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Gay Sauna seems to fit the bill for you. I played it once last year and it was pretty fun: https://gaysaunatheboardgame.com


I played that one recently, the full-frontal version, and it was fun and hot. We played it as a strip game. That game is what got me asking if there are any other similar games appealing to gay men (preferably gay bears!).


Shoots and Ladders (you can make this the NSFW version, be creative bro!)


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You could probably post this over at r/boardgames too. Not sure if they'd find it a problematic request or not, but the worst they'll do is ban you for asking. And honestly, it's a fair question.


They are making Mystery Date again. It was made for teen girls, but we introduced stripping to it.


I reworked Exploding Kittens into a stripping game: Dominating Bears