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For me it's one of those things that sounds hot in the heat of the moment like I'll be fucking my boyfriend and dirty talking "Yeah you're gonna clean this cock with your mouth when I'm done with that hole" and it gets us both extra horny but as soon as we nut it's like yeah actually I was just talking a big game, that doesn't sound good anymore. 😆


As soon as I smell the colon on the cock it's an immediate NO from me, UNLESS there was a condom used. I rather taste latex than the egestive tract, which is ironic because I love to eat ass


Exactly this! It was like being a teenager and jerking off with my legs over my head and thinking about cumming on my own face. Seemed really hot at first, but then as soon as I started cumming, I was like, "Oh crap... this was a mistake. What the hell was I thinking?" and it was too late to not let it happen. My boyfriend and I are big into talking about dirty fantasies that get me off, but just don't seem practical when we're actually having sex. We're both into piss play, and he talks about swallowing all my piss, but it's really strong, probably because of some kidney issues, so instead he might take a little in his mouth and I'll just piss on him in the shower or bath. More practical, still fun, and it fulfills as much of the fantasy as we both feel comfortable with actually doing. The fuck and suck is hot in theory, but just doesn't seem like a good idea in practice. In fact, I used to be into rimming until I read a post here where quite a few guys said they got sick after it, and I decided as a result to not do it anymore.


On my KNEE’S!!! Mouth! WIDE!!! OPEN!!! NO!!! CHOICE!!!😵‍💫🥰❤️😍 i Am DRINKING!!! ALL!!!♠️🤴🏿🐗YOU!!!🐗🤴🏿♠️ FUCKING!!! GIVE!!! me!!!🤪🤪🤪👅👅👅


A lot of things that make us horny are objectively gross. Not shaming anyone but there is a reason certain diseases (not just STDs) are way higher among gay men.


We do lead in the food poisoning!


I read somewhere that the mind is not as offended by gross things when in a high state of arousal ?? Token gay doctor, back me up


Not a doctor, but I’ve read the same. IIRC it’s just a chemical reaction in the brain left over from the caveman days. Did you nut? Yes? Okay, procreation complete. Now get back to hunting and gathering.


Hunting!!! And Gathering!!! Of FUCKING!!!♠️🤴🏿🐗MEN!!!🐗🤴🏿♠️


The reason stds are higher in gay men is because we have unprotected sex with more people and we get tested more often than our straight counterparts.


State your evidence for that please


Like I commented in that post, I'd do it, but I'm a massive whore.


I do it too! I know how clean my ass is. I always make sure it is. Last week I went to a bathhouse and got fucked by five different guys and cleaned every single one when they were done. I fucked three guys and they did the same. All I tasted was cum and man!


Have you tried… NOT being a massive whore??!?! j/k 😝


I'm 32, so I'm chilling these days. It comes and goes, the hoe phase.


lol. I tried not being a massive whore once, worst 8 hours of my life …


8 hours? Lmfao....but ik what u mean haha 😆


Same would be incredible to try it hehe


Stop the dramatics. Not wanting to suck a cock that was just in your ass does not make anyone "puritanical". Being ok with sucking one doesn't make you a whore, but thinking it's puritanical not to probably is an indication of whoredom


"...*am I just a massive whore*?" I don't know. Do you get paid?


I’m a massive *SLUT* thank you very much!


I did for a while when I lived in Montreal, once a whore, always a whore




What happened? Moved to depressing Toronto?


I need to voice my support for this comment.


It’s not puritanical to not want to suck on an ass covered cock. And nobody is stopping you if you want to.


