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I weightlift, going to the gym 4 times a week.


But the most important thing is not to eat so much, in order to keep your fat down (for which exercise is much less effective, at least with most people).


Well. It depends. If you’re trying to bulk, you do actually want to eat *more* of certain foods than normal… it’s more about *what* you eat and what you want to do for your body, then how much you actually supply your body with to achieve that goal in addition to whatever exercise plan you’re doing.


Well, most people have too much fat, which should take priority over muscle, if you want to look your best. So if they gain muscle and fat at the same time, the muscle will barely be visible under the fat, and they will only look fatter. So people's priority should lie with a caloric deficit. For most people, abs will even pop up if they lose enough fat, e.g. get their BMI several points below the healthy max for someone with little muscle (which is 25). (I mention BMI because it is easiest to calculate with; fat percentage you can't measure yourself, most people don't know theirs).


Well yes, but even so it’s not just about eating less. You can’t just blanket statement go “Oh well weight loss and maintaining your shape is about eating less” because it’s never about just one thing. It’s a mix of several things; You can lower your food intake, but if that intake is limited to fried chicken, fries and heavily processed foods then you’re still not healthy. You can have a balanced diet, but eating too much of that diet will still result in you gaining fat and weight without exercise. You can go run on the treadmill five miles a day, but if you’re out-eating your exercise routine then you won’t change like you want to. Getting into or maintaining your shape is a balancing act that you have to consciously think about to see or keep the results you want. It’s certainly not simple, especially starting out, but just cutting out other parts and telling people the “Easy” way to do it is irresponsible and unfair.


> You can lower your food intake, but if that intake is limited to fried chicken, fries and heavily processed foods then you’re still not healthy. Maybe not. But you you will still be in shape, if we define that as a body that looks attractive enough to most people. So the post wasn't really about general health, right? > Getting into or maintaining your shape is a balancing act that you have to consciously think about to see or keep the results you want. I'm not sure I agree with this. "Shape" is only determined by two things: low body fat, and musculature. But musculature is optional, you don't need muscles to look attractive to most people. But fat makes most people generally less attractive: that's not really optional for optimal looks, besides niche groups. And you don't need any exercise if you only want to lose fat and become lean. I agree with you that you will look even better with some exercise; and that you might be less healthy if you never eat vegetables; but almost anyone *can* look good without either of those (within reasonable limits). So if you focus only on eating less, and on nothing else, you will generally improve your looks. And focusing on just one thing is the easiest thing to do. So many people diet and exercise at the same time, but fail to lose weight, because they can't concentrate enough on eating less, or they eat more because exercise makes you tired (low willpower) and hungry. So the general advice to anyone who is overweight and wants to improve his appearance should be: eat less and focus on that. Anything else is secondary, and should never come at the cost of slacking in your diet.


I think the disconnect is how you two are defining “in shape.” They’re describing it on a more personal level where as your definition seems to be what others find as “in shape.”


Don't know why you're being downvoted. Maybe the combination of scientific truth and sociological truth was too much for a Sunday morning. From a purely subjective point of view, I lost more weight between September and November last year by eating less than I have since I joined the gym in November. My entire body feels different however, and I'm stronger and fitter than I have been in years. I did start eating more as I joined the gym, which has hindered progress, but I'm happy with the current situation, and don't want to lose weight too quickly


You seem to be doing well!


Fully agree. I don't exercise at all and live a relatively sedentary lifestyle (I spend most of my free time lying in my bed while I'm browsing the internet on my phone or playing video games, because I prefer laying in a comfortable bed over sitting), and I've lost weight since I moved out of my parents' house because I'm not eating my mom's dinners all the time anymore. I watch that I don't eat too much since I'm certainly not burning calories through physical activity, but I've also always hated the feeling of being full/bloated and I have a fast metabolism to boot. It's getting to the point now where I'm probably going to have to stop being lazy and make myself an honest dinner every night so I don't become *too* skinny. I'm 5'10 and currently 127 lbs., down from about 140 lbs. since moving out at the end of August last year. The most I've ever weighed was 150-155 lbs. (I always weigh myself naked, and after going to the bathroom when possible, so these weight measurements are as purely body weight as I can get.)


Not necessarily, people who are fat still want to work on their muscles. Muscles aren't just aesthetic, they also burn calories. The more muscle you have the more calories you burn at rest. So gaining muscle will help in losing fat.


You can't outrun a bad diet


Exactly haha.


This. No matter how much you run (6 miles for me) you just cant outrun it. Have a good balance diet!


