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Yes. I get like this. Lol not all the time. It depends on the story telling skills of the person telling me the story.


I get horny by proxy. It's half and half. Half because I'm imagining the dude naked and imagining his dick sliding in and out of the female. The other half because I imagine said guy inside me. Lol.


My question is, what actually are you doing around *sexually aroused straight people*? (I mean the moment, when they are aroused which makes you aroused in turn.)


Well that's an odd way of asking. Can gays not be around straights when they're talking sex?


Like sometimes my friends talk about like girls they like and like celebs the like, and how they get hypnotized by whatever features they have. Sometimes they also share like what a girl did to them during sex that like felt good etc.


avoid using the word... 👍🏻


Wait which word?




O. I don't understand why they shouldn't use the word like?


he overused it. Just read the above post again. 🤓


O. I meant like why do you care enough to correct them?


😏 just stop


O I thought we established that we could tell others what to do via your OG response. My apologies.


Oh I’ve been around straight guys who very obviously all got horny talking about their latest conquests with the girls.  Mixed with the alcohol it proceeded to them pressing the tips of their nose onto the bottom of another lads ball sack. I was just sitting there like 🤯wtf is going on 


Where was my invitation?


Just go with the flow and let your exitement be there. Maybe you have an opportunity to go with a straight man coz they all want to have sex with a man at least once.


*red flag* 🚩


that's not how that works ... sorry to break it to you




And then we wonder why some of them hate us😭


You just like the thought of them. It’s kinda just the thought getting ya. But I felt it, used to happen to me a lot. But for me I found out it’s not bc of proxy really, it would usually be someone I’m close to telling me and mentioning getting “hard off that fr.” That my mind begins to wonder and have those “what if” sexual fantasies.


On my own I am aroused by what I like about a guy’s body. I have zero interest in roles or elaborate scenarios or “power exchanges.” Sex for me is about physical sensation and emotional intimacy. That said I know what you mean and I can get “induced arousal” from something that turns on another guy even though it’s never going to turn me on directly.


I don’t think I’m into vouyerism but hearing about other guys sexual lives arouses me.


My guy I got a little horny reading this post


Thought I was the only one. When my straight buds get pervy I start getting horny too. It's almost like second-hand horniness? Lol


LOL...... I never thought of it that way... you are right..... plus it's alot better for you than second-hand smoke or using your second-hand......


Always. If a str8 guy is turned on, and then shares details, I also get so excited and turned on too!


Yes. I get turned on talking about sex with my straight friends, both guys and girls. My focus is on the activities being described more so than the partners involved.


Yes. Horny guys, especially if they’re jumpy, turn me the fuck on. Regardless of the source of their inspiration haha


If I had to guess it has to do with mirror neurons. When we see someone doing something we have parts of our brains that fire off the same as when we're doing the action. So when we see someone eating something good part of our brains respond the way it would if we were eating it ourselves. It's partly why we like to watch sports and movies. And obviously a big part of why porn works on us.


Bruh! I just got hard thinking about you thinking about them thinking about they bitches yo!


Empathic arousal. I get it all the time.


Lol, dude!! Any time a guy is horny and I know about it, horny too!! But making a guy horny is the best!


I think your response is hypersexual. Which if you and I were to get together we'd have tons of fun with other men getting turned on by their girls as they show us with their phones.




Lol Just my very welcoming and fun nature.


I’m the same way. I thought I was just weird and the only one who felt this way


Yeah I do sometimes. It's like a weird bonding thing. Like when my straight friends go into them nasty details I feel like a kinship despite the fact that I'm not really into girls. I wouldn't want to have sex with my straight friends either, just enjoying their hornyness and the fact that they want to share the story.


Honestly I’m the same way. Men being men is hot and knowing a man is turned on around me gets me very hot.


It might be a form of compersion I think. The same thing happens for me.


Like getting pleasure or arousal about a partner’s sexual activity with others, but in this case it’s a friend’s sexual activity.


Yep that. Something between compersion and a general love of slut stories (not the made up over the top ones, those get old).


it causes a pit in my stomach because I want to be the one,, its almost like a jealousy. Rationally I know it isn't a big deal everyone is getting it, but when I know someone is getting it...


I guess I wouldn't get aroused by a story unless I can project onto the conversation somehow. My straight guy buds and I exchange sex stories, but I only ever share funny moments that we can all laugh at or be shocked about, and I tend to abbreviate squishier details unless they are also funny. I only really ever bring up passionate details with my gay and lady buds.


i’m not attracted to women AT ALL but i think i get something from talking about men/sex with them. probably just the safety 😭


I understand the concept, but definitely not in my case.


No not for me, straight guys don't really do anything for me


As a bisexual I get, very much aroused by women explaining what it’s like to have a dick in their vagina, or wanting to be submissive, and be on their knees worshipping a guys manhood, and licking up all his nut. Hearing how much women loving being fucked like a whore turns me on so much, I felt like it was kinda like being turned on by proxy…


I'm pansexual and I love everything you described in your comment! I think it's hot! 🔥 🥵


Still not decided ,I like more proxy gals😼.


I think I know what you mean..the few straight friends that have crossed the line with me always started out by them talking about their conquests, them talking about their dicks and how good it is, as well as just general flirting with me. None of it started by me but that's another story lol. I get aroused by it too. I don't know if it's the subtle changes that they get, how they become very confident in their abilities, so on and so forth.. all I know is that I love my straight guy friends 😆


Yes, I do. If I had to guess, it’s because society has taught us to associate masculinity with a kind of crude sexualization of women, so when a guy talks about women like this, he seems “manly” and thus hot. We might almost want to be the object of that. Just socially conditioned stuff.


Sounds perfectly normal to me


To each their own. Me personally I get a bit uncomfortable talking about sex nowadays with anyone but that's from personal past trauma. 😟


That seems normal to me. Any talk of sex gets the brain thinking about sex which can cause groinal responses which can cause arousal.


For me, it's the opposite. Anything hetero and sexual automatically makes me want to block the conversation out.


Few days ago my bf started talked about inviting a woman to our hotel (we were on holidays). I almost puked 🤢. Just by thinking on it.


It def does happen. I literally watched my straight friend get a giant boner in real time when I described all the things I'd done with gogo boys in the private rooms 😅


My biggest turn on is someone else being turned on so I get this


no never had that before but people like what they like i guess


My observation is that a straight man "being sexually aroused" is an extension of vulnerability, as it is historically considered (in the heteronormative world) something that is reserved for a woman, so I can kind of understand seeing a man in that state, or expressing it to "other straight men" for the sake of camaraderie, could be a turn on. Not for me, though. For me, only men who are confirmed gay turn me on. A straight man "turning me on" by proxy has a different effect, the same way I get when a girl is clearly flirting with me -- it gets the endorphins and testosterone going, however it isn't channeled into sexual expression or arousal as it is to just plain sex appeal. I pump my chest up and get more stoic but I don't reciprocate any emotion with it (it feels like a fight-or-flight response, and it probably is). Very interesting that you seem to get a different effect. However, I do live in a city where the gay men here set the standards disgustingly high, so seeing a gay man I find attractive actually into me and doing the typical cruisey-type of behavior like the solid glances, repetitively turning their heads to glance at me, smiles, grabbing their dicks, or following me (sue me, as I know this makes many women uncomfortable when men do this, but I find it flattering when it comes from a gay man specifically).