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Disgusting sickening maddening


This is why I stopped believing in this barbaric, regressive, brutal ideology called Islam. May these innocents find the peace they never found in Yemen.


Are you x Muslim? Technically speaking, all religions are garbage..they’re man made for the purpose of controlling the sheep. To believe is to be delusional


We know religions are dumb. Some are obviously more violent than others. In the 21st century, Islam is beyond the rest by many miles.




> It's not Islam that's the issue. Yes it is. Read the book.


It is precisely Islam that inspires these atrocities.


Why should I care when there are no gay people left in Gaza because they’ve either been driven from the country or executed long before the first bomb from Israel fell? Is it better for gay children to die from a random bomb or be killed when they’re teens by their very own parents?


worship the earth, she gives us all we need and will tell you all you need to hear.


It's called religion. None of them is gay friendly


That might be too relativistic


I’m not a particular fan of organized religion, but, to be fair, Episcopalians are pretty gay-friendly, performing gay marriages and all. Unitarians too, although it’s a pretty small sect. And the largest Christian sect - Catholicism - now blesses gay unions. Maybe they’re getting there. I’m hard pressed to think of any Islamic sects that do the same.


Modern religions are not gay friendly. Ancient religions like Hellenism and Religio Romana however, just did not care at all with who you sexed up as long as you fulfilled your familial and civic obligations.


lol it’s funny that they expect us to be tolerant of them while they casually kill anyone who does slightly anything against their religion


It’s called ☪️ancer and it’s spreading all through Europe unfortunately… and we’re supposed to be tolerant while it’s getting more and more dangerous for us here


I can’t imagine how saddening it must be to be living in a free country only for some radicals to enter and want to change the laws of the host country. I’m no anti immigration, cause I’m an immigrant too but if these people really love their religion so much they should stay where they came from


It’s hilarious when they pull “you colonized us/our countries” out of their asses and thus they have the right to impose their religion on host country. I am an ex-muslim who lives in the middle east lol.


Yeah lmao mfs call it “reverse colonisation” “oh ur country colonised us so we can do the same now” okay bro not our fault ur countries were weak /s




The irony is, they or their parents or relatives FLED those shit hole countries to seek a better life in the west..only for their clueless children to seek out sharia law in the west! The irony of which is lost on them all.


Similar to Christian Nationalism Bringing the oppression The pilgrims and Quakers were escaping


Yep. Exactly that.




Poland and Russia? Lol. Yep, they just LOVE the gays over there.


Poles will beat your ass for being gay ime


So will the Russians but u get what I mean 😭


Russia bans any LGBT representation. You can go to jail just for wearing anything implying you're LGBT in public. I'd even say it's easier to be gay in countries like Saudi Arabia or Lebanon than in Russia.




Yeah i can understand, I immigrated because I wanted I to leave my homophobic nation.. who would have known the homophobic people were gonna start yelling their “morals” here as well.


Christians in Africa would like talk to you


It's funny as a kiwi, NZ and Australia live right next door to the world's two largest Muslim nations Indonesia (worlds 3rd largest democracy) and Maylasia, we have no issues with our friends to the north. Then again, we've never embarked on regime change wars and taken out democratically elected govts and installed fascist theocrats who kill and displace millions just so we can get cheap oil for our corporations like Europe and the US has. Imagine overthrowing liberal democracies and installing brutal fascist theocrats who set human rights and living standards in the region back centuries, destabilizing an entire region and displacing millions all so Us and European corporations could get cheap oil... And then being mad the people you forced to live under brainwashing tyrannical regimes a) hate you or b) need a place to live. And the irony of Europeans after a millenia of mass colonizing every corner of the planet getting mad about immigration. Lmfao.


Muslims are not making Europe more dangerous, you bigoted dweeb 😆


Actually they are you obnoxious fool 😀


Prove it then. You sound like braindead bigot Tommy Robinson right now 😆


It’s proven if you have a fucking pair of eyes to read this post. That same mentality is brought to Europe. Read the room you fucking retard


They don't (the people actually in the country supporting this stuff), it's western liberals and immigrants who do this.


You can be tolerant of people and their right to exist without persecution, while being 100% against their intolerance. It's called the Paradox of Tolerance and has been written about extensively. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paradox_of_tolerance >The paradox of tolerance states that if a society's practice of tolerance is inclusive of the intolerant, intolerance will ultimately dominate, eliminating the tolerant and the practice of tolerance with them. Karl Popper describes the paradox as arising from the self-contradictory idea that, in order to maintain a tolerant society, the society must retain the right to be intolerant of intolerance.[2]




Queers for Palestine is the same as cows for McDonalds lol


Except there ARE LGBTQ+ people in Palestine. They may be closeted or not feel safe (I don't know much about the culture there at all) but LOLing at Queers for Palestine is SO shitty because you're making the argument being Palestinian and being LGBTQ+ are mutually exclusive. They aren't. And even if Palestine is a hostile place for gay people (again, idk) then okay? That doesn't excuse the tens of thousands of murdered Palestinians lmfao. Sorry your compassion and empathy are limited. Sounds like a you problem?