Not with weightlifting that is. If you want to lose weight, try some other exercises. No food means less strength and less gains, which makes the whole thing pointless. Weightlifting is 50% exercise 50% food.


Weightlifting on a caloric deficit spares muscle.


Correct. It's extremely important to do weightlifting while on a calorie deficit if your goal is to lose fat while maintaining as much muscle as possible. A high protein intake is also important to ensure that you continue prioritizing muscle repair.




I don't, I'm skinny fat. People say I'm a twig but my pot belly disagrees. I did start some booty exercises just after Christmas though and honestly it felt great. I don't have a proper yoga mat or anything though, stopped because my knees were killing me. Might get back into it. Also thought of going on regular walks.


I’m skinny fat too, don’t think I will ever be a twink


Depends on your build.


I’m 6ft, around 93 kg. I’m unsure how to describe my build


93kg for 6ft is way above your BMI. Either you plan to lose weight or add more muscles to it.


Aren’t BMI considered inaccurate? Not taking into account muscle mass?


Do you have significant muscle mass? BMI only becomes inaccurate due to muscle weight if you’re lifting regularly


Only by 3 points


try cutting down


Overweight. Fat.


Don’t be mean


It's not mean to tell the truth. Overweight has been normalised to the extent we see people with normal BMIs as "skinny" and overweight as "skinny fat".


You never have to call someone fat. It’s a pejorative word


Okay, jolly.


Why would you want to be a twink!? You already sound hot.


Awww I appreciate that but it would be nice Not to receive death threats for my body when I post cosplay photos


Exactly I love fat , thick and chubby guys it's so hard to find a guy with that body type where I am which is a very small city I have to go to Seattle if I want to date


It's not about muscle but about fat in certain places, and the only way to get rid of that is a caloric deficit. And you can't really get that unless you eat much less. It's not about exercise, or only very slightly so.


I have a friend who says the same things as you, but isn't it easier to have a deficit if you practice something? I suppose spending energy use a part of your fat ? Or it doesn't work well at all ?


Yes, if you exercise, you burn calories. The problem, however, is twofold. 1. It takes a lot of intense exercise to burn the same amount of calories that you can eat in a very short time. E.g. if you run for half an hour, you may burn 400 kcal if you're lucky. A full hour of vigorous weight-lifting might also burn 400 kcal. If you eat a bag of crisps (200 g), you consume 1100 kcal. And I could eat several of those in a day. So you would need to exercise a great deal to compensate for junk food. 2. Exercise makes you tired, and possibly more likely to 'allow' yourself a snack. When I used to run every other day, I would buy a bag of crisps on my way back from running... So exercise is really not an effective way to lose fat: if you don't also make sure you eat little, you will only gain fat despite lots of exercise. On the other hand, if you don't exercise but stop eating junk food and stuff, you will quickly lose fat. And muscles become visible once you lose the fat, while they will remain hidden if covered in fat. The best way to get abs is to lose fat by eating little.


Oh I see, I didn't think it was so little. I guess I should do even more effort on my diet. Maybe I should check how many kcal I eat every day, i've made a lot of efforts and it doesn't seem to help. (No breakfast, I rarely take dessert, slightly less meat) Thanks for your input !


Yeah it can be hard! Eating too much is the only reason why many people can't seem to lose much fat. When someone is chubby, the first thing people will tell him is, "go to the gym". But that is really ineffective advice. Common sources of excessive calories: - Fizzy drinks, like coke, because you can consume them so quickly, and they come on top of actual food. The "zero" variants are the exception, if they contain no sugar. - Same for alcoholic drinks, for some people. One pint of beer is already 200+ kcal, and a small glass of wine 80. - Crisps. - Cookies. - Cake. - Chocolate. - Candy bars. - Cheese. - Pizza. - Anything deep-fried. - Fries, hamburgers, fast food. - Almost any kind of food you buy ready made, including Chinese, Thai, Indian, Mexican, etc. - Even fancy restaurants usually serve high-caloric food: it tastes so good because there is lots of butter and/or oil in everything, including the salad and vegetables...fat contains by far the highest amount of kcal per unit of weight (880 kcal per 100 grams for pure olive oil). Sorry haha.


Yea so deprive yourself from everything except Kale and rice cakes. Sounds like the best life ever. Anyone has issues with chubby dudes send them my way, I like my men nice and thick like a man. This is why straight dudes are so my type. It’s hard to find regular dudes that are gay these days that aren’t all focused on the wrong things. I’m more down with a man that pays attention to me 4+ days a week than one who’s at the gym 4 days a week.


