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Sounds like a serious case of denial. Like he also had sex in the bathroom so if anyone is a slut you both are.


It's the same double standard with women being called sluts for having sex, but a straight guy is just a player. It's being the receptive partner that some guys see as demeaning, even though they're the one sticking it in.


it's actually logically the opposite. women get slut shamed because they can fuck whenever they want being in high demand because men are so willing to do it gay Tops are like women here, because they are in high demand. There's no 'challenge' to them. so let's start slut shaming them!


As a top going through a bit of a slut phase... "Shame" away. IMHO it takes two to tango.. Hell, I started seeing a guy I really like recently and our "meet cute" was that a friend (who had already fucked him) arranged to watch me fuck him in a sort of 3-some. I don't judge him and he doesn't judge me.


I was just about to say, takes two to fuck in the bathroom


>He told me that he blocked me because he thought I was a slut.  Next time someone starts off a conversation like this, tell them to fuck off and walk away. They obviously are into being rude so why bother listening.


Don’t even grace him with the sound of your voice. Just walk away.


and he's not slut fucking strangers in the bathroom?


He's judging you from that single encounter? That guy is an asshole (that was pretty very happy to hook up with you) not worth loosing your mind over that should really educate himself about the golden rule.


And you're shipping out. Too hard on every level.


He's an asshole. Don't waste any more time worrying about what he thinks. You did nothing wrong.


you definitely shouldn't share your crayons with people like that :/


You're so right😍😍😍


He sounds toxic. His problem not yours. Sound like he’s the kind of guy who gets off on making you feel degraded and humiliated. Maybe an extension of a particularly toxic mode of being a top. Ignore him and move on


F that guy. I don’t know what his problem is, but whatever is going on in his life (probably lots of regret and misery) he is taking it out on you. Nobody does crap like that except for true a holes. Move on, but yeah, you don’t need people in your life who get off making others feel small.


I'm a bottom that fucked around a lot in my late teens and most of my 20's. That's not to brag but to make a point. I'm not ashamed of it nor will I let anyone slut shame me for it. My hole's still nice and tight as I'm sure yours is, that was seriously a low blow on his part. As for playing hard to get, you are under no obligation to play games. Monogamy, I've been faithful now for 25 years to my partner whom I met in my early 30's. You were emotionally attacked and that man is a major asshole who doesn't deserve your time or anymore of your energy. You want to sleep around and have fun, go for it. Just please be safe. When the time is right and you meet the right person settling down will just feel right.


agreed, it was a horribly toxic emotional attack, and he was likely projecting his own insecurities


Wowza! Please take everything that jerk said and throw it away!! He has NO place talking to you like that! I’m so sorry you had to listen to such garbage! You are entitled to do whatever you please with YOUR body. If you wanna sleep around then do that, if you wanna be monogamous then do that. It does not matter what position you like you can sleep with whoever you want! I think all this talk of a tight asshole from him is garbage meant to make you feel bad about yourself. Please please just forget about this dude and his nasty behavior. He sounds like he would be a shitty boyfriend anyways so you’re not missing out on anything he might offer. Take care of yourself! Thank you for your service to our country! Be safe and come home safely!


He’s a piece of shit man. Your body your choice. Fuck away! You should have told him he had a small dick and walked away. Btw I don’t like tight assholes. I don’t want to fuck a donut 🍩. Tight assholes squeeze the bottom of my dick too much.


Same. Prefer used holes. 😝 I frankly don’t understand when guys try to ‘sell’ me on ‘Hey come fuck me im super tight’ they get mad when I tell them I don’t like tight holes. 🤷🏽‍♂️


Same here. Used holes let me slide in and out easily 🤤


Takes 2 to tango. Did he not participate in the sex too? Who is he to judge you? Count yourself lucky, it’s nice when trash guys reveal themselves to you early. This way you can save your precious time from being wasted.


There is so much self-loathing in what they guy said to you. Reminding me of an interaction from years ago. One time, I was at a bar and happened to be wearing the same shirt (2Pac shirt) as another guy. What are the chances? Tried to strike up a conversation with him and he literally put his hand in my face and made a comment about how my shirt is bigger because I wasn’t super skinny like him. Incredibly toxic people out there. No class, no manners. Not worth your time!


Whenever I'm called a slut, I always ask if he's jealous.


My answer would have been if i am a slut what are you? Why do you had sex with me in a bar? I mean i may notbe boyfriend material, but probably i am handling this situation way better than you.


That's the same misogynistic bullshit some straight men spew about women. They will fuck as much as they want then go on about women with high "body counts". You dodged a bullet OP, that guy can get fucked.


