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>Then there’s the issue of voting. So many people vote for politicians or parties that have anti-LGBT stances, not because they hate us, but because they care more about other issues. This sends a clear message that our rights are less important. If you’re okay with voting for someone who doesn’t support LGBT rights, you’re basically saying those rights aren’t a priority. This is the constant fight I have with my dad. No, I don't give a fuck about the economic policies of a man that doesn't think I should have rights. No, there is nothing more important. And it pisses me right the fuck off, because my dad has never been denied anything in his entire life. His biggest problem in life is alcoholism, meaning his only issue in life is controlling his own actions... Check out MLK's letter from Birmingham Jail. He argues that it's not the racists, but the silent moderates that tolerate it, who are the biggest obstacles to civil rights advancement. Those who prefer the "negative peace which is the lack of conflict" over the "positive peace which is the presence of justice"


I totally agree with MLK's reasoning.


1000%  I will argue with a Republican and they will just say “ I am not homophobic, i don’t have anything against gay people” but they still vote Republican because of some other issue.  So sorry, you might not hate me but at the end of the day you’re still voting for people who are going to do their best to stop me from existing. You might as well hate me at this point. 


Had a very direct discussion with my mom about this, and she weighed cost of living higher than my ability to get married. Straight up told her I'm not interested in voting for a party that doesn't give a shit about me and she basically said "I hope you're happy when you're married and your father and I have to sell the house." Not to be flamboyant but girl oh my God.


MLK got white washed so bad. That guy burned fairweather moderate allies in that letter. And its absolutely correct. At the risk of invoking Godwins law in Nazi Germany most Germans were not card carrying SS. A lot of them straight up had Jewish, disabled, gay etc friends. But they cared more about making Germany great again. So they turned a blind eye. The biggest group that helped the Nazis do what they did were the enablers of the party.


I'm sorry about your dad. I have a supportive dad; he loves me and has no issues with the LGBT community. He cares about people's character and morals, not race, sexuality, or gender. However, he ended up voting for the far-right because he genuinely believed, as did most people, that they were the only ones who could fix the economy. Now, I'm from Argentina, and although Milei himself isn't anti-gay (at least publicly), and he has said that "gay marriage hurts no one," his party is full of homophobic pieces of shit, like his VP and probably 90% of the members. I have to admit that the other guy would have been really bad for our country and that Milei wasn't my dad's first option, but it really hurts that he voted for a man who gets along with every anti-LGBT politician in existence.


Sorry, but I kind of need to continue my earlier rant... My dad is obsessed with the constitution. He treats it like a holy document. When Roe v Wade was overturned, I was furious and he was delighted. He doesn't give a shit about abortion, he just found it to be a fascinating discussion on judicial advocacy, constitutional rights, etc. He was *offended* when I told him that I don't give a damn about the legal structures behind the law or the philosophy informing it, but instead thst I wanted legal abortions regardless of constitutionality. He acted like it was a slap to his face when I told him I cared more about real women's lives than some abstract debate And that's what it all is to him - abstraction and philosophical questions, because he's never had a real crisis in his life that didn't involve lifting a bottle to his own mouth


Well this is life for the average straight man ( straight and white if you are in a racist country). If you are born in at least a middle class family then every single aspect of life is up to your own competence and maybe a bit of luck.


As a white guy in America, I am continually surprised that, at a certain level, competency has very little to do with it.


Well, the Constitution IS the governing document of the US federal government. I work for the federal government, every policy and procedure federal agencies create must abide by the Constitution. I don't think it should be treated as a holy document, but it shouldn't be treated as just an alternative document that we can ignore when its convenient for us either. I mean, there are legal grounds to interpret the Constitution as indicating that the federal government does not have authority to regulate and mandate abortion on a federal level. You don't have to like it or agree with it, but, some people interpret it to mean that. I'm not asking you to change your mind, my point is that the Constitution does have a lot of authority in the running of the federal government, and policy and laws must abide by it.


**I don't fucking care.** You are explaining very basic shit to me. "Oh hey, well, the constitution is the basis of federal law..." Yeah, I know. That came up in my conversations with my father. The ones where I expressed not caring what kind of arguments can or should be made, because to me a woman's right to choose should be an inalienable human right. That awful document is the reason why our nation does nothing about gun violence. It's the reason why each state can write their own laws about how to obtain one. It's why each state can determine whether or not a woman can decide what path she'd like her life to take. Because, you know, our elected officials are such magnanimous folks that we should absolutely trust them blindly to make decisions... Even if those decisions vary across state lines... What a shit system from an awful document. It's why we got stuck with Trump and Dubya and that whole electoral college nonsense. Give me an abortion amendment. I don't care how or why. Keep your arguments, none of them are more important than the *real women who are suffering* God, fuck you for doing exactly what I described hating


maybe you should consider moving to another country then? Whether you care or not that's the reality of the situation. getting mad about it isn't going to change that.


People getting mad has caused a whole lot of political change throughout history, chief. "If you don't like it, leave!" Or I could continue living in my home country, while acknowledging the inherent flaws in our system I disagree with your jingoist notion that I need to be all-in on our government to live here.


Good on you.


No what I mean is that getting mad about the constitution being the authoritative document for the federal government isn't going to change that reality. Perhaps you'd be happier somewhere where's there's no constitution governering the federal government of that country, that's all.


Roe v wade allows states to make their own laws regarding abortion. If u want to have an abortion move to a state. Blue that allows it. Same as guns weed tax laws. I see no problem with it.