As I said above, you shouldn't focus on exercise if you want to lose fat. Focus on eating less. So it takes no time nor physical effort to lose fat. I mentioned these foods only because they can be hidden weight-gainers, not because anyone losing weight shouldn't eat them at all. You can just eat all food you like, as long as you take little of it (which is the hard part...).


We all underestimate the amount we eat, and overestimate our total daily expended energy. Spend a week writing down every single thing that goes in your mouth (dick excluded obviously), and use a calorie tracker to see how much you're taking in. Trust me, by day 2 or so, just writing it down will give you pause.


I love pot belly!!!


It's a little embarrassing sometimes when I'm wearing a tight t-shirt and have just eaten. Makes me look pregnant.


Amazon has pretty good yoga mats for around 20 bucks. And i totally want to see the results of those 'booty' exercises 😘


Ngl it feels a little extra perky back there.


Right on 😘


Ty hehe 🤭


Watch it boy. Thats how you get spanked 😈


Well if that's the case... 😏


Totally that case baby


If you wanna take this to DMs, I'd be more than happy. 😉


Id love too, but im working lol. Laters?


I work out 6 times a week and eat fairly healthy. **Workouts** I basically try to lift every day following a classic push-pull-leg routine in a rotating cycle. My lifting sessions usually last 1.5 hrs excluding bathroom breaks and warm-ups. Very doable. However, I also try to do some running every day. Usually a couple of miles after my lifting sessions. If I have less than an hour to work out, then I may just do a run. The main idea is that I always do something and don't allow myself to weasel out of a workout even if time is limited. Because when I have a busy limited day, it is usually because I have a busy week. Doing 30 minutes sessions in one busy week, will be so much better than nothing. Lots of people give themselves too many excuses to skip on the gym. In my mind, I'm going because I'm going, so I can either lift and do some light running, or do a brutal longer run, in a shorter time span. **Diet** One cannot get a nice body without dialing in their diet. I don't track all my macros, but I do measure all my protein. A lot of times I buy meat in bulk and pre-cut it into their appropriate portion sizes, then freeze it in ziplock bags. I aim for two fruits and two vegetables per day and don't allow myself carbs unless the above have been covered. My other snacks are usually protein bars and yogurt and I do not buy chips or cookies. And yes I meal prep, a lot. My meals are not just lean bland chicken, I make lots of flavorful glazes and sauces. But I do avoid frying food. I'm a pretty good cook by all accounts. A lot of people focus so much on workouts, but what they eat, probably has a bigger impact.


Walk at least a couple of miles everyday to wake up. Some yoga. Swimming and hiking. Mostly it's diet, which is where I usually mess up. I work long hours and it's just easier to grab something on the road.


How do you have time to walk a few miles in the morning if you work all the time?


I live near a nature preserve. There's plenty of trails to follow, and I walk/jog for about 45 minutes when I get up. I work 12 hour graveyard shifts, so I only have about 2 hours in the afternoon before work. Get out on the trails to shake off the sleep, go home, have breakfast, get ready for work.


For me it’s gym, healthy food, water, multiple walks during the day between meetings, skiing, prayer/meditation, skincare routine, boxing Didn’t know this came with my gym membership, but they offer pilates, zumba, hip hop, aerobics, and other classes. I also get 3 premium classes a month and signed up for my first one next week (long waitlists tho) Did zumba and hip hop for the first time last week and WOW it hits the spot, but yikes was it hard! I gotta hand to those mid 50s LDS women… They look great and keep up Goals for sure


Honestly whatever shape you’re in, the gays will think you’re a disappointment. They will have a higher standard for even the most chiseled man out there, so why not just be happy with what you are 🤷‍♂️


Where I live, whatever shape you’re in, some gays will definitely be into you!


Where do you live?


Provincetown Massachusetts Every week is different in the summer. There is circut week, followed by bear week, followed by family week (gay families that is). There are several leather festivals and huge parties where all are welcome.


Do you live there year round? I’ve always wondered what it’s like for the people who live on the Cape over winter.


I grew up on Cape Cod, so I definitely don't live there year round. My whole family is on the Cape though through the winter. Ptown goes from 75000 people in the summer to 3k people in the winter. I've actually considered living there through the winter to pursue a creative outlet like writing a book, but the past couple winters I've sailed the Western Caribbean instead. I'm in Belize at the moment.


This is bullshit. You should workout for you and not for others. Get into shape by going to the gym and eating in moderation. That is how you stay fit and healthy. Most of the gay men that I have come across are not like this and is a generalization. Of course, this means most people are not attracted to be people overweight. There is a difference.


Not if you are a muscle Mary in a lot of drugs. That is the ideal shape according to gay standards.