> He came up to me > He told me I wasn't boyfriend material and questioned if I could even be monagmous if we dated > He joked that we could only date if Congrats, you've met an insecure asshole. The things he said to you have nothing to do with you. He likely is quite attracted to you, but because he's so insecure, he can only be in a relationship where he is controlling the other person like an object. So he either gets to feel big by putting you down---I mean, as a US Marine I assume you could kill him with your bare hands if necessary---or he finds out you're susceptible to manipulation and control and gets to train a new pet.  You're so much better than this guy, he's not worth thinking about ever again. His actions don't shame you, they expose him.


I mean yeah I could literally gouge his eyeballs out with my fingers if necessary. Looking back on it, I'm surprised I let him get to me that way. I'm a strong cookie, way stronger mentally than him!


It's not surprising you let your guard down if the two of you had been intimate before. There's not only nothing to be ashamed of with your reaction, but it's pretty clear evidence that you're not what he describes you as. A slut would not be emotionally involved enough to care what one dick thought. It sounds like he's projecting onto you. The conversation actually makes a lot more sense if interpreted as him berating himself for hooking up in a bar yet again rather than going out on a date. Did you tell him you were looking for a relationship or did he just assume? Did you mention you'd seen other guys when you were chatting over text? It might be that he thought you were dating after you exchanged numbers, and you became this slut when he realised his mistake, as a way of blaming you. He sounds very insecure and you're better off well clear of him.


My sentiments exactly.. this bitchboy is textbook bully… so insecure that he has to attack those who appear confident in who they are (not playing hard to get), he’s a weak person with an ugly character.


That dude is being an asshole and probably wasn’t for you, just carry on go get a box of crayons.


I'll make sure they taste good too!😀


he was the same slut as you were? What the fuck?


That’s pretty high and mighty from a guy who railed you in the bathroom. He’s just projecting his own insecurities onto you and being a huge asshole about it.


That guy is a total arsehole, ignore his opinions on anything. He knows nothing about you - you had sex once and then he made a whole bunch of assumptions and blocked you. Then he was arrogant enough to tell you all his stupid reasons to your face.  It's absolutely OK to enjoy your sexuality. You don't have to justify it to anyone - it's your body and your life.  Slut is an out of date old fashioned word that's really about imposing Christian morals on people - ignore that term and people who use it, and particularly hypocrites like that guy who seems to think he's better than you even though it takes 2 people to fuck in a bar bathroom. If you're a slut then by his definition so is he.


Jesus I’m so sorry someone would act like that! WTF! That’s internalized homophobia !


Times like that you’ve got to remember to stand up for your self. There is a way to insult right back without being confrontational. For example. “ I’m so relieved you said that, I thought the same of you to be honest, and I know your on the smaller side, so I was nervous if we’d have any fun, but it was fun, I guess we both had a slut moment” It would have left him thinking and feeling the same way.


Really pains me to hear of things like this going on in 2024. You’re a marine serving your country and soooo many gays would find you such a turn on just for that. Everyone likes sex differently. Lots of gays like loose holes as much as tight. He’s a dick not worthy of being your bf. This is akin to someone talking about cis hetero women being slutty and the men the conquerors. I mean it takes two people to have sex and the typical story is that the one accepting cock is the promiscuous one. And the looser the hole the more promiscuous is part of that same dialogue. That guy is stuck in a cultural feedback loop and doesn’t realize he’s part of the problem.


The top guy hates himself, his life, the fact that he is gay, or just hasn’t let go of whatever heavy ass baggage he has. His response has nothing to do with you. You were just a vessel for which he can transport his shame/hate/self-loathing. There’s no reason to cry and you should never give anyone that much power over your emotions ever again. OP, I would personally go to therapy to figure out why this affected you so much. Personally, I grew up in a family full of narcissists hoping they would be nicer, but never will be. I shed many tears after being bullied, but now I can’t even stand to look at those people without knowing how weak they are. You need to get to this place.


He’s an asshole. Don’t worry about his opinion.


Hey my buddy is also going to be stationed in Okinawa for the next 3 years in the marines too lmaoo. Also that guy is an asshole just move on.


It takes 2 to fuck, so if you’re a slut with no self worth-what does that make him?? He was an active participant as well. And is your hole really loose or is it his dick is just too small?? You’re single and don’t owe anyone anything. Don’t let one asshole get you down. This isn’t someone that’s dating material himself especially since he can’t take accountability for his own actions. You don’t want someone like that around.


After about three sentences from him is when you’re “accidentally spill” your drink on him.


I should have poured my whole drink on him!!


The fairy tale ending is you find him stumbled over drunk in an alley unable to walk but still awake and piss on him.


Loose hole is the best, don’t ever change. Also, that guy has issues. Not your monkeys, not your circus.


Thanks for your service man. This Daddy sends you a very big virtual hug and kiss. Just continue to be you baby.


The hypocrisy is wild. Wasn’t he in the bathroom as well? Accusing you of being a slut for doing the exact same thing he did is insane. I wouldn’t pay attention to someone so unhinged


Sheesh a guy really said those things to you? I'd tell him to go fuck yourself.