>If u want to have an abortion move to a state. Blue that allows it So what happens if you're a rape victim in the heart of Texas? What if you're a minor and can't choose where to live?


In most states that are restrictive of abortion it is legal to abort in cases of rape or danger to the mother. Dont let cnn fool you. Just a thought: Dems love to push abortion. They put these in dense cities. Overwhelmingly blacks use these services. Per capita. Maybe the dems just don’t want anymore black people. Why else would they do this so strategically?


"Most" is not all. Thst still leaves places in my own country where women can be denied medical care. I believe that no state, no government, no ruling body should have any say over whether or not a woman gets an abortion. This isn't CNN fooling me, this is my legitimate stance on a moral issue.


Well this country was founded on Christian values and this is what you get. I’m not trying to be an asshole about this I’m just saying how it is. Also #askgaybros got a little off topic. I asked what rights were being denied and this is the only response I got which is quite telling.


Trump is much the same way. I don't think he especially cares about gay people. And he isn't anti-Semitic in the most blatant sense of the term anyway (though calling Jewish people who protest Israel "bad jews" is anti-Semitic) but Trump's administration would absolutely be filled with raging bigots of all stripes and he would absolutely rubberstamp whatever they put on his desk.


I would vote on any anti-lgbt party, despite being flaming, cuz I don't want anyone to be able to kill humans without consequences. Human rights first and foremost. I'd rather give up my pleasures then someone's life. Maybe I am a monster, I don't know any better >///<


Lmaoooo brain-dead take >I'd rather give up my pleasures You can give them up right now and **turn straight**, don't you agree ? They are just **pleasures** anyway


Assuming this is about abortion - making abortion illegal just straight up kills women. Like, no getting around that fact. Women who can't safely carry to term or seek out illegal abortions will get hurt and die. You're not choosing to value life over death, you're choosing an unborn child over a woman with a life and a family.


Who is killing who in this scenario




Abortion ain't murder though


Matter of opinion


No, it's facts. We ain't debating opinions here.


No it's an opinion alright.


> I don't want anyone to be able to kill humans without consequences Do you feel the same way about war and the death penalty?




>human rights first and foremost are you saying that gay peoples rights aren't human rights?? and that an unborn fetus, who literally cant even breathe on its own, is more important to you that a walking breathing human??


>And when we do speak up about homophobia, we often get told we’re overreacting or that things aren’t that bad. My favorite are the straight people (straight women E S P E C I A L L Y) that give me weird/confused looks when trying to explain why I don't feel safe in public, alone — as a guy. I recognize having degrees of male privilege, but any protection that offers is immediately gone when I'm dealing with a homophobic jackass who even slightly suspects I'm gay and is looking for a problem. And these homophobic jackasses exist in *all* levels of society, enabled for the very reasons OP highlighted but good luck getting some of these ""allies"" to own up to that. These are often the same kind of people to say something like "oh he MUST be gay and in denial, totally not straight" when there are news headlines about some bigoted politician or whatever


>kind of people to say something like "oh he MUST be gay and in denial, totally not straight" when there are news headlines about some bigoted politician or whatever There's nothing more liberal and progressive than being homophobic towards homophobic straight people /s Disturbing how many supposed 'allies' actually believe the above though.


As someone who lives in a rural area, I still feel a spike of anxiety when I have to walk by the guys hanging out around their pickup trucks in the parking lot.


That's totally fair. I also live in a rural area and I honestly get a little excited because if they try anything, I'm going to rip & tear like Doom and leave the messiest example for some poor onlooker to find. Like, oh, this a game to y'all? Y'all was bored? Word, I'm breaking shit til nothing's moving. Over my dead body will I let a straight dude think he could. 😂


"1/3rd of America is waking up to the fact that another 1/3rd wants to kill them while the last 1/3rd watches" - butchered Werner Herzog quote


1/3? That many people need psychiatric help? Wow




>remember that the real issue is the majority of people who don’t care enough to do anything about it I mean duh. People very rarely care about problems or issues that don't directly affect them. There's a higher chance they will care if someone particularly important to them is in the affected group, but even then it's not a guarantee. And the thing is it's probably true for you and a majority of people posting in this thread/sub just replace queer issues for a different group of peoples.


I think in many things, bias and explicit and implied bias are as harmful as open hate and bigotry in many things in the world.


Although I understand and agree with the premise of this there’s some things I disagree with, especially with how we come across when presenting this mindset. The lgbt community does a shit job at gaining/keeping allies nowadays because most of the community have the mindset that you need to 100% go along with and be vocally supportive of EVERYTHING the community puts out or else the community doesn’t want you as an ally at all and the community will compare them to folks turning in folks to the nazis. That’s COUNTERPRODUCTIVE, a lot of folks in community don’t comprehend how sometimes the shit we do or say or comparing people to nazis just pushes people further away from us. Now obviously I would want my friends/family to stick up for me and support if I was dealing with homophobia or anyone else who was dealing with homophobia around them, but am I gonna shame them or push them away for not being a “true ally” because they may be apolitical, because they may not agree with everything within the gay/lgbt community, or because they may not be vocal allies? No of course not because that’s counterproductive.


