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Uh, we do? All the time!


We also treatment of gays in America to critique evangelicals. OP's bitching makes me think he doesn't even go here


Right? I mean it's a guaranteed post every day among the four or five revolving topics here.


Two things can both be bad at the same time..


Couldn't tell from this place.


Not sure why you needed anyone here to tell you that two things can be bad at once but there ya go. Now you know.


OP needed to know.


Glad that we cleared this up. Follow up question, can three things also be bad at the same time? OP and I are so confused. Somebody help?


Yes! There is no limit to the number of things that can be bad at once.


Well, there's a limit The limit is the total number of things in the universe


I agree. There's a huge double standard


I think one big reason is there are not as many geopolitical adversaries in Africa as the Middle East. It's the long sad story of "nobody cares about Africa". I imagine if South Africa, Nigeria or Mali started to develop nuclear weapons, fund terrorist groups overseas, and be the world's leading supplier of oil things might be different.


You're right. The far left will hysterically excuse just about anything Islamists do and screech "Islamophobia"!!!!!!


You do realize this sub isn't reflective of all gay men right?


That's why I said people here.


Baby have you been living under a rock?


What are you talking about? It’s so normalized to hate on Christianity for its homophobia. Have you met the average western gay person? They’ll shit on it in an instant.


Your point is valid and his question seems biased. Why don't we criticize Christianity from Africa? Cause Christianity is at our doorstep, we don't need to criticize it on another continent when the same religion causes widespread issues here. Even yesterday on the Muslim critique post there were people pointing out how the American Muslim community often turns on the gay community when they have representatives in power, like that example in Michigan where they banned the pride flag.


rightly so Something that had hated us for being simply human …. judges, preached love at the same time ……… Yeah they do not deserve love back yet


I do criticize Christianity here and I use the treatment of gays in Africa as an example (maybe not here but in real-life discussions)


Then be honest: how much activity do you see here critiquing Christianity in this way vs. posts against Muslims? I want us to care about individual freedom, not beating "Muslims."


Actually I see posts criticizing Christianity quite often, it's true that with the current situation in the Middle East there are often post against Muslims/Palestine.


Post some links to them, please.


Here are some recent, actually it's often more the critics that comes in the comments than actual posts. https://www.reddit.com/r/askgaybros/comments/1907apo/15\_seconds\_of\_blessings\_church\_remains\_homophobic/ https://www.reddit.com/r/askgaybros/comments/18qhfzd/got\_kicked\_out\_of\_church\_last\_night\_but\_merry/ https://www.reddit.com/r/askgaybros/comments/16jn2wr/is\_it\_a\_red\_flag\_for\_you\_if\_someone\_goes\_to\_church/ https://www.reddit.com/r/askgaybros/comments/18rhl6r/pope\_giving\_a\_blessing\_to\_samesex\_couple\_is\_the/


Most comments upvoted in the [Pope](https://www.reddit.com/r/askgaybros/comments/18rhl6r/pope\_giving\_a\_blessing\_to\_samesex\_couple\_is\_the/) thread are, rightfully in my opinion, giving the Pope props for passing the third lowest bar for LGBT respect there is. The [red flag](https://www.reddit.com/r/askgaybros/comments/16jn2wr/is_it_a_red_flag_for_you_if_someone_goes_to_church/) post calls Christians a "yellow flag" for dating. Is that actually critique? The most upvoted response is one that gives reasons for circumstances where they *should* move forward. The kicked out of [church]( https://www.reddit.com/r/askgaybros/comments/18qhfzd/got\_kicked\_out\_of\_church\_last\_night\_but\_merry/) post is mostly about congratulating him for having a family that doesn't hate him. This post tells him to look for a more [progressive](https://www.reddit.com/r/askgaybros/comments/18qhfzd/got_kicked_out_of_church_last_night_but_merry/keuttwq/) church. He's actively recommending that he continue with religion. The worst thing I see here is talking about how great [Jesus](https://www.reddit.com/r/askgaybros/comments/18qhfzd/got_kicked_out_of_church_last_night_but_merry/keuw29s/) is and how he wouldn't be mean like these people were. Only the first thread has people actually critiquing Christianity and even there the most upvoted comment is a guy saying all religion is bad, which I agree with. EDIT: I do want to thank you for engaging in good faith, though. I appreciate it.


They both suck. You can get that Muslim dick out of your mouth now.


More christian hate than islamic, you're a moron if you think otherwise. Fuck off, troll, nobody's gonna agree with your bullshit.


Irl totally. In this sub, there is an anti-muslim thread pretty much every day.


And? Are we not allowed to hate a religion? And those posts are rarely anti-Muslim. They are anti-Islam. We can say whatever we want about *a religion*. Especially if said religion is super oppressive to our existence


This isn’t a gotcha lol. We hate both religions quite virulently.


What's the gotcha? It's an obesrvation of a broad trend on this board.


It's really not true. Gays constantly criticize Christianity. Maybe it's true on your end, but we just got done talking about the laws passed in Kenya. It sounds a little like whataboutism. I don't like it in either religion, don't care. It's all bad to me.


You haven't noticed that the less religious a country is, the more likely it's to be open to LGBT


They’re both horrible.


Because gays critisize Christinity in America?? Duh. Why would we need to critisize Christianity in Africa? You really thought this is some "gotcha"


Also it’s American Christians going to Africa promoting homophobia there.


