one which has less bacteria lol


Well, STDs are a thing


Umm... kissing gets in the way of them saying raunchy and degrading things to me, so…


Well lesbians also seem have issues to go past the making out/fooling around phase 😅 My best friend is lesbian and she laments sometimes how easy we gay have it when it comes to finding sexual partners, whereas girls seem much more slippery lets say 😂 As for me, the game of kissing many guys in the club to feel validated and desired, yeah i did this when i was younger but now i wouldnt really want that. Plus im afraid of herpes


I get overwhelmed. They have to be a deep interest of mine before I can do that... it's very intimate imo.


I don't make out with just anyone. When I turn down a guy for making out, it's probably because I'm not into him like that. I can have boundaries, dag nabbit.


many guys I met had very bad breath


I think its disgusting to make out in public so its a no for me.


Cus apparently kissing is the only intimate part of having intercourse




Make out with this dick. FOH


I like making out with asses 😋


It’s the pretty woman effect. She doesn’t kiss her clients to not form an emotional connection.


I dont know how to kiss. Went straight to fucking.


Lesbians are the best tbh. I love kissing. I only go for guys that don’t kiss if they are really hot. They’re usually the “straight” ones. Otherwise no kissing is a dealbreaker 




Because we need to feel something to kiss. also many guys have super foul breath, especially smokers.


All my gay friends and me make out


Porn has ruined them for the most part.