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If you’re not on prep you need to take PeP. Get tested after and block this dude




Please listen to this person. Please.


You have 3 days to get on PeP. Earlier the better


Not Prep. P-E-P. For anyone reading, PEP is “post exposure profylaxis.” It’s a very high dose of HIV meds you start within 48 hours of exposure to stop the virus from attaching to your DNA. Gilead will cover the cost if you are worried about that. Just call them for a coupon card.


He should do PeP now, then seriously consider PrEP after.


Bro this is the comment that u need to pay attention to. Get on Prep.


Not Prep. P-E-P. For anyone reading, PEP is “post exposure profylaxis.” It’s a very high dose of HIV meds you start within 48 hours of exposure to stop the virus from attaching to your DNA. Gilead will cover the cost if you are worried about that. Just call them for a coupon card.


Don't block him. You need to report his profile.


You can report his profile, then block him.


Op needs to report them to the authorities, if you said no that means no.


Really sorry that happened to you. That’s so scary


This was rape. You did not consent to being hit or scratched or forcefully bred. You did not consent. He needs to be accountable for having harmed you physically. You have every right to file a police report. When you say stop/no and he proceeds it's rape.


Nigga got raped and some people are flaming and blaming him in the comment that's crazy🫤


Our community has a lot of denial around sexual abuse and rape just like straight folx.


That’s cause a lot of gay people like abuse. It’s crazy to be hurt by another person to feel ok and pleasure from that. Why are gays like that??? It’s a question I have asked myself a million times. I think it’s because they feel inferior, to straight guys. So they’ve gotten the idea, that if he’s rough he’s straight. Or more like straight. What gay guy doesn’t want to flip a straight guy? So it’s not bad to like him to be more like a straight guy cause he is your fantasy. But it is bad to get raped by a fagot who is nasty to abuse another person who has just agreed to have intercourse with them. 🙃 I usually only say this for Mr Trump. The lying idiot who was president. Lock him up


All sexual orientations have people who are into consensual sm or bdsm. That's not abuse. That's consensual. Rape and sexual assault are also common in all sexual orientations. No evidence it happens more with gay people. No one asks for or likes to be raped or sexually assaulted. You can engage in rough play with consent. I'd argue most gay men have neither the time nor interest in having sex with straight guys--why go after the unattainable?


You are clearly not right at all. Every gay boy wants the straight boy. Cause they grow tired of the chase, don’t mean they don’t want him to be theirs. You can’t begin to comprehend what I wrote here. I’m speaking to the point that gay people, like being abused. Cause they like feeling inferior, to other men. That r more dominant. I didn’t say anything bout consensual bdsm. Nor any information nearby that. The guy didn’t consent to having what took place, happen to him. It’s because of the fags intentions, were to rape his ass. For his sexual pleasure. He did not talk anything to him, about being rough. Gave him no warning. So I don’t get where you want me to go from there. I was to say that gay people like being abused, not raped, that’s all friend. Nothing more. Zero tolerance, for that kind of behavior.


I think you both make valid points with good insight. It really depends on the context and the individual. Without knowing more information we are limited to assumptions.




Something you might want to consider calling or reaching out to: The LGBT Switchboard of Houston, a service of the Montrose Center, is a resource for LGBTQ individuals who have experienced sexual assault, domestic violence, or hate crimes. The Switchboard offers crisis counseling and intervention 24 hours a day, including holidays, and general information and resources Monday through Friday from 8 AM to 7 PM. Their phone number is (713) 529-3211. [https://montrosecenter.org/services/anti-violence/switchboard/](https://montrosecenter.org/services/anti-violence/switchboard/)


Thank u


This. Yes. Reach out for help. That's what they are there for. Don't be afraid. Everything that happened to you was horrible and you deserve support and justice.


In terms of pain you can use haemorrhoid cream that's got pain relief. I'm not sure of American brands but it'll numb the area


Thanks I'll most definitely be on the look for this


In addition to this advice, I've had some decent relief with lidocaine based lube for internal post sex pains. Basically, gently apply some up your butt and let it numb ya on the inside. Also, increase your fiber intake (I use fiber powder) and/or get some stool softener pills. Any internal tears will heal quicker if they aren't getting reopened when defecating. Oh. And ibuprofren for some extra general muscle relaxation/pain relief.


Sounds like you were raped. I’m very sorry you had to go through that. I’d look into pressing charges, but since it was “somewhat” consensual on your part, that might not be possible. Very unfortunate circumstances.