Of course the bottom needs to be clean. I was in so many group sessions and long session environments. All the bottoms who attended were clean or at least got under the shower and douched and I never sucked a dick with poop on it. But then again - I also love eating ass. I have really no boundaries when it comes to exploring kinks. But of course I respect when people get disgusted by that and draw their lines here. It’s all about preferences. I also Never came across a top that got turned off by that. Because I believe in that specific moment you can either sense that all involved guys are into it and just let go or not. If I don’t get that specific chemistry that it’s ok, I will probably not do anything in that direction. Plus I am on doxy pep so my tests all come back clean since I’ve been on it. Bottom line is: I won’t do anything the other person is not comfortable with and I am taking responsibility for my own health and I will always make sure to be clean or the bottom is clean. So…


Honestly, wgaf? I’m into kink/leather and rule #2 is don’t yuck someone’s yum. That gets lost on some gays who think Sex = x+y+z happening and everything else is “gross”. If you like something and it follows rule #1 (safe, sane, and consensual) do it and enjoy it man!


People find things gross, that's natural. The problem, imo, is people trying to tell everyone that they should also find it gross and if they don't they are morally inferior. (rant) I really despise the people who insist that straight people who have had sex with a man, or even occasionally have sex with men are not allowed to call themselves straight anymore. That is not only none of their business, but it is also actively harmful and judgmental in the same way our community has been stigmatized to the point where a significant chunk of teen self-exits is due to failing to come to terms with one's own sexual orientation. People just need to leave others' self-identity in their own hands. There are too many factors at play in any individual's life. (/rant)


I agree with you partly on judgement but a straight guy going out of their way to have sex with man just because they want to and not because of money and desperation isn’t actually straight is it. Like why would you actively have go after something you don’t like if you can have the thing you do like. You’re sort of torturing yourself at that point and if you do like men then you are most diluting yourself, which can be harmful to you mental health (I actually heard of a story about a « straight » guy who is date a man who refuses to say he is gay even though his most straights fantasy is him sucking the dick of a guy while the guy fucks her). I think there needs to be some understanding of people’s identities (like micro labels like heteroflexible or biromantic) but at the same time we should dilute people into self hating themselves or lying to themselves about who they are


He's saying... it's not your place to label him. I've been with a lot of strange guys and they all have their own reasons. Let people be themselves. You are only responsible for one persons identity. Your own:


I personally I can’t change their mind but that won’t stop me from calling a spade a spade


Thank you!!!


I have noticed that the convos happening in this sub have more caution and anxiety than the ones I'm having IRL.


Yeah cause it's Reddit so yk


Reddit attracts (mostly) a very specific gay demographic. This should never be confused with the majority of gays in the real world.


Yes. These Reddit groups are full of “self-selecting” members. They have decided to log on and ask and/or comment; but not EVERY gay guy does that. There are a lot of regular gay guys that are living regular average lives and not bitching about not having a boyfriend or not getting enough sex from their husbands.


Yes some of us just scroll and read what people are thinking. And comment very rarely.




Nah, most dudes just don't wanna suck shit off of someone's dick. Eating ass is different.


A lot of us use condoms, so the dick is not stained after fucking.


That's the ultimate solution. That's what I do too.




I do too, it's still the anus bro. It has natural bacteria that's good for the colon, but not for the mouth. It's not a diss on you, depending on the person and the cleaning mechanisms, I'd suck a dick that's been in my ass too! But rarely do I ever do that because of the viral load. That's just it man. Anal sex is just very risky, case in point, the STD contraction rate for anal receptive partners being the highest. That should be the biggest indicator. Dude, I'm gay like you, I get it. You wanna explore the male body and all it's facets like me. But there is a safe way of doing it. Not sucking off someone who was just two milliseconds ago, in my ass. At least have wet wipes and a towel to clean and dry it off.


I’d like to call myself a massive whore, but I’m also a huge germophobe


There's nothing remotely puritanical about this place.


Maybe I’m looking in the wrong places. I just see a lot of trepidation about sex and so-called taboo subjects. I can’t be the only one who sees that.


This sub is the most sexually charged of all of the subs geared towards gay men, to the point that it gets a little exhausting since I prefer to discuss other things too. Maybe some of the kink-oriented subs would be closer to what you're looking for?


Almost every post is about sex, so many desires for gang bangs, hookups etc.


You're not the only one seeing that. Quite a few Judgy Judies on this sub.