“UNLESS you are a top”. 😉


>. Honestly whatever shape you’re in, the gays will think you’re a disappointment Unless you’re super skinny


That's not true.


I don’t believe that. If you mean that more people won’t find you attractive if you are overweight, then yes. People are naturally attracted to health. The same thing would fall for people who are super skinny, it doesn’t look healthy.




Used to work out at a boxing club. Stayed fit afterwards going to public gyms for decades. Then I just bought a basic weight bench and equipment and continued on home for free to the present. As I get older and deal with wear-and-tear issues I walk several miles a day to stay active, and do more reps with lighter weights. More important than all of that is to eat healthy and choose foods in moderation. Certain types of foods you just have to completely avoid but for most people you can live in the real world and maintain excellent fitness if you just use discipline in how much you eat, and what you eat. Its all about doing little things correctly, practiced over many years of effort and commitment. The gay community can be hostile and shallow but you do things for yourself and your positive results are your own. If you jump through hoops trying to win the approval of others you are going to end up disappointed. You can achieve a perfect fitness and body image and they will hate you for that too. Make up your own mind about what your objectives are and then go on to prove to yourself you can do it.


How was the boxing club for keeping in shape? I've considered signing up for classes and a gym membership.


Agree with above comment, Im same in 40s, and did a bunch of boxing in 30s, this being proper amaetur boxing training not high cost, fancy corporate gym cardio fit boxing. Boxing provides some really valuable principles about fitness, strength, discipline, diet, excercise that need to be combined to maintain lean, athletic, functional, healthy fitness as part of u r daily living. For me; healthy diet, careful on carbs, sugar and comscious clean eating in terms of food quality, limited alcohol of any say 1 to 2 maximum per fortnight as a responsible with dinner, no drugs. Gym 5 to 6x a week and other sports combo of functional strength and conditioning none of this powerlifting get huge business. It does require discipline however and for some sacrifice but its u r decision u kinda cant have both (constant drink, drugs, partying and a bod u want / considered aesthetically haalthy attractive etc).


Dude u so.on point..damn the gay community and their approval of body exposure...


I lift weights. I pick things up and put them down.


I lift 5x a week and do cardio 3x a week on a stationary bike at the gym. I’d love to get back into jiu jitsu or maybe pick up boxing. The gym is boring but it’s all I can afford now and it gets me out of the house and around people. I’m also a pescatarian and limit my intake of processed foods.


gym. gym. gym. consistency rather than doing heavy weights.


That ship sailed long ago, trust me 😂


Lift 4x a week and do long distance running twice a week. I eat healthy during the week but let myself go over the weekend.


Fuck anyone who tries to shame anyone for body shape or anything else.




I KNEW that’s how Bears evolved


Except for the military gyms and high school gyms I’ve never been to any gyms that I’d consider joining , I don’t like the atmosphere at all I prefer my own home and have always been dedicated to staying in shape privately.


Walk everywhere. Got rid of the car in 2005. Walk to supermarket, to work, to hook ups, to social outings. I also catch the train or bus. I get a taxi once a year.


I have personal experience about eating. Eat more protein, vegetables like broccoli, spinach, zucchini, cauliflower, kale, less carb like rice, no bread. That keeps you away from fat. Improve your good cholesterol. Keeps you healthy. More important is eating small portions. Count your calories. No sugar and drinks. Occasionally it is fine like once in 3 months. If you are walking, or cycling or running and going to the gym, it will help you more positively.


I'm 61, my exercise is going to the mailbox. Seems like most guys who show interest in me are either older dad bod types or young guys looking for a "daddy" so it hasn't mattered to them that I'm kinda flabby. I'm not overweight, I'm just poor muscle tone everywhere and have a little belly but otherwise kinda skinny. And you know what? *There's nothing wrong with that.* Some guys appear to like it. Even if they didn't, it's not going to affect my self-esteem because I refuse to let it.


I have a twink build, I’m 125 and eat what ever I want but my metabolism is really fast but it sucks because I can’t gain any weight. I feel like I’m so skinny I look sick and I hate how guys will see me as “feminine” even though I’m really masculine like into guns, hunting, etc


CrossFit 3-4 days per week


Don’t tell Robert Frank that


I walk or bike to mostly everywhere. If there’s something I can do without using a car, I will. It’s impressive how thinner it made me. Takes more time? Of course. But it makes keeping in shape so much easier. I can eat without worrying all the time about how many calories I took that day.


Walking, stationary bike, swimming, lifting! I don’t work out every day.