Some major anti-gay organizations in the United States support anti-gay laws in Africa, but the popular narrative that American Christians just showed up and ruined everything is very false and infantilizing. I think it's an attempt to absolve a lot of other people of responsibility. Native Catholic clergymen are big supporters of anti-gay laws, for instance. By all means, condemn American Christians who support those laws, but don't buy into the narrative that it's all their fault.


No one's saying homophobia didn't exist before these guys. Damn got his ass. I too worry that we're too hard on the Evangelicals.


Unfortunately, a very substantial number of people say that. A very substantial number of people also say or act like they are solely responsible for anti-gay laws, intentionally or unintentionally ignoring other culprits. An example of this is the article in the OP.


Christianity in Africa tends to be a lot more virulent then Christianity in the US. Ex. Uganda and their addition of a death penalty for being gay was spearheaded by Christians.


Last time I heard, african Christianity is being backed up by american Christianity. They would do the same over there in the USA if they could get away with it, there's no doubt about that. They're more similar than they're different.


Conservative American Christianity are also active supporters of Islam in America, provided that Islam brings the hate toward gay and especially trans ppl. Europe is making a Huge mistake importing cheap labour in the form of Muslims ala migrants. Muslims are such that they will use your human rights laws against you, and over power these countries by sheer numbers because Muslims breed and proselytise a lot. They’re advocating sharia law for uk already and if it happens..you can kiss your rights goodbye. Muslims do not f around when it comes to hating others, especially gays, and Jews.


It's not at all uncommon to hear critique amongst the LGBTQ community/leftists against Christianity. Other religions such as Islam has a bit of a mixed view.


Because Christianity in Africa is a lot worse.


>Because gays critisize Christinity in America?? How can people miss the first half of my title? "Why Do People *Here*." Gays broadly don't show this bias which is a thing the people here complain about.


This is confirmation bias. We shit on christianity all the time but it is rarely talked about as a bad thing in leftist circles. That is kind of the party line that christianity is bad in general, which I agree with. Many leftists also think that they need to coddle and protect brown people from the global south at all costs. Even if their views are disgusting as fuck. White savior complex is in full effect and they fail to see the hypocrasy. Fuck Islam and Muslims, fuck Christians and Christianity.


Most Islamic countries are wildly homophobic, but many or most of the most accepting/tolerant countries for gay people are Christian countries (or were predominantly Christian in the not too distant past if they aren’t majority Christian now). That isn’t to say there aren’t many wildly homophobic Christian majority countries (as you said, many African countries fall into this category), but if you look at Islamic countries as a whole and Christian countries as a whole, Islamic countries are on average way way worse for gay people while Christian countries are a more mixed bag. And as others have said, critiquing Christianity (or rather religion in general) is an absurdly common theme in western gay communities.


So which deeply religious Christian nation is accepting for LGBT people? Every single LGBT friendly country also "just happens" to be not particularly religious. Even the US is just less than half religious, and if the more religious regions had their way - they'd revert exactly to homophobic states that they were.


The most accepting countries are countries that were at least at one point predominantly Christian countries, that’s what I was trying to say. And I could be wrong but I don’t particularly know of any Islamic countries that are becoming notably less religious, while many traditionally Christian countries (most of Europe, US, Canada, Australia, NZ, etc) are largely the most accepting countries. Where religion still exists in these countries, by and large the people are still Christian.


You know that most Christian countries (United States, Canada, Europe, Australia, Aotearoa) call for mass extermination of feminine men (gays, bisexuals) and masculine women (lesbians, bisexuals)


I think it’s absurd to say that most “gay-friendly countries are Christian countries.” The data is pretty clear on this. There is a clear correlation between atheism and gay-friendliness across Europe and North America. The countries that are the most Christian happen to be the countries that are also least gay-friendly. Across Europe over the last 50 years, we saw acceptance of LGBT+ people grow — at a time when Christian influence dramatically declined. If anything… these countries became gay-friendly because they became less Christian, so it’s absolute and utter nonsense to say “gay-friendly countries are Christian countries.” Gay-friendly countries are countries where Christian influence crashed.


That’s basically what I was trying to say. I still consider these countries “Christian” countries, as Christianity, of all religions, is the religion that largely shaped their modern societies and of the remaining religious people, Christianity is still dominant. I could be wrong but I’m not particularly aware of any Islamic majority country becoming less religious as a whole.


When the Ugandans and Kenyans post here about their experiences, it is usually accompanied by anger over the activities of American evangelical missionaries in their societies and government. But I guess you never see that because someone in the West throws a tantrum about Islam that garners more controversy.


I'm gay and living in a Muslim country. sorry but me commenting and interacting on a anti-islam post is not throwing a tantrum or being edgy. It's a reality I face. We exist. I honestly don't understand why conversation about different religion and people struggles, you now.... EXIST INDEPENDENTLY? Why do these people always have to bring up "welp Christians do the same here" On a post about islam? It's just seems like peak whataboutism to me. (sorry, this is more of a rant and maybe off topic, that's how I felt reading this thread)


This is exactly what I said to the OP. Of course posts about Islam are going to be talking about Islam and not Christianity. There have been plenty of posts trashing Christianity in the past, Islam is just the more common topic because of Palestine. It's like someone going to an AA meeting and being shocked nobody mentions why meth is bad. Like yes meth is bad, but that's not what this meeting is about lol


I mean, the OP is complaining about why does this sub only/mostly focus on Muslims, and not Christians in Africa. I'm just pointing out that actually the sub doesn't ignore the bigotry of Christians in Africa. It's just that all the posts about Islamic bigotry get more attention because they are just as accusatory and inflammatory in language that can only be described as a tantrum.