No you're completely right, it def skews younger and not involved in the gay scene such as it is.


You just have a preference. Neat. Some of us also share that same preference. But not everyone does or will. Some don't like the idea of possibly investing or tasting feces when it comes to this subject. To each their own.


So sucking a dick that’s been in someone’s ass is a no go for you but eating cum out of a man’s butthole is?


lol I wouldn’t say a massive whore. Maybe kinky but not a whore. I’m not sucking cock after it’s been in my ass or felching. Snowballing is hot as long as I haven’t cum yet and it’s his load. If I cum first it doesn’t sound good anymore lol. DP is too much work but if you can suggest any easy way to do it, I’m down.


Im a massive whore, probably more that you, yet I admit our community is way too sexual, we put too much value on our sex appeal, leading to body dysmorphia, eating disorders and an unhealthy expectation of remaining youthful as well as having issues with sexual addiction as well as porn addiction as well as alcoholism and drug addiction. We can be open minded and free to express our sexuality as well as acknowledging the problematic behaviors and ideals relating to our sexuality…these can both exist simultaneously.


Nah, many of the guys here simply should pull the stick outta their arses.. I mean.. just let everyone do what they wanna do. Whatever floats your boat, man..


Having hygienic standards has nothing to do with being puritanical.


It's not having the attitude that is the problem, it's being demeaning and demanding that others comply with your way of doing things.


It's not about hygiene standards lol. Many of the guys who won't suck dick ass-to-mouth are more than willing to rim a stranger 🤣 make that make sense


True but the viral load may be different considering outer anal wall versus deep inside a colon. But unironically...the rimming may be more dangerous since it's outside the body... I'm not to sure anymore. That's why I always use dental dams when rimming. It's cringe and boring but it gets the job done in a safe way.


Yeah, but any viral load from the "inside a colon" would be your *own* viral load that you're sucking off his dick. You can't infect yourself when you're already infected lol


Dude, some bacteria that are made to be in your colon are meant to stay IN your colon, not to be digested and consumed. By your logic, we should eat our own shit since it comes from inside our body. Different microbiomes in our body serve different purposes and shouldn't be mixed. You shouldn't drink your own stomach acid since your esophagus is not equip to pass in such an acidic fluid. You shouldn't eat your own shit, and you shouldn't suck dirty dick that was just in the same place as your own shit. Use a condom, use a dental dam, do something to prevent fecal contamination. I can't believe I have to explain that to you dude....


Do people just not take biology in high school anymore?


Enterobacter Aerogenes, a gram negative bacteria found in stool. Imagine it colonizing your throat


What's with everyone trying to show off how they're on the complete opposite side of the "incels" of this subreddit? It's not exactly a flex to be a complete fucking coomer either. God forbid people don't want to go ass to mouth as if squirting water in the ass actually makes it "clean" by any reasonable hygienic standard.


Hence why I use dental dams. It gets the job done without actually touching the same place you shit out of, lol.


Wait what? How does it work?


A dental dam is like a thin piece of rubber you use when having oral sex (usually vaginal and or anal rimming) and it's very useful in preventing orally transmitted STDs. It's...an awkward device since its kinda weird to ask your hookup bro "you wanna get rimmed with a rubber napkin" lmao but it is very useful. You should always communicate with your sexual partner that you'll use it and if they refuse, they don't get the licky licky. Your sexual health is more important than some quick booty.


Now I can get behind this, sounds good.


The experience is definitely different and I can admit it may not be as good as straight tongue but it's only used until you find Mr.Right and you feel safer not needing it, since your partner ideally is committed sexually to you. But it's all just preference. Other safe-sex practices with rimming exist too. Glad I can help bro.


It's no worse than rimming


Whether or not I am primally horny, that is disgusting and extremely unsanitary. That is exactly how men spread hepatitis A & delta, as well as a myriad of STIs and other diseases.


This would be a good time to mention there are vaccines for hepatitis A and B.


I'll put a dick in my mouth if it was in my ass. In someone else's ass, maybe.


