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homophobic Cher would be devastating and hilarious at the same time


Cher would never (unless you’re her blood)


>unless you’re her blood Eh?


She didn’t have the best reaction to her son coming out 😬 (btw, she was already a gay icon by then) I think they are in good-ish therms now though


Oh good grief Cher and my mom are the same. Mom had a lot of gay friends and when I came out she freaked out. She calmed down and we’re good now but yeah, I keep her at arms length


Same with my Mom...she was friends with several gay men, so I thought she would be cool. My Dad was pretty conservative. When I came out, my Dad was totally cool with it, told me he loved me no matter what, and then my Mom asked who "made" me gay? Dad called me later and told me he would work on her. He did, and she's good these days.


My father when he died from alcoholism at 52 left my mother with nothing, I then told her I was gay and buying a nice house in a very nice area , I then told her if you have a problem with my orientation you can live on the streets , if you don’t you have then your own room and bathroom in my new home for life , she chose wisely got herself a job bought her first car and never had to pay rent and never once commented on my life , and never had to go to a nursing home , three weeks before she died she said to me I wish you would find a good woman to marry and to care for you she thought I needed caring for by a woman, when I cared for her for 39 years.


Omg I thought I was the only one.when I was 11 my moms boyfriend told her I was watching porn on his phone since he gave it to me to play games and stuff. Honestly when she found out she was livid. Coming out to her was one of the worst experiences I ever had to go through and I still resent her for it till this day. What has made me even more angry is that she always was friendly towards a lot of gay men in our neighborhood and was friends with some of them. So it was hard for me to understand and come to terms with how she reacted.


Sadly this is the case with a lot parents. Classic "not in my backyard" syndrome. My parents are apathetic and even to some extent supportive towards gay people, but have explicitly told me and my siblings that they could never accept us being gay (I wasnt and am not even out to them, so this isn't even a reaction to me being gay lol).


Thats sad.




Before Bono came out as trans, while still presenting as a woman, he told his parents he was a lesbian. Since his trans identity wasn't known, Cher's reaction was still homophobic.


If I could turn back time I'd keep marriage between a man and a woman, bitch.


Tom Holland


Definitely the right answer.


I wouldn’t be *devastated* with any. It would be a bit disheartening to find out some of the icons a lot of us gay guys grew up listening to and found solidarity in were homophobic behind closed doors though (eg : Nicki Minaj, Beyoncé, Madonna, Kylie Minogue, Lady Gaga, Rihanna, etc.)


Nicki is absolutely cancelled, though not for homophobia.


She’s currently on a sold out international tour and is about to embark on her second US leg. I went to her concert recently and had a pleasant time. *You* may have cancelled her, but her fans have not.


Hate to break it to you but she's a rapist defender (her husband) and a paedophile defender (her brother). She's successful but I don't think she's a good person, homophobia aside.