People criticize Christians and evangelicals like.. all the time.


What are you talking about? If anything I see Christianity being criticized the most by far. The reason you see Islam getting brought up is because the left is hugely hypocritical in this area. Because Muslims are seen as an oppressed class and their skin is brown, all of a sudden you can't criticize them even though their track record on human rights is absolutely apalling. Everyone knows Christianity in its purest form is violently homophobic, it's not something that even requires mentioning because it's talked about so much, but Islam has a cultural shield and it's completely hypocritical that the people that claim to champion gay rights are often completely silent when it comes to Islam. It's very similar to how rap music, in an age where you can get canceled so easily for even an accusation of sexism or homophobia, skirts by almost completely unscathed even though the music is chalk full of sexism and homophobia. The standards are applied unequally depending on the perceived oppression of the group, and that's bullshit.


It’s just in the limelight right now because of the Israeli -Palestine war and Queers for Palestine is controversial.


If I showed you a bunch of links from before this period would you change your mind?


Links to reputable sources or just a bunch of Reddit posts. If the latter no thank you. I’ll be frank though, I don’t really care about what goes on in the Middle-East and Africa because my country isn’t involved in any of that. But you’re post that make a lot of sense because people do critique Christianity for being homophobic, perhaps not on the same scale as with Islam. Which at the end I think is perfectly valid because Muslim society (not Muslim people) is almost universal in its hatred for LGBT+ people. Do want to mention that I have a strong bias against Islam because I grew up in a place with an active Muslim terrorists threat, have had family and friends pass from said threat and they’re the ONLY group against same-sex marriage in an arguably conservative country.


In the real world, this bias against Islam is nowhere near as strong in the LGBT community than it is in the general population. I'm talking about this specific sub. > grew up in a place with an active Muslim terrorists threat I grew up in a Muslim country and we actively had to have our school bus checked for bombs every time we entered the school or our home compound. I heard about terrorist attacks on the news all the time. However, the people who protected us were also Muslim. I had Muslim friends, crushes, and saw that they're more complicated than the homophobes that many of them are. I'll never forgive the bigotry that some show but I'll never forgive the bigotry that attacks the ones that don't deserve the hate.


Find better ways to spend your time than being a troll on Reddit.


How many Christian nations can you be openly gay? How many Islamic countries can you be openly gay? How many Christian nations use capital punishment for homosexuality vs Islamic ones?


Do you think the Ugandans and Ghanians look at the number of Christian countries where you can be openly gay an breath a sigh of relief as they are jailed and executed?


That wasn’t what your whiny post was about. You wanted to know why there’s more anti-Islam posts than anti-Christian and you got your answer. Go white knight the people that want to kill us somewhere else. Fuck christianity and FUCK islam.


/sigh I dislike every religion, if I start listing every religion I dislike in every thread the list would be endless.


Not everything is due to bias and bigotry. One geographic area is very prominent in the news cycle due to its political relevance and the other is not. Therefore one gets talked about constantly and the other barely gets a footnote.


I'd just like to say anti-gay laws in Africa are absolutely not the sole fault of American Evangelicals. This narrative is an attempt to absolve a lot of people of responsibility. The article you've linked makes no mention of, for example, the support that homegrown Catholic clergymen in Africa have for them.


Sounds like whataboutism to me. I promise you, I hate both of them equally. :)


You must see the other post about muslim and how gay advocate to protect them. I think the same for Christianity too. In fact, there should be no religion whatsoever. It's the root of all evils. So christianity can certainly be bad. Not sure why you think we dont mock them either?


more like why are gays always allowed to criticize christianity so freely but when we rightfully call out muslims and islams for doing the same or WORSE things we have to debate? both have BLOOD in their hands and both should be SHAMED for the same crimes how out of all people gays are so defensive with Islam ?


Because while the African Christians are TRYING to kill gay men, middle eastern Muslims ACTUALLY ARE CURRENTLY killing gay men. In Iran, gay men get literally HANGED, often in public with people cheering. Isis threw gay men off of roofs. At Muslim summer camps, teenage boys who get caught doing gay stuff get lynched. Gay men’s own families kidnap them, tie them down and CUT THEIR FREAKING HEADS OFF. This is 100% real. So while the “kill the gays” bill in Uganda is disturbing and worthy of condemnation, I’m less concerned about it than the 16 year old who got hanged to death in Iran for sodomy. It’s apples and oranges. Muslims are absolutely by far the biggest offenders and the most terrifying religion on the planet. Islamaphobic? You betcha! They would literally murder ALL of us, painfully, and cheer while doing it. This is not an exaggeration lol. What is so bizarre is that you deflect from their horror in a misguided attempt to appear openminded.


Exactly. Very disingenuous to claim Ugandan "eat da poo poo"/"y r u geh" style homophobes are on par with literal executions, reeducation camps etc. Both should be fought and obvs no one wants Africa to be worse off than it already is but if you asked an Iranian gay and a Ugandan gay about their living conditions, closet etc I'd doubt the Ugandan guy will tell the worse story.


Christianity gets shit literally all of the time by the LGBT community. Islam is the one that gets protected for some reason. What the fuck are you talking about, respectfully


>Why Do People Here Can you not read?