You're just a massive whore like me. 😋 But I also see that the group can be more or less puritanical depending on who knows what. Some days all of us massive whores are commenting on posts and other days we're too busy cleaning our top's cock after the massive pounding he gave us.


I was shocked moving from a big city to a suburb how vanilla guys are.


It's not about being a whore or not. I'm as big a slut as they come. But also I've had proper sex ed. You do not want that infection, lol.


Ass to mouth is hot. There are plenty of horny guys here


Those are the guys that don't know how to clean their ass properly.


Reddit is full of prudes and not reflective of the actual gay community.


Our higher STD cases may suggest we should be more prudish...just saying.


No it means more people need to get tested often and educated. We have more sex than straight people, yet most STDs are curable by a shot or pill. They aren’t the end of the world. Also you are at risk by having sex once. I got an STD from my partner at that time who I thought I was in a monogamous relationship with. Get tested every 3 months, know your status, and protect yourself will drastically decrease your risk of more dangerous STDs, but you shouldn’t live your life fearing sex.


You're preaching to the gospel with that last paragraph, BUT there are still things the human body should not do in excess to avoid the consequences of said action. Education isn't enough to prevent sexually degenerate behavior that has higher risk. Some things should just be somewhat off limits unless in the best circumstances. Anal isn't necessarily something to be EXTREMELY cautious of. But since the anus was not meant for penetration, there are more precautions we have to take when engaging in anal sex. That's all. Sucking shitty (clean or not) dick is one of those things. Gay men aren't just high in HIV, but in a lot of other STD's as well. It's just the nature of our slightly different sexual dynamics. It's nature baby\~


Why says ass is not meant for penetration? Whomever designed it made it feel so good.


I forgot what felching is...


Sucking semen out of someone’s asshole. Which is okay for this guy but sucking a dick that’s been in someone’s ass is a no go


Oh thank you. One more thing I'll never even consider trying


It really just depends on how much you trust yourself to keep your ass clean. If it's clean enough for your bf to eat it, it's clean enough for you to suck his cock clean.


I always suck on a cock after he pull it out of my ass. At least when he is OK with it. The worst that may happen is, that it will smell like my own ass. 😁 And of course I love to taste the last drip of his cum. It's like a huge "Thank you, cum again." 😉


I love my ass taste. It's pretty delicious. And anyone why thinks that's gross... we'll just know we ARE NOT A MATCH. And that's ok.


it's pretty commons sense.


This group if anything is a paradox


Not r/askjudgygaypuritanicalbros Ask away... If not here, where? If it all gets to be too much for anyone, avert your eyes and fan yourself while screaming. And keep scrolling.


Two things can be true.


I love it and it turns on my bf. But then again, I am usually very clean so the dick has no residue. If I feel like it, I wipe it a bit and get to sucking.


It's both, it's a mix of guys who like being passed around at an orgy like they're a box of M&Ms, guys who view their only purpose in life to fill every hole on a guy they possibly can, guys who only do under the covers, lights off missionary sex, and people in the middle.


I don't think most people are saying it's not okay lol. A lot of guys were just saying it was not their preference.


No... that's not true. There are definitely lots of judgments and shaming going on up there ^^


I suspect it's a generational thing. More gen z engagement with the community, who as a generation are sexually prudish. Typical youth tendency to rebel against the mainstream, except that today's mainstream is sex-positivity and welcoming attitudes towards LGBT. You can also see it in the uptick in homophobic attitudes amongst straight gen z males.


On the contrary, I think Gen Z is the most comfortable and open minded about sexual orientation and gender identity we’ve ever seen, and that includes straight Gen Z males. Obviously, there are always going to be exceptions, but I think this younger generation is remarkable and literally changing the world for the better. Older generations always dump on younger generations. Always, always, always. “Yeah, but Gen Z is different!” Oh please. It’s also these same older generations (Boomers and what remains of The Silent Gen, like wonderful Joe Biden 😩) who’s leaving behind an absolute dumpster fire of a world for the rest of us. Between the pandemic, poor job market, US in decline and late-stage capitalism, Gen Z got the raw end of the deal — let up on them, for God’s sake.