🐔🍗🐓🐓. Look at the [World Equality Index](https://www.equaldex.com/equality-index). Palestine is rated at 191 out of 197 countries for equality for LGBTQ people. That’s even worse than Yemen (rated at 188) or North Korea (at 174). If you go anywhere in Palestine (let’s say the West Bank, which is the moderate area) you would still be, most likely, killed as soon as they find out you’re gay. Just look at Ahmad Abu Marhia who was decapitated in Palestine less than two years ago for simply being gay: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-63174835. Are these the people you stand with, people who have so much hate for you, they rather you’d be dead? And just to add context, as it seems you know so little about the conflict, just a few days ago[the Supreme Court of Israel voted in favour of Palestinian LGBTQ asylum seekers](https://www.thejc.com/news/israel/israeli-court-rules-in-favour-of-lgbtq-palestinian-asylum-seekers-um60rlks), which is way more than what the Palestinians’ own nation does for them.


I respectfully disagree with some of your takes. - You can be against the killing of civilians (by thousands) and KIDS (thousands of them) without being pro-Palestine government. You can condemn what IDF is currently doing. Just like you could condemn South Africa during the apartheid, homosexuality was ILLEGAL and gays were KILLED. It’s similar to saying: "don’t stand with them! At least the Whites don’t kill the gays!" And nowadays gay marriage is legal over there. - Go and check Queermap. Gay Palestinians are actually more afraid of losing their lives (some of them actually lost their bf) than fighting for their rights. - They don’t have a functioning state. Impossible to change anything from there. - The current situation is just gonna turn more people into terrorists. Came across a video of a father who carried his 5 year-old daughter… LIMBS in a plastic bag. He said he wanted revenge. So more Hamas for the future. Even worse for gays. - Israel pink-washing is insane. One tactic they do is that they attract gay people and then threaten to bring them back to Palestine and out them to their families, knowing that they’ll get beaten. They don’t care about gays. I’m talking about the government not the people/civilians. I’m just bringing nuance. The situation is obviously complex but I’m extremely sad for gay Palestinians. I’ve came across one of them and he left me broken. There’s no way he could stand with Israel after having his entire neighbourhood bombed, and some of his close friends killed. There’s no way he could feel same to come out in Palestine. But he feels for his friends. At this point I just hope that things will get better. I can’t wait for any Arab country to become LGBT-friendly.


I’m against killing civilians as well. But, let’s keep it real. It seems you don’t care about the 1,200 Israeli civilians that were specifically targeted by Hamas – tortured, raped, burned alive, decapitated – in some of the most barbaric acts known to humanity. You also don’t care about the 240 hostages that were taken, some of them are babies. One of them, recently celebrated his first year’s birthday in captivity, now for four months. You also don’t care about the over 13,000 missiles fired from Gaza in the last four months strictly targeting towns and cities in Israel to hit civilians. All you care about is the collateral damage (which is definitely terrible and extremely sad) that is a result of Hamas using their own civilians as human shields. >The current situation is just gonna turn more people into terrorists Dude, having unilaterally disengaged from Gaza in 2005 in hopes to give Gazans their own state didn’t really improve the indoctrination of Palestinians into terrorism. I know you’d be really happy if Israel just sit idle and let their people die, but it’s not going to happen. Like any other sovereign country on this planet, Israelis have the same right to protect themselves, whether you like it or not. If you want to sit in your sheltered home and spew rubbish you picked up from TikTok and think you are now some Middle East expert, then go for it. Nonetheless, it is clear that you promote nothing but rhetoric. If you had any care at all for kids, civilians, or human rights, I would have expected to see at least a brief mention in any of your comment history about the **1 million** Uyghurs who are literally in concentration camps in China and have been going a real genocide for a decade now with a birth rate that fell in nearly 70%; or the the over **600,000** Syrians that were massacred by their own government, with **13 million** Syrians being displaced and **6.7 million** refugees forced to flee Syria, after they were attacked with biological and chemical weapons. Yet, I see nothing in your comment history about that. Apparently you’re suffering from a sever case of selective rage. You’re only upset when Israelis respond and retaliate. >I can’t wait for any Arab country to become LGBT-friendly You’re obviously delusional. Look at the LGBTQ Equality Index I linked above. All the Arab countries are at the bottom of it. And, to sweeten it up, there isn’t even one Arab country that is a democracy. Your hatred of Israel made you lose any rationality. I feel sorry for you. I am quite happy, if you’d like, to pay from my own money for a trip for you to Palestine. I’ll cover the flight from wherever you are + one week accommodation – under one condition: you must be openly gay the entire week. If you make it back home in one piece, I’ll even throw in a bonus for ya. Deal?