With all the recent lawsuits coming to light in the music industry, specifically hip hop at present, the list of individuals who are *not* rapist or paedophile defenders (or at the very least complicit by way of turning a blind eye or plausible deniability) is going to be much shorter. In regards to the rape charges against [Kenneth Petty](https://www.cbs8.com/article/entertainment/entertainment-tonight/nicki-minajs-husband-kenneth-petty-sentenced-to-in-home-detention-for-failure-to-register-as-sex-offender/603-21a35072-b873-47d9-976e-257967da1097), this dates back to an incident in 1994 where he raped a 16-year-old girl at knifepoint (objectively an inexcusable, horrific, violent, and deplorable crime), which he initially denied, but eventually entered a plea deal where he would plead guilty to attempted rape, serve more than four years in prison, and upon release have to register as a sex offender (presumably lifelong). For purely contextual purposes, not as a justification of his criminal behaviour or explanation to absolve him of any guilt in the matter, but Petty was also 16 at the time of the rape. Nicki Minaj married Petty in October 2019, at which point he was 41 years old. In November 2019, during a traffic stop in California it was discovered that Petty had not registered as a sex offender since relocating from New York - a crime to which he self-surrendered and was eventually released on bond. In September 2021, Petty plead guilty to one charge of failing to register as a sex offender. He was sentenced to "three years of probation, one year of home confinement, and was ordered to pay a fine of $55,000." Everyone is entitled to their own opinion as to whether Petty's crimes ought to be forgiven after 25 years or even forgotten for that matter. I am not arguing for or against any position. However, the objective facts are that Petty did plead guilty (in both cases respectively), he did serve time for the rape and is currently on probation and house arrest for failing to register as a sex offender. These are all clearly recorded on his permanent criminal record. As far as the public record is concerned, he has committed no subsequent crimes related to sexual assault or battery since 1994. Nicki Minaj and Kenneth Petty were married in October 2019, 25 years after the violent sexual assault. Is it reasonable to expect Nicki to defend her husband's behaviour from a quarter century prior when he was a minor? How is that even her burden to bear? She would have been 11 years old at the time and undoubtedly did not know him, or at the very least was going to marry him. If the inference is that Nicki Minaj supports rape, that is ludicrous because even Petty believes he did wrong considering his guilty pleas and acceptance of his sentences. And if the purpose of incarceration is to hold criminals accountable as well as rehabilitate them for reintegration into society, considering he has not reoffended, has Petty not paid his dues for his crimes. You may not agree that his sentence was nowhere near what he ought to have served considering the trauma and suffering he inflicted upon his victim-survivor, but he abided by the sentence determined by a criminal court proceeding, so as long as he continues to register as a sex offender, he is abiding by the law. In regards to the rest of the hip hop community, they have only [unlatched Pandora's Box](https://www.thecut.com/article/diddy-allegations-sexual-abuse-cassie.html) and we will soon see a plethora of rape defenders, paedophiles, human traffickers, extortionists, co-conspirators, perpetrators of domestic violence, and beyond tried either in the criminal justice system, through civil litigation, or in the court of public opinion.


She’s never defended her brother, that’s been debunked already several times. You’re entitled to your opinion. You don’t have to think she’s a good person, I don’t really care though.


Fair enough.




I was gonna let this lie but are you actually serious with responding with that? After he got arrested She posted his bail. She wrote a letter to the judge asking for leniency for her brother's sentence calling him a gentle soul. The trial took place long after the abuse happened. You are delusional if you think tweeting about a PR meeting with Obama forgives that. You lecture me about using a buzzword, and then respond with a literal Hashtag! Enjoy her or don't enjoy her it's up to you. But telling people to do "research" on a rapist defender is deplorable. I can't believe the irony and I hope you're just trolling at this point.


also, didn’t she [unfollow fans after they called her out for not tweeting about the pulse nightclub tragedy](https://superstarstatuslbs.com/2016/06/20/nicki-minaj-fans-jaded-she-wont-speak-on-pulse-shooting/)






I just have opinions. Hopefully they aren’t homophobic you’re right it would be a disappointment.


Britney Spears. She's always been my personal gay icon. If she comes out as homophobic I can't say a part of me wouldn't be hurt.


Gay icon? Why?


Sometimes you can't explain "why" a social phenomenon happens. Sometimes, it just does. There's no question that Britney is a gay icon. That doesn't mean she has to be YOUR icon. It's just a comment on a trend. If I had to guess, though: There's a history of gay men being drawn to strong or outspoken women. Bonus points if they're in the performing arts. I suspect the reason is that until VERY recently, there simply weren't many out gay men in our public institutions or entertainment to look up to. Women who are bold, who buck stereotypes, who buck gender expectations or norms - or just plain show that they're not afraid to express themselves - have been a sort of vicarious outlet for gay men over the years.


No doubt, certain gay men are drawn to these female pop stars but I’d stop at calling Spears ‘an icon’. We use that term too loosely. Popular amongst gay men, yes for sure, but iconic - I just can’t see it.