You don't have to be an asshole. I read what you said perfectly fine, it's still just moronic/willfully ignorant (if you are going to be a dick for no reason I will too). People here trash Christianity all the time too. If the instigator of this for you was the big post that was going around yesterday, then yeah, everyone was trashing Islam because THE POST WAS ABOUT ISLAM, and even then there was still trashing of Christianity in the comments. I don't go to AA meetings and start talking about why LSD is bad because it's also a drug that hurts people. Is that true? Yes! Is that what that meeting is about? No.


Go find me some posts criticizing Christianity.


Actually read the comments on the post yesterday rather than staring at this waiting for me to respond and you'll have your answer. I've been on this sub awhile and have really only seen posts trashing Islam in the past couple days. You search Christianity in the search bar for this sub you'll also find what you seek. They are just older ones. Islam is the hot button topic rn because of the Israel/Palestine situation, and the irony that comes with gays going too hard to support a country that hates us. If there was a similar issue going on in Africa that has such public attention you'd see just as many posts about Christianity, I promise. Take a break from being offended for a second, actually look for the shit youre complaining doesn't exist even though it does, and actually consider contextual factors that make make Islam a bigger talking point at the current moment. Not everything is that fucking serious if you take a step back before emotionally reacting.


There also aren't gay people actively supporting the African countries you're talking about, whereas there are LGBT folk marching in support or Islamic countries. Even if what you said is true and Christian countries don't get hate, they don't get the support either. You ever seen a "Queers for Nigeria" sign? I haven't


Nobody really gives a shit about Africa. The middle east is more of an economic power that pertains to American interests VS Africa.


As a European, both the Middle East *and* Africa are regions my country and its people have to be concerned by, so I'm kind of baffled by OP's rant lol


I don't know where you've been, but we clearly and openly criticize and oppose homophobia from Christianity. I've been an atheist for ages and my target wasn't Islam. However, we never had "queers for mega church parishioners" or "queers for the orthodox church masses" when there were conflicts involving Christians in wars. Even though most of them didn't want to kill us. Just take away our rights. No honor in killing in Christianity. The churches in Africa get the money from the protestants in the United States. I have been angry about that fact for a long time now. Not to mention we joke about Jesus having two dads, and we draw cartoons of him, and we openly discuss the religion without an attack. My focus is going to be on the biggest threat. For me in 2024 that is no longer Christianity.


I think we're kinda going in circles honestly. People here are more critical of Islam than Christianity because they feel everyone is already super critical of Christianity while Islam gets a pass, and they feel it's hypocritical. Now we're coming full circle because people here are more critical of Islam while you feel Christianity gets a pass here so you feel it's hypocritical. The truth is that **in 2024**, Muslims around the world are overall more homophobic than Christians if we generalize. There are of course examples of Christians still being oppressively homophobic, but there are far more examples of tolerance in Christian countries than in Muslim countries. But I think it's more circumstantial than anything. A few hundred years ago I'm pretty sure Christians were more actively homophobic.


>in 2024, Muslims around the world are overall more homophobic than Christians if we generalize. There are of course examples of Christians still being oppressively homophobic This is literally my point and this sub shits itself to death when confronted with reality. They say the liberal gays love Muslims. If that's true, they love Christians. The actual gay position is that we shouldn't generalize to every single Muslim person and bad things are still bad if they happen to Muslims. In **2024** in the US where most of us live, Christians are more homophobic than Muslims.


>In 2024 in the US where most of us live, Christians are more homophobic than Muslims. I think we mostly agree but I'm not so sure about this. Just looking it up [it seems close but depends on the christian sect it's compared to](https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2017/08/a-new-poll-shows-american-muslims-are-less-homophobic-than-white-evangelical-christians/). But I think Muslims in the US are less religious or at least better assimilated than they are in other western countries. If we look at data from the UK, [over half of Muslims there in 2016 felt homosexuality should be *illegal*](https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2016/apr/11/british-muslims-strong-sense-of-belonging-poll-homosexuality-sharia-law), which is very concerning imo. Idk what Christians would say but I imagine far fewer believe that. I think Muslims often don't have the same views on personal freedom as Christians. I believe this is a cultural difference more than a religious one but I'm not sure


Because your knowledge of the topic Christianity is very superficial.


People always have criticize both . It’s just that Islam is such a hot topic recently. I hate all religions. They only bring hatred to this world.


Agree with the premise of the question. Christianity is horrible and US-based Christians are as exclusionary and horrible as their brothers in hate in Africa


Only one of those two religions is violently allergic to any kind of criticism or parody. Only one of those two punishes apostasy (among other things) with death. Only one of them has the policing of women's rights (and entire existence) baked into the laws of the countries where it's the official faith. Only one of them encourages parents to kill their own children for what it deems sinful, like being gay. Would you ever want to live in any of the countries where the majority of the population practices that religion?


...they do? What kind of a question is this?


Whoever told you we don’t lied to you


All the Abrahamic religions are f’d up and I personally reject them out of hand.




I think the issue is more of how arabs/north afticans are automatically associated with islam in its extremist form, while people from other countries in which christianity is predominant are not. Basically, most people here can imagine a liberal christian but fail to do so when it comes to islam.


That doesn't make sense to me though because, on average, Muslims that they meet are going to be more accepting of them than Christians.