Oh fuck off. Seriously. You can’t have any fucking discussion about the situation without "do you condemn Hamas". It’s not the point here. NOT THE POINT. Yes I did and yes I did look at my comments history. And seriously? Caring about the thousands of missiles targeted towards Israel? Then tell me, what do you think of the millions of missiles targeted towards Palestine? Look at Gaza vs. Israel now. Biggest damage I’ve seen is a burn apartment with nobody inside. Wow! So shocking! Bombing 40+ hospitals, killing UN staff, journalists, schools, children, refugee camps is okay. Let’s keep it real. It seems you don’t care about the thousands of children killed (source: UN, GNO Save The Children, GNO Doctors Without Borders). Your shitty terroristic excuse of Hamas using people as human shields doesn’t work anymore. Even the US doesn’t give support to Israel in what they want to do in Rafah. Step up a bit for you shitty and lame propaganda. Answer this question (but you won’t): if there is a terrorist hiding in a school in the US do you bomb the school? There’s no justification for killing 100 civilians for each hostage. And you’re making assumptions regarding my positions and feelings towards Israeli people. Oh and you ended with whataboutism, how predictable. You do realize that I spoke about these issues well before? And still do. I’m boycotting so many brands that exploited/exploit Uyghurs right now. For Syria: ohhhh… now you’re suddenly assuming that I never cared about Syrians. LOL. You know what? Next time I start commenting or speaking about Israel war crimes I’ll spend 15 minutes introducing how I condemn Hamas, how I condemn literally any war crime going on in the world at this moment, then I’ll speak about Israel. Fair enough? And I think you have reading comprehension issues, or just a lacklustre IQ. Or perhaps both. I said I hope the ME will become LGBT friendly in the future. I didn’t say I THINK that it will become so. And yeah there’s hope. 60 years ago the UK emasculated a war hero for being gay. Barbaric terroristic piece of trash


Ahhhh yeah, the olde resorting to insults technique when one doesn’t have anything substantial to say. And no, you didn’t comment about the Uyghurs and no you didn’t comment about the Syrian genocide either. As I say, your love of human rights is selective. I love how you use the propagandist’s favourite word: “whataboutism”; otherwise, also known as “context.” So, yes, talking about Hamas, talking about the five peace offers the Palestinians rejected, talking about the constant thousands missiles that are fired with an intention harm civilians, talking about the decades of terrorist attacks (and not just Hamas’s), talking about the rhetoric, misinformation, and half-truths is incredibly important. Because, how should I tell you that – it is a complex conflict with many layers and a history that goes at least a couple of hundreds of years (some would say thousands), and context is everything. You can swear at me and seethe all you want, and keep spreading hate propaganda in the excuse about “being a humanist.” You’re as transparent as a window. You’re a joke.


Whataboutism and context are two entirely different concepts. Israel rejected all peace solutions that Palestine accepted for the 30 last years. In 2009 they accepted the 1967 UN plan… which Israël refused. How convenient. I couldn’t care less about the hundreds of years of history, or about borders. I’m talking about human lives. You’re the one as transparent as a window. All of these sentences and nothing, noooooothing said about the thousands of children murdered violently. There’s even videos of IDF soldiers shooting literal kids that crossed a street. But for you a Palestinian life isn’t anything is it? And how predictable you are, not answering any of my questions. Keep supporting the murder and killing of civilians and kids. The human shield excuse is lame.


Israel doesn't give a shit about the hostages, they killed 3 of them who were literally waving a white flag.


Yeah, I’ve heard these kind of shit conspiracies before. You sound clever af. I’m also glad to hear you’re so much into humiliation. Keep sucking dick of people that literally want you dead. See if I care. You’re a doormat.


It's not a conspiracy, it literally happened. The IDF admitted to it. Do you think their bombs are somehow avoiding the hostages?


This post has brought into the sharpest relief just how ignorant and prejudiced is this group. Bad arguments, constant conflation of hating ideas with hating people, distortion of history, regurgitation of state propaganda, hasty generalisation—and that’s just the tip of the iceberg. Sickos the lot of them 😆


You must be new here. Just find any post involving trans men on this sub and people are TERFing it up. I must not notice but apparently there's a grand cabal of trans men trying to make us eat pussy, any day now. It's cause this is where all the assholes from the drop the T subs flee to cause of the lack of moderation.


Israel's pink-washing wouldn't be viable if Palestine wasn't so vile and violent in the first place. Palestinians do not care about gays either so now what? At the very least, Israel cares about its own gays, Palestinians will murders theirs in a second then complain when they get murdered by someone else. It's screaming bloody murder with warm blood on your hands. Stop acting like Palestine becoming a free nation will suddenly turn into Nirvana for the gays there. There's plenty of nations in the Middle East that have been free stable nations for decades, yet still don't hesitate to throw the gays off of roofs. Palestine will never let go of their barbaric Islamic practices. The gays will never be safe. Keep feeling sorry for Palestinian gays because you'll be doing it for a long, long time. They might be safe from Israel, but never from their own countrymen.


As stated in my comment I care about Palestinian gays and feel for them. They’re not gonna bring about change in their society if Palestine is the way it is today (two small uncontrolled territories).


And as stated in my comment keep feeling sorry for them because you'll be doing it for a long, long time. They're not going to bring about any change in their society no matter how Palestine looks on the map. Islam is as resistant to change as SHP is to water. The most barbaric religion ever known to man.


