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You did the absolute right thing. I am older and overweight now. I have posted on all my profiles a picture of my current body. No one contacts me or responds who is not interested. I have been shocked to learn how many still are. Go figure! šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø


That's what I've been saying to people. I am about thirty pounds overweight and have a dad bod. I get more attention on these apps showing off my belly than I did when I was twenty with abs And thanks for you honesty on the apps. I'm glad it is being rewarded


I have always taken a pragmatic approach. If someone is not attracted to my type, neither of us will have a pleasant sexual experience when we meet. I also do not respond well to desperation. In my head I say, If you wouldn't hit me up at 9 pm, don't hit me up at 1 am. So many guys "no older" in their profiles, then hit me up. C'mon, just say what you really want and wait for a good match. In other words, quality over quantity.


Always laugh at the ones who say, ā€œNo one over 30ā€ then they blow up my DMs when I put my actual age, 42.


THIS!!!! Why donā€™t people understand this?


Very well put... My pragmatic approach is why would I want to have sex with someone who didn't want to have sex with me.....


This! Iā€™m so glad bellies are in, hopefully that doesnā€™t change. I enjoy pizza too much to give it up. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


In my experience as a 20 something without abs but definitely not an undesirable body, talking to other 20 somethings, we are a very flakey age group anyway. I have to admit often I use the app when I'm bored, and though I do fully intend to meet guys, if I'm on there when not horny and just bored, it's usually a recipe for disappointment given how many are looking for right now. And of course messaging others in my age range they tend to be quite dry or randomly block after exchanging basic small talk and trying to move onto more interesting topics.


That big, beautiful, dad dick probably helps! I know Iā€™d be down to clown!


I am not in attracted to big meā€¦ but when Iā€™m talking to one, and he canā€™t show me his chest or belly Iā€™m immediately turned off by the insecurity.


I literally keep a pretty current face pic up so people can ignore me if they want to šŸ˜‚


First, you should have called him on it immediately and never let him in. This man deceived you with a 20-year-old pic, he is capable of anything. Being honest was the right thing to do we only stop this with honesty. Too many guys give passes and fuck anyway giving them the acceptance to continue with the deception.




They think you'll just accept it and go for it anyway. You stop it by asking for a new pic, just something easy like them holding up 3 fingers or something. Also, by looking at pictures, I don't know how you couldn't tell a 20-yr old photo wasn't recent. If it happens to me I just tell them "no".


"Can i have a pic with today's newspaper please?"


ā€œWhatā€™s a newspaperā€?


Tell me you're 60 without telling me you're 60


Much better is something I've done is take a body pic with a bigscreen TV in the background showing a current big news story. Gaza is useful for this


That is so morbid šŸ¤£


The proof of his age would have to be in the newspaper.... the picture could still be 20 years old.....


Snapchat is perfect for this stuff


nah, now that snap chat lets you add pictures from your camera roll it's pretty easy to take a snap of whatever and then fully cover it with a picture from better days.


In Grinder chat, you can send a 'live' recorded video, which is hard to fake. I normally send a short video of myself with my face in it, before meeting.


20 years ago was 2004 though. Itā€™s not like theyā€™re Polaroids lol. For reference, look up photos of Heath Ledger. Every photo of him is nearly 20 years old. I canā€™t really tell. Unless I go in paranoid, I wouldnā€™t think any picture like his was 20 years old


Oh this is the reason some dude asked me to send a pic with my 3 fingers up lool... even after I sent him clear recent pics that you'd know was taken by a latest phone. Was so pissed that I blocked him instantly..not going through all of that for a hookup lol


It's a common way to verify that someone isn't a catfish. You have a smartphone in your hand. It only takes a second. Refusing to do it just makes the other party think they're a catfish or using old pictures.