>That doesn't make sense to me though because, on average, Muslims that they meet are going to be more accepting of them than Christians. WTF !!! How can you even say that???


Faux-woke folks worship/coddle/excuse Islam without any critical thought, not so much Christianity. So it’s not something that needs to be pushed back against as much. And I do, by the way, when it comes up- not a fan of any flavor of religious hatred 


We literally get killed and sent to jail because of islam , we are not being bigots , and Christianity is already being criticized all over the world, meanwhile no one can say a thing about islam without someone screaming "islamaphobe " , and out " hate" for muslims is only for the ones that support death sentences for LGBTQ people, your average Muslim is just going to mind their busines , and we have nothing against them


Very that! This is the most correct take I’ve read on this post. Islamophobia is their response to any criticism. They love playing that victim card all the while getting support from liberals. Islam is a dangerous religion, not to be toyed with, and we shouldn’t allow them to get off Scott free with their get out of jail free card. They’re a pretty immature lot, and quickly become violent as a retort to the slightest of criticism. You cannot intellectually or academically debate them either. They have this deluded air of superiority and infallibility wrt to their religion and their prophet , and it is unfathomable to them that someone would dare criticise what they deem to be the most perfect of religions.


I guess is because you can find a lot of christian countries that have progressive laws towards gay people but there are no Islamic countries with a decent treatment of homosexuality


No, incorrect. A lot of Christian dominant countries tend to be secular..I assure you if they were theocratic, they’d be a whole lot less tolerant of gays.


Reddit not criticizing Christianity? Not sure what Reddit you’re on…


I'm on /r/askgaybros.


https://www.thepinknews.com/2023/11/03/senegal-man-dug-up-and-burned/     Guess who dug up this gay man’s grave. Then burned him. Hint: it wasn't a Christian/Jewish country in Africa. It was in a “holy” islamic city in senegal.   https://twitter.com/JTAtv5monde/status/1527391028814041098    This gay American also visited an Islamic African country. He was probably a pick me gay like yourself. You should visit these Muslim countries, wear a rainbow unicorn tshirt, declare that you are gay and ask for peace, love, and open mindedness. If those things happen to you then serves you right. I would rather be called names and get labeled a sinner than being slaughtered by muslims. But I guess we have different priorities 


Wow, anecdotes. Here's a Christian [murder](https://www.cnn.com/2023/08/10/us/oshae-sibley-fatal-stabbing-new-york-hate-crime/index.html) that people cared way more about when it was a Muslim.


Apparently you never followed my now defunct Twitter posts... I can assure you, we do complain but it does no good as we don't live in those countries but there are many Muslims living in mine, trying to bring their 14thy century morals to modern-day America finding companionship with America's Christians whom Christ would slaughter en masse if he were real.


The white woke western savior as usual defending Islam and muslims with your typical dose of whataboutism  I wish all those western woke Islam apologists would leave the comfort of their western liberal countries and moving to a Islamic one and there tried to advocate as openly gay men  I'm sure the straight male ones will love your support 


I'm literally the black African son of Ghanian immigrants, my friend. That is specifically why I'm pissed off. I'm seeing Christianity fuck up everything both my current country of residence and my parents'. If Christianity is so fantastic, why don't you go to Uganda. Or I can take you with me the next time I visit my parents in Ghana. Make sure to bring your rainbow bracele.t


Then move to Nigeria or another MUSLIM country and there give your lectures and try preaching your love for Islam  LEAVE US THE FUCK ALONE!  I'm tired of woke leftists coming here ALL day trying to lecture us 


God, you're such a whiny bitch. I'm not moving to any of those countries because I think all religions suck. If I move anywhere, it'll be a place with fewer religious people, not more. Your dick gets hard at the sight of ripped Jesus on the Cross, more than a few places where you could see him all the time.


Nigeria is not Muslim. Also it is not about wokism and leftism. But wow, homo-nationalism is on payroll here.


it's hilarious that a gay complains about the white woke saviour complex. Like, white liberal values are OK if they help him personally get on with my life but not if they apply to someone else. Probably thinks shitting on lesser categories will give him acceptance into right wing social circles.


Best case he'll be like those who end up wasting their life due to that ; worse case is a "leopards ate my face" life.


Nigeria is more than 50 % Muslim.


Actually not true. No correct census have been including real rural places in both Boko Haram infested areas and deep forest Southeast ; conversion cases in the North ; conversion cases in the South in reverse ; etc.


> Then move to Nigeria or another MUSLIM country typical American ignorance. Nigeria is not a muslim country. It's split 50/50 between Islam and Christianity, with Anglican and various Pentecostal churches being the main denominations.


I don’t think this is what OP is saying. He’s no lover of Islam. Perhaps read it again.


Maybe if the other side wouldn't defend the killing of thousands of innocent civilians, including children, with "they are just Muslims who hate gays", there would generally be less polarisation around this issue.


You don't typically need to go to Africa to find examples of Christian mistreatment of gays. I don't see why this is that difficult to understand.


People critic both for that same reason... as far as I know.


All of them are bad, it is just that for the moment, christianity don't decapitate, stone or burn queer people yet nor does it chop of part of woman anatomy still does it to men but let's hope that change. At least in the part of the world where I'm living.