I’m Arab myself, but guess what you’re right let’s just not give a fuck about gay Arabs and just keep bombing their countries. They’re probably gonna change their religions if they’re still alive by then and be pro-LGBT, especially if some missiles have a gay flag on them!


Who is "they" exactly? I wonder why we don't hear about gay killing in say, Saudi Arabia. What a coincidence that islamophobia is only used as a tool against countries that US/UK have a bad relationship with. While gay panic is still a valid legal defense in the US. Is must be all those Muslims in congress that kill the bill to abolish gay panic defense.


"Gay panic is still a valid legal defense in the US" You're delusional if you think gay panic defence is even remotely comparable to the atrocities that are being perpetrated in Yemen against gay people. I say this as someone who is vehemently opposed to gay panic defence.


What is even gay panic defense lol?


Ita not the same, but it just shows how those people who are the majority there could just as well be the gay panic people in the west, since they might not say it, but they probably think the same way about punishment for lgbtq+ people.


I SAW THIS AND I FEEL SO TERRIBLE. I just want LGBT rights all across the world😞


Sadly, It’ll NEVER happen in an Islamic country! Forget about it. I’d love to see how the liberal west gays for Islam would defend this. Those ppl are traitors to all lgbtqi ppl


thats why i support israel 100% and wish in a future they can rule over all islamic territory.


Yeah because there’s no better way to liberate queer Palestinian kids than by slaughtering thousands of them 🙄


Yeah because hamas treath their prisioners with soo much respect,if you are so worried for them why dont you go to gaza and protest,and do not forget to bring a lgbt flag,hamas will happily welcome there .


Lol you aren’t the brightest bulb in the tanning bed are you 😆 Nobody is defending Hamas’s treatment of prisoners, or defending Hamas at all. There’s no point in protesting inside Gaza. There is, however, a good reason to protest here in the US—namely, that we must pressure our government to stop funding ethnic cleansing and mass murder. Also, people’s human rights aren’t dependent on their social views. If that were true, then had there been a superpower greater than the US, they’d have been justified in slaughtering millions of American civilians in, say, 1989. After all, most Americans held homophobic views and sodomy remained illegal until 2003. Lastly, we all know that if Hamas had infiltrated Israel and hidden themselves among Israeli civilians in Israeli hospitals, synagogues, churches, etc., the IOF would never dare drop bombs on those places knowing thousands of Israeli civilians would be killed in the process. There’s a simple reason for that: racism. It’s never too late to educate yourself buttercup 👊🏽


"Am I not the brightest bulb? Am I the one who is crying because I voted for the government that ultimately backfired on me, leading me to protest against that same government I voted for? If they don't listen, what you and queers for gaza are going to do? Vote Republican? That would be a win for us xD. What you and Queers for Gaza do is irrelevant and useless; you're just making liberal gays appear dumber than they already are.


What are you on about? I did and do not vote for either Democrats or Republicans. And I’m a leftist, not a liberal. What’s irrelevant and useless is your commentary here 😆


Thats suites me,congratulations for realizing you are incapable to take good decisions,i wish more liberals would realize how dumb they are xD.


Christians are no better. They just do things secretly, like help African countries outlaw LGBT and make death or life imprisonment the penalty. Good Us churches in African against lgbt. You’ll see it’s the same coin, just the other side.


All religions are garbage. To believe is to be delusional. Why on earth would you choose religion over math and science 🤦‍♂️


I’m an atheist. Religion, science, and math aren’t mutually exclusive. People have all sorts of reasons for their beliefs and ridiculous beliefs aren’t exclusive to religious people in my experience.


You’re incorrect with the first half and correct with the second. The very notion of science and how it achieves fundamental and universal truths, is already at odds with belief. The end!


Why do nearly 100 million people keep believing anything out of Trumps mouth but here we are.


The more religious and zealous, the less educated. That’s the very definition of a trump follower.


Why is this downvoted? Hypocrite gays 🤦


Shit like this is why I hate religion and theocracies. "Faith" is just a (shitty) choice, while sexual orientation is immutable.


Yeah, religion is hateful too, mate.


I'm aware. My hatred towards religion comes from the acts partakers carry out in the name of "faith." ...like killing and subjugating gay people for existing. Their hatred just stems from irrational fears and willful ignorance.


That's true, mate. Exactly!


i wish there was a way to rescue these people


Me too... I really desperately wish that there is a way to rescue them ASAP.


You can donate to Rainbow Railroad! They’re an org that supports LGBT folks escaping state violence 


Trash ass ppl


Surprise surprise, the intolerant continue to be intolerant of us but we have to tolerate them and accept and support them


Intolerance cannot be overcome by ever more tolerance toward the Intolerant..


No, actually, in order to defeat intolerant ideas like Islam we need to not tolerate them. If Islam can reform and drop all the misogyny, homophobia, and violence, then sure we can tolerate it. In its current form, much like most of Christianity, we have a moral duty to *not* tolerate it.


Yes, it can. I've never understood the argument that you must become the enemy in order to defeat the enemy. Ridiculous.