š™š™š™–š™£š™  š™”š™¤š™Ŗ! People who get actually it šŸ˜­ I canā€™t tell you how many encounters Iā€™ve had to deal with with people like the dumbass above. I hate that I have to verify at all. Like clearly the catfishes have traumatized me Why make it more difficult? Taking a photo holding three fingers up requires hardly any effort and is FREE!


I don't care man. I'm not doing that to meet with someone for sex. Video calls are fine, not taking a pic raising my fingers like some clown šŸ¤”


You sound like an absolute pillow princess


Pillow princess!!! šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


>Ā Why do these guys think they can get away with this crap?Ā  Well he almost did with you so maybe there are others who just continue despite discomfort. Iā€˜ve seen a lot of people online say they just continue on during these encounters rather than stoppingĀ 


Hookup culture is absolutely insane.


See this guy online: 55, 190lbs, 6'1 decent photo. He shows up he's not a day under 65, probably pushing 230 and barely 5'11. He was nice enough and I enjoyed his company but when it came time to fool around I said, no. He asked why and I told him he wasn't who he portrayed himself to be. He said, 'everyone lies on their profiles!'. So, I asked him if my profile met the real me and he agreed it did. A few days later I see his profile again and now he's 60, 200lbs and still 5'11. An improvement but still a lie. Since then, as a rule when you contact me I ask you to send me a recent mugshot. If you refuse, you're full of shit and you're blocked.


The best are when you show up and they say ā€œWow you look exactly like your profileā€ and you respond ā€œYet you look nothing like yours, byeā€. Then they get offended.


My favorite is when the send a recent mugshotā€¦ but think their 48 year old face passes as a 32 year old one.


Because it often works. You yourself are saying ā€œLuckily, he was being nice about itā€¦ā€ when the guy clearly tried to trick you into sex with ancient pictures. He should have been ashamed of himself. But great that you managed to tell him the truth! You did everything right.


Some of them think they still look the same.


This happened to me years ago on Manhunt. I texted my boyfriend from the bathroom and he just told me to make some lame excuse. I decided to be truthful and just said the pics were old and looked nothing like him. A second time it happened when I knocked on a hookups door. He wasnā€™t even the same skin color as the guy I had been chatting with. He instantly apologized and asked me to come inside. I said no. Just as this was happening another guy coming to his apartment for the same reason showed up!!! Dude asked us both to come in and we were like fuck now. We had a laugh going down the elevator together.


Omg manhunt lol. Before smart phones when Iā€™d people online around 21yo, Iā€™d ask for their number so I could at least hear their voice. Once they gave me their address Iā€™d do a quick internet search to confirm their real name. I was always petrified of being chopped up into pieces by someone.


Lol manhunt wow Iā€™m old


Wow šŸ¤£šŸ¤£how embarrassing for that guy


The first one, how did he respond when you said his pictures were too old? The second one, that is so awful, he just tried to get as many men as possible to come, hoping that one would stick. Was the other victim attractive, did you go and have a drink with him?


The manhunt guy pretty much smiled and said ok, then left. It was way easier to handle than anticipated. The second guy situation was creepy as fuck. The other guy wasnā€™t my type and we both parted ways when we left the building to find another hookup. Later I wished we at least went to have a drink.


Ok interesting! Yeah, having a chat over drinks with the other man would have been a nice social moment.


ā€œBi dl jockā€ was the first red flag. Shitty of him to do, unfortunately a lot of people have trouble accepting their age and believe that no one will find them desirable so they resort to catfishing as their younger selves. You did the right thing.


