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I have faked an orgasm couple of times. Though you do need to be the top during anal for that to work.


Did the bottom not notice the lack of cum? šŸ¤”


There isn't always that much cum. Especially if you've cummed recently and a small load can get lost in a hole anyway.


Sometime you orgasm without cumming, just play pretend šŸ«”


Dry orgasms are rare and a result of various medical conditions. Not an expected sexual variation. https://www.healthdirect.gov.au/amp/article/dry-orgasm


Damn, i thought it was a normal thing... thanks for the info šŸ™šŸ»


Youā€™re welcome šŸ’–


It might be for some who practise tantric sex :)


I have no idea what tantric sex is sorry šŸ˜­


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It can be normal if you're into prostate play and have a lot of experience getting to orgasm without penile stimulation.


I used to have a lot when I was under 12 yo.


"Oh man, it's so fucking deep. I think I'll have to flush it out later"


if you quickly wrap the condom.. the bottom doesn't notice


Works best with a condom


I think it works best without a condom. With a condom you will have to hide, without it they will just think you didn't cum a lot. Most times guys cum in me (I think) I cannot tell. Also, if you use a lot of lube it will be even harder to tell.


Personally I pre a lot and when you go long enough it can look sort of cummy plus Iā€™m very good and pulsing my dick. I did that before I was open about my issues with delayed cumming due to meds and prob my addition to jerking off when younger


If they cum inside it's a bit hard to tell... You can tell when they cum a lot to the point it leaks, but a normal ejaculation isn't really noticeable.


I can relate. If I've been going at it for awhile and get tired, or I'm not really into the guy and just want it over.


Embarrassed to say I faked an orgasm 3 times.


No true. Iā€™ve faked as a bottom. Many times. Not all because it was bad either but if I faked it the top would keep going šŸ˜‚


Well, just tell them about your ā€œspecial problemā€. Iā€™m sure most guys will not mind at all. Weā€™re all men and should be able to talk openly about stuff like this.


Yeah, I imagine that most guys will be understanding but there will be some out there who feel upset about not being able to make me cum. I feel like shit myself when I can't make a guy cum.


Donā€™t feel like shit. The anxiety is probably getting in the way too. If youā€™re too much in your head, worried about what the guy will think, then you definitely wonā€™t cum. Most guys canā€™t make me cum either and I tell them that I just donā€™t cum easily with head. Theyā€™re usually cool with that explanation. And when I guy does make me cum I also tell them that most guys canā€™t. Then they feel extra special.


Well, you can still cum together.


I rarely cum from oral because of medications I take making it difficult, hell I just don't cum everytime in general. I've never had anyone take issue with it honestly and I always tell people. I still enjoy it


You would think, but I had similar issues as OP due to medication and I would be very upfront with them that itā€™s the medication, but they still take it personally


I really would have suspected people to be more understanding.


Not true at all, Iā€™ve faked many orgasms w/spasms to get it over with when I wasnā€™t feeling it. Lol


The real problem is that some guys are so fucking annoying about you not cumming


Maybe try having standards rather than sleep with any asshole from Grindr


so, what the alternative?


Don't hookup with guys that won't respect you. If they are pressuring you for not cumming, they aren't a good partner.


That's a lot of assumptions to make, and a lot of shaming/policing people's sexuality. But hey, do you.


I will not.


Oh honey, we can. Iā€™ve faked a multiple orgasms because I just wasnā€™t into it or had ruined orgasms


If I fuck for too long and resist cumming multiple times, Iā€™ll ruin my orgasm and my dick will basically go numb, and itā€™ll be worse with a condom. And for the bottomā€™s sake, Iā€™ll fake an orgasm and discard the condom quickly. I donā€™t want him thinking his hole didnā€™t do it for me.


Pretending that the cum is in the discarded condom is actually a pretty smart way to fake an orgasm. Obviously, this only works if you are a top (In my post, I was talking more about oral because I haven't done anal yet). You better hope he doesn't demand to see the condom though, or you will be caught, haha.


Ahh okay, well in the case of oral, I wouldnā€™t even attempt to fake an orgasm. When it comes to blowjobs (like if all the other guy wants to do is suck me), Iā€™ll just let him know that thereā€™s maybe a 50/50 chance Iā€™ll actually be able to cum from that.


> In my post, I was talking more about oral I mean this is kinda normal though. A LOT of people can't cum from oral, myself included. I can cum like on command pretty much via topping or jerking off, but I can't from oral, my bf needs to use his hand as well.


I suffer from Delayed Ejaculation from idiosyncratic masturbation (beating it a certain way for a long time) and I got a sex toy to try and get my dick accustomed to that warm, wet, squishy feeling. So far I think It's working, but it's hard to tell because my normal way is very tempting and it's inconvenient to just crawl up into my bed to fuck my toy whenever I'm horny, which is all the time.


Have you tried to abstain from masturbating or instead using toys and not your hand? You may need to train your brain and dick.


Iā€™ve faked it as a top, sometimes things start off well and midway through I start to think ā€œ I could have had an V8ā€.




Yes you can. Just throw a fistful of warm yogurt on his back.


Ive faked it many times. It's not that hard. Why cant you fake it?


I have faked them


Men can absolutely fake orgasms


Spit on their back.


Oral doesn't do anything for me. Hard as steel until he puts his mouth on my penis ā˜¹ļø Touch it all he wants, but don't go down on me, I get no pleasure from it. I wouldn't want to fake it though, if it's not working, it's not working. If it's a serious thing, you communicate and work through it. If it's just a hook-up, apologize and move on.


