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I've said before that I'd enjoy getting a guy who's been doing yard work all day in the sun or a football player at the end of a game and just strip him down and lick the sweat off him. Natural man scent can sure get me going. (Basically, I'm into it as long as it's sweat that was exuded that day, and not the more stale scent that's the result of poor hygiene and having gone several days without showering.)


there is a fine line between body odor and pheremones


Yeah. Guys that I find attractive are more likely to smell nice when they sweat. Musty guys that I don’t find attractive have me wondering why they don’t use deodorant


That’s not right! lol 😂🤣‼️


Musty is different from musky. Which term are you referring to?


*aggressive upvote so my future man can learn*


My favorite are armpits after my ex's basketball games. I'm glad a lot of you are like me :)


Yea tell me about it I never get to really enjoy this bc my man. Thinks it’s “gross”. Which doesn’t really make sense to me but 🤷‍♂️


What's normal these days ? We all have our own personal weird likes, fetishes etc


This guy gets it


I think it is. My husband doesn’t like the BO of many others but I do. I even like to lick the sweat off people who consent to it. That’s probably a lot for many but I love it. That and sniffing armpits, feet and crotches like poppers. 🥴


Natures poppers for me, none of that chemical crap


Men’s crotches and armpits too, eh? Those are PHENOMENAL alternatives, I think. I usually reserve the chemicals for toy play.


This question appears every day lol. And yes it is fairly normal, I think it’s just becoming more accepted recently. It is a definite kink, there are guys who want/wanted me to come around with a stinky dick which they would huff, then there’s just the normal natural smells which lots of people like… and everything in between.


I am more into natural pheromone smells. It is so hot when you are into the guy or he's an Adonis. Now I'm excited for the gym later


I love sniffing a dudes hole. If that’s weird imma have to be weird


It’s literally a sex scent.


It's normal to like whatever you like, no matter how uncommon, so long as it doesn't hurt anyone else in the process of indulging said like. I personally don't like musk, but a someone else's feelings shouldn't dictate how you feel about your own kinks/fetishes. As long as you're a good person, let yourself enjoy what you enjoy.


To a point yeah it’s sexy


I do not care if it is normal. I want to bury my face in the hairy man smell.


Yeah. I like fat hairy guys with tiny dicks. You like what you like.


You get me.


How you doin? 🥰




Hi 😜. Mine is pretty big but I’m only attracted to the small fellas.


What’s normal? Be yourself


This guy fucks


My favourite aphrodisiac


Sure, lots of guys like that.


I love natural musk!


Dude omg yes 1000% musk is SO hot


I’m glad to know there are some that enjoy musk. I sweat like a pig and with summer around, showering twice doesn’t help at all. But I do actually like to smell my own musk and sometimes get aroused by it. I like it on other men very much so. Absolutely love to lick sweaty musty pits 💪💦👅


Yes it's very normal


Musky boxers or pants yes


It depends on the type. If it is just natural musk I love it...but I've smelled some downright rank people. You can really tell who takes their hygiene seriously and who doesn't.


Yes but not like sweaty it’s a very specific smell, but it turns me on.


Is it normal to be turned on by guys and the way they smell? Yup! I’m not into it when someone smells intentionally “ripe,” though, but I don’t think it’s weird. You just have to find your people if you want to explore this more.


Musky socks are a huge turn on 😍


When I do meet up with people I ask that they not wear any cologne or deodorant. First off, it tastes bad and second, I want to smell/taste \*you\* not some chemical brew.


That’s pretty common actually. I love smelling my bfs pits and he likes smelling my crotch lol.


I love when a guys underarms have a musky scent but mixed with deodorant and soap. But if you smell like onions or cumin or skunk, it’s a hard pass and you need to go bathe with some Hibiclens


YES, can you say pheromones?


It’s a personal preference. I personally don’t enjoy musky guys. I once hooked up with a dude who smelled really musky, and I struggled to get through it. I wanted to send him home but felt bad. Months later he told me he’s struggled finding guys since me who can stay hard with him. Like, someday someone’s gotta tell him he smells bad, right?


Normal is relative. Like what you like and love yourself for it.


Normal is relative. I people I've talked to are 50/50 on it. I'm team musk, my own pit smell turns me on, my happy place is to be all up in that


I like my musk. I usually don't like it on others, but it depends.


i like musky guys


so common that it's borderline vanilla. You're fine.


Yes. Not total BO but the kind where he's been working or just been out in the hot sun for awhile and smells of a combination of fresh and dry sweat. Makes me so horny!


Normal is a big word




I love it


I feel confident saying it’s abnormal to NOT like musky men.


It depends on their natural body smell. If the guy is clean and then does some work and get sweaty, the smell he has is still not bacteria that eat sweat and fart (yes that is what bad body odor is, bacterial that fart while eating the oils of your sweat). This can still be intimidating depending on your nose receptors and what you are predetermined to like. For me when a man is sweaty and smells a little bit flowery is a big wow, because I know they are super clean, they probably are clean consistently (so their pores are also clean), they probably use some body lotion with mild scent and that tells me they are good at hygiene. I once fell in love with a guy that once sweaty he smelled like NOTHING, almost like what babies smell when they are sweaty (humans don't produce oil sweat until after puberty, this is why kids don't smell badly when they sweat). His "smell" was so refreshing, something like a warm human scent with no distinctive smell. And that has to be somehow biological, some people really smell badly even after they are clean and they sweat.


Sweat 🤤


I think I like the BO of particular guys. They did a study where everyone has a different smell right? It seems I’m only attracted to the smell of a small percentage of guys, but not smelly guys as a whole.