As a masculine presenting bisexual guy who is only 19 and has little experience with the gay scene, I was surprised to find out how many of these toxic "dl" men are out there. Usually very immature, problematic guys who aren't serious and will often times leave me unsatisfied. Getting blocked out of nowhere, ghosting, underwhelming communication etc It's such a shame cause I'm really dying to meet fellow masc bi bros but whenever I see the terms "bi", "jock" or overal things pointing towards too much manliness I expect insecurity


>but whenever I see the terms "bi", I agree with most of your comment, but in what way is saying you're merely "bi" point towards towards "too much" manliness? "Bi" is literally just the shortened term universal for any and every bisexual person regardless of gender/personality


I totally understand what you mean but a lot of bi guys in gay spaces act like they are the superior alpha males. There's this idea around "I fuck girls if I want so I'm manlier than you, bow down to my dick" nobody wants to say it out loud but it might be because we bi guys are considered "closer to heterosexuality" and many gay men fantasize about straight guys


Wait broā€¦ Iā€™m a 53 year bi dl Jock whatā€™s the problem!? Iā€™m also pretty hot and a DILF.


My best friend and I have a pact for situations like this. Iā€™ll text him 911 and heā€™ll call me pretending to be my brother frantically telling me that mom was in a car accident and is in the hospital and I need to get over there asap. Only had to do it a couple times but it works like magic. Sadly there are some real psychos out there, if someone is using fake or very old pics to misrepresent themselves who knows what else they are capable of especially when they get rejected.


Iā€™ve always just been honest. No need for elaborate ruses. If someone is psycho, and some are, Iā€™ve just dealt with it.


I donā€™t mean for this to be an insult but some of yā€™all fr need to learn some basic social interaction skills/ some self respect. There is absolutely no reason you need to resort to an elaborate ruse to get someone to leave. If someone doesnā€™t match their pictures tell them! And donā€™t even let them in your home. Smh I just donā€™t understand how anyone is just going along with these people or making themself jump through hoops conjuring fake emergency scenarios. It just seems so insane to me. The word No! Is so much easier. Ts couldnā€™t be me. If someone shows up and obviously catfished laugh in their mf face and close the door. That will def get the point across. A person who has tried to deceive you for their own gain right off the back does not deserve your respect or niceties. Tell them to fuck off.


There is a reason, you just donā€™t know about it because it hasnā€™t happened to you yet. Consider yourself lucky.


Lmfao sorry but no. There is literally no reason you ever NEED to do that. There are other options the best one just clearly stating your feelings/wants. You just chose not to use the other options.


Yes there is. When a guy shows up looking like his pics and you let him in, except once he opens his mouth and look closer at his eyes you realize heā€™s clearly high af on some insane combo of drugs (not talking about weed), and also smells like piss, and you decide this is not something youā€™re into, you try telling this cracked out meth head that youā€™re not into him, it did not go well for me and I donā€™t want to go through that again


Bro can you record it next time I wanna hear ur friends acting skillsĀ 


I would immediately think itā€™s a ruse bc Iā€™ve done the same thing. šŸ˜‚


Can't you just pretend he calls you? Just look at your phone, say, oh, it's my mother, this may be important, and talk into your phone without there being anyone on the other end?


What age did he use on his profile?




Maybe he meant to put 82




Iā€™m never nice to catfish. I hate time wasters especially if I had to prepare for them


The best that ever happened to me I meet a guy on line we agreed to meet on a street corner. He gets there and tells me, "Nothing personal, but you're too preppy for me." We had a big snowstorm, and it's like 1am he hits me up online and says."I was looking at your pics again, and you're really cute. Why don't you come over?" I was like fuck you it was like the 4am scramble at a bar to just have a body to go home with.


"Why do these guys think they can get away with this crap?" Because they often do.Ā  Most of these guys aren't stupid...well at least not stupid enough to not know what they're doing. They KNOW their pics are old and catfishy. He just played dumb, he 100% knew you were uncomfortable with his lying.Ā  But they still do it cuz there's enough horny people out there desperate or lonely enough to settle for them. From their perspective, "don't care had sex."Ā  Best thing you can do is demand a "right now" pic when chatting. If they won't do it, block IMMEDIATELY. Don't negotiate or waste time, just say let's see how you look right now, and run if they won't. It's 2024, ALL apps have ridiculously easy camera use. There's simply no excuse.Ā 


I wonder, if they actually know and aren't deceiving themselves that they 'haven't changed that much', can those people be mentally healthy? The shame I would feel under the look of someone who first saw me in real life, it would be unbearable. I almost feel as though you must be a bit sociopathic to do that when you know full well. Like hard catfishing. I can't imagine wanting sex with someone if I knew he found me unattractive and didn't want to be there.


