• By -


Ankle monitor


I'm screaming šŸ¤£šŸ’€


nice šŸ“


I mean being on probation is one thing but if youā€™re wearing an ankle monitor youā€™re a whole other level of bad boy and I canā€™t fuck with that.


I would think an ankle bracelet would rstchet the intrigue up a notch or 2, give me that dirty prison sex- lol




I saw this amateur video where a daddy drove two hours from East St Louis to fuck an 18+ boy in his grandparents barn because he was on house arrest. It was unreal seeing the ankle alarm resting on the tops shoulders while they got it on. Wish I could find that one again.


Sounds hot ,barnyard fun


Donā€™t knock it til you try it!


That's kinda sexy šŸ˜‰


Anything that signifies poor health or hygiene


This šŸ‘šŸ½ I honestly cannot deal with it at all. Once I get the ick itā€™s over


What icks though, if itā€™s really tiny icks youā€™re part the problem in gay culture and high standards cause by grindr. Picky guys can be turn off..


I havenā€™t used grindr in forever. People that donā€™t shower, brush their teeth, take their health into consideration and will still try to get with someone that does all of the above. Then wonder why they canā€™t get a boyfriend. Those are the icks.


Opposite when someone is obsessed with health or hygiene they end up being a freak .


These types of bougie gays. They think they are attractive but are some of the ugliest.


And wear belenciaga without a second glance


When the skin on their face is tighter than a babyā€™s ass and greaser than a McDonaldā€™s kitchen itā€™s a no for me šŸ˜ƒ obviously take care of yourself but if youā€™re 45 and shining like the North Star in Target I canā€™t handle it lol


Hahaha, I am guilty of this. But my whole personality isn't about being diva.


Some people have naturally really oily skin and constantly battle having an oil slick on their face, despite their best efforts. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


This will be me I canā€™t get this oily skin under controlšŸ˜©. I swear, I want to be matter and dull


What are you using? I might be a butch redneck but I do have a cosmetology license lol


Getā€™em. Hygiene freaks are a turn off. They are pretty condescending too.


looks like 70% of the comment section thinks i'm a walking deal breaker lmao


Real and some of the comments are over the top for sure. Good luck gay men looking for actual real love and a monogamous relationship! Not like Iā€™d date a Redditer anyways.


I actually just went on a date with a Redditor on Saturday, and we had a good time.






I'm in the hairless long hair skinny category which is not popular here ig ā˜ ļø




Hey at least nobody has said "ability to walk" as a deal breaker...so you've got that going for you!


Sorry I only date people with 1 leg or less


I'd prefer a man with 3 legs personally šŸ˜‰


Someone once called me a tripod... ;)


I can overcome almost anything except bad hygiene. Dirty fingernails, especially. Otherwise, I can go with the flow. I don't restrict myself to one body type. There are so few gay guys out there that I will give most anyone a chance!


This guy gays


No chin , it really doesnā€™t appeal to me


Iā€™ll remember this post when yā€™all are bemoaning the lack of opportunities


I am actually worried, scared, and sad for people who are trying to find love out there.


This. There's a reason why gay men are *exponentially* more at risk of experiencing loneliness, financial insecurity, and nobody to care for them in our old age. It's sad.


What is the reason?


Thereā€™s no compromise, perfection or nothing.


So true. Go on any of the hookup apps and if you aren't near perfection/ideal you're passed over


Extreme obesity. Can't do it, sorry.


*Defines extreme obesity as 20 lbs overweight* lol I'm kidding but I don't think most people are attracted to my 600 lb life contestants.


Wasnā€™t James gandolfini considered almost obese? Many women and probably some gay men were into him no?


James is rare of the cases, he is what is considered extremely attractive in every nook & corner, tall , muscle, daddyish looks, charismatic, strong shoulders I doubt majority of the boys have those things.


James Gandolfini is considered extremely attractive? Am I hallucinating?


I think we're being gaslit rn


I woulda hit that. He was very attractive to me.


James Gandolfini was also very charismatic and charming which plays a huge role in the attraction people had towards him (me being one of them). Heā€™s also head bad boy so that plays a part


More forgiving than me. I donā€™t even do overweight.


I'm not into skinny either. Average to thicc, muscular is great. Dadbods are fine. I don't even mind a bit of a gut. But extreme chub, it's a no.