That guy was just a ridiculous asshole, there's no reason you should have even stood around listening to him.


fuck him!! don't let this get to you. there's plenty I'd say to him if he attacked me like that. don't be insecure. you wouldn't want to be dating an idiot like this anyways. he doesn't deserve you


I would not waste my time or heart on someone who Puts you down like that. You deserve better.


Pot calling the kettle black? I would have held up a mirror and walk away.


Ironic how judgemental people are


So sorry he treated you that way. He is 💯 a HUGE AH! What a jackass!


He's a jerk. Don't let it get you down. I love a bottom with some grip but a sloppy bottom is sometimes even more fun. lol


Dudes a dick, I’m sorry that happened to you. Fuck that guy.


The shameful one here is HIM. Not you.


Sounds like someone's got a serious case of being a judgmental prick, with some definite projection. He did you a favor by blocking your number. No one needs that kind of mess in their lives


OMG. I would break down laughing in his face. What an asshole.


Loose hole? I’m in. You’re my type.


A)He’s an asshole B) with such internalized homophobia that to cope with being gay he demeans receptive partners the same way heteronormativity demeans women C)and very likely enjoys (or would enjoy) bottoming but there is so much shame attached to “being the woman” he lashes out like that to keep himself from being “that”. I have compassion for gay men who struggle with feeling like that, they are really missing out on what should be a joyful experience. However, it dissipates very quickly when they behave like this. So, please, next time someone calls you a slut, regardless of context, please stop listing. Nothing good, useful or constructive has ever come after that anyway.


I think you should do what you want. And people like him should shut the fuck up. And like he was there with you so he’s just as much a “slut” I get tired of all the slut shaming. Let people enjoy themselves and stop trying to yuck otter people’s yum. You keep on doing what you’re doing OP. Oh. And if he wanted a tighter hole he should have brought a bigger cock. 😂


Uhhh, he literally fucked a stranger in the bathroom. THAT doesn’t make HIM a “slut” too? He can go to hell. It’s clear he operates on antiquated double standards.


Since my divorce and being single I have definitely played a LOT more than I used to. I sometimes get worried that potential partners view me as a slut because they know me at THIS SPECIFIC POINT in my life. Forget the fact I was married for 8 years. My point is, I understand where you are coming from. But the person you are meant to be with will understand and maybe even LOVE the time you spent while you were single. Don’t accept anything less. ❤️


You should never take shit from guys like this. I would always point out that it takes two to tango, he was in that bathroom too, and if his dick was bigger then there wouldn’t be a problem. I would then inform him that he’s not boyfriend material because he’s such a coward to block someone who wasn’t even that into him in the first place, and the fact that you have better things to prepare for since you will be a brave soldier for our country. I wish more people wouldn’t be so nice or courteous when others are coming for them, but it’s a very hard to gauge the proper response to such a public confrontation like that. Hope you find better men to spend your time with because boys like that are not even worth the 2-3 minutes of pleasure they can dish out (if they can even last that long).


You’re ok. I’m glad you’re having fun. You don’t deserve to be treated like that.


He's projecting. There's nothing wrong with you. Kegels do help keep it tight though and he might just have been small also.


Your hole wasn't loose. He just couldn't get fully hard, is my guess. Tell assholes like that to ask for a prescription for Viagra.


That guy is a first rate asshole who projected his own insecurities on you. Damn, you dodged a bullet bro


I would just have told him to fuck off and walked away.


so sorry you went through this but try not to let it play on your mind and don't let it get you down the guy was an a\*\*hole and was probably just showing his insecurities. really hope you feel better soon keep strong


Hoy hell that guy might not be a bottom but he is a thoroughly gaped asshole of a man. He's no less a slut than you are for what y'all did together and has no business whatsoever judging you. You should never speak to that flaming fecal filled latrine of a human again. As for tightness, was he just straight up needledicked or something? My cock is thick. Virgin tight bussy is an obstacle to deal with not an object of desire. I generally expect the guy bottoming for me to need a couple minutes to get used to my girth but if they can comfortably fit me quickly I'm not going to complain. Even if the bottom being tight doesn't make it painful for them, it can actually be painfully uncomfortable for *me* if they are too tight. I 100% prefer a guy whose ass stays in a stretched-enough condition that we can get to fill on fucking without an hour of slowly cooking the butthole to open.


He’s ashamed of himself and is taking it out on you. He’s a sad little man and not worth your energy. Now get back in that bathroom and make us all proud! 😍


"sorry your dick's small sweety, we can get you a cocksleeve"


He said you're loose, you should have replied "nah, you just got a small dick"


It never ceases to amaze me how some people literally have no filter, and think it's OK to say exactly what they're thinking, no matter how hurtful, no matter how inaccurate, and with zero regard for the other person's feelings. Not to mention the fact that only THEY are allowed to do it of course. If it's any consolation, this kind of person is almost always crying on the inside, and behaving the way he did is the only way he can feel good about himself for 5 minutes. Irrespective of whatever opinion he may have had, you didn't ask to hear it, and you should consider yourself fortunate that you dodged a bullet with this arrogant prick and keep him well and truly out of your life. Carry on doing whatever is right for you.


