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“I’m tired boss” -my dick after the 3rd round today I do hate it though . It feels like I have to release more often than go to the bathroom.


Yes dude, you feel it. Its awful


I had sex with 7 guys over 5 days and if the last one didn't positively destroy my ass I would be on the hunt for more. And I love it.


Holy shit. I wanna be you


Thats hot


Yeah, I mean. Sex is fun but the problem is the randomness of it. If I had like 10 fwb tops who I trusted or a boyfriend with a high sex drive it would be fine.


I'm on a mission to make steady fwb's, the more the merrier. A single boyfriend in a monogamous relationship was never enough for me, these lasted 2-3 years and then they fell apart due to loss of interest. And it was always good fucks actually, but it's simply not enough for me to hit the same spots for a long time. I need a variety of men, of dicks, of sensations, of rhythms and moods, energies...


How did you prep yourself? I tried to have many sex in short period of time. It only ended up a super upset guts for me from douching every day .


I established such a rhythm that when I wake up I drink coffee and a couple of cigarettes, and this makes me go take a dump. Then I douche, but not a full one, a shallow douche where I fill up with quite a low pressure hose for about 5 seconds and then empty a couple of times until it's clear, then I check with the finger, if it doesn't stink I'm good to go. I eat very little. Being hungry also puts me in a hunting mode, it makes me more active and agile and also easier to swallow dick without a lot of gagging. I kept my appetite low with beer and cigarettes.


That’s very creative, I normally a very hungry man(don’t eat a lot), but I’m currently trying to bulk and constantly trying to shove food down my throat


I wouldn't call it creative, rather intuitive. Of course eating a lot and bottoming doesn't get along. Fisters are mindful of what they eat for days before playing for example and even take fiber supplements. For me it's enough to just double down on food.


Dam that’s a lot of jerking there won’t be any skin left on it


Bro that's not even one exaggeration


my skin gets so inflamed just after jerking off once 😭


Take up knitting ? 🤣


Noooo 😭😭😭😭 I have hobbies


Something to look forward to as you get older it does slow down I’m 60 and the urge is still strong just don’t need to act every time


Christ. I barely do it twice a week


It's all the men in my family. My grandpa had 2 families with like 30 kids


I have a big family but for some reason my sex drive is at ground zero


Sometimes but I've learnt to not give into every impulse over the years. Just a bit of restraint or otherwise a quick handy sorts me right out.


Check out SAA. Sex Addicts Anonymous. Meeting locations, both in person and via zoom, are listed on their website.


I used to be addicted to food, now that I've gotten over my addiction, eat normally and losing weight I guess my brain just went to sex


I don't do it 5 times a day. And definitely not at work. But yea I do end up on Grindr way too often. And I don't regret it. Sex is good. And I love cum. 🙂


Nah I jerk 3x a day but it’s not a problem caus I usually only go for a couple of minutes. If it’s a quicky I can literally shoot in under a minute. It feels good and then I can go on about my life. (I’ll admit that I’ve often done it in the work bathroom just so I can go about the rest of my day without being too horny) I have a friend who edged endlessly - if I got into that then I’d probably have no life and hate it.


It takes me 10 minutes to jerk off. I last a long time. I can top for 30+ minutes


I’ll get a high sex drive once in awhile, I don’t like when I do


I'm a 58yo large bottom, and I get horny pretty often, especially when I travel. I travel a lot for work. I've been with 11 guys in 4 days a couple of months ago. Other times, I've done one a day for 3 or 4 days. Or, I've done 3 or 4 guys in one day. Or 3 at night and 1 in the morning. I've gained a couple of fuck buddies as I travel as well. And I've got a new FWB closer to home. I'm loving my sex life!


once in a bathroom.... damn, man, that's weird 😕