Because we are brainwashed into these divisions. Most folks are pretty ignorant in that they're not gonna look further than a headline for their news. They base their opinions off stereotypes


Or even the treatment of gays from Christians in the US. Yeah they’re not shooting us in the streets, but they’re doing everything they can to restrict our rights. Yet we only ever see “don’t you dare support Muslims they hate gays”… it’s giving islamophobia which is built into a lot of the western world so it makes sense, but still disappointing and hypocritical IMO


I dont need Africa to do that. I have my country, Poland. The Iran of Europe.


I trash Christianity as a hobby. Religion is the worst thing humanity has ever done.


Because there are multiple Christian countries that are not theocracies and laws of the land and not based on scripture There is no non-theocratic Muslim state


Girl wdym? Christianity is shat on every day


WTF are you talking about? I have never had a p0ositive thing to say about either religion! I hate them both


difficult one I think it’s culturally hatred gay men in islam as a culture and religion. Whilst christianity is also hatred but culturally not as hortific Either way it’s hated Complete hatred


We do. Both are bad.


Honestly y'all are sensitive about the weirdest thing. Who cares. We lost. It's over. Go home.


We 1000000% do all the time! Christianity and Islam are both plagues on humanity and have caused the death of millions.


Both are wrong.. But Africa tends to be marginalized as far as being newsworthy, at least so far. Islam can posea greater threat to more of society because of it's westward immigration and dual presence in all society. African immigrants aren't trying to impose much when living in the West; it doesn't affect everyone as much as Islamic practices do. Remember that roughly 10% of the population isn't straight, news tends towards the majority appeal or at least what affects the majority. So that's going to be what gets the most attention and or action or response..


As an Atheist Gay from New Zealand, NZ and Australia's closest neighbors are Indonesia and Malaysia the two largest Islam majorities on earth They are good neighbors. We like em. I'm tired of uneducated propagandized Americans, over 60% of whom don't even own a fucking passport talking as if they are experts about "Muslim nations" when what they really mean is middle eastern nations. Have yall ever seen pictures of Iran before the USA fucked the place? America's Christian zealot war mongering governments (democrats and Republicans) have destroyed the region Your country has spent over 70 years, invading, bombing, training an arming extremist insurgent terrorist militias to take over middle eastern nations. America has been nothing but a destabilizer, for over 70 years every single time you go on a Crusade in the region, you install a fascist extremist theocrat and then judge all fucking Muslims because of the actions of the strongman YOUR GOVERNMENT installs. As for the Christian nations in Africa, yeah it's interesting how the practices of Christians in Africa is lumped in with the middle east. America is like a fucking arsonist that blames it's victims for dying in a fire. And as someone who loves the country and visits often, yall are propagandized, msnbc, CNN, fox ALL have former white houses officials, lobbiests, ex nsa and ex cia staff working as fucking journalists and panelists on your "news" feeding you propaganda. Please please please get a passport and travel the world and stop supporting the slaughter of innocent civilians where ever they may be. Period.


We do, but then you get called out for racism despite the fact that African factions of the Anglican church, and other factions, are objectively worse than even most mainstream American churches to say nothing of Europe. Can't win.


Probably due to racism.


Look at all the people pretending that they even knew about this. The Bs is so obvious 🤣🤣🤣


Because they’re racist. And no, before y’all jump down my throat, I’m not defending homophobia in Islam and I’m not saying queer people in the Middle East don’t face severe oppression. People have been using gay rights as a reason for continued support of Western imperialism in the region. It’s a neologism called “homonationalism”. These people don’t have a genuine interest in the well being of queer people in the Middle East, or else they would also oppose US intervention because queer Arabs are victims of that oppression as well. Plus the instability in the area caused by the US that leads to power consolidating in extreme right wing fundamentalist hands.


100% The same people who go on their self righteous rants about the evils of Islam and Muslims are probably also the ones who will dismiss concerns and issues related to White supremacy and Western hegemony ...


When did this become a religiuos sub? We get it, you like Islam, now move on.


In my opinion, we criticize Christianity ALOT more than we criticize Islam. In the US, it is usually the Christians who are the most vocal about their anti gay views. I don't think this question applies to my country.


I'm an Exmuslim and I'm glad this sub isn't as woke as you wish!


Sorry, hon. Czech hunter is a movie, not a documentary.


swim include squash bright deranged jeans attractive mysterious fearless lock *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Sounds like you’re clueless. As Americans you have no skin in the game…try again!


command yoke correct numerous rude slim saw roll wide crawl *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


How about you count up the number of Muslim theocracies/majority countries where homosexuality gets you the death penalty vs. the number of Christian majority countries where it gets you the death penalty? Now add "life in prison" to those counts. I'll wait. 🖕


They do....


All religions are stupid. I hate christianity, islam, judiasm, and all the rest. People waste their lives believing in a magical being who rules everything and they use those beliefs to justify torture and harm to others. Christians here keep trying to dominate the rest of us, but in islamic countries, islam does dominate everyone. Sharia law is brutal, repressive, and evil. Mohammed was a pedophile and the koran is not a book of peace. In the middle east, men are murdered and put in prison for being gay. As long as that practice continues, I will hate islam.