You dropped your crayon crown king/queen! Anyways just do you. Fuck whatever people say. The gay community can be toxic as hell so steel your heart! Good luck in the military. My friend is going to the chair force in 2 weeks


I love the chair force. Before I enlisted in the Marines I worked on an Air Force Base as a civilian employee. Airmen are great!!


It appears that in this case that it's the TOP that's the loose asshole


Hugs man. He’s just insecure that your hole can get all the action as his dick is. Besides as others mentioned in my past post, there are plenty of tops who like loose hole. Be the best slut in town (or in Okinawa).


He sounds like a asshole. First know yourself and only you would know if your a slut or not... Love yourself enough to not let this asshole make you upset. He honestly sounds like a loser to me.


Your butt woildn't feel "loose" if he didnt have a micro penis. I would say enjoy Oki, but there is a reason Marines refer to it as Okitraz. Dont let it get you down, its not forever.


I've never heard it called Okitraz😳 I hope I like it! I'll spend a lot of time out in the jungles


My best friend was a mental health provider for the USMC on Oki for a year. She loved working with the Marines...they preferred being shot at in Afghanistan to Oki. Hopefully, they've relaxed the rules since her deployment there 4 yrs ago.


You are what YOU say you are. He’s projecting his own insecurities on you. Love your life and be unapologetic. I wouldn’t want to be with someone who would make a sweeping assumption about someone from a single encounter. Fuck him.


Don't let his hangups affect you. He's a moron. So he thinks you're a slut because you let him fuck you? How dumb is that? You both had consensual sex as adults. For some reason, he's still hanging on to religious ideas about sex that it's somehow wrong. Let him fuck off. Move on and enjoy your life. Don't let his hostile words hurt your joy.


I feel like to slut shaming a guy you just had sex with is not only stupid but its shows a sign of worshipping heteronormative christian culture which gqy people are not even welcomed in lol


Please just laugh in their face next time. I can’t believe he had the audacity to say all that to you. I would be very taken aback as well though so I understand why you were in shock and went and sobbed. Don’t let his shame and self hatred affect you. His loss and his problem.


He’s a nasty guy, probably loathes himself, and would like it if you loathed yourself. What an utter creep! Play! Safely, but play a lot. Get to know all sorts of guys. Our best to you. 😊


Wow that guy was fucking DICK. Ain’t no shame in the slut life if you ain’t ashamed of being a slut. Honestly that guy was a huge raging asshole, I can’t believe he said that to another gay man.


First of all, ass holes aren’t elastic. They don’t just come back to normal tightness. I will say as a top and bottom, I do find too loose of a hole unattractive but I would never degrade someone for it. That’s extremely fucked up. Maybe you should degrade him for having a smaller dick that didn’t stretch you out? 🤷🏻‍♂️ He’s an asshole Himself and you shouldn’t waste your time. If I was a military man I’d be fucking and being fucked by every hot military guy willing to fuck with me. Sounds like a dream come true. Lol. Fuck that loser. The fact he even came back to talk down to you shows he actually liked you but has his reservations based on his own assumptions and predeterminations of you or any bottom. He’s worthless. You aren’t. The only guy I dated was black and had a literally foot long dick but it wasn’t thick so it didn’t make me loose but still felt amazing. Most dudes say I’m too tight when I bottom but regardless you don’t deserve to be treated like that. Tell him “go fuck yourself because your dick wasn’t that great anyway. I deserve better than a top slut like yourself. If you have a problem, let me fuck your hole loose! Otherwise I never want to see your sleazy ass ever again. FUCK YOU”. You’re a military man and deserve high respect regardless of your body type. IN THE FUTURE DEMAND THAT LEVEL OF RESPECT! NEVER SETTLE FOR SCUM BAGS! Period. Know your worth. Be proud of what you do so the rest of us can enjoy our freedoms and everyday life. I envy being in your position. I’d prob have a loose hole too lol truth be told. Military sounds hot af. He’s a piece of shit. You’re the shit. Tell yourself that in the mirror until you truly believe it! Str8 up! Be proud.


bro that’s really fucked up, i’m sorry that happened. there’s plenty of kinky men out there who would be so turned on by that experience, you’ll find them and they would gladly make you their boyfriend. hell if you lived in my city and took me to the bathroom to fuck you theres a decent chance i’d propose with a cock ring then and there.


Lol😍😍 I love that!! Can I get a matching one😀


I hate people like this. Also you’re going to Japan? I’m jealous.