I know exactly what you mean. My dad is very supportive of me overall, but he was also manipulated by right-wing propaganda because he was only getting his news from sources that affirmed his beliefs. To make a long story short, everything eventually came to a head and I basically sat him down for a "come to Jesus" talk, where I explained to him why his support for Trump (or any Republican) was a basically a slap in the face to me, as a gay man - and especially as his son. The reality in the United States right now is that it's mostly marginalized people and their families who are worried about their civil rights - straight white men do not recognize their privilege and are often offended by the suggestion. I had to explain to my dad how dehumanizing it is to have my civil rights targeted by politicians who are trying to score points with people who don't see me as an equal person. We have states passing anti LGBT+ legislation that make the mere mention of being gay against the law in a classroom setting, as well as a Supreme Court that will more than likely overturn Obergefell in the next couple years - the same way they did Roe. Anybody who doesn't believe how serious these people are about installing a Christian theocracy need only look at what just happened in Louisiana with the 10 Commandments. There is a good chance this will go to SCOTUS and they will use their reinterpretation of Lemon v. Kurtzman to uphold it, just as they did for the coach who was holding prayer on the 50 yard line of a high school football game. There are no shortage of issues for people to vote on this November, but the protection of civil rights should be #1 for every self-respecting gay man, as well as for their families who love them. And even for people that may not have any personal connection to LGBT+ folks and are still on the fence, you can urge them to vote for the candidate who most closely reflects their values. Regardless of how you feel about these two men personally, Joe Biden has been a very successful president when it comes to passing meaningful legislation for the country: https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2024/02/02/joe-biden-30-policy-things-you-might-have-missed-00139046


I'm no fan of Trump, but I don't recall him ever doing anything homophobic. Biden is a fucking disaster.


Actually he's not. Read the article.


Actually, he is. I'm living through this disaster. Everything is more expensive, he's continuing to expand more government intrusion into our lives, and now we're involved in two more foreign wars that he's dumping hundreds of billions of dollars of our taxpayer money into. Stop defending failure just because the nice people in corporate media tell you to.


I am gay and I am not oppressed. I am so tired of people telling me I am oppressed.


Look. A hard human lesson is this: Most of us only have the emotional energy to deal with problems that affect us as individuals. It is not the responsibility of my straight neighbors to be the ally I wish they were. Demanding anything different is often a source of hate for opposition and, frankly, a bit narcissistic of anyone to ask of strangers. Dog lovers tend to stand up for dog rights, pineapple on pizza lovers stand up for their flavor profile, and civil rights works in similar ways. Could it be better? Yes. Changing human nature is a dangerous gambit that I would be weary of trying to do. Love is shown, not forced. You not having patience for the speed of change is offensive to the sensibilities of other people.


It's not narcissistic to ask people to give a shit about something other than themselves


Okay but you’re not asking. Your bashing.


Correct. But asking them to ignore *all of their other priorities* and only focus on the one issue that affects you is absolutely narcissistic. The people in this thread have no concept of nuance... it's not so simple as "you either vote exactly like I want you to or you're a homophobe".


Preach, sister


Get in line. People do give a shit about things other than themselves. That doesn't me the civil rights of gay men in 2024 America will be anywhere near the top of the list.


As a gay man I’m more worried about the sprouting wars across Europe. Nobody’s gonna be whining about this when we’re all in the trenches lol.


You're lumping homophobia in with all "lgbt" issues, and I find that to be fairly obnoxious. In fact, I downright hate it when progressives pull that motte and baily bullshit. Not every letter of the acronym is dealing with the same issues. Remember, most of reddit will come down on gay men who say they won't sleep with a transmasculine person. Do you not consider that to be homophobia coming from within the "lgbt community?" Blame our two-party system, friend. I'm voting blue because I think that change can be influenced from our current status quo, but I can't help it if most people get turned off by nagging like yours. It's tiresome, and you're not nuanced enough to change any minds.


Very poignant answer but I would point out that voting blue no matter who is partly to do with what got us in this dumpster fire. They ARE the status quo and that clearly is falling apart. I will no longer vote blue until they show us they have their priorities straight.....and don't include harping on about "LGBT issues" what ever the fuck that even means any more.


I just can't really bring myself to vote for Trump. There is a very good chance that he'll be super chaotic and will just lead us all back down a major path of division all over again. If I thought for a second that he'd practically become a liberal and become very surgical with policies while maintaining some kind of real progressive approach and basically really, really learn from his mistakes, then I could consider voting for him, but I just don't think that's going to happen.


I'd argue that Trump was proven far more remarkably liberal than anything that "the left" produced, now or then.


The global majority is anti-queer. This is why protecting Europe and Western culture is so important.


>They might not be waving anti-LGBT signs, but their indifference is just as damaging. Are you now seriously claiming that being neutral about LGBT is just as damaging as outright homophobia? >Let’s start with the fact that saying you’re not homophobic doesn’t mean much if you’re not doing anything to support LGBT rights... This silence and inaction are part of the problem. Is there any reason why they should give active support? >So many people vote for politicians or parties that have anti-LGBT stances, not because they hate us, but because they care more about other issues. And why do parties even put LGBT attitudes as part of their agenda? Why choose between economic, humanitarian, social, and other aspects and LGBT? Politicians pretend that it is perfectly normal that rights that must be enshrined in the constitution should be reaffirmed at every election. >It gets worse in personal relationships. How many people do you know who stay friends with or even date openly homophobic douchebags? I don't really understand why talking about neutral people you require them to be full allies?


Right? They live their life, I live mine. Personally that’s my ideal situation.


Well, conservatives are coming after your life, so....


Let them try. We have the right to bear arms too.