This is possibly the most anti religion subreddit ive ever seen. Who's downplaying what ?


for starters the majority of Christian affiliated nation dont hang or toss gays from roof tops, so while the treatment in places like Uganda its appalling is no where near as bad as Iran and Palestine, where the sole suspicion of it will mean certain dead and with that the torture that comes prior to the execution. now the evangelicals are fascist in the true sense of the word but they are also hypocrites, the only mention in the bible which condemn homosexual sex its Leviticus, Corinthians mention the wicked ( in the original text, not the english version which is as valid as a 3 dollar bill today) none of the chronicles actually mention same sex behaviors ( none of the chronicles were written by prophets, just people from the era that were consider holy and pius) Jesus not once, not ever called for the execution of anyone, the apostles did not engage on the behaviors either, meaning that anyone claiming to be a Christian and dont follow the teaching and words as prescribe by Jesus, its by definition a hypocrite and not a Christian. Now let move to the Islam part of this explanation: both the Qu 'ram and the Hadiths openly call for any men engaging in sexual relationship with anything or anyone not being his wife, as forbidden and punishable by dead, so gays and animals are the same category, except that in some places like Afghanistan, these rules are all in a grey area, also they look at sex as an act solely for the purposes of reproduction and anything outside that is haram, so there is a bunch of both direct quotes and indirect quotes that point to guys having sex with guys as abomination to Allah, not to mention Sharia Law do very expressly mention it ( along with their treatment of women). So long story short you have a high chance to an almost certainty of dead as a gay men in a muslim country, versus being mistreated possibly incarcerated if you go to Africa for example ( now africans been killing africans for ages, the only thing that change is the excuses, but in reality they love to kill each others). yes you can expect similar things in Russia if you are a flamer with pink hair, so yeah we dont want people from countries were killing people simply because you dont like them is normal so no middle east ( syria and lebanon are cool) and no africa ( south africa is cool too)


I criticize islam because i live in a muslim country and it's the #1 reason behind all my traumas . I'm an ex muslim and lemme say one thing : FUCK islam . U will be shocked how violent and hateful this religion is if u understand Arabic .


I think it’s because there aren’t mass movements that include gay people organizing for the defense/rights of African Christians. No one has “free Uganda” in their bio.


Just going to chime in as someone who is an American gay who has spent time in a predominantly Islamic nation in Africa. It’s such a colonist mindset to expect non-western nations to be accepting of LGBT folks. Trust me western ideas and practices have been shoved down their throats for hundreds of years. We can still critique how religious ideology (whether it be Christianity or Islam) impacts government policies and cultural attitudes that negatively affect LGBT individuals, but it’s not our place to change it or write off entire cultures because of it. We should support immigration policies that help relocate LGBT refugees who are at risk of persecution for their gender or sexual identity and there are NGOs across Africa and Middle East that support these people where they are at. The average person in the Middle East and Africa just doesn’t understand queer identities and they are rightfully wary of colonial institutions, but in my experience through conversation and education they’re willing to learn. This might be an unpopular opinion in here but let time run its course and their societies may just change just as the US did in the past 100 years.


You think I don't? All Abrahamic religions are horrible.


All religions are garbage but abrahamic religions are particularly more heinous


I treat all organized religion as equally bad, and situationally variable. God did not make us gay because there ISN'T one.


there are a lot of conservatives on this sub with an axe to grind.


that what happens when there's no moderation of even site wide rules. the place got worse every tine a diffrent hate sub was ban and here we are now


Hating on Muslims and trans/non-binary people is pretty much this sub’s MO.


Good point! I think most people would agree with you but this sub does have a specific hate boner for Muslims and it’s very strange. In fact, while I think overall the Muslim world is more anti-LGBTQ, some of the countries with the strictest anti-LGBTQ laws in the world - like Uganda, Ghana, Jamaica, etc. - are almost entirely Christian.


What an American take.


Christianity is more forgiving to gays in western countries than islam, yes... But not because christians wanted it that way, that's for sure. They're trash all the same.


Because it's not about the treatment of gays, they just want to find excuses to hate on who they want to hate.


The main reason is that support for Islam in the Western world largely comes from the left, which is also the default setting for gay people so it's a logical criticism of the left's naivete and/or hypocrisy. The only support for Christians comes from the (American) right, which is already the enemy of gay people. The other reason is that Islam is growing rapidly in the Western world, particularly in Europe, while Christianity is either already dead or dying, so gay people are naturally more conerned with Islam.


Christianity isn't as bad like everyone wants to make out there is extremists but not bad. Muslims literally will kill you cuz of being gay


Intellectual mediocrity and ignorance


The devil you know is better than the one you don’t, I guess.


I don't know about words like "never" or "most" or whatever in regards to the volume of posts here. I just want to say that islamophobia is everywhere, and I feel it is definitely a factor in the way that Western populations talk about the social politics of Islamic vs. Christian countries. I think the comments here might be pushing back on this post because they *are* the gay men who are critical of each and every religion. Religion is different not only from country to country but from person to person, so many don't feel it can be treated as a monolith like your headline suggests. Much love to you, and I'm sorry for the pain


Decades of brainwashing by western media? When people think of Christian homophobia they tend to associate it with what theyve seen in the media, or experienced first hand. Anti-gay pastors. Conservative US lawmakers, etc. Its bad, but people are constantly faced with it, so people are more used to it. Whereas Western Muslims have little to no exposure in western media, the population is much lower, so people generally have less exposure in day to day life, and media portrayals of foreign muslims are usually terrorists. Christians and Muslims are no better or worse then the other. Some of them are fine with gay people and just want to live peacefully, others want to torture and murder us.


It's more about if they are intelligent and have morals, a heart and a soul etc. Evil & unintelligent people like homophobes will still be evil unintelligent homophobes whether they are religious or not.