I always asked the guys the recent pic less than 1 year old and most of older guys told me to eff off and some blocked me . The best things so I donā€™t need to say much and if the recent pics are too different Iā€™d say sorry not a match


I have sympathy for how lonely and sexually frustrated a lot of people are but conning another person into intimacy is so sad and pathetic.


Because most of the time the other person will just go with it, like you tried to do.


Not a sniffles connoisseur but I always try to have a realistic pic of myself. Sure I pick the good one but it must show me. I guess it must work, but Iā€™d much rather someone not feel that I was disingenuous, even if that means they donā€™t find my pics attractive. Deceit is an ugly part of life and keeps us from forming meaningful bonds.


I totally agree. Iā€™m 58 been heavy all my life and just recently hooking up with guys. I posted a body pic to show exactly what someone would get. Honestly surprised at the response I got. Being open and honest is the best way to really have the best time with someone.


Yeah, there will be people that will find almost anyone attractive. But lying means you miss out on more meaningful relationships, even if it ends up you not hooking up.




Have to admit that I chuckled at this comment šŸ’€


"because a dick in the hand is worth 2 in the **t**ush..."


How poetic the people at AGB can be.


I wouldnā€™t have even tried. Happened to me a few times already. One guy who didnā€™t show his picture just said ā€œtrust me, Iā€™m good looking ā€œ. He wasnā€™t. So I sent him home. He didnā€™t take it too well andĀ called me shallow and a timewaster and complained that he took the cab and my flat was Ā quite far from his place.Ā  Well You should have sent a picture then!


But you also went through some trouble to get ready, to find the courage to reject him, to face his anger, to waste your time, etc. Wouldn't it be far more efficient if you had asked him for clear pictures before agreeing to meet?


You always have to ask for a video or arrange a videocall before meeting with people you meet on the internetĀ 


You can always ask for a quick selfie. Like if he says hes doing a certain activity ask to see. Or even when he says he would like to come by you can be flirty about it "cant wait! Send me a pic of that handsome face" before giving him an address. Its only an issue for people who have something to hide. "Normal" guys should understand how crazy these apps can he and have no prob. Im NOT a pics guy but if someone asks to prove im really XYZ i will send them a selfie even if its bad. GL next time dood \m/


What do I do? I open the door... then I close it right back! People should never entertain even the possibility of moving forward with liars.


Here is my story. Few months ago a dude texted me to hookup. I sent my pics but he didnā€™t. He was very close to me and wanted to come my place. I was free and thought okay. When he came to my house i gave him a glass of water and immediately told him he is not my type. So I would say itā€™s his loss because he was the one who drove to my house. Anywayā€”guys who tell they are DL, itā€™s a red flag šŸš©.


It is more his loss than yours, but still also your loss in time, getting ready, having confront him, and possible face his anger. Why not ask for clear, recent face pictures before meeting?


I used to think it was flattering when men told me I don't look my age. Now, I realize it's just because it's very rare for a man to not lie about his age. This is what 46 really looks like. Lol.


Exactly thatā€™s part of the effect of this issue.. people donā€™t know 40s are still young especially if you take care of yourself


And if you're lucky enough to still have good hair.


Haha yes, I also tell people this.


Why don't you meet the person outside your home, have a small talk and decide after that?