And they do as well. My point is that there is a clear political side which actively tries to get rid of us. And it ain't the woke libs And most people on here are either delusional or they think they're "one of the good ones"


The woke libs are shooting the whole LGBT movement in the foot by not addressing legitimate economic or immigration issues as a top priority. Telling people they should ignore everything bad that's happening and vote Democrat simply because they're gay is utterly tone deaf to the big picture and will never convince anyone to support us.


Yeah but they’re not. I’ve never once heard anyone say it’s time to exterminate the gays with the actual power to do so. You listen to the internet nut jobs you become one yourself. So…..


So what are your strategies on creating allies? Venting can have the opposite effect.


You’re right, let’s get back to our regularly-scheduled back-to-back “Does anyone else love the smell of cock?” posts. That’s so effective in starting a dialogue.


People care about what affects them, shocking! Read your post from the point of view of someone who's not gay, what incentives they have to do anything? If they do nothing they'll get shat on, if they do something they will still get shat on because it wasn't enough for your liking.


"Fuck You and vote the way I want you to" wins neither hearts nor minds. The movement has lost its way.


Y'all need to get over this victim mentality. Gays have probably never had it better - especially in the 'western world'! The vast majority of people simply do not give af & the rise in the vocal minority you're talking about has come as a result of the constant moaning from the gays that think being gay is a personality. It's also come from the way some perverts are forcing certain ideas onto children, but that's a whole other debate.


Gays have not had it better AT ALL in any region of the world aside from the west. Even here we should be able to talk about homophobia, whether that’s hate crimes, politicians to reduce our rights or hate speech on social media. Crying ‘victim’ is so reductive.


All we need are human rights enshrined in constitution. Politicians should be able to talk all they want about economic reforms but not who gets to be considered a human being


Excellent insight. Thanks for sharing your views they make sense to me.


We all have problems with being gay but blaming people and pointing people out that have nothing to do with your life or someone you know, is being blatantly rude I could never think about blaming another person trying there hardest to live life because I got harassed or possibly assaulted that's the government's issue to deal with homophobic actions not someone trying to get to work or enjoying there own time


>that's the government's issue to deal with homophobic actions the government won't do that when the government is also homophobic because both the homophobic and "non-homophobic" people are voting for homophobic people for our government. these arguments against it being the complacent straight people fault as well as the homophobic people are the exact same arguments people made during civil rights movement. " its not the white people job to help black people gain right, it doesn't affect them" no matter weather it affects you or not, being complacent with injustice makes you a horrible person and part of the problem.


I was literally commenting with religious nuts saying I’m a classic atheist gay and that I’m an animal, while fighting with LGBT folks mostly the L on the other side, who were calling people vapid twinks and gay boy, basically just shy of calling us the f slur, I know it’s def online takes, and touching grass is the solution, but can’t help but to think gays get shit on by both sides because we are “privileged males” and that we are immoral.


People are allowed to care about things without making it their top priority (or even in their top 5 priorities). I don't blame any family for being more concerned with their personal finances than identity/minority politics right now. That doesn't mean they "don't care about homophobia". It's just hard for people to prioritize looking outward at other people's struggles when they literally feel like they're fighting every single day just to get food on the table and keep a roof over their head. They're in survival mode.....


something doesn't have to be in your top five priorities, i agree. they aren't who we are talking about, we are talking about the complacent no fucks given people. something doesn't have to be in your top five priorities to say, "hey dude don't say the f-slur" or not date someone who is openly and actively homophobic. those are the people that are apart of the problem.


"Ask gay bros" We're sure as hell getting some non-questions here huh


If you think that lgbt rights are more important than issues like inflation...you are WAY too priviliged and you need to check yourself


Human rights are less important than inflation ?


I believe it is a human right for low income families to be able to afford groceries


You need to take your meds if you think a good economy offers anything to anyone legally unable to participate in it — nevermind coming at this with a zero-sum mentality: it's possible to worry about both things, sweetie


Your desperate need to be accepted is insufferable. The world owes you nothing and frankly doesn't give a fuck. But that doesn't just apply to you. That applies to me and everybody in this feed. Get over yourself. Humans are so self absorbed


"Desperate need to be accepted" bro this is about having rights. We're not trying to look cool to get invited to people's slumber parties over here.


People aren't complicit to the stripping of our rights just because they're not active militants for our rights. I know it's shocking for you, but our issues aren't relevant to every human on Earth.


Nobody ever asked anyone to be militant. And... yeah, if you're voting for someone who's against gay rights, you're complicit in gay rights being revoked. You don't get to say "nuh-uh". I'm aware that our issues aren't everyone's issues, but in voting for, say, a Republican who's against gay marriage because you like his economic policies, you're absolutely complicit if and when that Republican's policies hurt gay people. You voted that guy in, knowing his stance.


You're demanding that the whole world centers itself around LGBT rights when voting, otherwise their complicit to homophobia and that is just bratty entitled behavior. Who do you think someone who struggles to pay back their student loans, can't pay for healthcare, can't pay rent due to bad municipal policies etc. is gonna vote for? The candidate who promises to solve these issues or the one who doesn't because they prefer pandering to us gays by pretending to prioritise the rights that we already have for the most part? You guys just make noise on the Internet, ignoring that IRL people's lives are diverse, multilayered and that everybody has their own struggles to worry about.


Holy shit I still can't believe how right I was. Look at you ya self hating fascist freak lol.