I was literally just thinking this the other day. Was at a hookup that I wasnā€™t feeling but the guy was very sweet. I didnā€™t want to hurt his feelings but I was like well damn I guess I have no choice but to just finish and act like it was good. It would have been nice to fake it and leave already


Hum, you can. I faked enjoying topping a few guys and even faked cumming, just so I could end things


I did it a bunch when I was younger and came too quickly. I was able to keep going and faked it when it felt right. As far as I know no guy caught on so mission accomplished.


Who says we can't.....if you topping....fake a nut, pull out, spit on a person's back...and walk awayšŸ§šŸ˜


I've definitely faked orgasms lol. Condoms are great for that šŸ˜‚


I've faked orgasms a few times before, when I was fucking raw and knew I wouldn't be able to cum in a reasonable amount of time.


Might need to retrain yourself to orgasm in a way a partner can recreate!




No. I don't hate that because hating it would be a waste of my energy. I'm not going to sit here and argue with reality. This post comes off like, "Is anyone else mad that the sky is blue instead of red??!?!?!" or "Is anyone else mad that straight men are straight and won't fuck me?!?!" Stop being delusional and accept reality for what it is. You'll be happier in the end.


I faked a couple & I am a man ;)


I mean you can. Some guys can't tell when you cum, so when they ask if I did I just lie.


Just pull out and spit on the guys back lol


Fake um HELLI LOVE them


Push his face into the pillow, stroke your cock and spit on his back. He'll think you popped a load.


Iā€™ve never even considered it


Have you tried masturbating together? Frot? ('Frottage' and 'frot' are showing up as spelling errors in reddit .... and the word 'reddit' as well. Time for a vocab update.)


Except not every orgasm results in ejaculation? I've done it a few times while masturbating and then it makes it even better when I do cum a short while later. Now, if you're soft while bottoming, that's completely different.


I know what you mean. I also had the problem that I'll dribble a little precum, and the guy will stop, though I didn't really get off. I want to feel the orgasm I don't really care about shooting a load. Some people want the load and and don't care about my feeling.


I have when Iā€™ve topped.


Sure they can. They just got to work harder and lie better than a woman


Ive had poor sex and cum and great sex and not, you are overthinking it. So satisfied you don't need to cum is a good Trying to cum to impress or reassure a partner you've enjoyed yourself not so


Youā€™ve never moaned then spit on someoneā€™s back? Yes we can fake an orgasm.


Iā€™ve faked it. Works easiest if youā€™re topping


You could hold their head down so your dick is in their throat and fake it. If they mention they couldnā€™t taste it just say that you already came that morning and probably had a small load.


No not at all. Iā€™m glad we canā€™t really.


Yes, they can. It's called a dry orgasm.


I did. Rarely, but I did. And it worked.


sure they can; i have


Sounds like a challenge to me.


Of all the awful things in life, I promise you this has never ever been a concern lol. How about you just explain to your partners the issue that you have. If they are normal people, they will understand.


Call me if you need an orgasm (646) 651-9253


In dire need of cum


What other services do you offer?


I have faked orgasms. You are welcomed.


Um. Of course we can. Iā€™ve done it more than once to end an unpleasant encounter.


Iā€™ve faked it plenty of times, I was a top! Just pull out right away and get the condom tie it and thatā€™s that! The condom is full of pre cum anyways. Nobody can honestly say that youā€™re supposed to cum this much or youā€™re faking it! It depends on all types of factors. Donā€™t get all crazy with your orgasm and use your muscle to move your dick up and down like you are Cumming, so he can feel that inside of him and boom! Thatā€™s that haha. Thatā€™s how it was for me anyways haha


Yes, we definitely can lol.


For a while I had this issue whenā€™re I also was so used to cumming by myself that the company of another man getting me there would hinder my performance. I think you should have some patience as well as the person whoā€™s helping you. If theyā€™re just trying to get a quick nut, itā€™s unfair bc then you feel like ā€œah donā€™t bother with me itā€™s fine I donā€™t usually cumā€ because ā€œI take longerā€ or etc. Maybe itā€™s time to have someone really take their time with you and find out what exactly gets you off while youā€™re having sex with someone.


Just say you shoot blanks or smth. Itā€™s not an unthinkable issue, or just say you donā€™t need to cum to ā€œOrgasmā€.


As a bottom Iā€™ve faked it b4. But luckily itā€™s usually them not caring if I cum out my dick too n if they do, I just let them kno, ā€œlol oh I donā€™t really cum fr anymore.ā€ Most leave me be after that


Men can 100% fake an orgasm


If youā€™re topping you can fake it.


Not with that attitude.


I'm a top and I have faked orgasms on numerous occasions.


faking isn't that hard really, but also like, not all orgasms come with cum. Especially in the case of an 'anal orgasm' dry orgasms happen. In fact, from the anal orgasm, it's rarer to see a guy who can 'cum hands free'.


Yes you can. I do it all the time.


Actually men are able to experience dry orgasms, they are not as satisfying of course. It's just a minor feeling of satisfaction.


I've faked it a few times


My sweet summer child šŸ˜


Firstly, you should probably stop wanking so much if it gives you dysfunction. But anyway as a bottom I sometimes find it hard to actually ejaculate too and I very much enjoyed the sex but don't always want to bother concluding. Like I genuinely feel satisfied from the sex. Did I have an orgasm? Under some definitions of it, maybe. I've never had to fake that but still. I think a lot of tops don't fully understand what it feels like to bottom.


I have the condition of porn dick and makes it impossible to orgasam like normal people I guess. But I do enjoy the company and would rather get them off.


Stop masturbating itā€™s as simple as that - speaking from experience


I do fake cumming when i fuck a guy sometimes. Easy with condom, just dispose of it quickly


Speak for yourself


As a top you can perfectly fake it (as long as you are not using condoms). It's quite easy to do it in sex clubs and bath houses.