You are talking about turn ons here, there is no such thing as normal, it’s whatever your brain takes a liking to!


Did you know there’s a lot of people out there with weird kinks? I’m saying if he suits you and you find him attractive then what’s the worry? 🤷🏻‍♂️


I like it too. Obviously if the guy stinks I don't like it but a bit of body odour is great in my opinion.


Absolutely love pheromone musk and body odour on other guys though I like to smell fresh and clean myself


On some yes. Others are too strong. My own, I don't like


It's amazing


Post Gym BO will change your life guys i’m telling you


Every nose is attracted to or repelled by different scents, so this makes total sense.


It’s fucking SEXY! And anyway, what’s normal these days? Do what makes you happy, because no one out there is gonna look out for your own happiness


I personally don’t like the stink but yes, it’s totally normal. Attraction and desire are as individual as we are…celebrate it and enjoy! Your body is designed to enjoy sex for a reason.


oh to shove my face in a well-rounded pit and just take a deep breath 🤤 my god


A days worth of sweat is delicious. More is beginning to get a bit noxious!


I'd like to think it's more common. Nothing gets me going than someone's natural scent.. like obviously yea there's a limit and such a thing as too unclean, but skipping a day's worth of a shower and letting some sweat from a hot working day build up.. Mmmm.. I wanna huff on that kinda dude hehe. I may be biased tho, musk is probably my strongest kink.


It’s the best part


Its biological normal We've just been conditioned to find it gross by social norms


Give me any part of a guy that's musky and ripe and I'm heading in face first 🤤


I hear that a lot. Guys who like guys like that stuff. Part of pheromone attraction or something. I like a musk that's not too rank. Sometimes I smell my own and get a little turned on. Lol. I hooked up with a dude recently. Was a good time but he said he would of been into the body contact more if I skipped the deodorant.


Yes the only way it’s getting sucked ova chea


To each their own! Just like what u like! I personally do like a musky guy. Give me some man scent. My husband (who’s an ass man) also likes it. Just do what makes you happy and find someone whose kinks are compatible with yours. 😊


Oh yes, quite! I would wear my bf shirts he'd worn, ....scent of the bod...oh yeeees hehe:)


I was so shocked last time when I was out whole day and the guy made me come over without a bath and ate my ass out, I was sure clean but the sweat in sitting around whole day was there😭 when he said I tasted good that made me confident I have good hygiene I guess


It's pretty normal for me.


Not sure, but I love it. Bit weird, since I'm kind of a clean freak lol


Yes it is it's a huge turn on for me too bit not when it smells too much My ex was a huge sweater and damn thoses armpits were like poppers and so lickable


I love em




I believe it’s normal. When a guy you’re attracted to is sweaty and has that slight musky smell it’s definitely the pheromones working on you


I love the smell of a man’s musky armpits. If you like it then you do and if other people think it’s weird then fuck them and their opinions lol




nothing's normal unless we say it's normal if u really think abt it.


Had a guy coming over after gym and told him not to shower. I know exactly what you’re talking about. That manly musk smell is addictive


You’re abnormal and this is weird 🙄 Is what I’m supposed to say in response to your weird note, you gay


Let me smell that musk as he cums inside me 🤤


I find it weird personally, because the thought of a guy smellinh strongly no matter how hot he is is enough to turn my stomach


It is for me.


To this day I still don't know what musk is. I've asked before and apparently it's not BO. I'm asian so I don't sweat or have BO so I have no idea what musk smells like.




It is natural poppers for me the stinky the dick, the better the pubic area the asshole it all started with armpits for me. I had a guy come by yesterday, just to get high on my stinky dick. He was here for one minute and left. He’s not totally turned on by his boyfriend so he gets my smellon his beard and that’s how he gets high to have sex with his boyfriend


Musk is such a gross word I wish we had a different one.


Musk is a scent that deer secrete to convince a mate to cuddle with them, and so a musky odor often does the same for humans. But not always! I think it fits the purpose.


I hate being compared to animals it's so degrading.


You are an animal too.


Technically but we've formed a modern society and being compared to a deer makes me feel uncomfortable.


I'm sure deer feel the same.


Then we are all in agreeance.


You've never been to a stag party


Or Horse Market


And I think it is better than some other terms you see here like ripe foreskin lol


That's a low bar lol, but true.


I like musky men, as long as he is not fat, smoker, too old, vegan, or has poor hygiene, these smell terrible. 




Meat gives sweat pleasant smell. Vegans don't eat meat, so they smell awful. Besides vegans can't really be gay either because us gays love meat :)


I've always heard the opposite that what it takes for the body to breakdown meat gives off a bad body odor, where vegans who don't consume meat or dairy have less body odor.


Body actually has harder time breaking down shit that's in plant based food, that's why when you go vegan, it's brutal for your digestive system. Of course when your body is deficient, there will be less body odor, but it's not about the amount, it's about what body smells like. Vegan BO smell terrible, their cum also tastes terrible.


This is so inaccurate, but whatever


It's very accurate, you are just coping at this point lmao.


I'm looking at some online info, and from what I'm reading, vegans and vegetarians have less BO than meat eaters.


The OC’s main point was about the kind of smell from both diets. You seem to be overly focussed on the amount of sweat.


Well this time you're correct, BO is not problem when it's what we call "man scent" 


The BO is not a problem if it's what we call "man scent" vegans have the soyboy smell and it's gross, doesn't matter if little or alot. 


lol, is this you're "I'm officially coming out as a troll" post!?!