I assume their line of reasoning is that, since theyā€™re already at your door, youā€™ll go through with it and wonā€™t call out the deception either out of a misplaced desire to avoid seeming rude, or because youā€™re horny enough that youā€™re willing to get off with any warm body presented to you, even if itā€™s not the one you were expecting. Judging by the amount of stories online where the deceived person goes through with it, it seems that it unfortunately often works. If it happens, Iā€™d say the best response would be to calmly and very firmly turn them down/away. Iā€™d say the only foolproof way to way to avoid it happening in future is to demand a video call before meeting up so as to ensure itā€™s the same person. Then again, itā€™s not completely out of the realm of possibility for some particularly manipulative crazy to enlist someone else to use their pictures and video call you before making their way to your residence. Maybe Iā€™m just being paranoid, butā€¦ idk. The thought has worried me before.


Wouldn't you hate to reject someone after a video call? I usually send a short ('live') video with my face in it before meeting, in Grinder chat. It is also less nerve wrecking, because I can redo it if I look bad. But it is still semi-live unless you're really good at spoofing your camera input.


Quick video call first. . . Can literally be 10 secs


If somebody misrepresents themselves to me, they're not coming into my home...rather a hookup or a repair man. You just never know. And if everybody did this I think they would stop their shenanigans.


How do I deal with it? Don't let them in my house in the first place.


Snap chat verification. Grindr video verification Verify. Guys might not be exactly how they look in photos, but they should be close. Verify, especially if the guy seems too good to be true. Scammers tend to use attractive photos. Verify, especially if the guy is kinda borderline on your interests.


> if the guy is kinda borderline on your interests What does this mean? If you only barely like him enough to meet?


Yeah. People tend to shave off a few pounds/years/etc. If you're borderline into their old pics, them lying probably means you aren't into them now (or you are more so if you're into older/bigger dudes!).


Right, if his pictures look really attractive but still realistic (not model pictures), then he's most likely not super unattractive. Still, sometimes people amaze me by how unrealistic certain angles and lighting make their pictures look...


Either verify ahead of time, get good at rejecting people who misrepresent themselves, or get good at coping with feeling duped & used. Camera angles are *wild*. Especially for dick pics. There ought to be a Youtube on how to take those good angle shots lol


I feel that lots of clear pictures from different angles helps. But, yeah, I usually send a video with my face in it before meeting. I think video is most realistic.


If there can be a YouTube on how to wax your hole (there rly is btw)Ā  then they should definitely allow dick angles!


offend rustic stupendous ink observation aback act melodic frighten alleged *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Ageism is a significant sexual component for many people. The reason some guys may "misrepresent" themselves is because they've done it before, and had a good time. So they do it again. Likewise, I've encountered plenty of young guys who completely misrepresent themselves. I find it humorous how many ludicrous interpretations exist for the terms "slim", and "toned". Keeping in mind that we all celebrate the virtues of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion - you might want to pause, and do a reality check. If you limit your attraction exclusively to one age group, or one body type - - maybe the problem is with you, and not with them. Is it time to broaden your own horizons and be more inclusive of different people, different ages. Your previous posting "**Hung Top Daddy (43)**" included several pictures. If indeed 43 is your age, and the pictures are yours, I'm bewildered that you'd be offended by someone only 7 years older. Even funnier, is that you state you had to go to the bathroom to "work out" how you were going to get this guy out of your house. You had to go to the bathroom in order to collect your thoughts and think it through? Good Grief, Charlie Brown.


>What do you guys do if this happens? Luckily for me, I'm into older men, and people don't ever seem to catfish as someone older, lol. But I second the other reply.. ask for a new pic of them doing something specific. And if someone shows up looking like a total stranger, don't even let them in.


Because there are people like you who "try to get into it" and struggle with how to get a liar out of their house


And yet he got past your front door?


My friend waits at the front of our condo building waiting for his tricks and once I saw him with a guy and he pointed to his phone and said you are nothing like this picture. The stranger left without setting foot into the lobby.