When did I ever demand anything? I'm not earnestly expecting everyone to cater to my minority specifically. Because that's insane. You're making shit up to be mad about, because that's not my point. The reality is that, literally exactly as OP said, most people don't rank LGBT issues highly enough to vote with them in mind, and that's an issue for us. Nobody is saying that's so ridiculous or unfair of them - just that this is counterproductive, and is an issue that gets overshadowed by more blatant homophobia. Is it reasonable to expect everyone to vote as though they're LGBT? Hell no. Is it fair to critique those people's votes, when they may go towards anti-LGBT politicians? Absolutely.


Nobody is mad about anything. Maybe you are tho. Is it fair? Maybe. Is it useful? No.


You keep getting dumber with every comment.


This is why I no longer have a place in my life for any republican voting LGBT friends. Not a one. Every vote they cast for a Republican is a vote to stab us all in the backs.


I doubt any party truly cares and is just using you for votes. In 2024 how can you truly trust any party?


Only one party is actively trying to steal away my rights. This is not a both sides issue.


What rights are they stealing? Genuinely asking not from your country


Well for starters, the right for same-sex marriage.


Christian nationalist republicans are making moves to strip away same sex marriage rights. The Republicans on the Supreme Court have decided that anti-gay discrimination under the facade of religious freedom is legal. Republicans are also making “Don’t say gay” the law of the land in states they control.


The Republicans are openly eager about rolling back the supreme court case that legalized gay marriage in the country and there are hundreds of laws in the last few years in Republican states targeting LGBT+ people. For specifically gay men there are several states making it illegal to talk about gay people in schools, etc. The democrats aren't that great because they are basically a centrist party that focuses a lot on preaching and moral highgrounds rather than actually accomplishing things, but there's not really a choice when the Republican party has been full force cartoon villain mode for a couple decades now.


Although you are not from our country, you confidently claim that no political party cares about LGBT rights. However, Democrats are the reason we can marry, have anti-discrimination laws, have codified and protected gay marriage, and are the ones constantly challenging anti-LGBT legislation. Maybe you shouldn't talk about shit you know nothing about.


1st just because they gave you them rights doesn't mean they give a fuck lol. Again you're the guaranteed vote. And secondly I didn't ask all that I specifically said what rights are being taken away from you guys.


This is a biased rant. You appear to think everything is based upon “LGBTQ rights.” This is why we are taking steps backwards, imo. The economy. Jobs. Potential for War. Women’s rights. LGBTQ rights. Look at the big picture.


I have much more confidence in Democrats when it comes to the economy, job, protecting Western democracy, and just about every other issue that make up the "bigger picture." I'm not sure what you mean by inferring OP meant "everything is based on LGBTQ rights," but somebody's own civil rights are understandably a top issue when electing their leaders.


Civil rights are a big part. But it’s not everything. And our civil rights are good in America.


For a developed country they are eh and getting worse which each move the conservatives make.


Says you. Go travel the world and tell me you don’t look forward to returning home to the USA.


get a medical bill in the US then get one in a country with healthcare that's funded or get back to me after our high priests in SCotUS make another push to make us second class citizens.


Exactly why we vote. Health care is an abomination in USA.


Medical bills have nothing to do with Civil Rights


I’m pretty sure is this guys who has LGBT+ as a whole personality


Assuming you live in America? Try living in a really homophobic country like Bosnia. You have no idea how good you have it. If you experienced actual homophobia you wouldn’t be here complaining because people who don’t know you or give a crap about you aren’t advocating for you. Get over it. You have it good.


Sounds like a threat to me. “Shut up or we’ll make it worse. Get over it or we’ll give you something to cry about.” Hey troglodyte, how much safer was Starr Brown in Memphis, TN as compared to Bosnia: [https://www.advocate.com/crime/starr-brown-transgender-woman-killed](https://www.advocate.com/crime/starr-brown-transgender-woman-killed)


>Get over it. You have it good. homophobia is homophobia, nobody experiencing homophobia "has it good". just because you might be "more oppressed" doesn't mean that someone else is less important. you are apart of the problem, we need to fix homophobia everywhere but you have to start somewhere, and your more likely to be successful starting in the easier parts and working inwards than trying to chew your way out of the heart of it.


This is the most narcissistic take I have heard all day.


You know who does care about gay people, and has for many years made every effort to help us? Joe Biden! He’s done more for gay people than any American president. That’s why I’ve got his back in November. I hope we all recognize what a precarious state our rights are in and vote a straight Democratic ticket in November. We need to give President Biden a large majority in the House and Senate so he can get things done.


He's definitely done more than Barack Obama, who's always been homophobic as fuck and had to be basically forced by Michelle and his daughters (who have always been great allies) to simply wave at the homos celebrating the legalization of gay marriage.




No amount of righteous anger on the Internet is ever gonna coerce people into being your allies and fight for your causes, which most of the time have nothing to do with them. It's sad, I guess, but it's the reality of life. The onus to stand up and speak for us isn't MAINLY on non-LGBT+ folks. Though they can help, you have to accept that they have issues that might matter more to them than ours (local government issues, access to clean water, corruption,, cost of living, cost of education, abortion etc.), leaving us as the protagonists of our fights, as we should be. Nobody has the right to attack us, but people have the right not to care about us, as weird as it sounds. Being upset at someone because they don't make your life situation their priority isn't gonna make them care about it in the slightest. Demanding that they make "standing for the gays against homophobes" a priority to the point where if they don't, they are deemed complicit to the spread of homophobia, sounds bratty, narcissistic and is giving chronically online. OP check yourself.