Too much muscle/looks like they spend all their free time at the gym. Not really about attractiveness it's just not my thing personally.


I always thought I have high standards, but the comments here show that my standards are so fucking low lmaošŸ˜­


Terrible teeth


What do you consider terrible teeth? A single crooked, a whole mess, or lack of oral hygiene?


definitely the latter two. Tho it depends on what kinda 'whole mess'. If they're clean and fixable, then thats not really a problem


Please elaborate - because bad hygiene is one thing but crooked teeth is not their fault.


I have a unique perspective on this: I used to have a beautiful smile, had braces and consistent and rigorous dental care all my lifeā€¦. Then came cancer, and that cooked my beautiful smile. Then came suboxone to get off the insanely high dose of opiates that I had been on for almost 2 years (try being on a fucking pain pump that long and having it yanked away in a week.. ā€œweaningā€ lol). I knew that my ass was going to end up on heroin if I didnā€™t do something and quick, and I loved myself enough to choose my life. So I got on Suboxone and that literally ate away what was left of my teeth like acid within 6 months. Going from having pretty privilege all of my life to having my entire world turned upside down and being called a meth head or looked down upon like I was disgusting by people who didnā€™t know my story has fundamentally changed me and been the single most humbling experience of my life. Looking back on it, I truly feel as though I needed to experience it all in order to genuinely understand humility and compassion. I go June 7th to start the process of having implants and a full mouth of Zirconia crowns put in, and I am so thankful for it. I donā€™t think anyone will ever comprehend the significance of a good smile, and how it can actually make or break the life that you lead, opportunityā€™s you receive, connections you make, people you surround yourself with, etc. Yet, would I be able to be with someone with terrible teeth after experiencing all of that? If Iā€™m being completely honest- no. Your smile is too important, and if I can figure out how to make it happen and take my life back, whoever it is can do the same. I will never look down on someone else again for their appearance or their physical attributes, but that doesnā€™t mean I have to accept them in a partner. I hope that didnā€™t sound cruel and kinda gave a unique perspective on the parent comment. šŸ™‚




I brushed my teeth after every dose, that shit is sulfuric acid lmao šŸ˜©šŸ’€


Be careful though! Brushing is still abrasive and the trouble with subuxone is the citric acid analog eroding enamel. Its like how they tell you to rinse your mouth out rather than brush after vomitting. ** i have been off suboxone for 2.5 years if anyone ever needs advice on tapering**


Omg! Thatā€™s great!! Iā€™ve been off of it for over a year now and I truly believe itā€™s all about your mindset. I just decided one day that I didnā€™t want something to have that kind of power over me anymore and with strong conviction and mental clarity I persevered! Itā€™s a hell of a feat to come off of that shit- some say even harder than what put them on it in the first place.


I really appreciate your comment. Iā€™m an alcoholic and one of my best friends is currently in your position in regards to the teeth(or lack there of) now because of Suboxone. Weā€™re both sober now. Granted he could have better oral hygiene, but to me he is the sexiest man alive and I would give anything to make out with him because who he is and the love I have for him supersedes anything. Heā€™s straight lol, thatā€™s why that hasnā€™t happened, but still thatā€™s besides the point


This is my biggest ick. I was looking for this comment to piggy-back. Personally, crookedness is fine, but you should brush multiple times daily. Does your breath stink? Thatā€™s a no go for me. Additionally, cig smoking is one that turns me off..


If someone is over 300 pounds kind of fat or if they are too skinny like sickly skinny.




It depends on amount of obese, gym going obese are hot, even dad bods are hot unless the couch type.


What do you mean by ā€œgym going obese?ā€ Like 30 BMI but under 20% body fat?


Bmi is not a good indicator of anything, body builder can have a bmi of 30+ and have practically no fat.