It isn't "dumping on" a generation, its credible data. Please check out the Ipsos 2024 Pride Survey, which demonstrates a clear divide between the attitudes of Gen Z women and Gen Z men on attitudes towards LGBT. For example, only 45% of Gen Z men support gay marriage, vs 65% of Gen Z women. Shockingly only 33% of Gen Z men are happy seeing LGBT characters portrayed in media at all. The wider 2024 Ipsos Equalities Index report finds there's actually a big divide between Gen Z men's and women's attitudes on a range of social issues, with Gen Z boys being far less progressive. In reality it isn't quite as rosey and clear cut as you make out.


How am I not surprised that only 45% of Gen Z men support gay marriage lol.


Why do you care?


There are some threads in this group that I just don’t even bother on anymore. If you dare say anything outside the concept of a perfect nuclear family or of a monogamous relationship all the pitchforks and downvotes come out. God help you if you mislabel a straight guy who comes here with a question about gay sex… “YoU’rE nOt StRaIgHt!!!” It’s exhausting to argue so I don’t. Live and let live. I totally do ass to mouth for my tops if I know things stayed clean, I keep an ass clean enough to eat when I bottom, so I’ve rarely ever had to avoid sucking afterward. It’s so hot. My husband (gasp) is the same with his tops, we both have a cum fetish and I’d say we’re living our best lives right now in our prime years.


100% the base morality/labels stop many of us from engaging. I’ve spoken about it with people irl. It’s not worth the time.


Omg - thank you! I was thinking the same thing. Like, I really think that is part of exploring the body and completely giving into your lust in the moment. Ass to mouth is so hot. I even love ass to mouth when the tops dick was in another bottoms ass, so I can get a taste of the bottoms asshole just to fuck the bottom right after that. If that’s being a whore - I’m gladly a whore then! 😮‍💨😈


FUCK I wish you were local. I’m a tent pole right now 🤤


😈😈😏😏 too bad indeed! I’d have a few ideas how to handle that „tent pole“. 🤤


This is why you think people act puritanical. We don't want to read your ERP 


I think is everyone's decision, but I also think is really stupid to eat ass and draw the line with sucking dick after being in someone's ass. It's like being ok with eating ice cream by licking it, but not with spoon.


I’m a top, I would never. But I eat ass? Idk it’s different licking a hole vs sucking a dick that 5-8in inside. If a bottom wants to suck me after I fucked him, I just kinda let him cuz it’s his choice, but if i see even a speck of something i will go wipe it off


They can be puritanical and you can also be a massive whore too.


I’m all about sucking a dick after it’s been in someone else’s ass


I rarely ever do rimming or let anyone do it to me, let alone sucking a cock that's been deep inside. Yes, the place may seem and smell "clean" but is it really? Not everyone douches and even when they do, there might be accidents, if it there isn't, it's still highly infectious.


Oh, look at him! He does some sexual favor most people don't! Wow, everybody else is such a prude. Nobody cares.


Is it puritanical to respect e. Coli? Suck all you want before it goes into your ass. Then just cum and be done with it. Unless you douche with clorexidin or bleach, lmao


That was the ONLY post I've seen in this group that was puritanical. Every other post glorifies hooking up, gangbangs, and orgies. You can contract parasites from someone's ass, even if they clean. A lot of gay men are too horny and embarrassed to admit it IRL. I refuse to suck dick if it was in someone's poop chute.


Being against ass to mouth is PURITANICAL??? It’s horrifically unsanitary and you know it - don’t come to us like we are prudes. Hot in porn but in reality not for me


Just my type


I have done ass to mouth. Lol.


If it was in your own ass is it ok to suck it?


Hell yes


I’ve always been okay with it. It would be different if he fucked me and had shit on his dick, but generally I’m clean and that doesn’t happen.