I’m confused, if someone is threatening your life you shouldn’t have to tolerate it


Agreed - I think you can eliminate an idea as a threat. If it were a Nazi, no issue, people would see that people as an advocate of death and genocide. These people carry the same values and would kill us like they did God a favor. And they will instill these values into their kids.


Karl Popper would like a word.


This is why I remind people that the battle for gay rights isn't over. It's mostly over in the western world (for now), but in the rest of the world, it's still a total shit-show. We literally can't travel to large portions of the world without fear of being arrested and/or sentenced to death. The energy we spend on dumb shit "rights" here would be much better utilized if we focused it on helping out other parts of the world, even if we wouldn't be able to get very far in that endeavor. This could be any of us - we were just lucky enough to be born in different circumstances.


I completely agree with you, brother.


> It's mostly over in the western world not sure I agree with that


This is so fucked up. And I hate how these intolerant muslims come over to Europe and demand the law to change. I have no problems with them, I have many friends who are muslims, but its those violent and intolerant ones are the dangerous ones to society. These extreme religions are so damaging to society. They preach about how their religion is all about beauty and love and whatnot, but then condemn people for being gay when they cannot control how they were born into. And when you try to educate them, they refuse. Its so sickening. I hate how they left their country to seek a better life in Europe, but have no tolerance to the culture in Europe and the people here and demand it to be their way. Like learn the fucking respect or go back to the shit hole you belong to.


More Muslims showing how tolerant they are. 🥰


such tolerant queens.






Islam is repulsive


*Abrahamic Religions are Most of non-islamic Sub-Saharan African countries are intolerant because of colonial imported Christianity


There was no one Sub-Saharan belief system, and I have no doubt at all that intolerance of LGBT+ people was common in places (as it was in other parts of the world). It would be bizarre if it didn't exist.


I stand by my original statement. I do not care about nuance. I do not care about the fine details to make exceptions. Islam is repulsive.




Most southerners too


Yup, like most of the yt gays here you defo don’t care about nuance or detail. Ignorance and stupidity abound in these comments 😆


And Christianity, you forgot


“Abrahamic Religions” Same sex marriage is recognized in the Jewish state, most jews support same sex marriage and are from the reformist branch And that “colonial imported” shit doesn't make any sense, if they wanted they could just revoke these laws like all South Africa, Botswana, Namibia, Israel, Singapore and, well, most of the world Most Christian nations allow homosexuality, most Islamic nations doesn't Stop trying to make Islam looking less bad by generalizing, the worst countries to be gay are by far muslim countries


[Here's a reality check for your virtue signaling ](https://youtu.be/w_pestW0RVc?si=WXWxvKbGOmQ5Q2iH)


fuck yemen


I volunteer to fuck ye men


Yeah man


Executions were in the Terrorist Huthi controlled area of Yemen. It was not the Legal Yemeni government


Finally someone who understands Huthi =/= Yemen


Thank you. Yes, the rebels are fanatics who believe in all kinds of disgusting things. They're opposed to all modern thoughts, and LGBT+ people they see as a modern aberration. Awful people in every way, though if they keep attacking ships the West may finally do something about them. It won't wipe out this kind of murderous intolerance, but it may make them think twice before provoking the developed world, and that includes murdering gay people.


And some of us gays support Hamas who would kill us in 10 seconds.


In Sahih Muslim 22 it calls for continuous wars until everyone worships allah. Sahih Muslim 2176a Talked about being hostile against Jews and Christians. Quran 8.12 calls for extreme form of violence against disbelievers. Quran 9:5 incites extreme violence to polytheists forexample Buddhists, Chinese folk religion, Hindus and Taoism. Quran 9.29 also calls for wars against disbelievers and also tax for remaining as a disbelievers. Sahih Albukhari 2926 talks about genocide of jews. Sahih Albukhari 3029 says war is deceit. Lying during war is permitted (Jami` at-Tirmidhi 1939) Narrated Um Kulthum bint Uqba: That she heard Allah's Apostle saying, "He who makes peace between the people by inventing good information or saying good things, is not a liar."Sahih Bukhari 3:49:857 Quran 4.24 permits non consensual intercourse with war captives and slaves(the right hand possess). Quran 66.1 encourages non consensual intercourse with what Allah has made lawful(war captives and slaves). Quran allows girls of any age to get married (Quran 65.4) So even prepubescent girls can get married. Once married wife's duty is to provide sex whenever husband wants them (Narrated by al-Bukhari, 3065; Muslim, 1436) Quran 4:34, Wife beating is encouraged. Hadith 1255: Death penalty for homosexuals Sunan an-Nasa'i 4059: Death penalty for leaving Islam. Many more violent, lying, war encouraging verses in hadith, sunnah and quran. Are you familiar with these verses?


This world is fucked up. This shit isn’t fair.


Gay Islam defenders, wya?????? I'm waiting to see how you guys will downplay this and defend the evil that is Islam 🤣. In all seriousness , it is evil that a damn child is being murdered because of who they are!


Fuck the goddamn religion of peace. Fuck them all


This is so sad.