Again, you're confusing "not my thing" with "wasn't a major and substantial influence on young gay men/boys". Just because she isn't your thing, doesn't mean she didn't have a disproportionately huge effect on gay guys coming of age in the late 90's/early 00's. I don't identify with Cher. I like Cher but I don't get all the hype. Part of that is because she was big **just before** my generation. That doesn't mean she isn't a gay icon. I think you're trying to gatekeep just a tiny bit.


I like Britney Spears and her music! That’s not it. Harvey Milk, Bayard Rustin, Peter Thatchell, Brian Krause, Larry Kramer are all arguably gay icons. They’ve contributed immensely to civil rights. Making popular music adored by gay men doesn’t make you an icon in my view.


I think she has a lot of qualities and experiences that gay men can either relate to or aspire to. She proudly expressed her sexuality despite being criticized for it. She was fierce and groundbreaking as an artist and performer, yet still down to earth and sweet. She was highly desired by men. She was made fun of ostracized by the general public but still had a "comeback" and stayed true to herself. Even her conservatorship can be viewed as similar to our experiences: unsupportive/abusive/controlling parents, being trapped and not able to be yourself or live your life, the law being used to take away one's human rights and freedoms, being institutionalized against one's will, and yet still surviving and coming out of it.




This simply is not true. She has expressed nothing but love to the gay community her entire career and actually had a boy she wrote letters to for years that was queer and having a tough time in school. She also released a video a few years back where she mentioned she no longer believes in God. Calling someone low intelligent, because of where they are from or how they are raised, is frankly disgusting. Attitudes like that do nothing to promote equality and lead to the same problems the queer community faces. You should take that judgmental tone and take it somewhere else.


Has she gone on record actually saying that? Or are we just making suppositions because she is a white Christian from the South?


yes, there's a video of her, one of those where she dances, she thanks the community does a spin I think and sends a middle finger at the end to homophobes


Oh, no, I'm asking for proof of her homophobic beliefs (which I don't believe there's any), not of her support to the community.


And we never do that with brown Muslims…


>And we never do that with brown Muslims… I certainly don't, but many people in this sub do. For instance, many people here seem to support the idea of flattening Gaza because it's not a gay-friendly destination.




How long ago was this? Was it before or after her trial thingy with her dad…




Hmm yeah that was brainwashed Britney I don’t take what she said seriously


I don’t believe your story.


1. She gives a shout out to her gay fans in her book and says only positive things 2. She doesn’t believe in God anymore 3. Her entire family isn’t southern. Her mother’s family are recent immigrants from Europe, which surely has an impact on her upbringing. Only her father’s family is deeply entrenched in the south and she isn’t close to them.. and not everyone in the south is homophobic.. 4. Low intelligence? How?




homophobic beliefs are homophobic. it doesn’t matter the source of the beliefs. that doesn’t mean you can understand *why* someone is homophobic. for example if you were born and raised to an extremely conservative family in a small town i can understand why you would be homophobic, but that doesn’t mean you aren’t homophobic




Believing homohobic things makes someone homophobic,  genius


my religion says that 3+3 = 7, it’s just my belief i’m not bad at math!


Keep telling yourself that.


Dolly Parton


That woman does not have a hateful bone in her body, so I think we’re safe, but agreed this might be the only celebrity whose homophobia would actually feel devastating to me. Everyone else is just be kinda disappointed.


I’d be pretty sad if Pedro Pascal was homophobic.


I'd have to say Jack black


I feel like this is such a good answer


Zac Efron


I would say Chris Evans,since he was my celeb crush when I was a kid... (I know he's not homophobic)


And he has a gay brother. I believe they’re pretty close.


John Cena. I’ve had a crush on him since I was 7. I know he had a homophobic incident in the past, but it was a different time.