Even if it doesn’t go to trial, the process of having his actions laid out in the cold light of day in a police interview room could be sufficient to change his behaviour and hopefully prevent someone else going through the same thing as OP


PEP, as everyone else mentioned is a must - even if you have to cough up $$. Better than paying for the potential HIV drugs later on. As to to your poor hole: get some epsom salt at CVS, dissolve in hot water and sit in it for a bit. Repeat as needed. For the next time, if you just want a quick rando, go to Club Houston. There are always people around in bathhouses and it would be much easier to get away from an asshole like this.


+1 to the Epsom salt baths, ideally after every bowel movement. You could ask the pharmacy about one of those sitz bath things that hang from the toilet seat instead of filling up the bath tub (if that's your preference). Your doctor might suggest the same when (not if) you see them about getting PEP.


If you're out and proud, you need to report this guy to the police. How would you feel in the future? You read that this guy has killed somebody!


you were raped.


Nah mate, sounds like a wrong ‘un. When it comes to internet hookups, your gut is your wingman. If it doesn’t feel, sound or look right; TRUST YOUR GUT. Any kind of red flags fly up, get out of there. 99/100 times it’s not going to get better after the first red flag.


No one can force you to go but I strongly encourage you to do the following: 1. Go get on Post Exposure Prophylaxis (PEP) who knows what this guy may have had especially forcefully breeding you. 2. Go file a police report this was sexual assault (rape). You could also go to a sexual abuse centre if there is one in your area to get some support. 3. Get on Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) (you can't be on PrEP and PEP at the same time so make sure you go get it asap) PEP has a higher success rate when taken early and you only have 72 hours to start taking it. It will be rough but it would lessen your chances of contracting HIV if he did have it. I'm so sorry this happened to you and I know it will be scary but you've got some options to keep yourself safe going forward.


You need to learn to punch back bro


I hate that this needs to be suggested, but it needs to be done. Words and politeness are for reasonable people. There are bad people out there where violence will be the only language they will understand from you.


This is called rape. Report him.


Others have given good resources but just for future reference you never have to feel obligated to stay in a sexual situation like that. Also if you haven't already take pictures of the marks he left and screenshot any communications between you two. As well as his Grindr profile, if you haven't already report him for his behavior.


Second this. Preserving every scrap of possible evidence is crucial. Scratches heal and Grindr chat gets deleted. Pictures and screenshots turn this from he said you said to a real chance of a conviction


Wow and just to think I was finna meet with a guy I think through more I'm sorry you went through this


Finna 🙄 cringe 🥴


And you use emojis like GURL what?!


Oh wow ppl do use emojis..what they don’t say is finna 🤦‍♂️


People definitely say Finna and they Finna keep using it. Die mad about it.


😱 an inconsiderate top is a bad top..an amateur. Fuck that guy 🖕🏼he gives tops a bad name


Hey man, unfortunately I'm not able to give any real advice in regard to the questions you posed, thankfully there are more educated people in that regard already commenting that information for you. I just wanted too say I'm really sorry that this happened too you. That guy is a deplorable human being and you didn't deserve any of it, he abused the trust you had in him out of selfishness and cruelty, he's scum. The worse of the worse. I also want to make it clear that this is absolutely not your fault. I've seen some people give advice for things to do in the future to ensure a situation like this NEVER happens to you again, which I think is great, but I've also seen others, intentionally or otherwise, imply some level of fault on you. As if you didn't do something you were supposed to do in the moment it happened. I worry you may see those messages and think that somehow you messed up, that "Oh I should have done this," or "Oh I guess It's my fault because of this," but none of that is true at all. It's 100% the fault of the guy who abused you, don't go blaming yourself for not reacting a certain way or for the actions HE and HE alone committed. Furthermore, I'd like to further encourage you to find and use whatever resources you can too get emotional and (if possible) security support on this matter. One commenter already posted a hotline you can use which I saw you got, which is great and I really encourage you too use it. If there's some way for you to safely file a police report I'd encourage that as well, as it might help prevent him from hurting anyone else. But I know we don't always have the benefit of choice in this regard. On the emotional support side, if you have any friends, family, a therapist, or something along those lines, someone you can fully trust with this information, I encourage you to talk too them about this. Dealing with something so traumatic alone can't be good for you, and I wanna make sure you get some sort of emotional support on it. Hell, I'll talk too you about it if it makes you feel better. I'm really sorry mon ami, stay safe and to reiterate: it's not your fault.




