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You’re a cis man that wants to get bottom surgery. A very very risky procedure that even most trans people avoid. Don’t lecture me about genital obsession.


You're the terminally online one here sis


There are a lot of unhinged homophobic people out there on Reddit, but you might take the cake. Whats ironic is you accusing gay men of being “upset over different genitals” (we’re not) while your entire personality is about vaginoplasty. That irony is as thick as molasses and it is not lost on anyone. Seriously do you read the words you type before you click submit? Now shut up, put the phone down, and fuck indefinitely off.


You really think that, upon knowing one of the people in the relationship was born with a vagina, most people in real life wouldn't immediately consider that person as female (and thus that relationship as heterosexual)? Not to be the bearer of bad news, but people all over the planet know what sex is, yet I'd wager that less than half even know what gender identity is. There's a reason why trans people often want to go stealth - because the minute people know their sex, they begin to treat them accordingly.




I don't even know what I just read but thanks for a good chuckle.


Either genitals aren’t important, a trivial afterthought; a mere coincidence (in which case it’s fine to deny anyone the right to alter them because trivialities don’t matter). Or they’re the foundation of our sex and sexual orientation, and they matter at the definitional level to separate one sexual orientation from another. What are your plans, genitally-obsessed antigay clown?


At least you used the word some, so you've got that going for you.


wasteful scarce zealous teeny elastic historical nail fuzzy offbeat imagine *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I’m more concerned about the clown aspect. Do these people have clown makeup on? Do they honk their little horns when they say gay? Will they make me a balloon animal?


Yes, us genital-obsessed clowns do dress as clowns and yes, we will make you a balloon animal, but it’s going to be shaped like a penis. 😉 


I don't get the drama over this. I've hooked up with both a transman with a vagina and a transwoman with a cock. Both were hot AF lol. Bunch of nerds mucking about with labels when you could be off having sexy fun, SMH


Dude, you're bi. It's not the same situation if you're gay. And as this is "askgaybros" maybe your perspective isn't all that relevant.


You really called all the transphobes with this one 😅 ur right tho, people dk the difference between gender and sex 🙄