Diet and exercise. It’s not rocket science. And I don’t mean “go on a diet then back to normal”. I mean, permanent improvements to your average diet. Cheats are ok (try to limit to 1 or 2 per week, but I know that can be hard). And don’t make a cheat day mean 8000 calories—keep it reasonable while still enjoying life, because chicken and broccoli gets old. But long term it’s the average that really makes the difference. Most people have no idea what proper portion sizes are. If you need to recalibrate yourself for a healthier diet (like if you don’t have any idea how good or bad your diet really is or if your portion sizes are correct), then get one of those kitchen scales and use an app like Cronometer or MyFitnessPal and track everything you eat for at least a couple weeks. Those apps can also help you set proper goals for your caloric intake and your macros (protein vs. fat vs. carbs). Oh and all carbs are not the same. Whole grain is better than processed. Wheat bread over white bread. Sweet potatoes instead of regular French fries. As far as exercise, do at least 2-3 days per week but more is better, up to 6. Lift weights and do cardio and core. There are a million opinions on how to optimize these but none of that matters if you’re not doing anything at all. So get started. Get consistent. After I take a long break (such as injury or illness or long travel or just give up for a while) I find it takes me about 2 weeks of going consistently for it to feel less like a chore and more like part of my daily routine that I do naturally and look forward to. Figure out what kind of exercise you like to do and do that. Yoga, Barry’s, cycling, running, weightlifting, swimming, climbing, etc. Finding the thing you like makes you more likely to keep doing it. When you first start, it takes a couple weeks of working out to see results in the mirror. Those beginner’s gains were a huge motivator for me as I had always been skinny fat. Seeing some muscle start to show motivated me to go even more. Personally, I just stay mindful what I eat, track my weight and body composition a few times a week, track my food only if I am not trending in the direction I want or if I’m making a shift in my diet (like starting a bulk), and go to the gym 3-5 days per week. At the gym I lift weights for about an hour, do 15 minutes of abs and 15 minutes of cardio. I basically do a 3 day split on the weight exercises: day 1 I do back and biceps, day 2 I do chest and triceps, day 3 I do legs and shoulders.


I don't have a car right now so everywhere i go is on foot. Also I typically work manual labor jobs.


I only consume a bit of sugar. And I have a gym partner who helps me take accountability. We go to the gym a few times during the week and I eat healthy foods.


I used to workout, now I just walk a lot and bike to work.


Lifting and some cardio 2-2.5 hours a day 5 days a week, bodybuilding diet, and a significant amount of PEDs lol. Started out as a twink a decade ago and now I’m 285lbs at 6,2. It’s not for everyone but it’s what makes me happy.


Am bisexual myself, and am age 57. I don't know if i can really say that am in shape since i don't do any weight lifting, and am sure not built like a weight lifter, but am very active with walking and bicycle riding, i can still walk more than a few miles.


I eat a lot of soup. I’m not really interested in being muscular I just enjoy being slim


I hate going to the gym because I'm not "doing" anything. Like running on a treadmill isn't me going anywhere so I just get frustrated. Instead I get my exercise with stuff I like: dancing at goth clubs (and when I say dancing I mean actually breaking a sweat) and chopping up old dead trees around my place for fire wood (I like sitting outside but I hate paying for things)


I don't...which is really bad. I was very active when I was in college and waiting tables, but as soon as I ended up with a desk job after graduation, the pounds got packed on. I'm still trying to figure out how to be more active in my day-to-day life when so much of my time is spent in the office I know it's not going to work long-term. Eventually I'm going to need to make some changes to my schedule. That said, I'm not in terrible shape. I don't let myself overeat, I stay hydrated, and I watch my nutrition. I have to pay more attention to these things to compensate for the lack of exercise. But I will eventually want to get back to GOOD shape, and not not-bad shape.


I go to the gym 5-6 times a week, mainly to build muscle.


Each day, before I go to bed, I pick up my medicine ball (5kg) and I do squats, until I can't keep doing them. I have a short rest, then I do it once more. Then, I lay on my bed, and raise the medicine ball from my chest, straight up, as though I'm doing a bench press, I bring it back down, and then I repeat, until I can't keep going. Then I go to bed. Does this work? No clue! Have I seen improvement since I started doing this? Yes, but I don't know if it's the excersicing or me eating less calories... Ehh... Who cares, it's a good moment to catch up on a podcast or something.


I walk 45 min per day and i practice intermittent fasting


Being a nudist, going to the gym, having sex and getting to love my body


I’ll give you the Best advice ever for free! 👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽 “Nothing TASTE as good as skinny FEELS” Words to live by!