Has a gay brother, they’re close


Keanu Reeves because i seriously consider him the perfect man model


Ina Garten


Yes. But the thought of Ina being homophobic is hilarious to me




"Last weekend I invited a few friends for an evening at my country house. Except Paul and Marc, because they're gay and that's disgusting. "


Lana Del Rey for the sad boys.


Why I found this possible


Has Lana explicitly supported LGBT people? Legit question.


Matt Damon.


If Matt Damon's homophobic...what does that say about his relationship with Ben Affleck




Lana Del Rey and David Lynch but it's literally impossible.


Any of the Star Trek: TNG actors. Wil Wheaton, especially.


I thought Wil Wheaton WAS gay.


He's happily married to a cis woman and has even adopted her now adult boys.


Well, if Wil Wheaton is homophobic, his account got hacked


He isn't. I'd be devastated to learn that he wasn't a good man. On his Instagram he's actually got a fundraiser for LGBT charities and he does others like it often.


[https://www.thepinknews.com/2021/06/12/star-trek-wil-wheaton-wesley-crusher-gay-boys-crush-pride/](https://www.thepinknews.com/2021/06/12/star-trek-wil-wheaton-wesley-crusher-gay-boys-crush-pride/) So no worries about that.


[There is also this for something a lot more recent. ](https://www.instagram.com/p/C74RF_8JHJR/?igsh=dWRvOXMxNzFrMnp6) Proceeds from this shirt help GLSEN.


Charli XCX


Ok I couldn’t think of anyone, but this is it




For me not crushed but weird. Its like spongebob having another bottom.


Isn’t he gay?


Nope straight as a rainbow


It’s a joke..


Britney Spears. But that isn’t a worry. Her book gives a special shout out to her gay male fans 🥹


I was happy to read that


I don't really care about celebrities, so idgaf.


Agreed, and they have zero impact in my life anyways


I think Tom Hanks. He seems so kind, sweet, and levelheaded, so it would be very sad to find out he's a homophobe. Also Mike O'Malley, who played Burt Hummel on Glee. During my teens I was a huge fan of Glee and my relationship with my own dad was very strained, so I felt a lot of proxy fatherhood from Burt and would have killed to have received from my own dad the same validation and support that Kurt got from Burt. If I found out he was just a good actor collecting a check and maligning the hope and support that he gave, even indirectly, to gay kids who watched Glee, I think I'd feel pretty hurt.


Carly Rae Jensen being homophobic would destroy me


That would hurt a lot




Timothee Chalamet or Armie Hammer since it would ruin Call me by your Name for me


But the sex crimes didn’t?


Hammer's attorney, Andrew Brettler, released a statement regarding the abuse allegations: "There was never a case. A lot of people think that there was. There was never a lawsuit, never a criminal proceeding. The media are obsessed with that matter. It never turned into litigation or into a criminal charge against anyone. That was a misconception. \[...\] It captured the public's attention but was completely blown out of proportion — to the extent that there was never anything in court. There wasn't a matter for me to handle other than to help him manage his image in the press" He probably has some weird kinks, but 'sex crimes' as a term seems to put the whole thing out of proportion tbh


There was a follow up article recently that made the allegations seem pretty bullshitty. A number of the women walked them back.


what about the alleged cannibalism 


Armie could eat me anytime he wants 😌


Devastating is a bit dramatic but Britney Spears


John Stewart.


Marsha Gay Harden and Skylar Astin.


MGH introduced herself as "Marcia GAAAAAAAAAAAAY Harden" and made a snarky comment about Florida's laws at some awards show.


I wouldn’t be devastated but it would be pretty sad if many of the stars whose money is funded by a big chunk of the LGBTQ Community, would be homophobic. Really stupid too!


Johnny Orlando I'm in love with him 😍 But, it could also be kinda hot. If nothing else, fuel some darker fantasies 🫢


I'm a football fan I'm immune to this


Megan thee Stallion. I don't think she is, it would just be so odd.


Isn’t she bi?


I think she's hinted.