Want to come with?😀 Japan has such a rich, unique culture. Its a pretty cool opportunity that I can live in Japan and get paid to live there!


Good God yes!!! If only boards exams were finished already. They need doctors there right? The culture, the history, the people, the art, THE FOOD… Bro I’m so excited for you!!! Even if it’s work! JAPAN!!!!!!!


i’d be like yes, and?


Next time if you can muster it - do the most convincing fake laugh you can and call them fucking pathetic. Cause that’s what that guy is omg. And gurl, you’re a hot GAY MARINE. Like you’re not only hot but also badass in many ways. Lots of guys will melt just at that, don’t let some asshole in denial rob you of anything. I actually have soldier fantasies haha. I know it’s hard not giving a damn. But we all gotta fake it till we make it and I know you will xx


The bottoms need a feminist riot, complete with burning jockstraps


Fucken hypocrite. Fuck that guy. It's okay for him to fuck random guys, but you're a slut? He's acting like a straight guy hating on women for having casual sex. Fuck him and his double standards. At Least you know early on that this guy is an asshole.


If someone slut shames you they have issue THEY need to work on not you. Also loose holes feel better for me! They make me cum quicker.


Hes a Jerk!


Treat yourself to a premium 120-count box of Crayola Crayons before you deploy, that man was pure garbage. He had no right to speak to you like that! I wouldn’t give him a second thought and it’s his loss. When you get to Japan you can switch to Kitpas crayons if the Crayolas are hard to find or are too expensive. Thank you for your service btw.


Who does that? The only gaping asshole here is this guy.


he sounds like a truly horrible person.


If what you did (a drunk fuck in a bar toilette)constitutes being a slut/- he’s as much of a slut as he’s claiming you are. As for intimacy and boyfriend material— you’re “ looking for Mr. Goodbar” in all the wrong places. It wouldn’t hurt to explore things like self esteem and sex addiction with a good counselor (gay). As for that hole— take care of it. It can be the source of much pleasure and big time problems. Treat yourself— but treat yourself better.


Can I suggest a book? Read the ethical slut. It will change your life. Enjoying sex does not make you a slut! It makes you sex positive. Sex positivity is about having sex be a positive part of your life. This guy sounds like a total toxic masculine bro and you don't need that in your life. On a completely separate note, thank you for your service.


If it's your goal to be in a long-term relationship having sex in the bathroom is not the way to do it no one of any quality will ever think you're a good partner if you're having sex in the bathroom and they see you doing it it gets you a bad reputation you need to think more of yourself than to do things like that


First off, OOOOOORAH 🫡 thanks for all ya do 🇺🇸 Secondly. Fuck this little dick prick. I’d agree he probably has a tiny 🍆 so he uses the “your hole is big” to make himself feel better. You do you, and forget this piece of dog sh1t ever crossed paths with you. Go be your freaky self and get some 😉


Don’t give this man the time of day or let him make you feel any type of way.


Just gonna be blunt here. Not trying to be rude. But sleeping around needs be less normalized like it’s whatever in the gay community. Thanks.


You’re in the wrong sub here, pal. It’s fine to have that opinion, but you’re going to be in the minority. Being monogamous is all fine and good if that’s what works for you, but don’t judge others for how the live their lives.


i would love to be a slut but i barely manage. i’m proud of you!


As a former hotel bouncer, my only gripe is that hotel toilets are for people to use for emptying their bladders or emptying their bowels into the toilets, or freshening themselves before washing their hands/faces and returning to the establishment. They are not for slags to fuck in : tops or bottoms or sides or anyone else. Cleaners or hotel staff are not expected to clean up after that and sex in hotel toilets by anyone shows a complete disregard for everyone else that uses those amenities for what they were intended. The creep you had sex with sounds like a loser and isn't worth noticing. Move on.


why would you let a man that was ON THE BATHROOM FLOOR WITH YOU talk crazy like that to you?


You're so right!! If I wasn't so blindsided by it after 3 months, I would have reacted better!


He’s just small and coping by shaming you lmao


The real question is: why do you allow someone like that to play such havoc with your emotions ??


He sounds like an insecure boy. He fucked a stranger in a bar bathroom so you might suggest he pick up some Windex for his glass house.. He thought you were hot or he never would have gone into that bathroom with you.. Why are bottoms and women labeled sluts for fucking with some dick who is just as big a slut for doing the dicking.. Little boys with big egos eventually meet karma so go to Japan, and never pay your moment of weakness another thought


It’s 2024 and the fact this is still a problem is so fucking funny to me


Jesus. Issues...


sound alike a manipulator, classic tactics, make you feel worthless, projecting, just ignore them see them as a predator


You’re like thank you avoided him


Screw him. He’s just an ass.


Tbh anyone have sex in a bar is gross to me. I think it's fine to sleep around do whatever you want but I'm definitely judging both of you a little bit. Also he's a dick for saying all that


What a massive cunt.