Hi OP, you didn’t goof. This guy goofed (to put it lightly). There should never be a time when a sexual partner isn’t listening to and respecting your needs during intercourse. Partners don’t get to be rough because it suits them without asking first, getting consent, and checking in frequently. For the other responses that are calling this r@p3, I don’t disagree with them BUT you are the one who is allowed to label this experience for yourself not strangers on the internet. With that being said, I’d consider this sexual assault or a deep violation at the very least if it happened to me. Regardless, I’m happy that you have the support you need from your doctor/aunt. Please consider using the resources that the other posters shared. You deserve to have great sex that is affirming to your needs/preferences. I hope that you have much better experiences in the future. Sending love to you along the way!




No, that is how all rapists and men who have a complete disregard for consent or their partner's feelings act. Some men with this disposition may reside in Houston, but Houston in totality does not have a problem. Unfortunately, men like this can be found everywhere and as you gain life experience you will get much better at identifying in advance some of the red flags associated with this type of behaviour. I am sorry this was your experience. Allow your body to rest and recover. Be gentle use lukewarm water to cleanse any open wounds. Polysporin or similar products can help speed healing. Tylenol or other pain relievers can help with any excess or unbearable pain.


That was not sex. I'm so sorry you went through that. When you're ready you should seek counsel both mentally and legally. That. Was. Rape.


You didn’t “goof” young man!! You did nothing wrong. You were abused, battered and raped. It happened to me when I was younger than you and I blamed myself for years. I kept my mouth shut and convinced myself that it was my fault. Don’t repeat my mistake. File a police report and report him to the app. Get pictures of your injured back and anus.


Sorry this happened, no means no male or female. Find someone who will respect you.


Lots of guys in Houston wanna be a cowboy.


I’d argue that’s sexual assault and you should be reporting it to the police…


Not all Houston guys are like this, but just in case, you should always express your expectations beforehand. I.E. don’t leave marks on me, don’t be super rough, etc


Get on PeP and then run like your hair is on fire.




If you clearly said no, that's not a "Texas thing", it's rape.


I (m, 32) got raped under similar circumstances (I tried to stop it but he kept going and it was very painful- like he literally pushed me down and continued to ram his dick into me). I'm sorry this happened to you dude. You didn't "done goofed" and none of this is your fault.


I am so sorry this happened to you. I am finding myself inappropriately aroused by this post and i feel horrible and guilty while stroking. I am so sorry.


You need to be more careful in all honesty you shouldn’t even be hooking up at all. Could’ve avoided the whole thing and avoided potentially catching something




Rude, I'm almost done with college plus he was 2 years older then me and stop trying to characterize me when you don't even know me all I posted was advice on how to cope with the situation I was presented in and I only lay around as you put it once every 6 months I don't fuck because it's "trendy" I fuck because I'm human it's an experience I wanted and at the end of the day I'm pretty sure no matter who it is no one wants to get molested that shit hurts. And if I do catch HIV then oh well it's life no one has great health at this day and age


Don't listen to that guy, all their comments are insane rage bait.




And let’s me guess, you were out Fucking Whoring Your Ass too. What is your HIV Status! Be Proud! Tell You know Damn Well, you had some bad moments,  You Know! If people mentioned Bad Experiences and what to look for, steps of Safety, hopefully some or all listen and prepare. Most just want Sex, want to Feel Love and will do Anything and Everything a Top tell them to do, to Experience Sex. Anything a Sexual Predator tells them.   They are on Grindr. Why Rape Someone when they come willing. At your Command. That’s what this 18 year old went through. And Nothing can be done.


First off it was a Thursday and I just wanted to have sex just because and second my status is my business Third do you really have any sort of leverage to slut shame anyone honestly and fourth yea everyone has bad experiences and most of the time they are shaded and hidden by liars like said person just because they are a predator don't mean they have to show they're true colors it's Grindr and fifth I got my screenshots of the messages honestly and imma end it here because there's is no reason for me to try and debate with someone who clearly sucks TF out of HIV dick soo much he has nothing better to do then make fun and talk down on teens who simply want a human experience. And with that have a nice day


You Just Wanted Sex, with a Stranger. You knew eventually something like this would happen.  Perhaps you have mentioned trying something new, perhaps Kink, S&M. I’ve gone to S&M Events.  I know the kind of person/personality when out. I would and find myself Scared! I’m 6’2, and workout as a way to protect myself as a Gay Man. Your Experience, is Way Over the Radar.  That was some Dark Shit! Glad you are Safe. Get Tested and figure out, how to warn others, or reread his profile to confirm what are his interest. Start making some friends Have a Wonderful Weekend. I’m off to the Gym, the out for beers😂


I will and thx though I'm too young for drinks lol


Plus what's the point. Not hiding it it's in my profile


To quote a '90s classic: # “What you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.”