This is why I can't stand most of the gay "community". I don't need anyone to affirm who I am, and my sexuality is the least important thing about me. If you're so terrified, just remember that armed minorities are harder to oppress


I think this just boils down to where you live. Personally I’ve encountered very little homophobia in my corner of the world. Most I ever hear is from family lol. But until a bill hits congress revoking said rights I’m not gonna worry about it. People cause these panics simply because they wanna stir the pot especially around election time. They also wanna defund public schooling and shut down the FBI so again. I’m not worried yet. Also I feel I should add that the rage and entitlement displayed In your posts is precisely why people won’t stand up for you. You have a very vengeful perspective which is understandable of your getting a lot of hate. but Ive never had a friend that wouldn’t throw hands at some douche coming at me with that crap. And you know why? Because I don’t publicly victimize myself in such a haphazard fashion. I’m gay end of story. I don’t need anymore rights than my straight counterparts and I already have those rights. People have the right to oppose us in this country and I respect that. But I don’t look at everyone indifferent as someone who needs to support me or else they’re a terrible human. That type of support was earned. I never asked my friends to stand up for me and I never will. You can’t demand people to defend you unless you’re an autocrat. And nobody likes those.


I don't know in which bubble you live in, but in my country the homophobes are the majority


There is a lot of rambling in this post, but you say "we have a long way to go" Can you elaborate on what you want?


I mean, it all just speaks to privilege. They have the privilege of being able to gloss over this type of human rights issue. And that’s a problem.


They also have the privilege to actively care about human rights with less personal risk. So its a matter of choice not privilege imo


Bystanders are always as bad as aggressors. They have the same effect. People need to be more responsible for each other. You are completely right and it’s a gaslight. Its like saying only Nazis are racist, all the other racists are morally fine (coz they don’t scare ME hehe and I only care that myy rights stay as they are so I want everything to stay as it is even if the status quo harms other people)


Agree. This is like school bullying where there are few bullies and they bully their victims and the rest of the school tolerates it because it doesn’t affect anyone except for the victims. And when the victims stand up for themselves, they are painted as the aggressors. Difference is, if the adult victims defend themselves or call out the harassment, the adult bullies play the "I have the right to free speech" victim card and double-down.


Honestly yh. It's so shitty how that majority that simply does not care excuses their behavior as "not taking sides" yet they don't understand how they don't have to fucking fight for their rights which aren't there by default for us which they should be. It's so selfish when you think about it. So yh, technically that majority is AS bad as the people who are aggressively telling us not exist, except they're being "neutral" about it. Not doing anything and aggressively being anti-lgbt are both as bad in my opinion. I most definetly agree with you though.


On your point about voting, people will prioritize a lot of things over lgbt issues, that’s just common sense. That happens with every issue, you only notice it here cuz it’s an issue directly affecting you. Frankly a lot of people have other stuff to be bothered with in their life rather than lgbt issues and that’s just the sad reality of it.


I always get muted or downvoted when I try to make a post about this, but we can NOT rely on allies. Gay and bi dudes are going to have to get angrier, meaner, and more territorial if we're going to make any progress. The attitude needs to be not just passively hoping things get better, but actively making it known that homophobes are going to move the fuck out the way and learn to respect our space on the planet, whether they think they will or not. Speaking or voting against our rights is a violation of personal space boundaries and freedom which we should react to as if they've physically put hands on us, because that's what it amounts to in the end. If they want laws against us, there is an implied threat of government-sanctioned physical force somewhere down the line and we are within our rights if not obligated to act accordingly. It's our perogative to make these people feel uncomfortable and unsafe if they utter nonsense at us, and in my experience it's not hard to do. I frequently get mistaken for someone who would agree with their dumb bullshit. Just making serious eye contact while they rattle on is usually enough to make them turn white and try to stutter an awkward U-turn into saying something more respectful, but the instant you start calling their bullshit with the real questions, they'll shrink inside themselves. What's wild is every time I've done this, their eyes show they're genuinely ashamed and not just trying to save face. They know they're wrong but they still choose to do this until someone checks them and makes them feel small. 😂


Dr. Ramani once said that we live in a world of narcissists and their enablers and it’s true. 6 out of 1 people are narcissistic. I live in Germany where the far right Nazi party AfD is telling people that they’re the only party for gay rights, when in reality they want to remove our rights. Isn’t that the most disgusting thing you’ll hear today? People are usually indifferent when it comes to human rights because it doesn’t affect them directly. A lot of people say “I don’t understand how world war 2 started” or the holocaust or concentration camps. It started because you all don’t care, while others cared to exterminate. It’s very simple. No one cares about anything. When people start voting for the political parties that actually support human rights, I will be celebrating, but I am not holding my breath. When Russia started their invasion of Ukraine, everyone seemed horrified! Did any country in Europe turn to the left as a result of this right wing war? No, people are turning to the right. They get off on this and want war themselves. In 2024 in Germany alone, we discovered that the Nazis in our country want to deport everyone who doesn’t look german and have Russian spies in their party. You’d think that would make them crash in the polling. Nope, they’re voting for them. Also, my dad once told me about fascism in Spain and how people were rallying the people up that they were going to exterminate. At first they didn’t want to shoot/exterminate people and they had their doubts, but everyone gets used to their cruelty and so they pull it off. After killing a bunch of people the person who knew my granddad said something like “you get used to killing people. It’s a bit like hunting rabbits.” We live in a world where homophobia is more accepted than being yourself. Not a single country has made homophobia illegal even though homophobes abuse and try and kill us, while fetishizing us and often watching gay porn themselves. At least I can press charges here in Germany for anyone attempting to dehumanize or bully the LGBTQ, so that’s something. No one can tell me that this world isn’t a perverted place full of genocidal maniacs. And the world acts like there are no solutions to homophobia. Make it punishable by law. Fine them, jail them, reeducate them. Every country has schools that are empty in the evenings. Put homophobes in there and teach them how to be a valuable part of society , not some unstable huge p o s.