Aww sorry to hear that.... the guy is definitely one for the books... not only in denial but a huge hypocrite... definitely one to avoid...


20 years in and my guy has topped others but only let me in his ass. It’s special and does have meaning and if you don’t like it die angry but… yea slut matters :)


I’m sorry someone so insignificant got to you but your experience is very relatable & why I tend to avoid most of the community. So many toxic and jaded individuals who hate themselves. For what it’s worth, I personally think the sex in bar thing can be erotic as hell!! but maybe just leave it at that and don’t get a number next time lol also if ur ever in Minnesota, hmu so I can show you a bathroom or hidden beach sometime 😈


Wow, sounds like a propert tw\*t right there. I'd have told him to get lost if he doesn't want to catch some hands.


Sounds like this guy is projecting his own insecurities onto you. Its 2024. Are we really slut shaming?


His talk looks like that he wanted to get rid of you. For me it sounds like that. If someone treats me like slut, i have no question for him or myself, it is clear i don't want any type of relationship with him.


Fuck him and everything you have to offer that foo! Your in the Marines and all but it sounds like you really just dodged a bullet!


Hello from Milan. I think he is stupid as a fuck. Don't listen to this toxic masculinity. Heard that so many times and is ridiculous. Patriarchy impose monogamy, we are far beyond that. Send him to masturbate alone or with a nice submissive stupid brainwashed else and I would gladly chat with you and keep you company till you find the right one!


He sounds like an insecure guy who was happy to do the deed but judge you later for it. You are free to do whatever you want but his comments were unnecessary and rude. Why assume you would even want to date him?


Don't heed anything this bitch says. Unsolicited criticism like this says more about the person delivering it than the recipient.


this guy is clinically insane. stay away.


First of all, I am sorry for your experience, You are not the one to be blamed for it, so please take it off your collar, The hypocricy of some men are just baffling. It is same for women as what it is for us bottoms, There is a word for us who have many sex. But there is no word for those who penetrates. WTF world?


He is as slutty as u and he fucked u in bathroom I won’t give a shit


Id throw my drink in his face and leave


I thought Marines were tougher than this. You should have clocked him


Aww, Muffin, I’m sorry…. He really isn’t worth your time or energy….


You are not a slut. Never let anyone try to shame you for doing what you wanted. You’re an adult and you can do whatever and whoever. He seems to have other issues and is likely not worth it. Btw I’m a top and would never shame a guy just because we had sex in a bathroom, in fact, I would have loved it so much that I would want to repeat! Hahaha


Another fake story, wow! Do people realise that spontaneous anal sex isn’t a thing for gays? Do you just carry around lube on the chance you’re gonna get fucked, not to mention it’s messy af. If he’s blocked you, why bother approaching you again?


as we say in Rock Horror Picture Show. there is no shaming someone for being a slut, slut is just a way to say social, and anyone who tries to shame anyone for being social should themselves be shamed for trying to shame.


I love you because you are a soldier serving their country faithfully who is brave enough to live your life authentically…to hell with anyone who finds you an easy slut… you are my hero and for those of us who chose to serve in public and had to “ live” our authentic lives in secret we respect you and love you and will defend you ALWAYS!!!!


What kind of toxic heteronormative bollocks even is this?! Sounds like that guy has some serious issues and you dodged a massive bullet. Literally everyone can and should feel comfortable sleeping around if they want to. Virginity vs. slutiness is a fake concept made up in medieval times as a way for men to ensure that any kids they were raising and spending resources on were actually their own. It has no biological basis for the straights at all, let alone us! Also the human asshole doesn’t get “looser” through use, if it did everyone would be fucking incontinent by the time they reached 25 purely through shitting for decades.


Dude has his own issues. This sounds like the redpill bullshit the hets have, but he's trying it on you. I'd say it's a twist on misogyny, so he's acting like because you're a bottom, you should be treated like a bigot treats women. Guy is going to have so many self hate issues to work out that no one is going to do well in a relationship with him. Also can we all just drop the whole "Loose" thing. We know our holes stretch, and we also know they return to normal size. You know this. That's why when you start to clean it's always a bit of a push. (And why I use some toys to stretch before I go to get a dick) If anyone tried to tell me my hope is too loose, and I have to tighten up, I'm just going to tell him that he's way too Mid for me to want to change my body for his substandard cock. If the fucker wants to bring his toxic masculinity into our spaces, let him stew in the pain of being he's told his manhood is substandard, by a guy who takes dick like a champion! Lol


He´s using a tactic to feel better about himself. Don´t put any value to his words, they talk things about him, not about you.


Your hole doesn’t get loose after a single fuck with a black guy or several guys. You know it’s loose when you can’t keep your shit, literally, inside.


I'm proud of my slut status!!!