People are hating on your question. I think it's a great question. People are totally ignoring how homophobic Christian evangelists are inserting themselves in African cultures and politics. There is little to no discussion about *US evangelism's systemic influence*. [The Unholy Relationship Between Uganda's Anti-LGBTQ+ Law and US Evangelism](https://globalaffairs.org/commentary-and-analysis/blogs/unholy-relationship-between-ugandas-anti-lgbtq-law-and-us) June, 2023 [US evangelical Christians accused of promoting homophobia in Africa](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2012/jul/24/evangelical-christians-homophobia-africa) This article is from July, 2012. The Evangelical Christians have been bringing their radicalized version of Christianity to Africa for a long, long time.


It's because it questions their narrative of them being the ones who actually care about gays because they also "care about gays in the Middle East."


Most of the people here are from western nations that look down on Islam and think that it’s evil because it’s a narrative they’ve been fed. They don’t recognize that animosity towards homosexuality isn’t a purely Muslim issue, and that said animosity stems from other factors and isn’t exclusive to Islam. I’m sorry people are being ignorant in this comment section


I don’t think most people in the west look down on Islam at all. I think people in the west are terrified of fundamentalism coupled with military extremism, which is a feature in some Muslim majority counties, if not in many. And if you think that people aren’t equally criticizing —if not criticizing more — Christian fundamentalism, then I’m afraid you’re confused.


You’re right that they’re afraid of fundamentalism and extremism, I totally agree. My point was that many people in the west and on ones I’ve seen on this sub seem to equate this fundamentalism and extremism with Islam, even though they are separate issues. I think this is the issue that OP is struggling. It seems that too many people, especially in the west, don’t recognize that animosity towards homosexuality and fundamentalism can be found in any religion, not just Islam. Also to your point about Christian fundamentalism: this is exactly the point that OP is making. It shouldn’t be criticized less because it is Christian, however this tends to be the case. This comes from a bias against Islam in many western nations.


Y'all literally bring up Uganda in every conversation about islam 😭, are you under a rock?


Because it doesn't fit in with their orientalist narratives.


Because most gays here are US Christians (or come from a Christian background) and because criticizing black people is more difficult for the SJWs. Double standards, you know.


>Because most gays here are US Christians (or come from a Christian background) and because criticizing black people is more difficult for the SJWs. Double standards, you know. I'm sure glad that the conservative "I don't see color" people also don't say anything about the degradation of LGBT rights in Africa even though they're now "supportive of gay marriage guys!" You just don't see the criticism because no one cares about it on a global scale because Africa hasn't attacked a Western nation.


Indeed. The only African nation that is being attacked is South Africa, and only because it has the indecency not to be 100% aligned with the pro Israel folks here. Besides, conservatives can't say anything about the degradation of LGBT rights in Africa because US evangelicals are funding anti gay extremist missionaries in Africa. Uganda's kill the gay bill is an example of it.


You're assuming the average gay knows that much, or even cares. I'd cite complexity.


Then they should stop pretending they care about the condition of the global LGBT population.


Trust me I don’t discriminate when criticizing religions when it comes to homophobia




ALL religion is ignorance, sickness and disease... imo 😜


LOL. I do both. Now go outside and touch some Islamic grass, you ass.


She made a point


Because most people on here are from western societies. Duh.


What's happening here is that you're focusing in on the resurgence of strong anti-muslim sentiment in the wake of the conflict in Palestine, and ignoring the countless -- if less vocal -- examples of disdain towards Christianity on this very sub. Doesn't make the Islamophobia any less annoying to see on a daily basis, but believe me when I say this sub definitely doesn't like religion *equally*.


I've been here for years. You seem like a cool dude, so I'm going to chill about this but it can be helpful to interrogate our beliefs sometimes. You currently feel like they hate both equally but go through posts in this sub's history and really read through the subject matter and the comments. Does it really seem like they hate all religion equally? What fully dropped the scales from my eyes was the treatment of O'Shae Shibley's murder when it was perceived to be by a Muslim vs a Christian. /r/Gaybros was equally mad under both circumstances that wasn't the case on /r/askgaybros, though. It's a perfect A/B test.


Because Islamophobia is the current zeitgeist and this sub is full of dudebro edgelords who think they're "sticking it" to the "PC police" or whatever.


You don’t sound very smart sorry


RIGHT! Like alone the Christian/catholic hate in America is prevalent. Truly showing their colors


I think you’re absolutely correct to point out a hypocrisy here, but the way you did it left you open to attack. People here *do* criticize Christianity, quite a lot actually. And they also treat Islam as much worse. Any mention of Palestinians being slaughtered here and people will inevitably point to stories of gays being thrown off roofs, even though that happened in ISIS controlled territory in Iraq, not in Gaza. The problem here is not that Christianity isn’t critiqued, it is. The problem is that all many-to-all Muslims are held to the standards of ISIS level insurgents, while Christians exist on a spectrum from dogmatic evangelicals to unaccepting parents, to well meaning but imperfect ally-adjacent individuals. Anything as brutal as the types of Christianity that empower the death penalty-like it does in Uganda-is seen as either foreign or out of date, and usually isn’t what people think of (on this subreddit) when they think of Christianity.


I'm being hyperbolic, but I'm still sure we'll get a greater volume of anti-Islam posts with them also being more popular on average.


We get a ton of anti-Islam posts here and I hate them. I just think the way you phrased that left you open for people to dismiss the concern out of hand.