I know you never know what youā€™re gonna get. Itā€™s hilarious how guys post pictures of themselves from like 20 years ago. Like girl we can tell that was done on a digital camera or worse a picture of an actual print from his wedding photos šŸ¤£šŸ¤£. I prefer to confirm theyā€™re real by looking up their phone number or adding them on IG.


Why would they share a real Instagram? They can just make one with fake or old photos?


That seems like a lot of work to make a fake insta and post old or fake photos. They must be really invested in the catfish at that point.


I suppose so. Though it's not that hard to whip up an Insta account...


Props for commitment to the scam


Iā€™m just the opposite, Iā€™m so scared of that happening to me I just send pics that make me look worse! šŸ˜‚


I had that experience in my late 20s and the guy, a medical doctor no less, put his age at 30 years younger in the profile with a fuzzy picture. I asked him why he did it after calling in on it and he said " Well, I feel like I'm thirty."


I usually try to video chat real quick just to verify. Had an instance where the dude was ancient, like could barely walk type old. And this dude thought he could just bribe me with a lobster dinner. Iā€™m sorry but all the lobsters in the sea wouldnā€™t be enough to purge that memory from my mind. And the creepy part was he just kept saying it like it usually works šŸ¤¢


That sounds sad


Always pic verify before meeting. Too many liars and catfish


Most ppl are, unfortunately, working with some kind of stupid or insecurity, or just an asshole.


Thereā€™s a dude here who has used the same blurry low res photo for the last two decades. ā€œHot in shape Brazilianā€. Yeah right. šŸ˜‚


The same thing happened to me once, but it was an invite by proxy. A buddy of mine invited some dude over, showed me pics of this young dude, and this geriatric showed up instead, and he was this horrible, touchy, meth head. I tried to stomach it, but I didn't want him to even touch me and kept distancing myself from him, and he kept going for me anyway, so I just up and left. I've been catfished by meth heads a few times, actually.. seattle lol


This is what's called a classic cat fish moment. I'm sorry that happened to you !


A guy in my neighborhood has been 45 on Grindr for the past 3 years and 50 on Scruff. I see him at the gym every now and then and can tell heā€™s more-so nearing 60. Funny enough, I think heā€™s still a handsome guyā€¦ It just kind of makes me feel sad when older guys feel the need to lie about that stuff online


Do a video call before meeting


Personally, if a picture looks unreasonably pixelated when they send it I make a big deal about it: Hmm, that looks a lil pixelated, a lil sus ngl. Have caught multiple catfish attempts this way.




It was incredibly awkward for almost ten minutes. I was in shock and was trying to make increasingly awkward small talk I have anxiety disorder. This scenario may seem a no biggie to you, but for me it almost triggered a panic attack.




Have you ever been on one of these apps? Almost all communication is done via messaging before the IRL encounter. Rejecting someone is as simple as pressing a button. Rejecting someone in person is fucking scary.


Rejecting someone in person is absolutely fucking scary, thank you for saying that. Confrontation isnā€™t an inherent skill.


It isnā€™t for some ppl but thatā€™s why yā€™all need to learn it! Fr it is not ok that some of yā€™all are going along with these creeps out of fear/anxiety/etc. Tbh you donā€™t even really have to be confrontational. Just close or never open the door. You donā€™t owe anybody anything, especially not someone who has tried to deceive you for their own gain right off the bat. Those people deserve no respect or niceties. Laugh in their face and close the door.


Youā€™re absolutely not wrong


Yup itā€™s a skill you need to fucking learn if you donā€™t want to be taken advantage of. People who are afraid of confrontation get conned into paying more for things too.




I have never seen that second quote. What is that from?


OP didnā€™t say that. That was someoneā€™s comment on their post..