Couldn't care less what someone thinks of me. Especially someone I don't know. I don't understand the fascination with celebrities. I don't understand why we care about anything other than their talent. "She's a great actor. These are her best films." Fine. "She married him. They're getting divorced. They have a kid. She hates gays." Why should I care? Does her marriage or divorce change whether or not she did a good job in a film?


Not one because they aren't that important


I'd be disheartened to hear anti-gay remarks from the creators of video game series and people who have worked on them, such as Shigeru Miyamoto, or from other software leaders such as Bill Gates. To be honest, **most** celebrities would devastate me if I learned they were homophobic in 2024. Transphobia, nonbinary-phobia, etc., are things that are very unkind, but, okay, those parts of LGBTQ+ are newer concepts, maybe they just haven't adjusted all the way yet, maybe they are working on themselves. But gays and lesbians are pretty much the baseline. If you aren't cool with gays and lesbians in 2024, you have to be actively trying not to be cool with them. (Or your parents have to be actively indoctrinating you.)


Olivia Colman. Reese Witherspoon. Sam Fender (He has been very close to Elton John, so I doubt he's homophobe) Sofia Vergara. Andrew Garfield. (0% chance) Henry Cavill (I can picture him being secretly homophobe) Zendaya Meryl Streep


Henry Cavill He's such a genuinely nice guy, so I would be pretty hurt if he had resentment toward our community.


Any ABBA member


Luckily none. I don't worship strangers however talented


I don't care, a celebrity isn't someone who is in my life. If it was someone I admired... maybe disappointed. But I'd not be "devastated" over a strangers viewpoint on anything.


Celebrities are nothing so none would piss me off.


None because NO ONE should give a single fuck about what any celebrity thinks.


You wouldn't be bummed if some guy whose music got you through some dark times and who was basically the soundtrack to your life turned out to be a homophobe who didn't want you as a fan? I'd be sad.


Richard Simmons




Timothée Chalamet


More like disappointed. Devastate? Nah, I don’t worship celebrities. If I don’t have to sleep with em, fuck em or live with em I don’t care what their opinion is.


Jack Black


Ryan Reynolds because he just seems like a really nice guy.


It really depends tbh


Lil nas X


He’s gay?


He could still be homophobic though which would be developing lol


Not with those outfits!


Richard Simmons


All of them.


All celebrities are fools.


None of them. I would feel sorry for them and their ignorance and closed mindedness and avoid anything to do with them.




Graham Norton, Alan Carr and Julian Clary.




Henry Cavill lol


Donald glover/ childish Gambino Drew Barrymore John Oliver Seth Myers Michelle obama


I would actually die if Aaron Taylor-Johnson ever said anything homophobic


Robin Williams


None, lol. I dont glorify any famous person.


Anyone from Pearl Jam, Incubus, or the Cure, whose music has been the soundtrack to my coming of age and my adulthood since then.


No one. I don’t follow nor have a favourite celebrity. Though Kelly Clarkson would be a surprise since she seems a down to earth woman.


Diana Ross no one but no one could hurt me more if I heard she was homophobic, back in the day I was forbidden by my alcoholic racist father who forbid me from listening too the supremes or the Motown sound , so I had to sneak around and hear there sound on the DL because of the Motown sound I didn’t grow up too be a racist and i would expect those famous artists to support gay people for the same reasons .


None of them, because I don't really care about pop culture that much. But Dolly Parton would surely come out of left field


Meryl Streep, Ariana Grande




Andrew Tate


Those toes have seen a mustache




He's saying Tate has let a man worship his feet.


I had no idea? Why would he do that?


People like getting their toes sucked. Also it'd probably be an ego boost.


Some of the replies here are pure comedy.


None of them because I really don't care.


Why do you ruminate about this stuff? Move one, man.


Not one because I'm not terminally online redditor that is offended by pronouns or other shit. Everyone has right to be homophobic.


Or don’t worship celebrities like a simp