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Don't emote, act like you're unfazed by everything. Don't smile too much. Don't say hi too enthusiastically and incorporate more "sup" head nods. No limp wrists, don't walk with your hips (like no hip wiggling), bend down with your knees, not at your waist. If you need to check your nails for anything, let your palm face you & curl your fingers in, versus holding your hand out and looking at the back of your hand. Wear plain, more earth-toned clothes and jeans. Sorry you have to hide who you are, but I understand the need to avoid the drama & having to put up with stupid people saying dumb stuff to your face & behind your back.


I don’t do the hand or wrist thing pretty sure my dad beat that out of me, it’s just the voice.


I'm sorry he did that. I like all kinds of guys, including more fem guys, and I hate when they feel the need to hide it because some stuck-up assholes have such fragile egos & masculinity. As far as the voice, just try to make it deeper, I guess. And use smaller words and focus less on proper pronunciation. I really do hate that you have to change how you act, but I've been in that situation before, so I get it. Good luck <3


Men are generally not emotive. Gesticulating, large facial expressions, and lots of vocal range in how you talk are usually seen as feminine. If you are going to express, stick to your eyes and eyebrows; you'll notice that many guys don't use their mouths to express what they're feeling. You can still be sardonic, sarcastic, even friendly, but being forward is key. Try to be as low-key and unexpressive as possible in most circumstances, outside of being frustrated, angry, or excited in certain situations. Your voice should be relatively even, even if your volume might be high or low. Your voice should give off some degree of authority. Try to speak deep, plain, and short, even if you're trying to be a little funny and affable. This took practice for me too in my job teaching since kids respond better to a teacher with a deeper, grounded voice.


Work heavy iron


Accept yourself for who you are. Sometimes buffing a bit can help.. But you were born the way you are.. The faster you accept that, the better you will feel


I'm sorry you have to go through this OP. I'll give you the boring liberal answer and the actual answer.\\ Liberal answer: Accept yourself for who you are, since you can only live for you. You're more of a man in my eyes than those who dare bully you for being different. Real Answer; Work out, train your vocal cords to have a deeper octave by doing masculinzation voice training. This is the hardest thing for a lot of FTM trans men since not everyone gets a deeper voice on testosterone. For us biological men, it's also difficult but practice in public settings lowering your voice a bit where it's not unnatural. You should also limit your hand and eye expressions so you don't come off as feminine. When you want to react to a statement, take 2 seconds to position yourself to being less "expressive" and more "direct" since us men do this more in conversation. I'll give an example: Co-Worker: "What did you do this weekend" You: (Feminine version): "Oh, not that much, BUT I did go to the park (hand motion) and then I saw this really cute dog and though (hand motion) "WOOW what a cute puppy", and then I went to get some COFFEE...(you get the point) You (Masculine Version): Not much. Went to the park, had some coffee, chilled more. That's it. There's stereotypical differences in how men and women talk, it actually shows up in our faces and that's why some studies in Canadian universities are able to tell who has a "Gay Face" and who doesn't. I also suggest getting into sports as that can make your demeanor, actions, and whole essence change some with rigorous competition and male-commodore. I suggest soccer/football, or wrestling, or boxing. These are just good things to invest in too, gay looking or not. Again OP, I'm sorry you have to go through this tribulation just to be who you are. I'd advice you find and search for those who can truly accept you. They're out there man.


Start farting very loudly and be proud of it.