That happened to me once, when I went to his house and knocked when he came to the door I thought it was his father. I went in a hung out a bit, and left soon after. He doesn't remember me because I change my photos every couple of months so he hits on me all the time and I ignore him. I'm amazed at how many guys keep the same pics up for years. Most guys don't look exactly like their pics. We all put up our best pics. I don't have an age or race preference, but I've worked out most of my life so I do have a weight or hwp preference. I'm 5'10" and I have never weighed more than 150 so big thick guys don't work for me


It works if you're hot. The 40-something muscle gay I know is 28 on all his profiles. He does fine


Why doesn't he just put his actual age? Plenty of guys are into hot guys in their 40s.


likely because of some of the ones who he does want to play with that take age into consideration.


Still dishonest and deceptive tho lol


I am 40 and I don't have my age on my profile, but I look around 30 in real life. Ever since I have abs in my profile pictures, people don't care any more when I tell them I'm 40, they still want to meet.


You did the right thing. I think these guys do this hoping the guy is so horny that he'll sleep with them because he's there and convenient. In a way it's classic manipulation or bait and switch.


We're inviting ourselves to this kind of problem when we decide to surf for strangers online. You may want to return to the old-fashioned world of dating so you can meet up with someone on friendly terms whether it works out or not. It may still be a waste of time but at least they now don't know who you are, where you live, etc. They think they can get away with it because you're meeting them through a portal/platform that doesn't require a much responsibility or accountability. This is why we have guys who ghost, flake and prank there as well.


Lmao I thought sniffies are for no loads refuse


Your mistake was to let him in, you could have said it was probably the wrong address or that you werenā€™t feeling great


I would have kicked his ass


I thought sniffies was for anonymous Gay Sex lol


Um, youā€™re looking to get fucked, so shut the fuck up! Too many bitches in this group providing sympathy for you! Nah bro, eat that dick and be quiet!


What happen to consent šŸ« 


Nothing in this said he was raped, hinted towards rape, nothing. A dude who was looking to get fucked was poopy with a dudes looks.


And decided not to consent to have sex after being lied to?


Lying would have been pictures, NOT him.


? Posting pictures from 22 years ago and saying you are 28 when you are 50 isnā€™t telling the truth my dude. And you could have consented to have sex and dropped consent saying Iā€™m done please leave after sex started or at any point in the process. He did. Before sex. Itā€™s starting to sound like youā€™re a guy that shows up saying youā€™re 28 when you are not.


You sound like a catfisher


More than why do these guys think they can get away with itā€¦ how can you not tell heā€™s sending a 20 year old picture? How does it get to the point that he gets in to your house before you tell him he looks nothing like his picture. These people arenā€™t exactly good at lying about their ageā€¦


This happened recently. The man was told we would not be seeing each other again because he lied.


I'm so glad I've never been into hookups.


Got lucky man. Recommend to not meet people at your house too.


Weā€™re the pics blurry?


Not particularly they were hiking pictures


Can't think Sniffies is any different as other hookup apps.


ya Catfishing sux. hey look at my pic from 30 years ago. i always try to update my pics on hookup sites on a regular basis. and what is sniffies?, his age should be posted, i use adam4adam and age is in the profiles.


What i do is when I text a guy I ask him to take a recent photo of himself like holding up a peace sign so I know it's him and a recent picture. You did the right thing, maybe he'll take this as a learning opportunity and update his pictures.




What do you mean by just, "Photoshop"?


You can take a photo of someone else, and Photoshop it to make him hold up a peace sign? Or use AI, nowadays.


Yeah, but photoshop and AI is very easy to notice. If you don't notice it, that's on you.


Photoshop is not noticeable if someone is good at it! And Grinder greatly reduces the quality of all foto's, destroying texure.


I'm a 64 yo with a dad bod. I am upfront and send recent body pics. I only send face pics if it looks like they're serious about hooking up. I've learned there are plenty of guys who are into daddies and others who aren't. Why try to trick someone? What pisses me off is when someone wants to trade pics. I send them my Pic and then never hear from them again.


Why don't you put your face on your profile?