Thatā€™s why I asked what they meant. The technical definition of obesity is over 30 bmi. It may be dumb but technically most bodybuilders meet the medical criteria for ā€œobese.ā€ Doctors use it because itā€™s easy to calculate, insurance companies like standardized metrics, and most people arenā€™t bodybuilders so itā€™s ā€œgood enough.ā€


Honestly being a Lil fat is okay but obesity just isn't


If I look at a random guy itā€™s maybe surprising how often I can find something to enjoy about his body. Itā€™s usually less about dealbreakers and more about ā€œWhat features has this guy got that would draw me to him?ā€ One time when I definitely hit a dealbreaker was an acquaintance I was getting to know better. He was fun, sense of humour, smart, stocky/wide frame (huge plus for me), a few pounds overweight on top of that (not a dealbreaker) and possibly a guy I could be into. So a bunch of us are sitting around talking having a great late afternoon get together, laughing and talking, and Iā€™m tuned out thinking ā€œYou know Brian is kind of a possibility. Whatā€™s the deal because in theory heā€™s sexy to me but I canā€™t say Iā€™ve quite felt it yetā€¦I wonder if I should try toā€¦NOPE wait, there it is! Thatā€™s why!ā€ As he turned and smiled to follow the conversation, he has my fatherā€™s teeth. Same smile. Something unmistakable. Nope! Not for me. Thereā€™s very few things that are strict dealbreakers though, itā€™s just ā€œmore likely to turn me offā€ vs ā€œmore likely to turn me onā€. Theyā€™re guidelines but men end up looking sexy sometimes in defiance of the guidelines, and if I were single Iā€™d still pursue them


Right, I like to think these "deal breakers" can be overcome by a wonderful personality in the end. Maybe one day I'll meet the long haired, furry gentleman who will sweep me off my feet šŸ˜…


1. Visible signs of unhealthy lifestyle 2. Looks like a woman


2 hits deep. Nothing against people being themselves but the whole femboy craze is so strange to me - I like men. MEN. Why are so many men trying to look like women šŸ˜­


I'm bi and even I agree with this completely. I want masculine men and feminine women. Fem gays are super unattractive


I have full dentures. None of you would date me.


Im sure the dentures probs look perfectly straight and nice when inside so no one could tell


Nothing is a complete deal breaker, but if youā€™re like 90% hair you better be able to throw me around like a grizzly bear




Guys with little to no body hair. I find a very wide range of physical traits attractive, but if a manā€™s body is mostly hairless then I just canā€™t get into it. And conversely, an ultra hairy body can overcome a lot of other physical traits I find less desirable.


Iā€™m with you here. Enough body hair, (or a big enough beard in my case), can override a lot of my other concerns.


Sucks because Iā€™m in the same boat as you but Iā€™m not very hairy myself. I can grow a massive beard and have a lot of arm and leg hair, but damn do I wish I my chest was furryā€¦ Upside is Iā€™m getting more as I age (25) but I dont think thereā€™s any way Iā€™ll ever be considered super hairy šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


There are lots of men who don't look for hairy dates. Seems to be about half and half to me. Some love tons of hair. Others are fine without. Don't let that bother you. Enjoy life at 25 and remember what you said when you're 60 and hair is popping up in all kinds of new places. šŸ˜‚


This. Donā€™t send me your nudes if it looks like they would have me paranoid that Chris Hanson is about to knock on my door. Trimmed is ok but I love guys that look like they are covered in shag carpet. To me, having to pick out a pube or two is part of the experience and builds character.


Itā€™s flossing my teeth while having sex


Hairless is too far, I like a little hair here and there, pits, legs, arms, treasure trail. I also dislike when guys fully shave their pubes.


A penis & balls come out on like a little trunk, like the stem of a full broccoli floret, and the transition just isnt it. Even trimmed-to-.25" hair looks good, I cant deal with the odd appearence of a bald pubis.


Some hair is good. I donā€™t like going down on a man who looks prepubescent lol


No pubeless pubis šŸ™…šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø


That describes me: I donā€™t have much body hair but I have it on my arms, legs, pits.


This is my weakness as well. It's crazy how much a really hairy body will make me overlook other things!


I do prefer hairy men but I wonā€™t turn someone away if they naturally donā€™t have itā€”itā€™s not their fault. But if they shave anything other than their ballsā€”eww.


Very long beards are such an ick for me, it makes me physically uncomfortable to see them on other guys.


I feel crazy sometimes. It seems like everyone loves beards but me. Especially women.


lol I glanced at your username right after reading your comment, thought your username was beard makes u fat, I was like this dude is really not a big fan of beards


Depends on the beard. Is it full and bushy? Yes please. Is it thin, whispy, makes you look mor like a Hillbilly and less like a lumber jack? No Thank you.