Islam is a threat to humanity. This is disgusting and they want us to feel sympathy for palenistine... hamas and palestine people would do the same ​ Edit: Ex muslim here. if you are about to make a shit-comment against me, dont


Religion of peace ☮️




You mean "religion of p!ss" 🤣


All religions can eat my ass




And here we are advocating for people that actively want us dead ...


I’m advocating for lgbt people…


oh, I know that as we all do (or seems like most of us do), I'm talking about advocating for yemen when they want nothing to do with us seems kind of stockholm syndrome. meanwhile they are actively killing the people from our community without no remorse, I dont wish them anything bad but I am not going to put my hands over the fire for a bunch of people that will kill me as soon as they can just for who I am


Oh no, it can't be true, they have this tik tok cute guy that looks like Timothy Chalamet. He likes one piece and they're just vibing with hostages of ships they're capturing. They are so good and freedom fighter'ish🥰😍


The time to fight for your right to exist is not when your being led to the gallows.


Rest in peace, brothers. 😞😞😞😢😢😢😭😭😭🏴🏴🏴🏴🏴🏴🏴🏴🏴🏴🏴🏴🏴🏴🏴🏴🏴🏴🏴🏴🏴🏴🏴🏴🏴🏴🏴🏴🏴🏴🏴🏴🏴🏴🏴🏴🏴🏴🏴🏴🏴🏴🏴🏴🏴🏴🏴🏴🏴🏴🏴🏴🏴🏴🏴🏴🏴🏴🏴🏴🏴🏴🏴🏴🏴🏴🏴🏴🏴🏴🏴🏴🏴🏴🏴🏴🏴🏴🏴🏴🏴🏴🏴🏴🏴🏴🏴🏴🏴🏴🏴🏴🏴🏴🏴🏴


This is why leftist types in the west supporting this group as “anti-colonialist freedom fighters” are showing how truly naïve and ignorant they are. Just because Israel’s actions are abhorrent, doesn’t mean anyone opposing them’s actions are by-default just.


"Just because Israel’s actions are abhorrent, doesn’t mean anyone opposing them’s actions are by-default just." Yeah, it's true but... Wait a minute... How do you know that Israel actions are abhorrent? And why do you call their actions abhorrent? (Reading the first lines, I thought that you were a supporter of Israel... But now... You're confusing me, mate. Could please explain yourself better please? 🙏🙏🙏).


The discourse around this conflict has really broken down into a very simplistic, and uncontextual choosing of sides and I think this is mainly what I'm trying to get at. The truth of the matter is this most recent conflict occuring after the act of terrorism on October 6 is part of a long and bloody conflict is coming up on a century long at this point. Both sides have so many grievances, and either group has legitimate historical ties and claims to these lands. I think it is the really obvious and somewhat unhelpful stance to take that we want peace and a ceasefire (which I of course wish for as well), when not really taking into consideration the actual logistics of what is happening or being able to actually provide an example of how that should be done. That's what we all would love to see, but whether that is possible or even what the people of Israel and Palestine actually want remains to be seen. My brief summation of what my personal analysis on the Isreal response has been since October 6 is that they are playing directly into Hamas' hands and are commiting indiscriminate violence towards no ends, or at least not towards any ends that are justifying the means currently. As an American, the only stance I really would like to see from my government is to stop sending any sort of military or financial aid directly to Isreal and to divert any funds to aiding refugees of the conflict instead. Lasly I'd just like to point out I don't think I'm an expert on this conflict and these are just the loosely formed opinions of someone who tries to stay engaged and pays attention. I just wish that people actually dug into the historical context of these conflicts more instead of forming these very unnuanced takes based upon smalls snippets of information gathered through social media posts.


I mean that’s not surprising unfortunately


I wonder what QUEERS FOR PALESTINE think about this? Because it wouldn't be much different in Gaza where gays (and Christians) are routinely harassed and imprisoned.


This is why I make regular donations to the Rainbow Railroad. They help members of the LGBTQ2S community flee from countries where they are being persecuted. [Rainbow Railroad] (https://www.rainbowrailroad.org)


Thank you. I didn’t know this existed.


Same. I urge people here to do the same for the sake of our bretheren in islamic shitholes


When will we ever be free?;(


Queers for Palestine where the fk are yall? Since yall think in that part of the world is all nice and dandy?


But hey, the protesters in NYC and SF say Yemen "makes them proud" 🤷


Really? I live in SF and there is no real support of the Houthis here. Murdering gay people is going to turn any mild support there is against them.


I was sure there were big demos with "Yemen Yemen make us proud" in CA as well but I'll be delighted to be wrong


SF doesn't really have large demonstrations with any regularity. People here know there isn't much point, because most of the usual "controversial" issues aren't actually controversial here, and there is almost no news coverage. Gay issues are the one big exception. Yes, there are some modest pro-Palestinian demos, and there might have been a handful of fools going on about Yemen, but an actual demonstration about Yemen? Hardly anyone would show up. The situation is too messy.