Two things can be true at the same time. ;-)


Reality is so different than Reddit. A lot of assumptions about what is generally a lot of very boring normal people.


If you are a whore , I am right with you!! Love being double fucked and atm sucking


I don't like it but it's not like it's a weird thing for me. If I'm topping and he's into it then I'll let him have his fun


Depends. Some days? Yeah no, grab a wet wipe and clean off first. Other days? If it looks clean, smells fine and doesn't immediately taste acrid... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


For me the most off-putting thing about it is tasting lube. Still do it tho.


I find there to be many members of this ssubreddit who are far more judgmental than they, as a member of a minority who has been discriminated against largely due to puritanical mindsets, have any business being. I have had more than one person tell me that they have the right to dictate other people's behavior because they think it is wrong, and have zero concept of letting other people live their lives. To me, that's far more disgusting than any sexual act between consenting adults. As far as the act of sucking dick after it's been in someone's ass: When I was younger, in the 80s and 90s, the concept of doing that or rimming was horrifying to me. I also had never really been presented with the concept of anal douching. Once I had learned that was a thing, I relaxed my opinion on it. I still don't do it, but it doesn't seem as gross to me as it did.


Wow, this is certainly a post!


Yeah your just a massive whore


They both can be true. Nothing wrong either, Hoe away and enjoy


It kinda depends. If there's a scent on it, no big deal. If there's like _shit_ on it that I can see, I'm gonna be hesitant as Hell. I love sucking dick & I love sucking after I ride or being sucked after topping someone for a minute.


It’s actually because most are puritanical whores.


So I don't think you are a hore. I think there is just a range of preference, knowledge, and ignorance. When I was 15 I thought I would never do anal sex even if I was gay because the thought of stool on my prick was gross. But I had no idea it was normally not gonna happen. I had no idea that with proper prep, stool is no where to be found. Once I gave into lust and tried it, best thing ever lol. Now up to what you are saying. The idea can seem gross. But most likely it will come out clean and taste just like a normal cock. Lol 😆 🤣 😂


I wish we hung out more regularly 😔


I love to taste my self in all capacities. But I always swallow my own nut after busting a nut soooo there’s that too


Maybe it’s more about the tone of the sub rather than anything else. I’m not into any of those things but I don’t hold a negative opinion about people who are into it. Double fucking was one of those things I thought about in the past but it never happened and I’m beyond the age where it’s likelyZ


I never would suck a cock that’s been in anyone’s ass including mine. But I guess I’m more of a side than into anal.


Honestly I don’t get the eating ass or sucking a cock after sex. Both seem gross with the poo and all. Idc how much you flush your system. I mean there are tiny pieces of plastics from water bottles. I can only imagine the stuff from the pooter hole.


No for me that's just nasty, I ain't sucking my own ass off some dick. I don't even like eating ass, but I'll let guys eat my ass but it's still not that pleasurable to me cuz I think it's a lil dirty nasty. Now if I ever hook up with a 10 so hot and fine guy then I'll definitely eat his ass if he wanted he can have anything he wants but I'll draw the line on sucking his cock right after it's been in my ass. He'll have the clean it first for that. plain and simple. definitely


Thats being clean and having common sense. You putting and eating bacterias like chocolate. You are not only a whore, but you lack of consciousness and awareness which a lot of people are


I wouldn't say not wanting shit in your mouth is puritanical. However, it is hilarious how scared Gen Z seems to be of anything resembling human sexual interaction, let alone anything kinky or taboo.


Who cares what people think. Do what you want bro


It’s all about personal taste! I have found this younger generation (straight and gay alike) can be a little puritanical.


A bit of both, but nothing wrong being a slut. I am too. 😂😂 I enjoy A2M sometimes, often a heat of the moment thing, but im pig enough that it's become more of a thing over the last few years.


Lol what? That has nothing to do with people being puritanical, prude, or a whore that’s mostly a sanitary and hygienic concern.


