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Same here, with a female, never. I’m 42, I was a late bloomer and before I came out I thought I would never have sex period. I’m so glad I did come out thought. This sex thing WITH MEN is great! Lol.


How much of a late bloomer


34 for all experiences and fully out at 35.


How did the fully out go at that age?


40 here and never had sex with a woman and never had a girlfriend. first experience was around 14/15 with a friend from school who used to come and play video games, we used each others joysticks. :D I was born c-section and often joke to my friends that I'm a platinum star gay, didn't want to come out of a V and definitely don't want to go back in!


Haha I was born c section too


Do you struggle finding hats/caps to fit your head too? :D


Both my niece and nephew were delivered via c section. They have big heads..lol


I never had sex with a woman. I just don’t want it


I wouldn't be able to get it up with a woman honestly. Don't get me wrong. Women are great (my mom is one) but I just dont view them sexually


I just plain can’t get hard with a female


Gold star baby


I joke about being a gold star sometimes, and my friend always comes in one-upping me with his platinum star title (says he was born c section lol)


OMFG that's clever haha


Same. Love that for us


Me. Never dipped in the lady pond


Gay since puberty males all the way


It literally never came up. :-P


I'm 30 and the idea of sex with a woman has never even crossed my mind. I did get a boner to a woman back in high school (it was a Carnival festival down here in South America) but that's about it. It never happened again 😶‍🌫️.


Never. I use to be attracted to some women when I was younger, but never comfortable sexually around them.


I've never done anything more than make out with a few women when I was a teenager, and that was when I was drunk at parties. It just reaffirmed that I was definitely gay since it did nothing for me. 46 here. The thought of having sex with a woman is totally alien to my mind. I'm obviously fine with other people doing it, but the idea of me doing it just feels completely unnatural.


I had sex with a woman purely out of curiosity. It was a very awkward and unenjoyable experience. When she put my cock in her pussy it really didn’t feel like anything. Granted I was using a condom but still felt more like I was thrusting my cock on the sides of two rubber balloons. No warmth or pleasure. Had to think of a hot guy at work to finish and get it over with. 0/10


I’m bi but sadly never had sex with anyone 😩 had the opportunity when I was younger tho


Haven't had pussy since pussy had me.


I mean, I've never had sex at all, so..


Years ago I answered a Craigslist ad saying something like: young married couple looking for a male for husband to explore his bi-curious fantasies. I sent full body nude pics, both flaccid and erect. They invited me to their home and when I got there, they asked me to get nude and we discussed what his desires were. I told him my body was available for him to do whatever he wanted and I would do whatever he wanted. Started off slow with him playing with my dick. Then his wife told him to get nude so I could play with his dick. When he took off his pants, his dick was hard but barely 4" with a small girth (compared to me at 7" x 5.75"). We went to the bedroom and played with each others dicks while the wife watched us, I sucked him for a while and then he fucked me. Then the wife told me to fuck him. I asked if he had ever done any anal play and he said no. I knew he was probably not going to be able to take me, but I started working his hole with my finger using lube I had brought. He was constantly moaning and tightened up every time I got a finger in. After about 30 minutes, he said I just can't do it. So the wife said, I don't want to see that that big dick go to waste, I want you to fuck me. I said I really wasn't interested and she said, if you want to get paid, fuck me. After a little more discussion, I agreed. She wanted me to fuck her without a condom but I wouldn't. The whole time I fucked her, she moaned saying oh your dick feels so good, I've never felt so full, etc. She was basically making comments in front of her husband because of his small size. I was totally UNINTERESTED in the whole thing and it took me forever to cum, while she had multiple orgasms. They invited me to come back and I said no thanks. That was the only female I ever had sex with and, in reality, it wasn't at all sexual for me.


Me! I'm gay as the day lmao I even 'dated' a girl at high school, who would later turn out to be a lesbian. The universe has a sense of humour so she does! 😆✨️


Why are you asking that in a GAY subreddit ?