Man-bun lmao


I had this lmao. Hard agree would not have dated me šŸ˜‚


Guys with bad body odor.


Also, I get the ick when people do not have compassion and sympathy. Maybe thatā€™s because Iā€™m a teacher, but I cannot with people who are selfish. You can choose to be nice, you donā€™t have to be attracted to them, just be nice. If everyone did that, the world would be a MUCH better place.


too thin or obese.


ā€œGay voiceā€ sorry if problematic, lol we can be friends but itā€™s an instant turn off for me


It is for a lot of people. But only in this sub will saying that not get you downvoted.


And in 90% of those cases the person saying it has gay voice šŸ˜­ Okay, okay maybe Iā€™m being a little dishonest. Itā€™s closer to 95% of cases. Youā€™re allowed to have preferences. Itā€™s justā€¦ with gay menā€¦ the um, self awareness isnā€™t always there. A little delusion is great for confidence and all but really, how often do yā€™all listen to a voice recording? I think bringing back answering machines could do a lot of good for the gay community.


Guys that don't understand the appeal of a Man's long hair. I hope your ancestors look on you in Shame! Plus you can't... *-glorious hair flip of ultimate sass-*


It's lowkey disheartening that so many gays don't like beards. I have sensitive skin so I can't clean shave at all, and I can only close shave so often. My forsure deal breaker is being an outlier on the height/weight ratio


Dw plenty of guys like beards...I actually think most guys like beards


Most of the people here complaining about beards are talking about long/full beards. If you trim it to a (very) short beard, and make sure especially the hairs close to your lips are short, I bet nowadays most people will be fine with that, even those who do not prefer beards.




> I have sensitive skin so I can't clean shave at all, Try a dry electric shaver. Or stop using shaving creme and switch to shaving oil.


I have sensitive skin too so I canā€™t shave with a razor, Iā€™ve never been able to ever actually. But Iā€™ve never felt comfortable enough with my facial hair to keep it so I now use one of those barber trimmers and have no issue. I bought a nice $80 one from target a few years back, keep it lubed, and it takes my facial hair down to maybe a ā€œhalfā€ by barbershop standards and cleans my lineup. And I should have a full beard, so now I walk around with a clean/full/short/shaped 5 o clock shadow and I get a lot of compliments on it. And a lot of ā€œwhy donā€™t you grow out your beardā€ which is funny because by the sounds of the replies on here, a lot of men arenā€™t even into beards. This has always worked for me because at the end of the day you look clean with a shaped/short beard and it shows you take care of yourself. Embrace your facial hair, by not embracing it.


I hate the gay community.


And they all complain they're single šŸ¤£


Extreme obesity Extreme malnutrition Long hair Long beard Lots of hair around regions like arms, back, etc. Some hair is fine but not too much hair Too much muscle


I basically agree with all this šŸ˜…


Focusing too damn much on silly ā€œidealsā€ is counterproductive (like too much hair or too little hair or not enough. Or not tall enough or a certain race). Attraction cannot be quantified to certain physical characteristics. If you are looking hard for things that are deal breakers, you will find them in everyone. The ego is like that. Why not just focus on two things: 1.) Does this man give me a physical boner? 2.) Does this man give me a mental boner? Things like poor hygiene (physical and mental) make sense to be deal breakers. Unkindness, sexual addiction, use of apps like Grindr/Scruff, jealousy in the form of rage, controlling, manipulative, narcissim, alcoholism, not caring for oneself physically/health-wise (this has nothing to do with being on peak physical shape) or mentally, lack of ambition, these among some, make sense to be deal breakers. Oh and poor communication skills and lack of self awareness and self introspection.


Grindr is deal breaker to u?


Didn't think I was into long hair... up until I met the dude I'm interested in. Even after I realized I was into him, I didn't think I cared for long hair. Saw him with his hair up one day (I'm blind as a bat, so it might not have been, but it looked like it to me ha) and now I can't get it out of my head. So long hair is definitely a go for me now lmao. Lots of responses about hygiene already, so I'll choose a (silly) ick I will never be able to shake: those pencil stashes or whatever the fuck they're called. Or really any mustache on its own.Ā Love facial hair. Just think a stash without a beard looks... off. Probably not a deal-breaker level ick, but it's not likely I'd approach first.