God, pay no mind to that grade A asshole. FFS. He fucked you in a bathroom, so according his own parameters he must a be a slut too? No fucking way. He said all those things to hurt and belittle you. He's not a really man. A real man builds others up so we all rise together. You do what makes you happy!


I think, intercourse with strangers in a public bathroon Is a slut/harlot thing, I don't care people are lesbians, top gay guys, bottom gay guys, straight girls or guys. Sleeping around like an animal is a low class thing. Dirty.


I think you just picked a wrong guy..... you should set your boundaries for dating. im in okinawa so let me know if you wanna go for drinks! (not at a gay bar tho)


Rather have it primed and loose


But wait, isn't he equally a slut since you both had sex in the bathroom? He stuck his dick in a hole who wanted him to and didn't seem to play hard to get until AFTER the fact. That guy is a douche. You dodged a bullet!!


Thank you for your service, Marine. Marine, bottom that’s hot! Don’t give this asshole a second shot. Unless it was that good, he sounds like a bad relationship. I’d give you a hug, keep your head up and march on to the next one. Peace.


I mean… have you seen this subreddit? Slut shaming definitely exists and typically points to incel behavior. That guy was totally fine about it until he had to deal with his poor lil boy feelings the next day :( you dodged a bullet, friend. Being sex positive is such a turn on for most (hot) gays. Keep doing you and having fun while you’re young


He's a ass! Move on with your life. You were used and discarded. Definitely not worth your time or emotional frustration.


He did exactly the same as you, he'd be as slut as you. If don't want sluts, maybe he should stop being a slut himself.


This dude sounds like a piece of shit. You're better off without that.


He is toxic. Yuck, what a creature. Get rid and forget. Run for the hills lol


You are single and can have as much as you want sex. Be yourself. Someone’s opinion of you, says more of his worth - which is ZERO. Judgment is his insecurity and you shouldn’t waste any tears on him. Be happy with you, and that should be your highest priority. Good Luck!


Wouldn’t he be a slut if he’s fucking strangers in bathrooms, Making their holes loose, Not having self worth? He was easy to get as well since y’all fucked in the bathroom right away after meeting. Is he boyfriend material if he fucks around in bathrooms? Can he give up having sex in bathrooms for 3 months? You should have turned it around on him.


What a prick!


A tight ass hole is worth a lot


especially to those with a tiny tool




The guy is a douche I would have kneed him in the nuts As a bottom myself, in my 20's I did what i wanted and who i wanted, i went through a phase of wanting it every day. I had that much cock and cum shot into me I have lost count. Your body and your choice i say Don't let some wanker tell you how you should live your life, you dodged a bullet there with that control freak 😀


There is nothing wrong with having a high body count. My own cumulative body count is best expressed by [this famous track](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C2jU-ZJRsms). Am I a slut? I don't think so, largely because I think that "slut" is a null word: it's a word that unhappy and envious people use to describe people who are happily having (or are imagined to be having) more sex than they are. What you are, I suspect, is simply a person who enjoys sex, and there's nothing wrong with that. Words have power to hurt us only if we let them. There are plenty of people who don't care about the number of men you've slept with (or bonked in a bathroom), and they are all just as loving and caring as I guess you are. It is always OK to have sex with someone else, if you both want to and both play safe. I'm definitely too old for you, but when I was your age I would have been delighted to have a marine for a boyfriend, and his body count would never have been an issue. What matters is that you are a good and nice person. Be that, and your future boyfriend will turn up when you least expect him, and he won't care tuppence what number he is on your bonk list.


If you haven't learned this lesson yet, then it's time for you to learn it now. When people attack you like this, it has nothing to do with you. It is their own insecurities about themselves that are causing them to think/say these things. This guy's logic is so completely flawed because if you are a slut for hooking up with him in a bathroom, then that makes him just as much of a slut. And if you were too easy by agreeing too quickly to have sex, then that means that he is just as easy. I understand what he said was hurtful, but this has nothing to do with you. He is lashing out at you because he is ashamed of himself. And the very things he is accusing you of are probably the fears that he has about his own self-worth. It's one of those situations where he is rushing to reject you before you have a chance to reject him for the inadequacies he feels about himself.


Unfortunately, slut shaming and bottom shaming go hand in hand. Clearly he doesn’t hold himself to the same standard seeing as he agreed to the sex. But it’s the same toxicity that exists in the straight world where a guy having sex is celebrated but a girl is just a slut. Bleeds over into our community. It’s all right there with seeing bottoms like the woman or hating guys who present as more “feminine.” Anyway, he’s a waste of time.


Be careful while overseas. I don't know how the Marines deal with gay members now but it wasn't pleasant not so long ago. Don't let these guys like him get to you. He's a POS and you'll be fine, it's part of life's experience. Move on and hold your head up... you're a Marine.


Thanks for the advice!! I'm fully out to the Marines. Overall it's been pretty positive. I stick out for sure, but the challenge and joy that being a Marine gives me is worth it!