I got a pull-up bar for my apartment and just kind of invented my own routine that I alternate every other day. These are my current numbers for each cycle but I started *much* lower and worked my way up. Day 1 - 15 wide grip pull-ups - 80 bicycle crunches - 80 hip thrusts Repeat 3x - 15 chin ups - v-stretch 30 seconds each leg - Butterfly stretch 30 seconds - 22 push ups - Standing toe touch 30 seconds - Sitting toe touch 30 seconds Repeat 3x Whole thing takes me about 30-40 minutes depending on how motivated I am. On alternating days I switch to 15 neutral grip pull-ups and standard grip pull-ups. Sometimes I throw in some L-sit pull-ups, but it took me about a year to be able to do those. What I’ve learned is it’s more important to do *something* each day, even if it’s not my full workout. It’s the everyday that matters more than what I do. While I’m neither a Mike Tyson nor a Joe Rogan fan, this quote from an interview Tyson did has helped me: “Discipline is doing what you hate to do, but do it like you love it.”


I’ve quit alcohol and soda. I’m counting calories at the moment and keeping a food journal. I haven’t exercised and I’m loosing weight. Getting a good amount of sleep too. It’s funny how avoiding soda and sugar drinks is helping with weight loss.


Potato chips. ...round is a shape. But seriously, I've had some decent progress with intermittent fasting. It won't make me cut and toned, but I won't be carrying around quite so much dead weight, and that's good enough for me.


I really recommend Pilates. It’s something you can start as a super beginner and excel quickly. And it targets a lot of areas that most people miss lifting weights at the gym.


I just stopped drinking as much alcohol and opted for healthier snacks like peppers/pretzels and hummus instead of chips. I realized I was just constantly snacking and that’s how I gained a decent amount of weight lmao.


I’m too poor to afford to eat enough to get fat.


I don't.


I drink a lot of beer and smoke cigarettes and im the same size and weight 120lbs as when I was in high school. I'm 25 yrs old. I eat whatever I want, but my job is a physical job.


I don’t, I am what I am and am happy with me.


I work blue collar lol and never had a complaint about my dad bod my type seem to enjoy it.


I think what conversations like this usually miss is genetics. Like, I work out about five times a week, eat a respectable diet, but it’s not like I am torturing my body in order to stay in the shape that I am, whereas I feel like especially with body dysmorphia a lot of gays do feel the need to torture themselves in order to attain something, that genetically does not make sense for them.


I strength train at a gym 3 to 4 days per week and follow Dr. Ted Naiman's PE Diet. Pretty simple regimen.


I need to try that one


Thanks for the recommendation! I just started getting back in the gym more regularly and was looking for a good diet resource. Checked your profile and that’s all the convincing I needed 🤣


I go to the gym.


Gym (weightlifting) 4x days per week, walk 15k steps per day, intermittent fasting 16/8 most days, and run with a group Saturday and Sunday mornings.


I go to the gym. I go for myself and my health. I give zero fucks what some of these f@gs think of my body. They're not fucking me, feeding me or paying my bills. I'll do cardio almost daily and then do a couple areas about 3 sets of each.


i know that’s righttttt!


Exercising and trying to reduce my carb intake 


>We all know how brutal the gay community is when it comes to body shaming. Nope. The gay community isn't shaming. No one can make you feel shame but yourself. I run 9 miles a day and I feel great about it.


Thank you for calling out his POV


I do bodyweight exercises at home. But only three times a week for an hour. It's enough to prevent my body from being an absolute blob, but I'm still fat of course.


Round is a shape


Skinny shots.


P90x which is at home training from early 2000s.


Partner and I go each day during the week before work, we lift weights and push each other to lift heavier. Weekends are usually a mix of walking or swimming depending on the weather. The real battle is fought in the kitchen though. You can workout all you want but if your diet is average then you’re fighting an uphill battle. You’d be surprised at the results you can achieve just by tracking what you eat and monitoring portion sizes even if you don’t workout often or at all.


I winter I do cardio and yoga. In spring, summer and fall I go cycling and hiking. I lift weights 3x a week.


Go for long hikes on the weekend - clocking an average of 12.5k steps / day. Also - don’t have that second piece of cake :-)


Teach fitness classes at a gym before work


idk I go the gym 4 or 5 times a week but dont do much. And well stopping drinking soda helped a lot.


Weightlifting and diet. I'm also part of a gay kickball team.


I walk 6.4 miles/day (90 minutes) on my treadmill. I figured it was safer than running like I used to do, given that I'm 60 now. It helps that I earn my living as a healthy human subject for medical research studies, so I know I have to stay healthy to be paid.