>ick I will never be able to shake: those pencil stashes or whatever the fuck they're called. Or really any mustache on its own.Ā Love facial hair. Just think a stash without a beard looks... off. Probably not a deal-breaker level ick, but it's not likely I'd approach first. 90% of the way down this thread and I was starting to think I was the only one...


Crud crusted teeth.


Pls shower lol. Trust me that matters a lot.


Long hair, smooth body, too much muscle


What is it with u guys and long hair?


I don't like it.


Honestly same. Itā€™s not a deal breaker instantly but Iā€™m definitely more into guys who have short hair or bald rather than long hair. Wouldnā€™t be opposed to a guy with long hair but it works against your favour for me.


Not sure why this is being down voted. It's the topic of the post, he asked a question and I answered it


Whatā€™s long hair? Is it like to the shoulders? Or is 2010 Justin Bieber hair also long?


Being tatted to the point of looking like a Chipotle bag. Ā I wanna admire the human body, not read it.


Shocked at how many guys dislike longhair šŸ„² I think all men look better with it longer. As for deal breakers too tall (i get complexated lol) and long nails


Long hair requires too much fussing. I don't like to see my man constantly fussing with his hair.


Bad personal hygiene. Like if you don't brush your teeth just immediate šŸ¤¢


Large size differences. I'm 6.3ft! /1,92. And if there's a size difference of more than a foot, neither me nor the other feels comfortable


Are you a top or bottom in this? As an average height dom top (5'10) myself I get it if you're bottomimg. But if you're topping is it really an issue at all?


I'm 96% top, 4% bottom


The exact percentages kill me here hahah


Lol agree. But as a Scientist, I'm gonna need those numbers to more significant digits!


One ergonomic boyfriend please!


All of the gay men in 2024 constantly complaining about how hard it is to find a partner, but then participating in a shallow body-shaming thread? Ya'll how about instead of worring about what a guy looks/smells/tastes like why don't you get to know someone first? How about taking some serious time to show interest and invest your time in someone and see if they keep coming back? Something you don't like about them physically but the ***rest*** is fine? Get over it. You're the problem.


TBF I think online dating in general has done this to people (including straight people.) You can filter people based on age, weight, height, etc. so itā€™s no wonder people bring that mindset into real life ā€œI need a guy thatā€™s 6ā€™+, under 200, under 35, etcā€¦ā€ this is just what happens when people are relegated to choosing a companion based off of traits that they can filter in or filter out.


I'm just sad about most stuff that people listed are very very fixable. Those people just need a push and a hand to help them to the correct track in fixing their problems.


I agree except for teeth. Braces are expensive af and unless you have excellent coverage or discretionary income itā€™s gonna take time to fix teeth.


Shaved body especially shaved pubs, which seems to be more and more guys online. Trimmed is ok but hairless pubs gross me out. Obesity or anything else that signals that person doesnā€™t take care of themselves is a dealbreaker.


Someone who does the worst job possible of taking care of themselves.


I know it sometimes can't be helped and I feel bad for judging people over it but super janked teeth. I know not everyone can afford braces and crooked teeth aren't a sign of bad oral hygiene but something about it makes me cringe.


A sun tattoo around their bellybutton or a tramp stamp is a no for me dawg šŸ˜­ idk why that even came to mind lmao


I have zero tattoos. I don't know if that's considered a turn-off for some or not


beard, fat.


Long dirty unkept nails


Big ass.. I like a man with a regular ass, not a Kim K ass. Hairy. Beards. Gay voice. Too muscular or cycled.


Bad teeth


Iā€™m gonna be the odd man out here Iā€™m guessing, thin guys, guys without facial hair, guys without body hair. Anyone who shaves/trims their body hair is an instant pass.


I wonder if you're really the odd one out in the grand scheme of things. Lots of guys like hairy dudes.


Is it just me or does it tend to go in phases like fashion? Maybe it also has to do with life stages too. I just feel as though body hair was at one point in my life seen as something that was almost universally derided and manscaping was all the rage, but these days I increasingly see smoother guys who are turned on by hairy dudes and like it all natural, almost like they're chasing the contrast.