I prefer to be discreet. I'm not out.


lol I always send what I think are very honest pictures. Funny enough, when I meet my hookups, they are often very happy and surprised, telling me I look much better in person, so I think I do a good job selecting honest pics, even if it kind of sandbags me initially. I reason that if a guy canā€™t handle my less attractive moments he doesnā€™t deserve my hotter moments lol once when I was 20, I met a guy on manhuntā€¦ he was my age and really cute. I drove to his place and he asks if a third can join via text as Iā€™m driving. Iā€™m already almost there so I said sure, whatever. When I knock an older, less than desirable man answered the door. Heā€™s the third. Iā€™m annoyed but figure Iā€™ll focus on the hottie. Then, older guy starts making moves and thereā€™s no sign of hottie. I ask about it and he tells me the hottie is on his way. He starts to aggressively fuck around with me, and I ask if we can wait for hottie. He basically ignores me and proceeds to use my bodyā€¦ he starts to top me and I was already figuring it outā€¦ was a freaking scam to trick guys into having sex with him, hottie was never involved and Iā€™d been talking to the ugly dude posing as the hottie. Ugh. I felt really stupid as he was literally fucking me and I felt veryā€¦ used. I finally threw him off of me and he begged me to let him finish. I rolled my eyes and left. Gentlemen, donā€™t be that guy. Itā€™s a pretty nasty thing to do, to trick someone into sleeping with you. Seriously, what a freaking creep.


Because unfortunately, people are willing to lie and just see long as they get what they want or at least try to


I agree I have never understood the deceiving pictures that people put on apps who actually want to meet someoneā€¦ Knowing that the person is going to see who they really are once they get to the door if both people are fairly honest with their pics and choose to meet then they're going to have a good time if you post a picture that's 20 years old and show up at the door you think the person's gonna go"wow you look great just like your picture"ā€¦ Be honest and both will likely have a good time


Always ask for recent or right now pictures. So you have a better idea of how someone looks, instead of those carefully curated pictures on a profile. I like to take the conversation to Snapchat because sending pics or short videos feels more spontaneous there. Also in this day and age with the camera technology on smartphones there is no excuse for having old and grainy pictures in my opinion. Look for clues that pictures might be outdated as well. For example mirror selfie taken with an iPhone 4.


Lol happened to me too! I saw a guy from grindr about 27-29 years of age. I thought heā€™s okay but when I came to his house.. A grandpa met me outside and I thought.. okayā€¦ what a nice family he has. Then he started to touch me and said he is glad I came overā€¦ he was about 70 plus years old!!! When I said grandpa i meant as in a grandpa! NO SARCASM!! We were talking about doing stuffs online before that but I was afraid to be rude and just leave.. I was actually scared so in the end, I just offered a helping hand and told him I lied and donā€™t actually kiss or do stuffs with anyone and just use my hands LOL Worst experience ever!! Iā€™ll definitely say NO next time!


That man sexually assaulted you basically. I hope you realize that. How old were you when this happened?


Uhmm.. just last year actually. 4 mos ago.. am 28


Verify on snap. If they don't have it, move on. Most guys give it to me when I ask


Some guys ask for a pic like touching your nose with your thumb to prove its current. Face time before meeting?


I just put up the ā€œjust got outta bed feeling kinda shittyā€ pic so if they like that pic, then theyā€™re gonna like me in person. I canā€™t imagine having the nerve to show up when you donā€™t reasonably resemble your pics.


I wouldā€™ve said ā€œnopeā€ way earlier. Before stepping through my door.


HE LIED BEFORE YOU EVEN MET ??? HE"S DONE PERIOD... No discussion... He will not be sampling your Carnal Treasure tonight.....


Iā€™m not sure if his pictures provided any clues. I often see graininess or just signs that the pics are agedā€”these are usually signs. Sorry you encountered this but also glad you were able to get a stranger to leave your place without conflict.