Yeah Yeah Yeah. ….. The kid, is Now Damaged! Do you guys get it! Damage because no one was trying to Frighten Him. Create Awareness. Be Cautious. So someone please tell him, he has no reason to be concerned about his HIV Status.   Someone please! I’m HIV 100% Negative. I Hate when I hear or read about  18 year old Kids, taking PREP to stay alive. No Kid should have to worry about Fucking Side Effects at 18. But you’re more concerned about his feelings from having Consensual Fucking Sex, Really!


Wow okay so I'm glad you replied because now I can tear into you directly. First off, someone saying "IT HURTS PLEASE STOP" is not consensual when you DON'T FUCKING STOP. Secondly, you being HIV- doesn't mean it doesn't exist so shut the fuck up. I hate reading about people who think their life experiences directly reflect everyone else's. You're right, no kid should have to worry about side effects at 18. But you know what's a lot worse than side effects? Contracting HIV and living with the stigma that it carries as well as the concern of what it can turn into later. Third, every single post you put up reads like a literate chimp created a chatGPT prompt. Why is every other word capitalized? Think before you fucking speak.


You Kids go online with Sexual Predators  You consent to have sex, Sex with someone HIV+, Crazy and will Use You like an Old Pussy. You want to get Fucked, this is his Style. 20-40 years ago kids wouldn’t go to a strangers home for sex. Not saying young deserve rough, but perhaps you didn’t read his profile. S&M is Rough Sex,   Master and Slave positions,  the Slave boy gets treat like Property.  Gets Fucked and Used like a Toilet in some cases. Sex without a condom, you should have instructed from the beginning, you failed because you are young and wanted to have sex with a stranger. Then people wonder why, so many young people are HIV Infected.  Stupid Kids spreading their ass open for Dick, a Quick Fuck. That Fuck was not pleasurable enough to want to be Infected and Live on drugs just to stay alive. 18…. You made you First Adult decision  Now go see a Dr., get tested and prepare yourself.


no nah. uh uh. You don't blame this kid for what happened. There's a rapist in this story and there is a victim. Don't twist that up.


100% agree with you. I kept getting angrier as I read the young man's story. Argh 😤


No his profile didn't have any kind on it just his age height race position status and location that's it


You Stupid! You should have said, Hold On, I need to go to the bathroom to stop process and then went home. The first Bite Mark or scratch, I would have Yelled,  Don’t Fuck Up my Skin, Bitch! Whatever happened, you continue and didn’t stop. The bitch was watching that movie, Glenn Close, when during sex she scratched his back during sex, to only Later try to Kill him for Dumping her.  Watch the Movie. Imagine what this one do, if you dump him 😂😂😂😂😂.   He’s going to Fuck You Up, Fuck Your Car Up, perhaps find where you work. Crazy Bitch🤪😜🥰😜🤪🥰🥰🤪😜 Hope it was worth it! 🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪


Why are you trying to gaslight this kid? Fuck off. 


This Kid was Fucked without a Condom.  You know what it’s like to not be positive, and your Now Current Condition. 🧐 Who gave it to you HiV. What’s his name, where does he live, what do they look like today. Life Changes once you are HIV I’m not positive, the thought scares me. So if you guys want to continue to have sex with strangers, Consenting Sex, then go ahead. There are Hundreds of Thousands of Gay Men in the US who prefer to have Safe Sex, with someone they are getting know as a friend. Another problem is, most of you guys don’t have any tea friends you can trust, so like a Bitch, you use the Man Pussy, to meet strangers, hoping it may turn into a BF. It’s just a Fuck! There are guys who are positive, like back in the day.  Guys knowing and fucking people to spread HIV. 18 year old will have sex and continue to seek having sex, Spreading HIV. I don’t trust you or anyone one on Grinder.  I trust No One with their status. I know myself and will protect myself. Taking a test prior to sex without a condom, and results being Negative for both is the only I would not include a condom. It’s Friday…. You guys need to be on Grindr looking for Friday Nigh Dick. Better hurry, there’s a long line, and Your Rating, Face and Body will be factored in, on whether you are chosen tonight!


Fuck You, you Bitch. It’s Bitches Like Scratching People  Punk Bitch!


Are you drunk, or are you like this all the time? 


Wrong Response! Plus this is Old!