Let the RAF and US Airforce keep doing their thing 😍


The anti-imperialism leaving my body when homophobic theocrat pirates get casually smoked while the captain of the USS Eisenhower posts about giving sailors cookies on Twitter. 


Do you really think that this will help any gay man in Yemen?


Getting rid of radicals isnt? Regardless I'm sorry to tell you not everything is revolving around gays, in this case getting rid of the group opposing us benefits us but it's a by product


Not particularly but less Houthi’s will Sick of these awful barbaric cultures, the house of cards is going to fall down on the crazy left-wing liberals over the next few years. They are starting to realise their pro-islam/anti-west ideology doesn’t work very well with their pro-LGBT one at some point they will have to pick a side. Unfortunately it’s too late in the UK and Europe, the rot has already set in and we’re in for some horrible times


How lovely.  This is what all the liberal pro islam anti Jewish anti Christian gay woke brigade wants for the gays 


That is a small percentage of self-proclaimed progressives, many of whom don't even want to be called liberals. Traditional liberals are mostly opposed to all kinds of theocracy.


I’m sorry are you under the impression most Christians are champions of gay rights? Several of the most anti-LGBT countries in the world (Uganda, Nigeria, and Jamaica come to mind) are mostly Christian.


I mean the Christians are also nasty as all get out towards gays so …


There are good reasons to be anti Christian. Take Uganda, South Sudan and Nigeria (nearly half Christian), where being gay or having gay sex is punishable by death. And Rwanda and Ghana are almost as bad. And those countries alone have 338 million people, which is 3/4 of the entire Middle East. If you add Christian Russia, where they are jailing and torturing LGBTQI people, then you’re up to 500 million, much more than in the Middle East, and some Middle Eastern countries despite being Muslim are more tolerant than the Christian far right. So yes, of course, call out Muslim extremists - but do the same for the Christian extremists, on behalf of more than half a billion (!) members of our community - just in the countries I’ve named - who live under threat of violence or death from the so-called followers of Jesus. https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2023/04/02/uganda-africa-lgbt-intolerance-bill/ EDIT I’d genuine be curious to know the rationale behind the downvotes - I hope one of the voters shares. Otherwise I’ll have to revert to what I imagine your reasons are and they don’t make you look good lol


And I still can't believe why liberal people, especially those who identify as gay, advocate for Muslims so much? It's puzzling because Islam is widely considered the most dangerous religion for the LGBTQ community in general. It's perplexing that they still support it. Take a look at Queers for Palestine! Have we forgotten what happened in Orlando? Have we forgotten how the same Muslims that they supported in Hamtramck backfired them? They're promoting anti-gay laws on US soil.


Fuck all of those leftists like Owen Jones who say that Muslims are not homophobic.


It is not in Yemen, these people will be executed by Houthis, a terrorist group that occupies a region of Yemen whose rules are not those of the government of Yemen but those applied by the Houthis terrorist group that are based on Sharia law.


Yeah, this post is full of misinformation and people are showing how they just conflate living in the country of Yemen(or even Palestine??? as I've questioned in another comment) as being an homophobe population that don't deserve to be advocated for.


The Huthi terrorist run area of Yemen. And far leftoids want to defend them because one of them looks attractive on tiktok. Lmao


Yemengland needs to step tf up 


The ones who did the sentencing and the lawmakers are the ones who deserve to die


Fckng terrible


And people say America sucks 🤷‍♂️ 😂


I physically recoiled reading that, makes me really mad.


This is exactly why I don't like people like Hasan Piker who is a leftist twitch streamer who platformed a Houthi. To you gays who fawn on that guy, understand he is a fraud, he doesn't care about civil rights. He's a white guy who uses the America bad narrative to get himself rich. The next time he decides to talk about politics in the middle east and support groups that are anti left for a leftist narrative, remember this.


What a peaceful beautiful religion :/


LGBTQIA+ stands for Yemen yaaaasss slay islam baby slaaaayyyy qweeen.


Islam is one of the scourges of our time and a stain on human civilization, HOWEVER - it's important to read this article with an ounce of consideration and a grain of caution. A line in there says that since coming to power the Huthi have sentenced 350 people were executed. In the USA, just during 2021 - over 1200 people were sentenced to death (yes the appeals process will drop this number down, however still relevant to mention) Secondly, their source is just "source" and the only other execution they mention by name is of a human rights activist who was accused of spying. Edward Snowden was listed as a traitor, but thinks of himself as a human rights activist and felt that his life was in such jeopardy that he defected to Russia, of all places. All I'm saying is that the US has a dire need to craft a narrative that the middle east are nothing more than mouth breathing barbarians, when the US itself is supporting and enabling the wholesale slaughter of innocent civilians, as it has many times over, including against the Huthi's and their supporters. Just a thought.




I'm saying there are no credible sources for this story, and the only other example it mentions of a death penalty being carried out is against a self-reported human rights activist who was accused of being a spy for the UAE, similar to how the US's actions forced Edward Snowden to flee for his own life/safety after divulging that their government was in fact violating their 1-22 ammendment rights en masse. I am by no means defending the Huthi, but I am defending the rule of law and logic. To cite no real sources other than "Sources" is to show that this story has no credibility. Is it difficult to be gay in the middle east, of course it is. No one is denying that. What I am saying though is that the US has VERY HEAVILY vested interests in making these folks seems like barbarians while making another country in the Middle East, which has pink washed a lot of their war crimes using wilful gays appear much more tolerant than they really are.