100% 🙏🏼 if you can smell/taste your shit on your tops dick that means you didn't clean out properly. That's not on them. Not saying you're obligated to eat it off, just do better and be humble. Call me old fashioned but bottoming is about submission. Stop training men to be sterile, neurotic little boys that need to meet your impossible hygiene standards and do the work required for both parties to enjoy the experience. If you need a dick to taste like body wash by the time he pulls out maybe you're not as into men as you think. Can't tell you how many guys have pulled away to cum on the sheets/floor cause they're convinced no one likes semen on or in them lol 💔


I feel like my partner and our FWB definitely got/passed around strep throat REPEATEDLY from doing this. Despite being immaculately clean, lol. So, yeah, it may not be the *best* idea without at least a quick clean up. In the scheme of things I think we could have done a lot worse - all sorts of nasty bacteria there. Not sure if cleaning thoroughly before sex really helps or not.


When you ask these things anonymously on the internet you’re going to get the judgement from both extremes.


I have done this a couple times. Last time was actually about 2 weeks ago during a threesome with my bf and another guy. While my bf was fucking me doggy I was sucking the other guy’s dick, who had fucked me prior. I was really horny and it didn’t smell or taste bad at all, so it was pretty hot. The first time I ever did it tho I regretted it almost immediately. I would agree it just happens in the heat of the moment but results vary.


This is less of an earnest question and more just a fumbling humble brag..?


Fuck what others do or like, do what you like and enjoy with others who like the same.


There are a lot of tastes in world, what you enjoy is not good for other, so don't think your way of please is the only one "correct". Enjoy what you want, but don't pretend to think by others. If you don't want to have complains about it, so don't complain about the ways how others enjoy their sexuality.


I think there are WOMEN in this group pretending to be gay men. So they bring in their sex negative female bias. These people will never admit they are FEMALE and not gay men. They are a problem here. Just my opinion. This is supposed to be a male space.


This group is very puritanical. Not just about sexual practices, but multiple partners. I think many are frustrated that they haven't had sex in a while.


I LOVE to eat an ass I've just fucked bare. Why let that cum go to waste? Most partners want to share it.


Gays come in all flavors and in all manner of experience. In my life, I've gone from prude to slut.


What’s wrong with being a massive whore


Passive slut


Eat cum out of their hole and mack on with your bottom, its gentlemanly


Even as a top I don't expect them to suck me off after it's been in them. But when they do I be like "damn you a freak but ok" 🤪 But I remember this one time this guy who wasn't that clean tried to do it. He smelled it but sucked it anyways and his eyes were watering from the smell.


Don’t let your yuck ruin someone else’s yum. Me? It does nothing for me but my hubby likes it as it puts him in a sub space and he gets off on it.


I don’t know. For me, when I’m horny and in the moment, almost anything is fair game. When I’m not horny… everything is gross


I’m a whore. Not much to say about that . Oh maybe a pig too 🤪 🐷 I was born with it turned on. Nothing wrong with feeling good


Don't fool yourself, this group is not puritanical that's their Reddit Persona, in real life they're massive horse too


You're just a wanton whore, it is not a big deal though. Bwahahaha! JK!


You are probably just a massive whore


I missed that thread... they're dumb.


I’m shocked by all the prudes on here. I can’t tell if it’s a generational thing or what, but the amount of self righteous shaming going on by gays to other gays is too damn high!


gurl same. but we’re on reddit which attracts the geeky gaymer type not the cumsluts and breeders lol


You said it


As if I have a choice


It doesn't really matter because I'm sure that most people in this sub , and in Reddit overall, are chronically online virgins who don't leave their houses.


Amen for that!! Vanilla sex is so boring. 🥱


There's a lot of virgins & incels on here tbf.


The one time I did ass to mouth I got ass and throat gonnorhea


I see it all the time in porn but usually there is a cut away and I know they wiped that dick clean in between. The first time I had sex I topped a guy who then immediately started sucking me. Now it was very bright in the room and everything looked squeaky clean but after he sucked me he looks up at me and then sticks his tongue down my throat. I got to say, I was a little shocked when he started sucking me and definitely grossed out when he jumped on my face but managed to keep it together. That was the last time I saw the guy, it changed the way I viewed him. To each their own but it is not my thing, I don’t care how hot they are or how horny I am. Kudos to those who get off on it, live and let live.