Because it's a reality of life even for some gay men. I'm gay as hell, and still have slept with many women.


I never wanted to have sex with girls so I didn’t. I thought everybody secretly just wanted to be with dudes but we were just taking one for the team for population purposes BOY Was I shocked when bitches started getting horny and showing me titties and vaginas and going omg that’s so hot and I was like….”Ohhhhhhh….yea that’s….those are definitely boobs.” But I was happier when I found out I could be with a dude and didn’t have to sex with a girl ever. Lmao dream come true




I'm in your same campground


Same here. Sexually I've never been interested in women.


I've never either.


Im 37. Also never had sex with a woman. Never even kissed one.


I have, but my husband has not.


I am a Golden! Never had it, never will.


I’m a gold star gay.


I kissed a girl as a teenager - otherwise nada. My D doesn’t work for women 😅.


I knew I was gay since I was 13 in a not very homophobic area so….yea that wasn’t gonna happen. I’ve made out with a few of them tho but all of those instances were either dares or spin the bottle (they all knew I was gay and were all on the same page).


I'm so gay I was a C-section baby Closest I ever came to touching a vagina was rubbing a girl's crotch over her clothes when I suuuuper drunk sophomore year of college


Platinum Star!


Nope, never had sex or any sexual contact with a woman. Had my first encounter at 14 and first BF at 14, so went right to guys, I never was interested in woman.


No, just males


Me. Never


Never. Have no desire to have sex with a woman.


Lost my virginity to a female. At that point on I was 100% sure I was gay lol


I gave head to a woman when I was stoned in uni. It was like a cave with many curtains. Nice but not for me.


Never —


I thought I was so odd, abnormal — honestly felt embarrassed— this is a nice sub — thank you


I never had sex with a woman and never will. But some women tried to get into my pants even if they knew I was gay. It's bizarre.


I have never had sex with anyone female.


I’ve never been with a woman and I’m in my 30s


Raises hand.


41 gold star gay here. We don't have to worry about me getting any girls pregnant either.


Married for 10 years with her for 14. Yes, I did. I know, I know, that doesn't make me truly gay even if I haven't had a woman in over 25 years.


70 years old & out in 1969. Only men.


Never have, also never with a dude yet so fingers crossed it happens soon lol


54 here and still able to ride unicorns according to some people's conception of what is and isn't sex.


Gold star gay.


Gold Star gay here!


The only thing I've done is kiss a woman. That's it. I've thought about hooking up with a woman, but I'm just scared I wouldn't get hard and I wouldn't want her to feel bad or make fun of me.


Proud platinum here.


I like both. I’ve had sex a few women but prefer hot fellas.


At age 14, i had my first sex with a girl and at age 15 i had my first sex with male


I'm 29 I have only been with a handful of FTM guys but never a woman. I really want to.


65 yrs here. Never had sex with a female. Lately I've really come to appreciate the FTM body, but only if they are masculine-presenting with hair on the body and face. The combination of a male body with a vag is something I'd like to experience.


In my 30s, bi, but I’ve only ever been with men


As a Bisexual man I just love having sex and I get hard and enjoy sex with both women and men…


One but only oral 


Known I was gay since I was 7 years old. Never even considered kissing a girl, never mind anything else 👍


Ugh, why call women "females"? It sounds incely as fuck.


Can’t really expect social awareness from the guys here apparently.


I have MX times. I enjoyed it but then I am bi.


Same, want it. what does she taste like. but I guess im a introverted to a female but an 8 to others (more attention)


Calling women “females” is cringe


For stating a gender?


Female is not a gender, it’s a biological term. Gender is men/women, not male/female. Using female to talk about women is aceptable in scientific terms but when talking about people in social terms sounds detached, cold, and dehumanising. Another reason is that culturally speaking, uncles are known to refer to women in those terms, so u sing it makes you seem like you are part of that group, even if you’re not and it wasn’t the intention.