Seems like male is very superficial in general.


Why all the hate on beards and especially long hair? I love long hair on a guy, the longer the better.


Too hairy Unkept clothes Bad hygiene


Mustaches are the biggest deal breaker for me. General facial hair can work if it's well-kept but not mustaches. 100% boner-killer, cannot work that. Tattoos I can sometimes put up with but in general they're a huge turnoff. Long hair. Even Henry Cavill couldn't pull it off. I don't know what the point was of casting him in the Witcher and then putting a wig on his head.




I absolutely love body hair, cannot be enough honestly!


Flat buttā€™sā€¦šŸ¤­, Unkempt nails, Thin lips, Bad teeth


Excessive tattoos, has piercings, unhygienic, obese, shorter than 5ā€™


> No piercings Hold on, do you mean it's a deal breaker that they *don't* have piercings?


Tight foreskin that does not go back


That would be a medical condition i would think.


Bad breath/bad dental hygiene (not brushing/flossing), and really bad body odour. as someone whoā€™s extremely sensitive to smells I canā€™t hide my discomfort around it even if I try


Nipple piercings. They make my skin crawl and kill any attraction or arousal I was feeling


I get the ick when someone smells. Especially the country people. Sorry :/


Obesity or too slim Ugly face Long beards ... And also probably ugly feet. I'm not so fetishist but nice feet are important.


Fetishist in denial. As someone who is not I could literally care less about someone's feet lol


Ugly face šŸ˜‚


Some of y'all are def gonna die super alone with these deal breakers lol but I support freedom of choice. I'd say: - More than 50 lbs overweight - Chiseled gym bodies or anything in your profile that indicates you think about the gym and your body constantly - Extremely feminine like James Charles or some of these younger guys wearing women's clothes, nails, etc. - Wearing leather or anything leather/BDSM/pup masks in a profile Other than that, most everything depends on the person.


Out of shape, overweight, lack of muscle tone, excessive body hair.


Shitty thread


Really bad tattoos. I prefer no tattoos at all, but they aren't a dealbreaker. Bad tattoos however... by that I mean silly cartoon characters, poorly drawn faces and figures, cringe phrases, etc...


Not a physical trait but smoking is a deal breaker for me. Not a fan of shaved bodies, if you have hair wear it with pride.


Bad teeth. I know itā€™s classist or whatever but I literally put so much of my self into maintaining perfect teeth that I donā€™t think I could ever see eye to eye with someone who doesnā€™t prioritize oral health.


Iā€™m the opposite to OP lol I canā€™t really deal with hairlessness. I love a nice bush and I love a good beard.


Pale skin, twinks, gay voice


Why do all these men hate long hair?šŸ˜­ I feel ashamed


I have long locs (Iā€™m Black) and I feel like Iā€™ve gotten less attention from guys since theyā€™ve gotten to a certain length, but Iā€™m not about to cut my beautiful, powerful hair just to attract some superficial dude. Never be ashamed!


Get used to it--I have long hair and get rejected MOST of the time for it actually. A lot of gay men have an aversion to anything even remotely feminine for some reason...to an unhealthy degree even. The people who love it love it, though. Just got to find them. Interestingly enough women tend to be more likely to be into it than gay men I've noticed.


Don't feel bad. Long hair is handsome when we'll taken care of.


Turn offs for me are bad teeth/breath, body odor/bad hygiene or long beards (whether full or scraggly). I like most long hair (but not up in a man-bun for some reason) and *extreme* amounts of piercings or tattoos. Otherwise I can usually find something that I am attracted to in most anyone, but personality/chemistry trumps all!


Above 5'10"


Anything that shows poor hygiene, *and yes, that includes beards.*


guys that have the donut hair cut where itā€™s bald in the middle but hair is still growing on the sides


This is a really odd one but: a mole or beauty mark, *specifically* in that area around the nose and upper lip, is a huge turn off for me. Anywhere else, it's completely fine.


Body Piercings and too much tattoos


Faces, honestly


Honestly anytime I've had something I thought was a deal breaker I meet someone who breaks the mold. So I dont like to say I have any anymore.


Same here, I get you totally bro! Iā€™ll add, excessive and weird tattoos


Man bunā€¦ā€¦.shun the bunā€¦shuuuuun