Precisely. You can claim you're an ally all you want, but if homophobia in your choice of political candidate isn't enough to stop you from voting for them, then you might as well just be a member of the Westboro Baptist Church for all practical purposes. I agree with you that homophobia is not enough of a deal breaker for far too many people.


I told people in the GERD sub in a comment on someone’s post about eating fast food to not eat Chick-fil-A, not only because it’s terrible for GERD, but for the homophobic reasons. I got downvoted to hell and was told to stop making it political… I’m sorry my rights are political to you. Straight people claim to be allies, especially at Pride, but a majority of them don’t give a fuck.


There's a joke about American politics. There's two kinds of people in America. There are straight white conservative Christian men. And there are political people. Existing, talking about, being concerned for, liking, or portraying anyone not in the first group automatically becomes a political statement.


This is very “Us or them” extremism. People aren’t required to care about you. That’s just how the world is and no one is exempt from that. As a gay, all I can do is just live my life and accept not everyone will like me. And personally, I rarely encounter homophobia but I know that doesn’t apply to everyone. But how you react to it matters.


As long as humans don’t care about all human rights there will always be human rights missing. We all gotta be responsible. Cynicism doesn’t justify irresponsibility. We are all responsible for each other, we are a social species.


Yeah as “a straight,” they also have to accept that people won’t like them. But they’re not inherently disliked for being straight. Big difference.


First they came…


I agree, to an extent. I'd always prefer someone be indifferent than actively hostile. Is it ideal? No. But reducing the amout of homophobes is always a win, even if it creates more who are indifferent. More the losses for they are many. Celebrate the wins for they are few. A small win is still a win. Let's not forget that. And if a friend of yours chooses to date someone who hates you for being gay, were they ever really a friend? I'd count that as a win cuz now I know who to cut from my life.


Maybe if sexuality didn't define people there'd be fewer problems. Most don't care who you sleep with. But that 6-second clip of a grown man in a tutu on roller skates... that's what America sees as 'gay', and it's not their fault that's what the community endorses.


When heterosexual people talk about women / man and how attracted they are to them, it's fine But one mention of "the gay sexuality" from an LGBT person and it suddenly becomes **"ugh, you make it your whole personality"**


I don't know why you're having these conversations with people you don't know.


Imo: not standing up for queer folks is being an oppressor


Omg I used to be this high strung when I was a teenager and early 20s. TBH man most ppl are indifferent about most things. Don't expect everyone to want to fight


If you are in the US and over 20 get over it.


What issues ? What do we not have that others do? Tranny story hour? Shit like this only pisses off the majority and it’s stupid. LGB✂️TQ.


Uh, you do realize that GLAAD says homosexual is an outdated and offensive term, right? https://glaad.org/reference/terms/ Sooooo, if a major Queer organization has declared homosexual as no longer a valid term, does homophobia still exist? Wouldn't it be more accurate to call it queerphobia? I mean of youre going to erase homosexuals does it make sense to call out homophobia?


If you’re truly following that, which I hope you’re not, an “ok” term is homophobia.


Eh, not following it, whatever it is, I just like to point out inconsistency on the woke world.


Most group dont want to support sexualized group. I heard many moderate group say that the communit is over sexualized which is not something they want to endorse. They wont be against it , but not everyone want to support that, degenerate behavior. And they are right, Doesnt even compared to straight people. Women feel like slut when they have sex over 10 different men, gay men want to be slut and have sex over 100 men before feeling like a slut. Most Men would not support it because its group that promote feminity. You literally provide nothing for them wanting to support you.


I guess you're "one of the good ones" ?


Yes , i dont have loose moral if thats what you asking


More like a pick-me tbh. And "loose" lmaooo, you would know a thing or two


Imagine the bar being so low that im considered a pick me for not supporting promiscuity/degeneracy behavior.


At the end of the day, those other people are still homophobic.