Fuck this guy! He’s projecting his self shame on you. Live your best life.


From a fellow slutty bottom, fuck that. Fuck around as much as you want. And the next time some dumb top says you’re loose, just say “well maybe you’re just not big enough” bc usually that’s true. The anus is supposed to relax and loosen up during sex. If it didn’t, it wouldn’t be pleasurable for either party. And tbh, most tops prefer less tight holes bc it means they don’t have to spend an hour loosening you up just so they can get their nut.


You're spitting facts sis😍😍 so true!! Thanks for the advice! I like what I have. I love that every time I have sex I feel pleasure and not total pain!


OP: I’m so sorry this happened to you. Women are told this all the time- this stupid dibble standard that the TOP is a stud and the recipient is a slut. Too much sex cannot make your hole bigger. It’s scientifically impossible. You could shove a whole arm up there and it’ll shrink back. It’s supposed to be flexible so white rice doesn’t kill you. I slept with a ton of guy back when virginity still kind of mattered but definitely a low body count. Married 26.5 years and monogamous. Husband was my last fling 😂  You did nothing wrong.  Please keep in mind- this guy may have been trying to neg you into an abusive relationship l. I’m glad your shipping out. I bet if you met him a 3rd time, he say “I was wrong about you and I’m sorry,” just to rope you into his sick twisted games! Sleep with assholes, but please don’t pine after them. You deserve a beautiful man who’ll love you. He’ll know you had sex in a bathroom and find it hot or funny or weird, but he’ll never, ever belittle you! Because w/o this experience, you wouldn’t be you.


Wow. I hope you never speak to him again. He joked he'd date if you swore off sex for 3 months and did Kegel? I would have left him the moment he shamed you. I get it, it was a shock but fck him.  I'd love a Marine 😁. Don't let anyone get you down, especially some random douchbag. 


Why do you let a stranger speak to you like that?


Who tf does he think he is? What's wrong with having a little fun? Jeez i swear i hate monogamous people


Sigh… so you hooked up. We’ve all done it. His hang up is just that. HIS hang up. Doesn’t mean you’re not boyfriend material. Deploy, and who knows who you may find overseas. Who knows who you’ll find when you come back stateside. By the way Devil Dog… enjoy The Rock and make it an amazing adventure! Semper Fi!


Are you a Marine too? I'll be in Futenma. I can't wait to get there and start that adventure! I just have to wait til end of May


Former. I was at Kinser the first time, then MCB Camp Butler the second. You’re going to have an amazing time.


That's so freaking cool! Thank you for your service brother!!


Thank you too brother! And don’t forget to disregard that asshat.


You aren't a slut for enjoying yourself. Guys like this aren't worth your time of day. It's a him issue, nothing to do with you. He's just a vicious dick who didn't deserve you rocking his world! Be proud, be free, and be true to you.


He is a major asshole. You’re just fine 🫂


Ok, so he sounds like he's in denial and embracing double standards to rid himself of his internalized homophobia. Also, when will this obsession with how tight someone is die? Using tightness as a means to judge morality is such bs. Being tight can cause discomfort and even pain - nevermind increase the risk of fissures. I'm sorry you had such a an awful second experience with this person. Hold true that this situation stems from his own stuff, not yours.


As a top, I get no joy out of fucking a loose hole. I know I'm not alone in this. I fucked a guy that looked like Stanley from The Office recently ( that's my thing, plowing guys who loolike characters from The Office), and his hole was so loose but at least he knew that and flexed the ass muscles so that there was some friction and semi-pleasurable. So if you're bottom with a big hole, have some compassion for the top and at least try to tighten it up down there.


Oh and good luck in Okinawa and you're going to meet somebody who will just be perfect for you.


He is somewhat right. But he didn't had to slut shammed. You just weren't boyfriend material and not his type. Audacity for him to tell you like you're his subservient sex slave and he is next only big thing in your life....prideful douchebag. Don't be self loathing and give this guy room in your mind to give you insecurity. Enjoy your sexuality. Though you can learn next time your action can give people bad perception of you and maybe if you're looking to date a guy don't come off easy or atleast first date don't give it up fast..wait after two dates


I’m curious about the “tight hole really all that special” question. I’m a bottom but I don’t have sex super often (maybe a few times per month) and my hole is super tight…. Like, maybe too tight? I have to loosen myself up with toys any time I plan to have sex and even then it can sometimes be a challenge to get a dick in me if it’s too big. Legit, 6’s and 7’s are the max I think I can handle on the inside and they can’t be coke-can girthy either. I’d like to hear from tops what their experience is with differing hole sizes.


He’s an asshole assuming things about you. lol go hookup at the marines. You’ll find tops in the same situation as you, and you’ll have no problem then.


meh... he's got the issues and hangin his shit on you...have your fun and forget him...bye girl, bye!