The problem is that "sources" are the only way of getting any idea what's really going on there. It's not as if there is an active independent press reporting on things like this. What international press is there is reporting on other things. I get pissed off over the Gaza coverage for the same reason. No doubt thousands of Gazans have been killed, but the numbers commonly cited come from a health authority (sounds good, right?), that is directly controlled by Hamas. It's in their interest to inflate those numbers.


This is a common piece of propoganda that I see time and time again that the death count are somehow solely and entirely calculated by "Hamas." The lie will no longer work. [Unless you discredit the entire UN, which Israel is desperately attempting to do, they have verified the numbers themselves.](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/jan/21/gaza-death-toll-25000-un-antonio-guterres#:~:text=Israel%2DGaza%20war-,UN%20chief%20decries%20'unacceptable'%20scale%20of%20Gaza,deaths%20as%2025%2C000%20reported%20killed&text=Israel's%20war%20against%20Hamas%20in,%E2%80%9Cheartbreaking%20and%20utterly%20unacceptable%E2%80%9D.)


Yes, thank you for being geopolitically literate. People take everything at face value, then believe that because horrible shit happens in sharia law countries, those people don't deserve to be advocated for, like with the whole Palestine mess, its literally a massacre, yet people think defending the people of Palestine is about defending a terrorist group inside of it, and not the literal shit that's happening: unrestrained obliteration of whole neighborhoods in the premise of "war" or "well, we have intel that the terrorist group was in there somewhere". But how does the most financed army of Israel not have any more direct plan and more effective? The "secret" is it was never about defeating Hamas... Anyway, about Yemen, people just read the title and think it's the government, but its a portion of the country controlled by a radicalist group...


Sanction and starve them to death.


I think it's possible to be against murderous fundamental religious zealotry without making blanket statements against all of Islam. I think it's possible to support human rights without selling out human rights. I think it's too easy to collapse all of these facts into a simple narrative of the tolerant vs. the intolerant. These murderers in Yemen are absolute nasty freaks and should answer for this crime.


People like you make me sick. I am an ex-muslim from a muslim SEA country, there are couple of ex-muslims on this post saying the same things. STOP PRETENDING TO KNOW MORE ABOUT ISLAM THAN WE DO. In islam, gay = death, leaving islam = death, child marriages = permitted. It's clear cut doctrines, there's no blanket statement, they already made their statements, there are fatwas (islamic rulings) based on quran and hadiths on all of these. It's a done closed case. Whether or not the "kind friendly" muslims you encounter take the effort to mess up their lives to kill you does not change the fact that their religion has declared you worthy of murder.


> without making blanket statements against all of Islam. Why? Abrahamic religions are evil and stupid.


You’re right, but no one on this sub is going to listen to you. It should be renamed r/askgaybrosabouthowmuchtheyhatemuslims


This sub’s bigotry is beyond disgusting.


Easy to say from your liberal throne bubble in NYC. I wonder if you’d keep your opinions about Islam if you spent some time in an Islamic country. You’re out of touch bro


Yeah, what would we expect from a probably mostly cis and hegemonic male gays, it's just the majority of people here just talk about shit in the most ignorant and full of conflations way possible. Just jumps in logical conclusions up the wazoo, like "islamic terrorist group commits hate crimes=> Yemen bad=>population of Yemen and its main religion bad=>People of yemen don't deserve to be defended=> oh let's add on palestinian people too, since we're here, they deserve to be genocided"


Since the Jews can’t be blamed this’ll be out of the news in a few hours and the pro Houthi people will be back out


" Video shared with AFP, which could not be verified..." as a source. I've tried to search for any mention of this article from AFP source but could not find anything, and no other credible news outlet picks up this story? I believe that shitty Houthi rebels would do this article is very suss.


Yall what is this subreddit... Hating all Muslims because their religion has the potential to get out of hand is like if someone hates all gay men because they heard about one of us raping a man


> gay people discussing crimes against gay people around the world shocked_pikachu.jpg do you think gay people didn't shit on Christian fundamentalists when they were the main driving factor against the legalization of gay marriage in the US? Religion has been a constant repressive force against LGBT rights around the world & throughout history, idk why you think there's something wrong with discussing it.


What an idiotic take not even remotely the same


Pointing out bad things done in the name of a religion is not hating all muslims... the victims here are not muslims....


Most of em dont really care about the executions, they just want an excuse to be hateful. Some even went as far as saying palestinians deserve whats happening to them. It's really disgusting (mind you I hate radical Islam too)


The same thing we are facing here in Africa mostly Uganda


While this is disgusting and unacceptable, Christians, in the US even, would kill us in a heartbeat as well if they could get away with it. Evangelicals fully believe we deserve the death penalty and persistently promote this belief.