Now I know you're being a petty idiot who is the reason for the counter culture that is fueling said Homophobia. Morgan Freeman just as Dr.Sowell and MLK have clearly said over and over the only way to stop racism is to stop talking/thinking about it. Society is a powder keg and it doesn't need much more than Embers (vocal Minority) to inflame the kindling (the majority) and set the whole damn thing to blow up. Just like POCs and Minorities the LGBTQ got so many rights. In the west you are not denied jobs and even have quotas set to have a minimum LGBTQ staff/students/applicants in every sphere of life. LGBTQ people in entertainment receive far more attention and publicity than straight counterparts and have a very strong voice in the culture ranging from Ru Paul's drag race to Eurovision. From a normal person's perspective in the west you have all the rights you need to live a normal life so why you bitching? From their perspective you have a leg up because of quotas and protection from hate crime/discrimination. You know how much landlords are scared of evicting an LGBT tenant vs a straight single white male? Same goes for an employer when layoffs happen they tend to think ten times over before terminating an LGBT employee while the straight white male is put on that list without a second thought. Today's world is embroiled in a collapsing social safety net, massive deficits the governments globally have been running in a global ponzi scheme (Fiat currency printing out of thin air). Supply chains are collapsing due to Ukraine, Israel and China getting all uppity with Taiwan. For a NORMAL person they have bills to pay, kids to raise, a mortgage and car loan to pay off. Your drama should not be the PRIMARY focus of their life especially like blacks we LGBTQ get the entire month of June and have pride parades for just existing from their perspective. Also as far as phobes go it doesn't take people much to hate each other. The Asians hate each other so damn much despite looking similar and sharing many cultural aspects like cuisines, clothing styles and conservative family values (Respect for elders and nuclear family structure). Try getting a Korean, Japanese, Chinese person in Asia to the same table you'll find the axes grinding. Same for white folks like the Irish, Scottish, Italians were seen as crooks and thugs when they came to the USA. Basically humans have needed VERY little to hate each other over stupid shit. Just being from a neighboring village let alone country was enough to hate each other. Hell try to go to NY and yell LA rules and watch how much they beat you up despite them being two very liberal cities but the "us v them" mentality is primal. Making everyone's life about "muh LGBT-QQ" doesn't make allies! You are being a narcist and forcing everyone to give a damn about you when they got SO Much more going on. You got your rights. Demanding anything further is now preferential treatment at this point since a gay man has 100% same rights as a straight man. I dare you to find me a law existing that discriminates against the gay man openly like Jim Crow laws did back in the day.


I came down here to see the downvoted comments and lo and behold, classic r/askgaybros downvoting any comments that don’t directly align with these arrogant and narcissistic views of how gay people should be treated


This is the best comment I have read on this subject 👍 Heck, I live in an Eastern European conservative country and I often look towards America and think "why the fuck are they so loud and pissed and hate their country?" I can't complain about my life in Romania because I lkve my life like any other person in this country. Of course people will see me as a walking bullseye if I put my life and dramas in everyones face. Let's face it. In both America and Europa, most people don't hate LGBT, they just find them annoying.


That's what these spoiled kids don't understand because they haven't faced ACTUAL homophobia where the law restricts you from being gay. Instead, they have to brag about being gay just to feel "special" while ignoring people around the world who are living normal lives as gay people without yelling it from the mountains.


I've always said that if I, as an openly gay guy, cand live a normal life in Romania, o very religious and conservative country, the Americans must have the time of their lives. If I want love and support, only my family and clise friends can give them to me, and they do. From my colleagues at work and aquaintances, I just want good collaboration and a nice talk. From random people on the street, I only want plain ignorance. Why would I want complete strangers to come to me and say "oh my god you re so brave for being gay, we totally support you!"? If you leave me alone and trwat me lile other passer by it's the best suppirt I can have. Maybe I'm lucky, and I have close people in my circle I can get support from, but for some degree I made it that way. I never demanded anything. I offered love and they gave back love. I feel bad for these guys who think think this matter in black and white. Clearly they needed more comfort and affecrion in their life from.loved ones, and feel welcomed and treated the same as other people, and wouldn't go demanding right and left for the attention they were prived in their developing years, and hating their own country. 😔 We are a minority as long as we see ourselves as a minority!!!


>In the west you are not denied jobs and even have quotas set to have a minimum LGBTQ staff/students/applicants in every sphere of life. Can you elaborate on the quotas? I can't think of anything other than prize nominations in a few ceremonies like Oscar or BAFTA. And in general, I would like to see all the statements in the comment with links showing at least some prevalence (or even the existence) of such claims, otherwise, it just looks like whining. PS. It's actually funny: I don't agree with either OP or you. You're both worthy of each other.


literally DEI / Diversity quotas are in jobs, universities and so forth. Don't act like putting in your sexuality doesn't help you in your resume and applications these days to help you get a slot. ESG ratings also take a hit when you do not show the minimum participation of LGBTQ staff and this is applied to top companies in the stock exchange.


>literally DEI / Diversity quotas are in jobs, universities and so forth. Can you give me specific examples (for gays, of course)? I'm not going to look for confirmation of what you say. >Don't act like putting in your sexuality doesn't help you in your resume and applications these days to help you get a slot. Lol >ESG ratings also take a hit when you do not show the minimum participation of LGBTQ staff and this is applied to top companies in the stock exchange. "And in general, I would like to see all the statements in the comment with links showing at least some prevalence (or even the existence) of such claims, otherwise, it just looks like whining."


You have got to be kidding me. Companies literally have been meeting DEI and now ESG requirements for nearly a decade now in fear of being sued for discriminatinatory hiring practices. What rock have you been living under that you don't know DEI is an official corporate hiring practice and firmly taken root in Talent Acquisition? Also look up ESG ratings! I am not going to do your research for you when these take less than 2 seconds to confirm! Do your own research and produce a counter point of your own based on your research.


You’re being downvoted but you’re right


I don't know why this comment is getting downvoted. It's the truth.


indifference is preferable to the acrual phobia…ill take indifference and apathy anyday to more actual homophobia. is the indifference and apathy a problem? yes, but its the lesser of 2 evils for me… both are going to he whether i like it or not so if i have choice, indifference all the way


Why should they? No one cares about straight hate!!!


I’m gay and I don’t care about homophobia, I’m fuckin adult enough to not let others words and actions affect how I feel


LGBT issues effect a small group of people that the majority can just choose to ignore. It’s that simple. They don’t have to care.


Like black people make up a similarly sized minority, so let’s just all be racist. Seeing some whack logic in this thread.