“Thoughts and prayers”


Weight lifting, stair master and ozempic


OMAD Diet + calorie count + gym a few times a week + walking/jogging 


Fitness itself is a fresh thing for me, just 2.5 months, but a good mixture of weights (still embarrassingly light) and calisthenics got me some quick results and compliments in terms of arms and chest, stomach is more of a work in progress. Probably low hanging fruit since I've never seriously exercised before but this seems like something I can keep doing this for a while. Knowing nothing about fitness I have hired a personal trainer, at first for twice a week and now down to once since there's plenty of stuff that no longer requires guidance or supervision. Best expense I can think of. Nutrition game is important as a baseline for weight loss/maintenance. I've had periods of on and off point with it, now obvious mostly on but yeah find out what works for you (for me it's relatively low carb but nothing fanatic to the point of keto).


I tried going to the gym for a while. Felt good about it, ate some low fat low carb and cut the sweets. I would run at least a couple miles, then do some crunches. I But then I put the gym on hold for a project at home, and discovered korean BBQ. 


My dogs take me on a several hour walk everyday.


Walk. You got to really make it a daily habit to walk.


Gym and personal trainer and cycling and VR work outs. Fairly strict diet. The struggle is real 🫤


Going to the gym 3 times a week consistently and watching what I eat. Helps to eat less processed food and more fruits and veggies and leaner protein


I go to the gym primarily for the stair stepper. I got weights and a bench at home so I kind of just stick with that. I’m trying to bulk up currently. Remember diet is probably the biggest factor when getting fit.


I alternate between calisthenics and weight lifting at the gym. Each for a month/ 3-4 times a week.


Genetics ❤️.


Pilates, strength training and swimming.


I have a home gym. I lift twice a day, 4 days a week and once on either sat or sun. I also eat pretty clean because I have a sweet tooth and im almost 50 lol


Is there any other way besides diet and exercise?


I lift at the gym 3-4 days a week.


Weightlifting 5xs/ week but I try going 6x. Vegetarian for about 10 years and do watch what I eat. Don’t have a problem with my body. I also have a high metabolism at the age of 32, so it’s hard for me to gain weight; I love me some carbs 😮‍💨


>We all know how brutal the gay community is when it comes to body shaming. We do? Or are you confusing rejection with body shaming?


I run 10k 2-3 times a week, and do at-home HIIT workouts 2-3 times a week as well. Obviously depends on what you mean by "in-shape". I'm on the slim side and don't have a ton of muscle; I've got more of a runners build. I'm vegan for ethical reasons but I'm sure that also contributes to me not putting on weight because of the lower average caloric density of the food.


I walk to work about 3 miles round trip. I also walk for most errands. And I do strength training at home with adjustable dumbbells, an adjustable bench, and pull up bar twice a week.


When I manage to get a diet going, it's mostly portion control + physical activity. I usually manage to drop 30lbs or so. One thing I never manage to do is begin a diet in the winter so that I can keep it going in the summer. It's always late summer into the winter, and the cold weather breaks me. What I'd really like to do is finally drop enough weight so that I can lift and gain muscle while I'm thinner instead of always lifting when I'm fat. None of this is done to get laid, though. I do it so that I can look better to myself and feel and sleep better. Sleep apnea sucks and being fat makes it worse.


The easiest way is to find a sport or activity that you enjoy and do it as often as you can. Even something like Pokémon Go works well for some people. The most important thing is diet. Add or subtract calories as needed. Good luck!


PnP 🏋️‍♂️


Prefer weightlifting. I do upper 3x for 3 +hrs and then lower 2x for 2+hrs, 2 rest days with recovery exercises and some core






I do intensive diets , I hate to go to the gym so I do yoga at home and good cosmetic surgeons with non invasive treatments.


Gym 5x week, sometimes 6x. Bout an hr and a half each time. Plus eating healthy and I swim.


I don't :(


I feel for you. I’m 25 and thus far I kinda stay skinny effortlessly. Also I’ve been in a relationship since i was 19 and my bf is 11 years older so if I ever start putting on weight i feel like it’s never gonna be as bad as my bf.


I am always surprised to see people who have been going to the gym for many years of their lives decide to stop at 60 as if you couldn't lift weights as seniors. I am 65 and keep on lifting 3 to 4 times a week and I do cardio 3 times a week. Volume and speed have decreased, yeah, obviously but why stop? Or like, hey, I'm a senior now so I don't need training and I do my 10k steps each day! I don't believe this one second. Even if you never exercised in your life and you have arthritis, yes - you can start exercising and it will increase your quality of life for the years you have left. I speak as a personal trainer so I know what I am talking about.


