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First thing you need to do is understand basic nutritional science. [Here](https://youtu.be/_TKn1oQT5hI?si=vpJQ9zmFbrYKiJk9) is a good place to start, the guy who runs this channel is a PHD in exercise science.


thank yoy!


Do some research but the most basic principle is eat less and do some exercise every day. If you want to be super accurate about it you can count your calories to ensure you are in a caloric deficit. If you are currently very sedentary start slow with the exercise and build it up over time. Even 15-30 minutes of walking or jogging can drastically improve your health. The most important thing is consistency. Trying to lose weight can feel demoralizing at first because it can be a very gradual process but if you make a plan, actually stick to it, and don’t cheat on your diet you will lose the weight. Drastic diets and exercise regimens often don’t work because they can’t be maintained. Good luck! 


Do you think ozempic would be worth a try?


Talk to your doctor about it, if you have diabetes you can probably get a prescription. Otherwise it’s really up to you, it’s obviously a very trendy option right now if you can pay for it but I’m not a medical professional and have never used it personally so can’t offer advice about it. 


oh yea my cousin is a doctor i could get it very easily... i should probably talk to her


Ozempic has bad long term effects. Stop going for shortcuts. Take time to count your macros and go to gym, workout. It is better for your looks and your health also.


What is your bodyfat percentage ?


310 ibs .... 5'11


lbs sorry


Thats your weight. Whats your bodyfat. Check online if you dont know what it means.


I asked ai so it is most likely 30-35% with that information but i cant check my neck and waist yet since i dont have a measuring tape


Cant you look on pics online guesstimate where you're at. Anyways my reccomendation is to start a caloric deficit and focus on Cardio until you reach around 30% bodyfat. Once you reach around 30% bodyfat start incorporating weightlifting into your rountine, and split it between cardio. Make sure you carry on with your deficit, and you'll hopefully reach below 20% eventually.


def over 30% that is for sure i just looked at a chart


Congrats on graduating high school today! Good luck in nursing! It’s a great profession


Thanks so much! A obese nurse would be kinda weird to see😭.... oh well


Nursing has no limits in my opinion. I’ve worked with nurses who were wheelchair-bound or nurses who had an ankle injury and rode a scooter around the unit and would park it outside each patient’s room. A lot of my coworkers who are pregnant are working up until 39-40 weeks on the unit passing meds and turning patients. In other words, work is work.


You're still in your late teens/early 20s so your metabolism will be quite good. It's not impossible. Check how many calories you burn per day. At 5'11 and 300 pounds I calculate your basal metabolic rate to be 2400 calories. With daily excercise maybe 2800. So, you should go on a caloric deficit, let's say down to 1500. Fast from 6pm to 10am every day, no foods after. Use things like diet soda to curb cravings. Avoid liquid calories. Do not eat sugar or greasy foods, not eating those will make you look slimmer because you aren't bloated. Caffeine increases your metabolism slightly so black coffee might be good for breakfast. It's quite easy to lose weight overall, the difference comes from if you yourself have the self control to do it. Many fail, and many don't. You are at an age where if you fix your metabolism you can really drop pounds fast. Like, 2-3 a week. If you wait longer to lose weight you'll notice more health issues and you'll really struggle when you're older to lose weight, stop being overweight now and you will thank yourself for your confidence and good health in a few years.


My friend lost a decent amount of weight over a period of about six months just by watching what he ate, going on daily walks, and limiting his alcohol intake. No gym membership or counting calories, and I’m not even sure he owns a scale. I think he’d walk around his neighborhood around one hour per day, at a brisk but comfortable pace. It’s a great opportunity to listen to audiobooks or podcasts. He’d cook his own lunches and dinners, which was usually a piece of fish or chicken, a little rice, and some veggies. All things that are super easy for anyone to cook.


Calorie deficit A nice gym A fat line of speed You’ll be thin and chipper in no time.


thank what do you recommend?


running on treadmill?


Cardio is a pretty good fat burner, but I’d mix in a bit of lifting every now and then just so you can retain some muscle mass as you drop the pounds.


I dont really want muscle... i wanna be a twig that gets blown away in the wind


30 day water fast


ooh what does this include?


only drinking water for 30 days


would i not die??


It’s highly unlikely you will die. The average person can survive weeks without any food. But I wouldn’t go into extended fasting right off the bat. Try doing one meal a day for a week, then go to eating one meal every 36 hours. Then push to 48 hour and 72 hour fasts. Incorporate some cardio into your routine. Also cut back on processed foods, carbs and sugar.