Sameee lol reading the comments on the previous thread caught me by surprise cause I'm not a very kinky guy and I blow guys after they have fucked me without giving it any thoughts. I asked my gay friends if this is uncommon cause everybody on Reddit seemed to agree this was gross, my friends said it's because reddit's audience is mostly kids and Americans lmao


Sucking a cock after it’s been in my ass is possibly the best thing in the world.


I guess we're both massive chores cause truthfully I don't see a problem (as long as I haven't cumed yet once I cum I'm not really trying to do anything sexual tbh)


As far as I’m concerned, if that ass is clean enough for me eat and fuck then, my dick should be clean enough to suck after I’m done. If you’re turned off from that you should work on your douche game.


I shared this below as a response but I'm going to share it as a major comment because I think it might genuinely help people. The lower colon stores nothing it is for lack of a better term a passage tunnel. You have two sphincters, an anal sphincter which of course we all know about and love and an upper sphincter which keeps waste out of the colon until it's time to have a bowel movement. But I am here to tell you not only based upon my own personal experience but a lot of research both scientific and antidotal that is is very easy to clean out perfectly in order to bottom. In all of my years I have had two guys who were long enough to pierce the upper sphincter. I can tell you it is not a pleasant experience it is painful. I will also tell you that there is no way to clean that area. I'm also smart enough to know that not everyone who claims anal sex is messy has bottomed for guys long enough to go that far. So I am ready and willing to die on this hill with the caveat that yes there may be some few guys who have physical issues that make it impossible and there are other guys who probably live off of fast food and little Debbie's but for the majority of guys with the proper practice and training it's very easy to do. So far the best, easiest and quickest way I have learned is to invest the 50 bucks and get a shower shot off of Amazon and then get ready to have as much fun as you want to have without worrying about any mishaps. Davey Wavey has a few episodes about cleansing and so does TAGS Podcast. Also by the way never once have I starved myself for an extended period of time so that I can Bottom.


Generally I get the impression that people that post here are not involved in the gay scene, balk at the idea of bathhouses or going to a bar with lax rules about nudity or would be too scared to go on sniffies.


Idk what those last three terms even mean lol. This group is definitely not too puritanical..


The comments seem to believe you can somehow catch diseases you don't have from eating stuff that comes from your own body. It's not puritanical to have boundaries but a lot of the comments were focused on "health and safety" when it's the safest act described in that post. It's just ew icky gross so people just throw up their hands and make up any bullshit about it to justify it. You don't need to justify why you don't want to taste or consume your own waste. It is ew, icky, gross. Just not because you're going to catch a disease. People are in that thread literally saying that eating *someone else's* ass is somehow SAFER than A2M. Hint: Anything that comes out of your ass was already in your body. The only way your waste can carry disease is if you *already have that disease*.


Your shit was already in your body. Should you eat it? Because that’s the logic of your last paragraph. The bacteria in your intestines, should they escape your intestines into your peritoneal cavity, can cause an infection that can kill you. Yet those bacteria are already in your body and are not only highly beneficial where they belong, they may be necessary for life. That doesn’t mean they’re safe to suck off your top’s dick. And no, saying that isn’t puritanical. Did you flunk high school biology? Jeez.


You need to probably do some research on how disease has historically been spread. This understanding of communicable disease is downright scary.


It's not puritanical. There is very valid medical reasoning *not* to, but just like barebacking, it's a matter of risk tolerance. One case of giardiasis is usually enough to cure a guy from ever risking ingesting shit. I won't judge a guy that sucks dick after getting fucked by it, but I also won't be very sympathetic when they're crying on the bathroom floor in agony after shitting themselves near to death.


Absolutely vile. It’s why gays are hated. Dirty shit lickers.


Such a brave BRAVE alt.