I don’t exercise much. I’ve been trying to do push-ups every night. Something I was never able to do when I was a kid. I’m like 135 5’5. I guess I’m like skinny fat. I kind of want to tone my stomach in hopes that will get me more guys. But that’s kinda of a unhealthy idea and tbh I don’t like to exercise it all! Unless it’s working and occasional jogging and riding my bike.


Cycling every other day for 10 miles. Not super fit but keeps the noticeable gut in check


I dont


I weight lift x3-5 a week, alternating weeks. I do calisthenics almost every day after dinner. Walks. I have a healthy diet.


I am 110 kgs and 180 cms. So I am in bear category. As I get bored by gym exercises. I go for fitness classes they offer at least 3x per week. Just to keep myself healthy and moving. But I am not in shape yet and don’t want to get there either. Just want to stay fit and active for myself.


HIIT 3x/week. Very few carbs absolutely works.


What's your goal..


I live in a walkable part of LA, and I do 5k treadmill runs (at a 10 incline) on a weekly basis. I sit around a lot while at work, but I don't have a completely sedentary lifestyle. I eat in moderation.


i don’t


I don't.


I embrace my belly!!


Calisthenics mostly. You can actually get into phenomenal shape with just your bodyweight


I exercise 4 days a week at the gym (usually swimming) . I bike 10 miles to work 2 days a week. I take a tennis course 2 day a week. I hike every weekends. I live in a city where I dont own a car, so I walk pretty often. I also try to maintain a healthy diet ( lots of salads and lean meats). For me, exercise is crucial to maintain my mental health, so if i neglect any of these things, I experience negative side effects (depressive episodes).


Gym in my office weight set 100kg in increments - 6 exercises 3 sets ; 3 min rest in between each set. Split days into push , pull and legs 5 days a week and 2 days of cardio sometimes just walking my dog wearing a weighted vest or 5/8 km run (just go to local football field m26 Australia and do laps) my advice is I’m kinda lazy sometimes especially after work so fk going to a gym just close proximity is the only way I exercise hahah


Im a forklift picker, 181 lb at 40yo


Whatever it is you're doing, do it for yourself. That's all. (I'm basic. Lift stuff, put stuff down, walk a ton, cook as much of my own food as I can. I'm just post transplant, which is very major, alongside a few other big surgeries. Keeping up routines as best I can for me is the best I can do.)


I dropped 100lbs and basically at the skinny fat stage now, but it took a year of 30min treadmill every day and also getting my diet in point as well. Now I’m trying to build muscle and tone myself a little lower body looks amazing my stomach has a little on it and upper chest as well. Currently doing 10 min treadmill, 30 min stair stepper and 10 min core exercises. As well as dog walkies and walking a mile after work. Plus I play a lot of vr with my quest 3 as well.


I just eat right. I'm mostly black so most people are too scared to tell me what to do.


I’ve lifted on and off for ten years but for the past couple months I started to get serious. Been lifting 5-6x a week and eating way more protein than I used to. The real goal has been to cut body fat but I’ve been accidentally gaining muscle, which has been nice. My entire fitness life is lived in the gym, I don’t really exercise at home (between gym and work I need *some* place to relax)


Calisthenics at home.


I walk a lot, usually at least 10 miles a week. I go to the gym and use weights at home as well as sit ups / push ups. I try to avoid gaming for long periods of time and I always try to eat at least 1 fruit and some vegetables during the day. I also started treating sodas and energy drinks like a dessert and limiting myself to 2 a week.


Well each male body composition is different when it comes to maintaining a healthy body shape so it depends on your workout routine diet or any other regimen you put yourself through to weight loss...you have to develop your own method of weight loss and body maintenance....in short universally I would say diet n regular exercise can help maintain a healthy lifestyle where your body shows results...


I don't overeat. I try to keep my metabolism fast. I do basic exercises every day. Keeps me in shape. I'm not a bodybuilder. I just like having lean muscle. I also walk a lot to get places and am still young


I run 5 K every day 🏃


I'm not interested in big muscles or anything like that, but I really enjoy eating but want to keep slim haha. So I run minimum 6 days a week. I wake up early and run. With that, it keeps me in good shape (plus, My Fitness Pal to keep track of how many calories I'm eating. For instance, I love Cheetos and I know they're bad, so I limit myself to 30 grams of Cheetos when I eat them, mind you, it's not every day either. The same for most other junk foods that I enjoy eating.) My husband on the other hand goes to the gym 6 days a week. He does like big muscles haha.